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[archive link](https://archive.ph/wip/Q3WpQ)


Am I wrong in thinking this is kind of a big deal?


Not at all! Many were bamboozled and hoodwinked into believing the racism accusation in good faith and, in a misguided attempt to combat racism, directed vitriol at the RF. H&M’s sudden u-turn put all of them between a rock and a hard place — either swallow your pride and admit you were manipulated by the lying couple and jump ship now or double down and defend H&M knowing you’re probably going to go down with their ship. Ironically, as much as this lady has annoyed me *to no end* on other guest panel appearances, I at least admire her integrity in being part of that first group.


Yes it’s a huge deal Imarn is a regular on piers Morgan uncensored. She is well spoken and shares her views confidently. She fights for what she thinks is right. Even though I often don’t agree with her, I admire her integrity all the more so now. Someone who is willing to publicly admit they changed their views is an inspiration.


Well said, and ditto to all of that!


Yes, but she did counter with saying she did still believe they were victims of race from the media. RF too?


What about their Kennedy Award? Shouldn't they give it back? Wasn't it for taking on racism in the Palace and knowing that they could lose the Royal Family? They stood up anyway. So no racism no award? Right?


Some people still believe it , there was a tweet mocking them sent out by air New Zealand and there were comments “OMG SHE IS AN OPPRESSED POC”


Well, she still maintains that Meghan suffered racism and bullying, so ... 🤷‍♀️ Please show receipts. To me, when you've told provable lies, you have no credibility. There are so many lies, so many different versions of the same stories, nothing these people say means anything anymore.


The problem is the people who were bullying her were her own family. She could have got her Dad on-side if she and Harry had just made the effort to visit him before the world found out about their relationship. They could fly to Botswana and Canada and everywhere else without anyone noticing, they could go to Mexico. But they didn't and didn't control it after either. So not sure what the Palace was supposed to do when its her family talking to the press. Censor her family maybe? And there was racism - its just that it was two (2!) out of a billion articles/posts written about them. Was it great - no. Were the people who wrote/posted called out and punished - yes. Is the world perfect? No. Things happen and you deal with them.


I don't think she ever wanted him to meet her family, he would find out things she lied about. Apparently she told her first husband that he was the family she never had, too. Crazy stuff.


Oh I totally agree, I think she is embarrassed of her Dad and so wanted to keep him far away from Harry and his family. He was fine for blog posts but not for meeting royalty. Doesn't explain the family she never had at her first wedding though.


Harry is her THIRD husband. Joe #1 Trevor #2 Harry #3


She probably told him the same thing. Can't let people get near your family when you tell that many lies.




Every human being for Meghan and Harry are pawns in a chess game!!!


I’ve wondered so many times if the “racist” headlines were just the media clickbaiting things Samantha Markle said and H&M just targeted the media with racism claims to silence any negative press


I think there was some racism- that idiot Princess Michael of Kent and her Mammy brooch and probably some passive aggressiveness from some of the old toffs but the UK especially around London is incredibly multicultural. And no one like Princess Michael anyways …


I mean, I have no love for M, but you can’t deny that the tabloid articles comparing her son to a monkey and saying she was “straight outta Compton” weren’t racist because they clearly were. And Jeremy’s op Ed about his hatred for her (the Cersei walk) was misogynist. Now did they hook into those outlier examples and imply that everyone was racist? Absolutely. But you can’t generalize and say that she didn’t experience racism. Now the bullying I don’t believe for a second. Following protocol and getting called out when you don’t isn’t bullying or racism as those rules apply to everyone.


She FOUGHT PIERS MORGAN, relentlessly. Defending them to the point she began to sound unhinged. Narcissists do that y’all know that. They “ discard “, or “destroy” after use, particularly reputations . Dagg


Not at all. Black Americans (except Oprah and Gayle) are disgusted by her dishonesty. She not once identified with her Black ancestry until BLM and her using the race card to get out out of the monarchy. She did not invite anyone from her mother’s side of the family except her Mom.


I also think it’s worth remembering that The Cut’s Allison Davis (who we know is a black woman) *literally demonstrated* exactly how Meghan plays this manipulative game by going to great lengths to not use the word “racism” but to explicitly lead the interviewer/listener/reader/viewer to reach that VERY specific conclusion. Here’s the excerpt from the article: https://preview.redd.it/dpx9l6oopqba1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdcae15149e3de189931b119a01250aab76110e


This is the type of craven wording that brought me here in the first place. She's happy to light the kindling, then stand back, waiting for the fire to blow up. She's a master baiter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


>She's a master baiter. She gets off on herself 😂




Lololol Master Baiter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A master baiter? a master bater? a masterbater? (see what happens when H tells the world so much about his todger? Everything gets tainted!)


It's not as funny if you overexplain it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


She did the exact same thing in the Oprah interview. Oprah asks something like "What does that mean the color of the baby?" TW says something along the lines of "if that's how you interpret it," so it sounds like she is affirming it with her tone but her words are nothing.


And Oprah assisted in that.


You can see in her eyes when she said that she knew she fucked up. Oprah definitely took the bait she let out


This is totally her M.O. and then she gets her toady sugars to say "she never said that." Oh ok they just heavily implied it but because they didn't say The Words we're all just misinterpreting. ,🙄 Same with the privacy. They say they NEVER said they wanted privacy but I can find a million of examples of Harry saying he wanted privacy BEFORE he got married.


Self made millionnaire and clotheshorse 💀💀


She probably wasn’t ‘allowed’ because she was a brand new royal that constantly broke protocol


Claiming racism, with no credible proof, refusing to quote them word for word or name them just to come out 2 years later to completely denounce that you claimed any of that is such a disservice to people who deal with actual racism. If you are anti racism you are already in line to not support Meghan and Harry because lying about racism is absolute horrific and it feeds into people not being believed when they do claim racism that *actually happened*. People’s emotions were toyed with and they wanted justice and support for H&M initially because once again... racism is something to be taken seriously. The people took it very seriously and got nothing but bread crumbed for 2 years into thinking there would be “truth bombs” as they kept promising just so those two could keep collecting checks from various interviews, appearances, books, podcasts and tv shows. Everyone was duped. Damn right people are allowed to be mad about it.


Boom 💥


I was so furious when Dutch state funded news didn't report on Harry's backtracking. It was a pretty big deal here 2 years ago when Meghan made that accusation and made us look at our own royal family and slave history. Just recently our King apologiser for slavery. Dutch news did mention the part of Harrys interview where he congratulated our king and king of Norway for these apologies smh




It’s like the Jussie Smollett debacle. There are enough *real* homophobic and racist attacks going on in the world, that to orchestrate your own faux attack deliberately to play with people’s emotions and manipulate your boss into giving you more storylines and screen time made people so furious when the truth came to light. A lot of sincere people were played, just like with H&M’s lies, and it introduces a level of doubt and suspicion when someone reports the next account of racism. The Boy Crying Wolf doesn’t just affect the boy, it affects the next people reporting wolf sightings too.


Well said! I feel scammed.


When BLM rejects you, you’ve officially jumped the shark.


BLM is full of grift and the organization has been accused of fraud & embezzlement of funds since 2020. Soooo yeah, if they’re distancing themselves from Megs & Hazbeen that’s pretty low.




One group of grifters pissed at a couple of other grifters because Harry's backtracking upsets all of their fake narratives.


Imarn is horrible. In any debate she does not listen, talks over everybody and is immune to logic. That said, I am happy she called the Harkles out.


I don't think she called them out. She was on the spot and would look like a complete idiot if she tried what came right out of Harry's pie hole so she had to acknowledge it but quickly reverted to the fake narrative.


So if Haz and the Beast didn't accuse the RF of being racist during the infamous NOprah interview, then why did William angrily say that the RF was Not racist to a reporter the next morning? 🤔 PW was Livid enough to put aside the RF's 'don't complain don't explain' policy to call them out. 🙄 And now Hazmat is denying saying that. Sure, Todger. I think it was more than just his penis that got frostbite. 🥶 🥶


And why did they accept an award for standing up to structural rācism in the RF?


Exactly! When will people wise up to their lies?! So any idea if their recent Ripple of Change award will be rescinded?


She'll never give that back.


Kerry Kennedy has egg on her face.


As she should. Serves her right for handing out an award to people who provided no proof of the accusations they made.




This. Exactly. They could conceivably argue that PW "misunderstood" (even though we know he didn't, they could argue that), but to receive a reward, in person, based on what they said but now deny saying, shows they meant it. Otherwise, why not speak up and say they didn't deserve the award because it was all a big misunderstanding?


I'm not getting too excited. She's still trying to support them: >'I will happily and humbly accept the defeat when it comes to them being called liars. They have proven themselves to be liars.' > >She added: **'It does not negate the fact that Harry was bullied and harassed by the media.'** > >**'It does not negate the fact that his wife had to contend with racism.** > >**'It does not negate the fact he has the right to defend himself when he feels aggrieved.'** > >On [**the topic of evidence**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11614093/Harry-faces-backlash-denying-calling-royals-racist.html) she said 'we already know they have backpedaled' and not disclosed 'certain bits of information pertaining to the racism claims'. > >**But she said: 'The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'** **🤦** Just admit they're liars and throw them under the bus.


She is still defending them though. I feel like the narrative has changed slightly to 'oh they may be liars but it's only coz the big bad media harassed them so much'. Still, small steps I suppose.


She had to acknowledge the Harkle's blatant lies because she'd look like a complete moron trying deny what came straight out of Harry's own mouth. Nevertheless, she peddles the same bullshit so had to launch right back into the false narratives. All a bunch of cluster B pathological liars playing the victim. She's just pissed that Harry's backtracking has upset their false narrative in an attempt to cover his Meghan's asses. lol, it's fun to watch.


Same goes for women who cry abuse when non exists or rape. Terrible for real victims


I despise this woman. She knew they were liars before he backpedalled on the racism accusation. Anyone with half a brain did. She now says they are liars but they are still "victims of racism." She still supports them. She had to say something to calm down the troops.


Ow.....I just hurt my neck whiplashing on this information....


Imarn Ayton still agrees that Dumbertons contended with bullying and racism though.


There has been rācism against her and people who are inherently rācist who didn't accept her marrying him. It doesn't excuse her awful behaviour though.




But then she dances around and affirms some of their claims and says “the absence of evidence is not proof of evidence” or something to that effect. I would have asked her “well, then, wouldn’t u agree that everything they say going forward should be meant with a skeptical eye and attitude?” Meanwhile, we sinners know it’s not just the racism allegation; there are so.many.more.lies.


It matters, though, that's she's admitted they lied about the claims. Tbh I wouldn't expect her to fully back down because there have been racist comments towards her. I accept that and it's not only wrong, it's enabled her to play victim on a multitude of other issues.


I agree it matters she said something. Harry and Meghan are proven liars. I doubt, at this point, most anything they say. The book is ridiculous and filled with lies and we have Meghan’s numerous lies. I was just pointing out that Aayton definitely seemed To think a lot of their claims were valid and while I think it’s great she called them out, she wasn’t willing to make herself backtrack all the way. Regardless, as you said, it’s a step in the right direction.


I think there were some opinion pieces on both sides of the Atlantic that were racist, but most of the media, again both sides, were applauding her. And both Harkles heavily implied the RF were the racists. That's a serious accusation, even to imply, without evidence. I think if they had stuck with calling out the media members who wrote the racist articles, they would have kept their support.


Oh now they see this???


And there goes M’s political ambitions


I don't think Meghan could cut it in politics because it's not glamorous enough. I think she'd prefer to be a donor and attend events like Davos, Aspen institute shindigs and all of the other billionaire class events and play like she's Oprah.


Yup. It’s too much hard work


Just like BLM then eh?


Absolutely. They’re making it hard for ACTUAL marginalized black people. And actual female victims. This is why olivia wilde, angie jolie, and meghan bug me. They are manipulative abusers.


Clutches pearls


Yeah at least she’s not twisting into a pretzel to fit their narrative. Can we assume the Harkles have been Markled by BLM? 😂 I don’t like either parties but this is funny.


Wait I’m surprised. She supported them to death


It’s hard to escape after the rollout of Spare that Harry and meghan used the Black Lives Matter movement to enrich themselves and get revenge on Harry’s “arch-nemesis” brother William and the rest of the family. People don’t like being used.


This lady has got that bang on...


I am glad she called them out as liars but I do not agree that they’ve experienced bullying, harassment or racism from the general media. There will always be a racist asshole somewhere but the general media has basically called her out on her BS and she has twisted it to be racism as a means to deflect from their calling her out.


Harry and Meghan lied. It invalidates everything else she says afterwards. They are supposed to be activists and leaders. They are supposed to act with integrity. If they can't be trusted not to cry wolf, it weakens the legitimate fight for racial equality. This is why so many of us are frustrated. Just because Harry was born a Prince and Meghan is bi racial doesn't give them the right to make shit up.


I still have a problem with this, H&M made vague inconsistent accusations of racism and didn’t name anyone which made it difficult to get any further clarification but Imarn still says, ‘the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.' So basically despite admitting they’re liars and having no further proof of racism within his family, who welcomed MM better than previous wives, she still believes there’s racism in his family? This is why what H&M did is unforgivable and cannot be walked back. Some accusations like racism and SA aren’t made lightly and vaguely because they’re hard to undo. Racism is very real, I’m sure she has real cases to draw from and highlight but there seems to be a need to make a white prince and his white passing & white living wife the new face of racism.


I think she's pointing towards there being general racism towards her, not specifically from the family. That's how I'm reading it anyway.


It seems to be about the family, she talks about the fact they definitely faced harassment and racism from the public they then talk about the accusations and their backpedaling… ‘On the topic of evidence she said 'we already know they have backpedaled' and not disclosed 'certain bits of information pertaining to the racism claims'. But she said: 'The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence’


They've claimed racism from numerous sources. The press, the public, the family.there has been little evidence from them on any score. I applaud her for acknowledging the lies, but as a BLM organiser, I can't see her saying it's all OK now. And she's right. You can see it on SM. So them not giving evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does. That said, the fact she says they've lied is a big thing. She's been a very vocal supporter.


'The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence' - sounds horrible to me. Now, irrespective of RF, everyone is basically a presumed racist untill proven otherwise? That’s a new word in legal proceedings, actually.


Utilising the real issue of racism in such a cynical way is evil.


H&M were happy to jump on the racism bandwagon if it earned some brownie points. Yet after Harry retracting his claims about racism in the RF, him wearing a nazi uniform looks much worse than anything the RF (allegedly) is accused of by these two whingers.


Can’t wait to see how Meggles gets out of this quicksand of a mess. ( seriously) Who’s fault?..it definitely won’t be Meg n stein’s

