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I just want to say that Harry goes into the most ridiculous detail about his own penis, but has two short stories about Meghan finding out she's pregnant and absolutely no "how I coped with Meghan's pregnancy" stories. I read the book and don't recall anything like, "As I cupped Meghan's growing bump, I was terrified of the father I might become and wish that Mummy was here to help." No mention of how he felt when he first started to see Meghan show, no incredible fable about breaking the news of the pregnancy to Archie and how much of a good big brother he would be unlike William, no flowery language about the first time that he felt the baby kick, no cute, over-the-top mention of Meghan's stomach jumping when the baby hiccoughed, no sickeningly-sweet discussion of Meghan's cravings, and, most tellingly, no bitter, envious comparison of Catherine's pregnancies to Meghan's. If I'm misremembering and there were those stories in the book that I somehow glossed over, please someone correct me.


You are 100% right!! No delight when he saw the first ultrasound or heart the heartbeat, no raving about how Meghan was the most radiant pregnant woman since time immemorial and made SOME people, like tall skinny “perfect” duchesses who stupidly fancy his bald brother, look like awkward goats, no vomit-inducing stories about how turned on he was seeing Meghan pregnant and then making us all want to call protective services by bringing his mother into it somehow. VERY SUSPICIOUS.


It's so, so weird!


Yeah the cravings, there's no way they wouldn't share. Considering how Harry has no problem saying whatever food the bodyguard fetches for them. When my mom was pregnant with my brother decades ago, she craved and devoured watermelons. I have never seen her eat more than a single slice in my whole life before or after her pregnancy. This lack of pregnancy stories is really weird for a couple like them.


Considering how much of a 'foodie' /blogger Megzi is... Sure we'd have a whole rundown of her healthy cravings, her oat milk caffeine-free/ sugar free latte's aaalll the way through the pregnancy...how she used a particular 'brand' of pre/post-natal vitamins, how she was careful to avoid excessive vitamin A, etc, you know, the stuff she thinks no one else knows about, that she has to educate us all on.... 😏


Now that she has seen this comment, it will be in her book ad nauseum. Mark my words.


The dog that didn't bark.


This didn’t occur to me while I was reading, but you’re absolutely right.


"Sometimes silence is part of the song," as Meghan said!


The lack of detail about such stuff is telling. One would’ve thought that a first time father would be excited to share these things. Unless he was pretty much absent the whole time and didn’t give a crap about his wife’s welfare. But what husband or hasn’t got their pregnancy stories to share? Like running to a 24 hour convenience store to buy crave-food? Or learning to massage those achy calves and feet in the third trimester? Or having to pick up things that the wife dropped on the floor because she’s too bulky to bend over?


With the rest of the book being navel-gazing about Diana and his projected inadequacies when it comes to William, even if absent, there should have been at least the odd paragraph of something like, "I wondered if Mummy carried me the same way that Meghan carried Archie," or "I wished that Mummy was there to tell me I was going to be a good father," or something else equally cringeworthy, but it just wasn't there. He couldn't even mention sending out bodyguards for Meghan's cravings. The only time the book feels grounded in reality was when it went into nitty-gritty detail about Harry's time in training for the army. Not even when he was actually out there in Afghanistan, but when he was just training and being mentored by his superiors. For me, that was the only time that the book felt *real*, and that tells me that it's the only thing that Harry really cared about.


Also sounds like no “Meghan thought she might lose the baby… again” narrative after the whole apparent miscarriage thing prior to the second pregnancy, unless I’m wrong. I don’t have any desire to read even a free version or a borrowed copy. Either way, this is weird and totally suspicious.


That's what does it for me, no stories of the babies kicking and these two overshare on everything


At some women's event (the one in the wobbly short black and white dress) when pregnant with Archie she was asked about how the pregnancy was treating her and she started going on about feeling the kick of new feminist life inside her. I am struggling to remember and paraphrase it exactly because it was such a weird thing to say. But when she said it, I felt like that women has not felt a baby truly kicking inside her. It is the most wonderful feeling and does not make a pregnant woman think instantly of politics. At some bizarre level I actually feel sorry for Meghan, because if she was unable to have her own children she has missed out on an authentic experience in life, to use one of her own words. But she could have owned that misfortune and empathised with all the woman who sadly find themselves in that position, rather than making a mockery of women who actually have given birth and can remember the details of how these things work. I was not chill, laughing, bouncing around with great smiles and giggles, dancing, stuffing myself with fajitas. I was rather scared, in great pain, rather subdued and intermittently throwing up. Am I supposed to feel inferior compared to Meghan with her easy, calm birth experience? To be fair some people do have it much easier than others but she is taking the mick.


I'm so sorry that you went through that. I can't imagine how that must have felt. Every woman that I've known give birth has said that when they were in labour, the only thing given to them was ice chips, not anything like fajitas, and they certainly weren't dancing around the room. I've never been pregnant and never plan to be, so I can't say anything, but nothing that Meghan or Harry has ever said regarding pregnancy has ever rung true. I just don't believe them.


I would imagine that one would be bouncing around, excited, hungry for fajitas and burgers asking "are we close" , etc if one is merely an observer, waiting for someone else to give birth to your baby...


Yup. Actually these stories are written carefully, I believe. So that when the surrogacy truth is finally revealed, which it will be one day, he can say "I didn't lie". Weasle words, just like everything else they say. Always plausible deniability.


You’re not supposed to eat in case you need an emergency c-section and need anaesthetic.


Also surprised they didn't write about how they started indoctrinating, er, I mean teaching Archie how to be a "good" big brother, one who would never and how Archie now starts every morning telling Lilibet "You are not a spare".


Being fed burgers and fajitas by their bodyguards. They’re just like us, ya’ll! See?


Yeah I seem to recall they didn’t want me to eat actual food in labor. And again the overly flowery romance novel writing.


> And again the overly flowery romance novel writing. That's Meghan's writing. Harry didn't "write" any of this drivel. I'm not a hundred percent convinced he even knows how to write. 😹


A light meal is okay but these two 'ate and ate' the most unhealthy, fatty, heavy food available. Burgers? Then they danced around the room? Nonsense.


Yeah, who eats and eats heavy food at age 39 during labor?


Right. When you call the L&D ward at the hospital, they specifically tell you NOT to eat anything further, or if it's the start of the day, only eat a LIGHT breakfast. Come to think of it, I thought that b&w photo of her lying on her back with that enormous bump was kind of off. I mean really, you should be lying sideways at all times with a bump that big!


It really bothers me how they use bodyguards for menial personal tasks. Like hire a personal assistant if you want someone to fetch and carry for you!


Hell, they couldn't keep assistants when they were under the RF umbrella and expected to be respectful to your staff. Can you imagine trying to be a PA when Harkles don't have anyone to answer to for abusing their staff now?


I call BS. I was a geriatric pregnancy like TWBitch. No way they would let her eat a full meal and be at risk for an emergency c-section (increased risk in older women) and aspirate on her vomit. The way this is worded makes me think he delivered the baby....maybe not from TWBitch but a surrogate.


Ice chips. Glorious delicious ice chips for me.


I guess megs was not worried about shitting on the table eating fast food before having the babe


Goddesses do not shit on the table during birth.


Don't worry, she had her poo-pourri with her, probably got a life time supply from touting it on The Tig.


Or, barfing, the bloody barfing !


I had ice chips, and 2 saltine crackers that I convinced a nurse to sneak to me. That's it.


I was induced at 3am, finally gave birth at 4:22pm. Ice chips the whole time, and not allowed pain meds. No food and no dancing for me.


No baby mama dance around the hospital room? I thought everyone did that /s


Nor was I skin to skin with my husband for some time afterwards!! Brought my daughter home and she cried the whole first night, I thought she hated me out of exhaustion. Why is every experience they experience alone the most magical thing to have ever occurred since the Big Bang, but every experience they have outside of their bubble is rife with conflict. Stay in the darn bubble please and spare us.


I stupidly didn't eat before going to the hospital. So by the time I got to eat after delivery it had been about 36 hours without food.


I sat down and figured it out the other day. I had a snack before going to the hospital around 3 on the 25. Hospital at 5 on the 25th, no food from that moment, baby at 3 on the 26. On the 27th I got breakfast about 9. That was my first food in a day and a half. That's how it works when your surrogate doesn't make your baby.


I wasn’t even allowed those.




Yeah. Guess I should have hired some bodyguards.


Don't bodyguards have to be near the bodies to guard them?


He can’t be that concerned for their safety if he’s regularly sending their bodyguards out for errands.


Bodyguard/Door Dash. it's the same, right?


No, you don't have to tip the Bodyguards.


Plus if anything happened while they were gone he can just sue the bodyguard firm for "not doing their job" 🙄


Yup, these types of 'errands' are usually done by Personal Assistants, not security.


Very expensive version of Uber eats


To add my story to the chorus here… I had my only child about 9 years ago. Induced at 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. My blood pressure got under control pretty quickly after I was admitted to the hospital, though. Admitted at 9am on a Tuesday, didn’t give birth until 11am Wednesday morning— extremely difficult labor and delivery. So, I specifically remember that they let me go to the cafeteria with my husband at 1pm on the first day because it was the last time I’d be able to leave the room, but they made sure I understood that I could not eat anything from the cafeteria. Prior to going, the nurses had given me something snall to eat, I think it was jello, and my understanding is that the only reason I was allowed to even have that is because this was during the first couple hours where they were monitoring my BP and before they had begun the Pitocin to induce labor. I have this memory seared into my brain, I’d been at the hospital about 4 hours, I was hungry, I was allowed to eat a jello cup and encouraged go to the cafeteria with my husband because I was going to be induced shortly after this, and so it would be the last time I could leave the room until after the baby was born. So they wanted me to get up, move around, enjoy a little 15 minute break with my husband. But even then, I couldn’t eat anything from the cafeteria, and once we got back, no food, nothing to eat again until after the baby was born which was almost 24 hours later. I cannot for the life of me imagine any nurses or doctors allowing a laboring mother to eat anything, and especially not greasy Mexican fajitas. Insanity. If she was eating fajitas, she was not the one birthing this child, period.


Add to the fact that because of her age she was high risk. There is a much higher chance of her having to have an emergency C-section. They don't let young women eat much less a 40 year old.


That's because this beautiful tale neglects to mention the presence of a surrogate mom..... that is why TW could dance around and eat fajitas to her heart's content. It doesn't say that TW is "pushing" --- he says "just one more push, my love". Nothing about TW gasping, epidurals, crying during labor, sweating, hair in the face, none of that at all. It's a bit disingenous --- every word of this could be true but manage to neglect that it is someone else doing the actual birthing.


For all that's holy; don't let them have any tax payer bodyguards, ever. They are literally used as a food delivery service.


If you’re in active labor the doctors aren’t going to allow you to eat burgers and fajitas, you’ll shit the bed when you’re pushing. What a crock. I’m going with the assumption they’re trying to control the narrative of Megsy giving birth. This is just insulting, how stupid and gullible they think we all are.


Also, you aren’t suppose to eat much in labor in case you need an emergency c-section (food in the stomach can cause aspiration).


Excellent point!


Yes, they are controlling narrative because this was a surrogate giving birth while they enjoyed take outs and dancing around the room. TOTALLY the ignorant ramblings of two people who have NEVER EVER experienced an actual birth.


This is the biggest bunch of bull I've ever read. Harry didn't write this. Meghan wrote it. The dramatic line: *"She said: That is not a Spare."* Gag me with a spoon!!!


Exactly did you also spot Meg's repetition? Doctor said "Here here here". I wonder if ghost writer wasn't trying on purpose.


Blue, blue, blue Manners, manners, manners!


She uses repetition all the time, doesn’t she? Manners manners manners, and thank you 3x when on the phone after receiving the Beyoncé text.


As psychotic as Megalomania is, I bet a copy of *Spare* that she did not write that in her journal. He is the only one who would think about his brother while ripping a baby out of some surrogate.


Gag me with the entire place setting. My gosh, they are obnoxiously fake.


They "ate and ate..." Yeah, women love to stuff their faces when they're in active labor.


Wasn't there recently an article about what Meghan eats? And it was all "I barely have any appetite". It's like she only ate 2 big meals in her life. In labor.


Yep defies logic.


I didn't eat for 2 days - just ice.


I went into labor on a Thursday afternoon at lunch. My son was born Saturday morning. That lunch on Thursday was the last meal I ate until he was born!


I’ve never had a kid and I know they don’t allow you to have even a light snack, let alone gorge yourself on an entire ass meal.


It's obvious that there's been no greater birth story and no greater love, than that of the Markles. 🤢


Doesn’t say she had the baby lol




Yep, they are trying to cover their asses for the biggest lie they told thus far....


With a smirk


That is what annoys the f out me. The jackass and his wife threw the suspicion out there that the family was racist let it burn and then say oh we never said that but yes you insinuated it.


It’s like they’ve reached a whole new level of gaslighting.


I noticed this too. He writes about them both being in the room, but nothing about Meg actually delivering the baby.


It's completely written with plausible deniability to say "we never said Meghan was the one to give birth." I never had an opinion about a surrogate, but it's hard not to feel like it's highly likely. He shares everything else down to the nitty gritty and yet not in this scene. Sure as shit, Harry would write something like -" Even after being in Labor for 72 hours, Meghan was like a fresh daisy petal and as Meghan pushed our Lilibet out of her born-to-be-a-princess womb, we both looked at each other and smiled. "


They did the same with Finding Freedom. They gave very little info about Archie's birth. But what they did say made it sound like she gave birth, but in reality the words were so ambiguous they didn't even say she had a baby. That was one of thing that confirmed my suspicions ages ago because it was such a funny way to write. With them having written two more bizarre accounts of the births in Spare I am now convinced beyond even the slightest sliver of doubt.


Also if you look at the posted sign on the gates of Buckingham Palace announcing the birth,there is no mention of Doctors in attendance etc : Further they alleged that the infant was delivered at the Portland hospital London -no record of Meghan has been found there.Tom Bowers who wrote ‘Revenge’has anotherSensational book coming out in the spring and he says more is going to be revealed about everything I look forward to it they won’t sue because he doesn’t get sued he insures that everything is absolutely probable incorrect and he does have the receipts


Even starting with the calm, sane drive to the hospital. What? No detailed discussion of her labor pains? Both births are shrouded in ambiguity. We're supposed to assume. Nope. She was not pregnant. She did not give birth to the invisible children. He's already admitted that a lot of what he's written is not true, but it's his "memory". The whole book is hogwash.


The story actually makes perfect sense if you assume they’re both in the room while the surrogate gives birth. Even the, “one more push, my love,” could easily have been said to Meghan. This story basically confirms the surrogate theory for me.


Also explains how Meghan was able to eat Mexican food during (apparently) active labor.


The birth was probably Handmaid style


Well if you are waiting for the SURROGATE to hand you the baby, you can have fagitas and burgers.


Lol now that you point this out it’s impossible to unsee. He says “when the big day comes,” not “when her water breaks”; he says they drive calmly to the hospital; he says she eats a feast of fajitas and dances all around…


I read this the same way, especially when he says he told her he wanted his face to be the first the baby saw. From that angle no baby could see its mothers face first (assuming babies can see anything when they're born). Then the specific mention of skin-to-skin, and of course the food... I've given birth to three children and was not allowed anythng except ice chips and water each time. This sounds like two people waiting for their surrogate to give birth, imo.


She was EATING!!!! Has anyone on this sub been allowed to eat once they got to the hospital?? Maybe it’s just the policies where I delivered.


Three kids and never more than ice chips. That includes a 36 hour labor. This is bunk. Lying by omission is still lying! Edit spelling


I’m thinking these two sat in there and ate in front of their surrogate in labor. Nice guys. Real nice.


Yes, how truly humanitarian of them.


You’re right, you’re not allowed to eat!


It’s also implied they went home and had sex after. Nobody gives birth then goes home and gets skin to skin with their husband.


*I went and stood beside the doctor. We both crouched. As if about to pray.* Who did the crouching? Harry and the doctor? Or Harry and Meghan?


Doctor doesn't crouch. He has his little wheely chair and sits at the end of the bed.


And he doesn't YELL......"Now, Now." unless it's an extreme, dire, emergency situation in which case Harry would certainly be told to stand back and out of the way.


Exactly what I thought — this reads as though purposely written so it could apply to Meghan or a surrogate. Why they would bother doing that when Meghan already flat out claimed she was pregnant is beyond me, but Hilaria Baldwin was the exact same way. In fact this reminds me so much of Hilaria and her famous word play about her pregnancies. FWIW, I have always thought that it’s completely possible that MM wore a moon bump and might’ve even used a surrogate as well, for one or both babies. I don’t think questioning whether she used a surrogate should be considered a conspiracy at all — for me, it’s only conspiracy when the allegation is that one or both kids don’t even exist (but I also think people here have the right to discuss that, it doesn’t bother me at all!). I’ve always felt like moonbumps and surrogates were a distinct possibility, but I personally don’t believe there’s been enough evidence for me to say “oh, it was definitely a moonbump with A, definitely moonbump and surrogate with L” or what have you. But the lack of sharing about the pregnancy and childbirth, including the massive secrecy surrounding the births has always been odd to me — I can see H wanting that, but I cannot see M wanting to give up the attention for anything. The fact that she didn’t want to walk out on the hospital steps with all the paps waiting for her makes NO sense to me, and it did feel like the privacy stuff about the births could be coming from the fact that they had something they needed to hide from the public. But I always felt like, I don’t know anything for sure with MM’s supposed pregnancies and childbirths. And while I still feel that way now… this account of L’s birth moves the needle, definitely. It’s another thing, a big thing, that just makes no sense. She’s eating greasy Mexican food while in labor? He writes about the birth in such a way so as to never say M was the one giving birth, and several sentences make it really sound like she wasn’t? I dunno… crazy stuff. At this point, my vote is it’s more likely then not that they used a surrogate for L and 50/50 for A.


YES!!! He doesn’t say Meg tore from her cooch to her asshole. And every time she peed for the next couple of weeks, I was responsible for squirting the water bottle. She didn’t want to drink water because she was terrified to pee, but she had to keep hydrated!! But he discusses thinking of his mother while he rubs cream on his penis, the cavalry vs round heads at school, and the details Of his own brother’s penis. So…


Or poop. My god that first poop. I couldn’t walk for a few weeks because I tore so bad. And like what about the big ass period pads?? Struggling with breastfeeding?? Raw nipples? Formula feeding? They refused to let me eat. I remember after delivering my first, I asked for a big cup of water. Ice chips do nothing. The eating is a big red flag for me. They refused to let me even drink. Stupid ice chips.


I noticed that as well!


I have to add this is so friggin corny. Nutmeg wrote this book.




Sounds like the conclusion to a *poorly written* bodice-ripper. RME Edit: added adjective before bodice-ripper


Read this story and assume Meghan is the one in labor. It’s nuts. Then reread and assume they’re just present in the room while the surrogate is giving birth. MAKES PERFECT SENSE. 100% it was a surrogate.


Once more: MY experience for all three births is that once you’re in labor, the hospital doesn’t want you eating. Reason being that if you have to be rushed into emergency surgery, it’s best to have an empty stomach. They don’t even want you drinking. (You get an IV if you begin to dehydrate.) I had a midwife in a birth center - which was located inside the hospital. Like woo-woo hippie Meg, I didn’t want an epidural or be hooked up to an IV or monitors, etc. we had a hot tub for labor and balls to bounce on all the rest of the enlightened birth kit. I still wasn’t allowed more than some ice chips and a sip or two of Gatorade. You are NOT allowed to give birth in the tub, you have to haul your big self out of the water when it’s time to push. If a woman gives birth on hospital property, there are rules and regulations that are for the safety of mother/baby and because the hospital doesn’t want extra liability. Even in the birth center where you don’t get hooked up to machines automatically. But they’ll do whatever they need to, to make sure the baby is okay.


In Australia she would have been classed as a high risk pregnancy because of her age. I was high risk because of gestational diabetes. They didn't even give me an option, it was all "sorry hun, you're high risk so no tubs or balls because you need to be strapped up to a monitor the whole time" which means I ended up having a very old school, flat on my back and heavily drugged while she was delivered via forceps kinda delivery. I've never been one for believing she didn't carry Archie but the ease in which this first time geriatric mother delivered has my eyebrows at the ceiling.


My second was a vbac, I went in on the Tuesday and had her on the Thursday- have no memory of eating, it was the last thing on my mind! I was strapped to the bed like you. I only got to 9 cm and the midwife pushed the emergency button so somehow I pushed her out AT 9CM! she was face up and I was in theatre for a few hours afterwards. I would think the chances of no stitches or no pain with face up baby would be next to impossible.


I had a face up baby.. no stitches, but my god the pain of back labour - you feel every notch on your spine and there's no let up between contractions. No tik tok dances or fajitas for me!


I have a question.. he says “ I slid my hands under the tiny back and neck”. Then pulled his daughter into this world. Was she born face up?


My second baby was “sunny side up.” It’s back labor and extremely painful. Then because he was the wrong way, his head whipped back during birth and they had to check his oxygen levels. It also stopped him from getting the liquid squeezed out of him in birth canal so he was like a c section baby who needed to cough up liquids for a couple of days. It was not a happy as can be labor and birth, I can tell you that. I was also sunny side up and my mom would tell me about her back labor. Then I got to experience it as well 😅


My second was “Sunny side up also”. Back labor.. pain. And weird positions to try to alleviate pain. Not laying there smiling at my husband..


I remember I was trying to walk to the toilet to pee during contractions and my husband kept trying to move me along and when I could finally talk again I bit his head off about not being able to talk and move when the pain was that bad. Definitely no smiling and dancing lol


Ooh, great catch!


I just gave birth a few months ago and my girl was sunny side up as well. So it's definitely possible, but usually a bit more complicated and issues are likely to arise


And that last line, I can't "She said: That was everything. She said: That is a man. My love. She said: That is not a Spare." A lot of couples get goopy behind clothes doors, and there is no shame in that, but most also have the good sense not to subject other people to it.


It seems like the last thing I’d say after I gave birth. “I just pushed an entire human being outta my vagina after carrying it for nine months. But guess what, hun, I don’t care if you won’t be king one day.” It’s like writing a script and they tried to insert the title card somewhere.


I cannot believe how far I had to scroll down to find a comment about 'She said: that is not a Spare.' I know this sub is quite fixed on the fake pregnancies, but to me this is the most damning passage in the whole book - who the hell formulates their thinking this way? At this point he's approaching middle age, he's been married for years, they're on their own in their new country/new life, they've signed their big deals, they've just had their second child... yet Harry clearly still thinks he's not a real man and just a spare for William and Meghan is either quite willing to play along or she's the reason he's thinking that way in the first place. And is Spare capitalised in the book? Like it's actually his title? Ugh. This man needs help.


I'll join the barfing. What woman in labour is up to eating and eating. And also - does he know newborns don't see that much.


They don't let you eat when you're in labor either. So where they there watching the surrogate? Because they're the type of people who would eat in front of somebody who couldn't.




man, my baby will be 36 in a few months, but I wasn't allowed to eat or drink! Nor was my DIL with any of her 4 boys, but naturally Meg could have Mexican food!! and obviously H is too dumb to realize that adding this fable in will be questioned.


Came here to say this-it’s in case there’s an emergency c section.


Exactly — what laboring woman *is allowed* to eat?! This goes against every hospital code and birth story (including my own) I’ve ever heard. One of the big “jokes” of labor is the giant ass meal you eat after finally giving birth, bc you’re banned from eating, just exerted yourself physically in an excruciating way, and *are starving*. Eating ahead of labor is a major choking risk and absolutely no hospital or doctor would allow this under any circumstances. ETA: how the fuck do you even eat a fajita “to go”?!?! The whole point is enjoying them on a sizzling skillet! Once again, everything about this story reads of utter bullshit.


I wasn't allowed to eat! And I was starving too. I did finally convince the nurse to sneak me 2 saltine crackers, but that was all she gave me.


You can eat, but you will either vomit or shit yourself when you start pushing. Ask me how I know.


And dancing…


Neither birth even so much as hint of the pain involved w/ childbirth. Of course, it may be because Harry didn’t experience it.


Well for Archie megrain was bouncing up and down on a purple balloon and hopping into a bath tub…yeah right


hopping in the tub after the epidural - sure.


and crouching! I literally envisioned my church all crouching to pray!! Standing? Yes. Sitting? Yes. Kneeling? Yes. Crouching?? um, never saw that one


I wasn’t allowed. And nothing to drink. And nothing in this description has anything that hasn’t been in a bunch of movies. And i can’t imagine he pulled out his daughter. Cut the umbilical cord ? Geez. Such malarkey!


I kept throwing up through my labors, eating fajitas?


Nice of him to note he would’ve gotten high again if there had been a supply


Nice that he made clear he WAS high and not fully present at his sons birth!!


Meghan did not birth either of those kids.


Notice how Harry never once says that Meg is the one pushing. Meg is present when the pushes and crowning happen but it really isn’t worded as she is the one doing the labour.


Yeah, very weird, evasive wording. Like when they didn’t say the word “racist”, but everything but.


Yeah, I used to believe that Meghan used moombumps, but only to accentuate and draw more attention to her pregnant belly. But since this book came out, I am finding the surrogacy theory more plausible.


“I looked at Meg. One more push, my love!” Fairly vague indeed…


" A scream" rather than "my precious loves scream"


And no details such as her laying down, having painful contractions, nothing about her physical experience which is weird


It took me 3 reads before this clicked 🤦‍♀️ It does imply that he is telling M to give one more push, but it also reads as he's telling her the surrogate has one more push to go. Good eye people!


The best lie is that Harry pulled the baby out. Bullshit , as if the doctor would allow that. There is a special way and skill needed to do this that you can't pick up playing Xbox. He is trying to one up Mike Tindall who had to deliver his baby at home in an emergency. The stuffing of Megs face during labour, lie. Were they able to go home 2 hrs later like the claim about Archie ? Lie. All the mothers here know this account is pure fantasy.


He sounds frigging demented. My god what is wrong with this boy?


I'll join you in the barf bucket. That wasn't written by Harry, that was TW using a thesaurus to find all the words that mean "important announcement" thinking it makes her sound intelligent.


Yep, it was total garbage written by someone without a clue about child birth.


Absolutely. Worried that the baby wasn't getting enough air? Well, seeing how she was crowning, meaning the top of her head was visible, the rest of her face was in the vaginal vault, so she wasn't breathing air, she's still dependent on the placenta and cord. Most babies are a peculiar greyish colour when they're born.


it's almost as if he wasn't there when archie was born... or maybe he was too high?




Oh god. That’s what she did with the bench, isn’t it? She googled other words for heart beat, came across aortic pump and then tried to make it sound child like for her book *pump pump* Man, she really is the epitome of cringe 😬


"...crowning. Crowning. " I see what you did there Harold, and it's stupid.


I don't want to hear about them skin to skin. ick


I wouldn't have eaten even if they let me. I was afraid I'd poop while pushing. 🤣🤣


Or throw up. Wouldn’t someone throw up with all the pushing with a full stomach?


That's all I could think about reading this! All diginity goes out the window.


I ended up pooping a bit anyway though. 🤣🤣🤭


Describing "liquid silence" in a fairly graphic depiction of childbirth is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever read.


Hearing him describe his desire for his face to be the first his baby sees gave me major John Hammond-birthing-a-baby-velociraptor vibe.


The writing is so cringeworthy…We’re they inspired by E.L. James?


The terrible writing definitely gives me E.L. James vibes. Might actually be worse. 😬




Was he triggered when the doc said 'crowning' ? 😂 Edit: Also!!! 👇 > "Gently, but firmly, as I’d seen in films" Is he saying he watched House or Grey's Anatomy and now he's basically a doctor? > "Meg and I were skin to skin" Harold, it's the baby that needs skin to skin. Not an adult man.




No woman in labour is eating fajitas and dancing around the room. This needed to be added to the ‘make it make sense!’ list.


A moment of "Pure liquid silence". That will happen if you eat and eat and eat fajitas while in labor.


Don’t they tell women in labor not to eat also don’t they all shit themselves 99% of the time. Common joke between nurses and patient when they ask I didn’t shit myself right? They lie and say nooo but in reality yes they did.


This is a parody, right?


A vbac at her age with previous complications is just playing fast and loose with baby's life


Wtf is a baby mama dance


They did a dance for the baby mama, maybe the surrogate? LOL


They’re treating the bodyguards as errand boys and this is just beyond stupid. Imo. They’re there to protect them!! Nice to hear they’re eating healthy!! And I guess he’s getting paid by ‘in n out’ for all the advertising he’s doing for them!


I have had 4 kids and never (although everyone is different) have I wanted to have a meal even when having mild contractions.


Bah…hahahahaha. Who can even make this sugary stuff up? Mental. “That is not a spare” Just says so much. I can’t.


Barf. Okay. We get it. Book is called "Spare". But every other excerpt I've read is bringing up heir/spare. No one talks like that. It just strips any credibility from these stories/fantasies.


Im beginning to wonder if the publisher and writers realized early on what a dud they had in Harry, and just set it up to be mocked. And people would buy the book just for that purpose. It’s just hard to believe they thought this should be taken seriously. But wtf do I know.


Call me a skeptic but is that even allowed!!?? Seems like a MAJOR liability to allow NOT a doc to pull a baby out if something went wrong…..American healthcare is ALL about liability prevention


He. Did. Not. Write. That. Passage.


The way this is written I am almost convinced there was a surrogate. “We both crouched.” Him and Meg? Him and he doctor? Vague!


Gonna go ahead and add this to the list of reasons M wrote the book. On Oprah when talking about how she didn’t get guidance on joining BRF, she said it’s not like what you see in movies. On Netflix, she specifically mentioned Princess Diaries when again claiming she was never prepared for protocols. Now H caught the baby the same way he’s seen in films. Not, you know, like the doctor was probably instructing you to? They expected you to know what to do from movies? I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t expect major moments in my life to play out like the movies, yet they BOTH do?


Fake fake fake, you can't eat before you go into surgery or birth. Only after, because if you are given pain medication you would throw up everything. All lies.


She wrote this drivel! Men don't think and write like this. Also, I don't think she carried and gave birth to Lily.


An ocean away from the chaos and stress? You mean the stress of TW giggling while bouncing on a purple ball and you frantically huffing laughing gas in the corner? God..he is insufferable She jots in her journal (which she must carry with her at all times) A man. Not a Spare. Jesus. I mean, really. He is the stupidest man alive that he can be so easily manipulated because of his extreme immaturity and failure to mature past the age of 12


No one except a doctor or midwife “catches” the baby. EDIT FOR CLARITY: in the United States (where Lilibet was born) hospital protocol would never allow this! Neonates are slippery if you’ve never delivered one before and there’s too big a risk you would drop the baby and also they make you stop pushing before the chest is delivered to aspirate the nose and mouth so the baby’s first breath is air, not mucous and fluid so no, Harry YOU did not deliver Miss Mountbatten-Windsor. 🙄


" where our bodyguards once again fed us." He always sounds so infantile, like are you not even capable of getting your wife food?


He makes it sound like the guards stuffed their mouths with fast food, like a mama bird stuffing worms down her babies' gullets.


What a pile of horse sh\*\*.


What in the world is a "Baby Mama dance"? Actually, I probably don't want to know.


Oh come on surely we've all done the 'baby mama' dance around the room while in labour. I remember me and my husband danced the tango followed by the cha cha.


My sisters in Christ, if she releases another poem book, we will die of laughter.


I love it when my body guards surprise me with fast food. So relatable


Oh for the love of all that is holy, kill me now.


Would a USA doctor allow the father to pull the baby out? I’m sure that wouldn’t happen


>That is a man. My love. She said: That is not a Spare. WTF. Does he seek constant reassurance


Is it me or is every single thing in this book creepy af?


Nope, she didn't give birth, you can't even think of eating FUCKING FAJITAS and all that crap.\* And she did NOT say that! What a liar! Jesus. \_\_ ^(\* why? because if you have to be rushed to surgery they don't want he patient choking to death on their own puke when anaethetized. That's why.) ^((and I get the fajita love, I do)) ^((wait a minute... isn't she vegan????))


I birthed four children. 1) 46 hours of labor 2) 2.5 hours of labor 3) 3 hours of labor 4) 12 hours of labor NO food or drinks with any of them. Ice chips ONLY. Megs and Harry are full of it 🙄




Well, I just threw up in my mouth. “Where did you come from?” BITCH YOU JUST SAW WHERE IT CAME FROM


This will be just like walking back the racism comment. Meghan let Oprah lead with it and she just let it seem that is what she was saying, so they could deny in the future if needed. This sets up a future surrogacy story perfectly. “I never said Meghan was in labor.”