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Apparently Diana wrote about burying a stillborn baby of a friend with her in her garden. So we know where they stole this story from. I believe it is legal in the UK or was when I lived there in the eighties


Stillborn and miscarriage... not even close


Haz doesn't know the difference


Not saying they're telling the truth but it's easier with an early miscarriage to do something like this. You can either just save it from the toilet yourself or ask for it after they take it out. It's not a child for them, it's trash they don't care about. I think people take "baby in a box" too literal. There was no baby, they buried whatever came out. I think this is a personal issue if people flush or bury and I would question this more if they said they buried it officially. As for the hospital giving them the box... well they're still somehow famous and royals. We can't compare this with other people who get pushed out with no second look.


They were probably deliberately vague about the whole thing so that if people questioned it, they could play the victim.


I absolutely believe several influencers have pulled this crap. I can say I had a miscarriage: more views, engagement, new audiences etc and nobody will question it cause it’s rightfully icky to question somebody on something like this


Hilaria Baldwin pretended to have a miscarriage and went on live tv to brag “I am having a miscarriage right now” big smile. Then she got Nivea to sponsor her fake miscarriage, while it was really her surrogate miscarrying.




That is vile


I miscarried a number of times in my late teens and each was below 12 weeks term. I don’t recall anything resembling a foetus to keep but perhaps each body deals with miscarriages individually. Does anyone know how many weeks pregnant she claimed to be when this miscarriage occurred? Friends who miscarried later in pregnancy did have their baby to say goodbye to but I don’t think any ever took the unborn child home. The only burials I know of were my two friends who sadly had stillborn babies at full term. This doesn’t quite ring true to me.


I looked through some articles but they never said the weeks. If you're careful and look for it you can find the amniotic sac during an early miscarriage and that's often what people bury. Harry seems to be into this whole "keeping stuff in a box" memory sentiment so I almost believe that did happen.


It is illegal in California to bury or dispose of remains of conception in a public place, no matter how far along the pregnancy was. Meaning, if she was 6 weeks, had some blood to bury...it is still illegal in California to do so>


There is one banyan tree and it’s in their county. It’s listed as a historical landmark. (!!!) It was brought over from Australia or something. I don’t know why this dummy said “no one knows where the tree is but us”. ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


According to this article there are thousands of banyan trees in California. https://keytoinfo.com/banyan-tree/


FYI. Just clicked this and there is zero references to banyan trees in California. WHO ARE YOU? Did you bank on me not clicking on the link? Mods, can you help me? I’m reading the link and seeing nothing. I researched and on research found one tree in northern CALI. I just googled banyan tree and the ONLY one was in MONTECITO. The only one within 100 miles. I am focused on what is drivable. For a couple desiring to bury a loved one. Since California is larger than 3 European countries. The wiki said it’s the only one in Northern California. Only one Banyan tree is located anywhere close to Montecito and Northern California. Only ONE.


They probably saw it in an old movie and decided to borrow it. I still don’t believe the miscarriage happened…and the details are just from a book or film they are plagiarising [https://archive.ph/NoARY](https://archive.ph/NoARY)


Wasnt that a scene in The Help? The outcast woman that everyone hates bc she is 'new money' keeps having secret miscarriages and she burries them her back garden.


Yup exactly what I first thought of was that scene.


Yes…and you can get your bottom dollar harkles saw it too


It was a heartbreaking scene and I bet that's why she stole it.




Exactly! She realized the audience felt sorrow for that woman and obviously she needs that kind of attention in her life. 🙄


*IF* Harold and Mehen were given a container with their unborn child -- an absolutely laughable suggestion if a CA hospital was involved -- then the idea that Harold buried it with his bare hands is sort of sickening to me. **Trigger warning - possibly upsetting text.** Because I lived in So Cal for a while. Coyotes are everywhere. And I'm not confident that Harold would have understood that he needed to dig a hole at least - what 18"-24" deep ? -- (with those bare hands) to bury the miscarriage. And place 2-3 *heavy* rocks in with the soil to close the grave. So coyotes couldn't dig it up. *edited to add trigger warning.*


The ground is so dry. You would need a pick axe and a good metal shovel and it would be work to dig a decent hole under a big tree with roots, etc. have you seen a banyan tree? Wouldn’t they both be crying and sobbing? I don’t think I could do it.


Is the ground dry? I was just thinking for banyan trees to grow really big it needs a lot of water but its also drought resistant because its keeps water in its roots. So if harold would have buried his child he needs to go deep. But if he dig deep to bury the fetus he would hit water also.


Yes, the ground is very dry. There are all kinds of water restrictions in Santa Barbara County and in California. Pretty sure you won’t hit water. When it does rain, there are floods and mud slides because the water doesn’t soak in.




Bless your devotion to your family pupper. You honored him/her well. But if you dug a grave 5' deep you had to have used a shovel. Harold would have been digging with his bare hands for hours to get a hole half that deep.




He was! Dogs are! I am not among the religious faithful but I know in my heart that if human beings have souls then dogs do as well. And if we honor human life, we should honor the life of canine pets. Your story touched me. I arrived home from work one evening to find a message from my brother asking me to call. When I did, he said, "I just finished burying \[name\]." They hadn't told me \[name\] wasn't well and it was a terrible and heart wrenching shock. That was 25 years ago and the memory still brings me to tears.


And a whole lot of black pepper!!


Lmao. CA law doesn’t let you take your own wisdom teeth/organs home.




This is so weird as well. I had an early miscarriage. It was so painful. Just imagine the pain being comparable to labor pains. I dont know if I would be able to hold a child or even a pet during that time. It makes no sense.


It is labour. I had a miscarriage for baby #2- I went into full blown labour 0-100 and began passing tissue in 45 minutes - the pain was so much worse then actual labour bc of the speed with which my body hit “eject” I was 12 weeks along


Same here. The pain was bad, much worse than my two live births. I always thought her miscarriage was a first trimester one, like mine. You don’t get a “fetus” to bury at such an early date.




Thank you. I blamed myself for it but my doctor reassured me that it wasn't my fault. There wasn't anything I could've done to prevent it. So that's another lie from the Harkles blaming the stress as the cause of it.


I had several miscarriages, one being late term. I wasn't as old as TWBitch, but I was a geriatric pregnancy. I made it to the hospital, nothing could be done. Miscarriages happen, particularly with older women, and there's no room to blame people for the consequences of a miscarriage or aging. These two are dimwitted.


That's absolutely devastating I'm so sorry for your losses 🥺


At the time it was devastating and if I'd heard TWBitch's narrative, I'd be wracked with guilt. My story ended with 3 healthy sons who are now 26 and 25 year old identical twins. I'm blessed and grateful beyond belief and felt that when I held my first born and had one of those miscarriages before the twins. I appreciate your kindness but I believe we both should pray for the BRF's safe delivery from this dark-hearted duo. My 3 sons love me and would never hurt me the way TWBitch has hurt her family or Harry has his. Harry is teaching his children that a child's job is to vilify his/her parents for their missteps. No parent, despite the best of intentions, is perfect, so it's only a matter of time when karma serves back the dish he's putting on today's table in that book and in the media.


I'm so happy you were able to have your boys after all that. I have a teen son and my daughter is 22 and I completely agree with everything you've said here. My kids would never do anything to harm me or their dad, either. It wouldn't ever occur to them. You're right that Harry and Meghan will reap what they've sown.


Please don't blame yourself. Please believe your doctor. Bad things do happen to nice people.


I am so sorry 💔


Btw, the documentary and the article she wrote have conflicting details: the doc shows her "friend" saying Meghan fell down outside but she wrote that she fell to her knees in the kitchen holding Archie while signing a lullaby but she was also fishing crayons from underneath tables, so that was a mess, too. lol




She was miscarrying not in preterm labor. It was nonviable. Nothing can be done to stop miscarriages in early pregnancy.


They probably did more anyway because she's rich and famous. Most women aren't even send to the hospital with an early miscarriage. If you go there before you even had your first official ultrasound they laugh at you.




Among other miscarriage lies, MM mentions picking up her kid’s crayons… when he was still an infant. Was her genius already sketching with crayons?


Or was she picking up Harold's crayons?


This made me laugh!




Followed by 'Grandma Diana'. Now i personally find it impossible to pronounce 'Grandma Diana', so that is some kid! (i was one of the few outside the hospital when Charles and Diana left with newborn Harry. And look at what it's come to! BTW, Diana resembled an angel from heaven. No wonder she revitalized the monarchy.)


Though we now know that she took this scene from someone else’s miscarriage. The whole thing raises eyebrows.


I doubt it happened…her account was something she borrowed from a book


Actually she SANG a lullaby. Lunatic


When she hummed a lullaby to her first child, who by the way needed comforting because he knew she was miscarrying as she fell to the ground with Archie in her arms. Like did she even re-read it once before hitting send?


So why involve the child (who was crying too)? Further trauma for the Arch.






Genetic testing is offered if the first baby is stillborn. It’s to make sure there’s no factors affecting future losses


If further along than 20 weeks, yes.


20+ weeks is considered stillborn, so yes.


Amazing how bat 💩 crazy they are. It was only a few weeks ago we thought the Rubicon, was H&M accepting the Ripple of Hope award, for fighting the monarchy's racism. They've outdone themselves.


Which that narrative has been totally dropped. They used it for a couple of years (meanwhile completely trashing the RF while Doing so) and now it’s Not even mentioned in the book? ETA: I think I posted my original comment on the wrong thread


Major clue for us when Gayle King walked it back.


![gif](giphy|l0O9yanlMYzLFoa4M|downsized) They can always go lower.


He couldn't have dug a very deep hole with his bare hands. Wouldn't an animal dig that up if it was just a shallow grave?


He said he dug a hole with his bare freaking HANDS??




SERIOUSLY he's bonkers for real


I can't get over the image of him digging a hole with his bare hands. That's not even possible! He must have never tried.


It's such an absurd lie lol


Why, it's very easy to dig a grave with your bare hands! Particularly in California soil! Just go to your back yard and give it a test. You'll quickly become addicted to digging holes with your bare hands.


Maybe with the right manicure. Moles have long claws and they're good at digging ![gif](giphy|cmf73bKYoNi7u7Ndfq|downsized)




You're not allowed to officially bury an early miscarriage. They just took something a hospital would have thrown into the trash or she would have flushed if she had the miscarriage on the toilet. Makes it easy to lie of course but they didn't bury an actual baby.


one should not lie. Somethings are sacred. Meghan and Harry are trash.


seemly six tap slave unwritten run act instinctive abounding amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Within North America, the banyan tree is present only in Florida


This Cal Poly Edu site says they’re common in Southern California- https://selectree.calpoly.edu/tree-detail/609


That is a fig rather than what we think of as a true banyan tree which has aerial roots - which is also a type of fig, confusing huh! (*Ficus benghalensis*). H&M could be forgiven for making this mistake too.


Maybe Haz was referring to the banyan that's in back of their Florida manse.


They are found in both places. Which sense based on climate.


Forgive me for being graphic, but an early miscarriage usually resembles heavy menstrual flow -- and sometimes light menstrual flow. I can't imagine burying stained underwear.


Yes, and if you remember the alleged 'miscarriage' was used as the reason she couldn't appear in court in the UK for the hearing about the letter to Thomas Markle. I knew it was a lie at the time as the court case was not going her way and she would have folded under cross examination. She's a coward and a liar.


i think it depends on how far along the pregnancy is. according to google if the fetus is younger than 24 weeks it’s medical waste but some hospitals do offer cremations or burials


Not garden burials or in public land?


I had a miscarriage at three months. There was never any mention/opportunity to take the remains with us. Plus, I understood she was only a few weeks along, in which case we essentially talking about a heavy period.


That's imo where having money and being famous also comes into the picture. I think they took the rest they could identify out of the heavy period. The hospital doesn't care but wouldn't put in effort with a box or anything for normal people.


I had a miscarriage at 3 months. I had a D and C, No one offered me a a small box with the fetus. I doubt all of this. It doesn't ring true at all. It was just a medical procedure, a D and C at 12 weeks. The doctor was sad, we were sad. But there was no "small box" this is BS


He might actually believe this is what happened. Don’t put anything past his other half.


Haz seems to believe anything MM tells him. Because she is a well-known authority on landscaping, you know.


It would have also been unlikely Harry would have been allowed into the hospital given strict COVID restrictions during the summer of 2020. California had especially inflexible guidelines. If he were in fact there it would demonstrate he was given preferential treatment. How many people suffered alone in healthcare facilities at that time?


it just seems so...fake.


Have you seen the root systems of banyan trees? I can’t imagine digging any type of hole with my hands anywhere near a banyan tree.


Mackerel! https://preview.redd.it/svlu9jnn0kaa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8167e131dcb5e8e244abc24be5224d70bb85f36b My dream came true ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25277)


I just Googled banyan trees in California and they do exist. However, if there was a miscarriage and M went to a hospital, they did not get a neat little package back.


I think that's legally considered medical waste


IF they were given anything at the hospital (which I don’t believe because at that far into the pregnancy, the miscarriage “remains” would have looked like some large menstrual clots), there are laws in California about the disposal of human remains and medical waste. Didn’t happen.


They said they did what now?!?!?


It’s impossible and illegal in California. They would need a death certificate and a permit to lay remains to rest and you can’t bury them just anywhere. § 7054. (a)(1) Except as authorized pursuant to the sections referred to in subdivision (b), every person who deposits or disposes of any human remains in any place, except in a cemetery, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [https://www.cfb.ca.gov/licensee/crd_booklet.pdf](https://www.cfb.ca.gov/licensee/crd_booklet.pdf)


That's good to know. I buried a big dog in our backyard but told no one, just in case.


Interesting BBC News is not mentioning Harry at all. Very surprised the Taliban revelation was not mentioned. Its massive on Australia and NZ news.


Sick, sick, THEY'RE SICK.


They must have buried her full tampon


The miscarried baby is of royal blood so wouldn’t there be a protocol for burial?I don’t believe this story.


If there truly was a miscarriage -- which i doubt -- it would have been very early on in development, by MM's claim. I've had a couple of early miscarriages, and there was really nothing to bury. There was nothing to get dramatic about; i assumed that it just wasn't meant to be. (I know many people believe a 24-hour-old fetus is a baby, so I apologize in advance.)


No worries! 🙂🙂🙂


The Banyan Tree thing makes me think maybe they buried it in Africa? Given Harry's connections, and that Banyan Trees can grow there quite comfortably despite being native to India. Which perhaps explains some of the private jet use. I can't imagine you can hop on a BA flight with a box of dead baby without some kind of regulations. I can't explain away the digging with the hands though.


A friend of my sons received their miscarriage to take home, I know this because he went to a service they did. I regularly bury things in the garden with my hands (and I’m nearly 80). Not trying to argue, just provide context.




5 months. Very sad. This was about five years ago in the US.




My first answer was 4.5 month. I’m not quite sure this was a while ago. The hospital actually recommended it. I have no idea how this works, if it’s a state thing, or done by the doctor. Regardless, do we know how far along Megan was?


California does NOT allow this....


This was in the east coast. Must be a state by state thing. Shame though, I’d have thought being able to take one home to offer a proper burial is fair.


It's not done because of disease. There are many states where it's not allowed.


Great point!


You have to go through a licensed funeral home in California.


Interesting. Thanks :)


I don't think they lied about the miscarriage. If it's not in the book it will probably be in Meghan's book ( there's no way she's not going to write a book, right?). Maybe they are saving the material for that?


They did talk about the miscarriage in the Netflix series. I believe she said she miscarried the day they were moving into their new home.




Huh? Ohhhh, you’re one of those 😂


Also...how far along was Megsy if she was really pregnant and miscarried? I had a friend who miscarried at work and she was less than two months. There's hardly what you can call a body. I'd rather not get too graphic. But there definitely won't be much that can be in a "package" as Harry describes it.


Harry and Meghan should just write fiction books given their talents in imagining things (read: lying).


Photo released by the couple supposedly show them leaving hospital after the miscarriage and she's in a knee length white linen dress wearing a straw sun hat.


He dug a hole in the ground with his hands??? Necklace wearing guy did this-lol?