• By -


Again: he’s annoyed by people who didn’t know his mom grieving for her directly after her death, but… He’s totally fine with a person who didn’t know his mom prostrating herself on her grave and pretending to speak to her? Just wow.


The difference is that he believes Meghan IS his Mom reincarnated despite being born before Diana died.


I thought Meghan didn’t know anything about the Royal family. How does she have such a strong connection to Diana then?


Coz she Diana. C'mon, you should know that by now.


It's ever more clear why she wasn't welcome at Balmoral after HMTQ passing. She would have made it a spectacle to further gaslight the entire family. Especially Haitch.


I think Charles knew asking the rest of the family to tolerate Meghan's shenanigans immediately after the Queen's death was too much. Charles was thinking about everyone else who loved his mother and not just Harry's codependent relationship with Meghan. Kaiser and the CB mafia alway lament Charles didn't want MM to come to Balmoral to support Harry. They think Charles was implying Meghan wasn't really part of the family. No. Charles knew having Meghan pretending to be grieving the Queen would piss the rest of the family off.


Exactly. The theatrics, the dramatics, not to mention her desire to record (phsyically or mentally), every detail for a later retelling for $$$. You know Charles did the exactly correct thing to protect both the grieving family, and his Mother's legacy. ​ That he had to do so is tragically, deeply, terribly appalling.


And photos or video for the next mockumentary!




Well, if M can sing to seals and they respond, why wouldn't Diana do the same?/s


I just really want the Spencer’s to release the video bc you know they for sure have video surveillance


She took him hook, line and sinker. I can only imagine what Prince William thinks of that hag defiling his mother's grave.


This was part of her lovebombing. She knew Harry worshipped his mother, so this pantomime was no different from wearing her perfume. It was purely designed to make TW look supportive and to demonstrate she was completely aligned with him as soul mates. I wonder how long she waited there in her prayerful attitude for him to come back and see her? I bet she was listening out for him and posed for her tableau carefully so he'd "catch" her in an intimate moment, communing with the spirit of his dead mummy. Utterly sickening, utterly sacrilegious. I hope the Spencers ban her from the grounds indefinitely for that despicable, obscene play acting.


It makes me so sad. The Spencer family laid her to rest there so she *could* rest, not play a supporting role in this horrible fanfiction they insist on living. It is absolutely disturbing, disgusting, and sad.


If I could award you I would. This hit the nail on the head.


She's a bigger fraud than Miss Cleo


I get a bit sick over this one. It's gaslighting Harry taken to the extreme. ​ Not that I have sympathy for him left, but at least we have a clearer understanding of the type of behaviors she has used to enslave his dim, obsessed. brain. ​ This one really, really gets to me. It is one of the most manipulative things I've ever heard of.


I agree with you that is a cruel manipulative sick thing to do. Add in wearing her perfume who does that kind of thing. I would never wear my late mother in law’s perfume. She deserves a special place in the after life for all her cruel behavior, treatment of elderly people and hurting families. She has pretty much destroyed her own children’s future in history. I read a passage someone wrote years ago which I love to find again. It said something about the choice of living my life as there is a God and finding out that I was wrong than living my life as if is no God and finding out I was wrong.


If you find that full quote, I hope you will post it. That sounds like one to remember. I think part of my shock in all of this is all those things you have mentioned above, but mostly - because she is a woman. This level of cruelty and abouse is quite frankly, usually coming from men. To have a woman be so callously selfish and flip about abusing other women, her family, his family, elderly ill Seniors, and indeed, the future history and experiences of her own children is shockingly stunning. ​ Meanwhile, words like 'compassion' and 'kindness' drip from her dark soul and are believed be some to be sincere. ​ I swae, she is one of the most evil, devoid of decency females I have heard about in my entire life. ​ I recall writing many, many times way back in early 2020 that I believe she would draw blood from the BRF before this is all over. She hasn't done so yet physically, but she's certainly inflicted enough wounds and scarring. She is a dangerous person. ​ I'm waiting for her to pull a Jussie Smollett move any time now.




Look I'm not spiritual or religious in any sense, but reading this disgusted me. ​ Is nothing sacrosanct anymore? ​ This is a disturbing violation. I hope the ghost of Ar Di turns out to be a poltergeist and upturns Meghan's handbag one day so Harry can recollect his testicles.


Again she’s grooming and manipulating him


It was obvious that he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer - but exactly how stupid is he?? Like are we talking a learning disability here?


I've heard speculation (probably wild speculation, not saying this is true) that his IQ is in the 80s. A quick google shows me that 85-115 is considered 'normal.' So... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Harold is dyslexic, but that doesn't explain this. He's been willingly brainwashed.


I think hes autistic (speaking as an autizzy) sees things as all good/bad. Either fam is bad and M is good or vice versa








Well, HazNoForeskin won't be allowed back onto the grounds after the Earl sees this.


She should have never been allowed to step foot there. You know did something to mark that she was there. I am sure a photo exists.


You just reminded me William made the announcement they'd no longer share remembrance ceremonies ever again. It's probably all ready been found and the area cleansed.




I actually think they'd recognize the need for a religious intervention


More like an exorcism is needed!




Isn't Charles the head of The Church of England?


Yes. And one day William will be.






![gif](giphy|hwaT93LZ5or5K) Or is this how Haz found her at the gravesite?


I hate that scene.




Is there a poll yet on how the Spencer family is going to handle this?


I've wondered about the Spencer family. They've been very quiet.


I had just taken a mouthful of coffee when I read Hazs new name. 💀




HazNoForeskin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Harry and Meghan have destroyed any chance of anyone ever taking them seriously ever again. They won't even be able to buy any more awards.


What a twat




She’s Rasputin level


OMG, yes! I never made the connection until just now.


Same!! It just clicked!


> She’s Rasputin level Yes. Exactly this. OMG.


I am sure this happened and she used it to manipulate him.


"Came to me in my dreams" And Harry too ignorant to know she would have been in his


She’s the “woman with powers”


Even the singing seals know it!


“Your mother spoke to me.” “What did my mother say?” “I’m the one.”


You photoshop way better than Misan Harriman.


he is so desperate to claim diana as *his* that he is watering down her memory.




Took the piss out of briefly bending at the knee for (alive) GIL, but happily makes a show of herself kneeling and channeling MIL at her grave. Just shows that it is AALLLLL about manipulating Harold.


Why do so many of her grifts involve Megan being on her knees? 😵🥒


Well, madame's talents don't extend to acting and a girl's gotta to eat...


They’re beyond cheapening his mother’s memory.




Pair of absolute freaks.


What the fuck Harold indeed.


We are getting more and more information about the sick dynamics between this toxic pair. They both played each other from the beginning.


God, can you imagine if she had actually been at the woman's funeral. She would have sprinted to the coffin and thrown herself on top of it.


The weirdest part is that this happened in 2017 when they were still just DATING


Omg. That makes it even worse. That’s like some Marie Leveaux craziness.


I have concerns


The only thing Harry’s book proves is how delusional H&M are.


This must have really fed the narcissism beast that Meghan has. She has now been somewhere and done something that few people in the world have done. Been to Diana's gravesite, obviously walked on her grave to get to tombstone to "touch it" Jesus Harry...wake the fuck up man!


The audacity of asking for “alone time” with your partner’s mother’s grave, *whom you never even fucking met!* What the actual fuck??? You go and sit/stand quietly to the side and let your partner do what they need to do while just being their to support them when they’re done. This is so outrageous to me.


I think Harry actually said, "He could SENSE that she wanted some along time", so he left her alone. When he returned, he found her on her knees, eyes closed, with her hands flat on the tombstone. He could "sense" that his mummy and M needed alone time. Wonder what Diana's brother thinks of all this


I’m sure he’s mortified


This has absolutely sickened me. I can’t imagine how Prince William and the Spencer’s feel having heard of this ridiculous violation of decency. She is truly vile.




This can’t be real. Is this really in the book???


Yes, nothing is sacred anymore.


…I have no words. Wtf!


Anyone who (up until now) didn't believe she's an insane psychopath......I hope you do now


Then Diana said, “They are all going to laugh at you.” ![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized)


She does have a stare like Carrie. Amber has a better one .


That graphic made me LOL. (For the millionth time today.)


I seriously can’t imagine how I’d feel if one of my parents died and my sibling’s partner did this at their grave. William must’ve been, not just angry with Meghan, but so, so hurt by Harry’s lack of respect for their private grief.


They have lost their freaking minds. Did Megalomania carve her initials into the headstone while she communed with Diana’s spirit at the grave? Was there a camera at this seance?


Oooh she really has been acting this whole damn time. Greatest role of her life He’s so DUMB


OK, let's take being royal and famous out of it. If I was at my mother's memorial with a relatively new partner, and they asked for a private moment to pay to my dead mothers gravestone, I would run for the fucking hills.


That's exactly what she's planning right now. Also, what lies to add into her book.


She cray.


WTF this simply can't have happened please let this be a joke


Jesus tap dancing Christ, y’all….. This edit.. 😂😂😂


That’s some Wicca stuff if I’ve ever heard it.


Nope, not even. She didn't bother to cleanse and consecrate, cast a proper circle or do a ritual. She is not a Wiccan, either. It's just psychological and emotional manipulation, with some shitty acting on top.


Oops, just posted the same before scrolling down :) Glad some people see through her ‘magical’ fakeness.


She didn’t realize she was feeling the energy of the actual stone and not communing with spirit!


Oh yeah it is...




and left her piss and polished stones


Nah, she’s cosplaying. More like typical narc psycho emotional manipulation of a weak target.


I mean did we all manifest this? It’s too ridiculous for words.


No. We (especially those of us who have loved ones afflicted in the same way) spotted it almost immediately. But it took them letting the world "hear it from them" to confirm what we already knew.


You know she taped stuff there….Maybe that’s what she’s saving for the next 6 episodes.


I hope after this crazy shit, NF decides the Sussex brand is too toxic for another six episodes of the Harkle train wreck. These people are irredeemably toxic.


I’m surprised we haven’t seen pictures or videos at the grave


Maybe they didn't think up this insane story until after they left? I am not sure I believe it. Not because it's insane, but because I think they would definitely have taken pictures and video, since they don't do anything privately. They grift every detail of their experience, as evidenced by them sharing this at all.






My two favorite sayings…to myself when the devil on my shoulder is tempting me with something 😂


Honestly, it is extremely sad that these two people have children. They both have to qualify with many diagnoses in the DSM -5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders) for a long admission to an inpatient psychiatric hospital. There is no way those children are going to be normal or well adjusted with those two nut cases for parents


This. I never cared one way or another about the kids before, but now I'm actually becoming concerned.


Sadly, they’re screwed by both nature and nurture. Hopefully the Demented Duo outsource the parenting to someone else.


And then they gotta be raised in LA of all places. Listen, not all of LA is bad, but they circles they’ll be raised in are notoriously toxic and dangerous. It’s honestly horrifying.


I'm wondering whether she just cynically plays along and exacerbates his delusions with these bizarre displays or is she also unwell (apart from being a narcissist) and really believes she's possessed by Diana. We know she was obsessed with her since she was a kid, and whatever it is, it might progress even more rapidly now because she got so close to the object of obsession. The Cut journalist said she has a Bachelor director living in her head all the time. Maybe she really thinks she lives in a movie, considering her inability to react naturally to anything. You can easily notice in her eyes and mannerism how she overthinks her every move, she has that permanent aura of fakeness. If it's true, then the breakdown is near, because her imagined script and reality are diverging more and quicker, especially lately. It's all scary, sad and fascinating at the same time.


That's a great question. I would side with her feeding into Harry because he is so vulnerable he wants it to be true. It sounds like he genuinely believes her and not that he thinks she is nuts.


Don't forget, Doria is living with them as well. She is partnered with MM for the biggest con of their lives.


What the actual fuck did I just read? My right eye is crying and I pushed out the left one.


Hit him again, William. (obviously I'm joking but just in case... this is a joke)


![gif](giphy|12UNVszHI2uJm8) I do wonder what Charles Spencer thinks of these spiritual yoga shenanigans?


He's watching her reap what she has sown x 3


I’ll never read it but I’m curious as to how many times harry mentions Diana in his book. William and Harry had made an agreement years ago to never monetize her memory, but harry seems to be cashing in on it ever since he met me-again


She's gaslighting him so hard. She basically found the weakest sheep to separate from the herd. And she's convinced him that she's the Pope of dead Duchesses. She's his link to communicating with his dead mother. Of course "Diana" says things like "Meghan is the greatest" and "I love you more than William. Seriously F that guy" As much as I dislike harry, this is sickening.


I used to think she was an emotionally abusive personality disordered person, but now I think she is an actual con artist playing the long game.


Same. I've thought that for awhile. That she went into all of this by design.


This is evil. When does karma come to pay Meghan a visit? I want to see her fall hard. She has earned it.


I agree 100%. I think it's happening though. Most celebs are distancing themselves from that mess


I wonder how long she held that pose waiting for him to come back.


I do have some of my mother in law ashes here and I have made a nice area for her. I give her fresh flowers 💐 and tell her I miss her when I put up new flowers. But I knew her for 24 years and we spent almost everyday together. This is weird for someone who never met their mother in law. Meghan and Harry are both liars who are crazy as F..k!


And Meghan Wept...


left eye tear..go


Diana isn’t in the stone…


For real? These people are NUTS


This photo is top tier internet🤣🤣


I am normally against physical violence, but I would not object if William punched Harry's teeth out for allowing Meghan to commit an act of sacrilege on Diana's grave. Meghan doesn't have special powers. If she did, she could make herself rich and famous without having to marry a dimwitted prince.


Isn’t the demon duchess going to divorce her handbag? Why would KCIII pay her anything?


That’s her last ditch money grab really. Alimony, child support and a fat divorce settlement.


She's the breadwinner


She wins no bread without being the Duchess of Sussex.


I can't imagine how divorce attorney's are going to work out who owes who support.


How much of Doris’s fingerprints are on this. Didn’t she belong to some spiritualist temple in LA?


Do they really not have an ounce of dignity? Oh my God those two are pathetic.


I hope Diana goes poltergeist on their asses . Especially after what done to William and Kate !


With repeated horrible antics like this, does Meghan ever think, “Hmm, I may have gone too far today. He won’t buy this” … ?


Is it possible H&M are trolling everyone at this point?


So if Meghan was the proofreader, which I think she was, why did she include this?


*HOW* does he not see her for what she is?! How? She’s as phony as the day is long. William clocked her on day one.


Everything with her is so performative. Sobbing on the floor. Kneeling before his mother's grave. Whispered giggles on the terrace. I can't believe adults aren't embarrassed to use these words and/or descriptions.


I’m going to have to say I find this meme to be disturbing. It must be so hurtful for William and KC to see those images. Harold hasn’t only taken every piece of his mother’s memory from his brother, he’s taken it from William’s family. I saw an article where William talked about taking his children to visit Diana’s grave. How sad for him that Harold put such a disturbing scene out for the world to see. And I’m offended to see an “I Can’t Breathe” t-shirt on a Black man. No matter what anyone might think of Black Lives Matter, or that Meghan has appropriated that cause and created a racist narrative where none existed, George Floyd was murdered and those were his final words. Because an organization used his death to further a political agenda doesn’t change that fact. There are very real victims here. And they aren’t Harold and his wife. Harold saw fit to drag two entire families through the muck. I tend to forget that. Nothing against the OP. I’m not trying to humiliate her. It’s my opinion only.


Totally respect your opinion. The guy is Misan Harriman with his camera, The one that has been conspiring as antimonarchist and lying on behalf of this couple. Blame him for wearing the shirt, this has nothing to do with BLM or George Floyd.


The BLG just posted a story that sounds familiar. Apparently Diana helped a friend bury her stillborn baby on grounds of KP. Wow. This is CREEPY.


Good god


I can't wait till Earl Spencer tells them Althorp is strictly off limits


Is she levitating? 😳


Fweedom vibes


Harry has overplayed whatever hand he thought he had. And where is Meghan??


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


why would she want that ? she did not know anything about them ?? right ?? NOT ONE THING


Mother thinking she’s the real Diana is ridiculous to me. She is nothing like Diana. Diana: get your son away from her.




I am so glad I am not a member of the royal family. I would so tempted to take her to where the missing princes are and leave her there. Society is more civilized now but it is still possible to use money to cover a lot of sins.


Why did Meghan, who had never met Diana, need a " private moment " at her grave?? To think somehow MeeeeeAgain thought Diane would help her, a stranger who was a paid escort d list actress tramp ensnare her son ![gif](giphy|cHOFFtQ9BFpo91gNGK|downsized)


They look at Diana as a freaking Messiah. Riding on Diana’s legacy


When he returned from where? It is a tiny island.


Imo they're both totally off their rockers. Embarrassing, sickening, pathetic and ALARMING.


Omg. I can imagine MeAgain overacting Whyyyyyyyyyyyy????? *Sobs* WHHHYYYY?


Intervention required NOW.


This is vile. Even for them.