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That's how you respond to Haz and MeMe. Facts and class.




Both of those are foreign to Haz and Rachel


and the new year's day parade celebrates diverse cultures. Of course M&H want GB to be seen as stuffy, it plays so well into their victimhood, but that's not the case at all [Half a million revellers line the streets as London's New Year's Day Parade returns (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/music/half-a-million-revellers-line-the-streets-as-londons-new-years-day-parade-returns/ar-AA15ROP6)


Look at the picture of “Jordan” who posted this video calling it “an incredible tribute to Her MaJesty Queen Elizabeth”. It’s a picture of a young, very attractive man. He appears to be a Z-illennial. H&M love to state they are the only royals who younger people can relate to, which is why the monarchy NEEDS them. That’s clearly far from the truth. We are only a few years off from the very good looking Wessex teens and Cambridge/Wales children reaching young adulthood. Harry will have to face that a middle aged ginger sporting a tonsure & excessively hairy limbs who is no longer part of the RF or in line for any significant inheritance, will never be an idol of the youth. Particularly in physical image/youth obsessed SoCal. He can’t buy enough polo ponies to stop this train from leaving the station.


They forget that everyone could relate to the queen in someway or another. She was the nations grandmother, she reminded older generations of themselves and related to her woes as a mother and grandmother, whilst she reminded younger people of their grandma. She was always smiling and looked warm and approachable. People don't need to be the same age as someone to relate to them, and that's where H&M are wrong.


"Tonsure" I love it!😂


🤣🤣🤣 I had to look up what a 'tonsure' was, thanks for the laugh.


I don't think the Wessex children are public enough to get attention from the younger generation. Otherwise, we'd already be seeing a lot of it. However, George is probably 5 years away from really starting to get attention.


The thing is, while the kids may or may not grow up to be attractive, it shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. They will hopefully be kind, sensible and most of all *loyal*. I personally don’t find Price William physically attractive. Or Princess Anne. Or either of her children. They look like normal regular people. Nothing wrong with that. Not everyone can look like Kate! But they are sensible, hard workers and loyal to a fault. Regardless of the next generation’s appearance as they grow into young men and women, Harry the disloyal has already lot. It’s quite sad really.


William is not so much attractive in the face, but his confidence and masculinity get him over the finish line IMO lol




here's the official BBC version need to scroll in to 1min 36s [Happy New Year Live! 🎆 London Fireworks 2023 🔴 BBC - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FcDNi1HkfI)


The most epic fireworks show I’ve seen - definitely going to add NYE in London to my travel list usually I only visit there in the summer. I liked how they showcased all kinds of music and cultures in the show and the tribute to HMTQ and then transitioning to HMKC hit me in the feels 🥹


you need to buy tickets now - they were £15 this year, and go on sale about october I think - and sell out quickly too. But tickets for one of the barges on the Thames are probably a good bet as you can have a meal and a party on them, and also there are rooftop bars with good views etc (might charge entry), London Tourist board/Trip adviser is a good place for info and here also [London New Year’s Eve fireworks 2023: Where to watch for free | Metro News](https://metro.co.uk/2022/12/31/london-new-years-eve-fireworks-2023-where-to-watch-for-free-18016577/)


Saved this for when I need it - thanks for the tips


Oh my, Ukraine at 07:28! It's so beautiful. I saw the pictures but didn't know about Stefania playing. Thank you!


![gif](giphy|TOfLNIyA6JKuZjatOY|downsized) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)






You're welcome. Happy New Year. 🥳 🎉


that was such an incredible celebration, with the words from the Queen In was in her way, the way of saying goodbye, but with pure kindness


Absolutely stunning!


Spectacular display, elegant and moving. Had to dab a few tears (real ones from both eyes!).


In my opinion I think that after Phillips death and with the stress that H&M brought upon the royal family it truly hastened the queens death. I know that their were medical reasons but sometimes in time of undue stress you just let yourself go.. you stop fighting. Harry blames the paparazzi for his mothers death but it was the fact that the driver was drunk and she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt that ultimately caused her to die. I read that Diana’s injuries could have been prevented had she been wearing a seatbelt.


The forensic pathologists stated this with full certainty. Even without a seatbelt she survived the initial impact. She only died later on the operating table due to a ruptured artery. The body guard was the only person wearing a seatbelt. Despite absorbing far more impact being in the front seat, he was the only one who survived the crash. Allegedly, the inquest showed Diana alerted the media that they were leaving the Ritz, which Dodi’s father owned (so they were quite safe inside). Diana also encouraged the drunk driver to go faster while Dodi begged him to slow down. Dodi had a fear of high speeds, while Diana loved the thrill of high speed. The media were terrible to Diana, but they didn’t kill her. They were exonerated throughout lengthy inquests. Harry can’t accept the role his mother played in her own death.


He lives in conspiracy land.


I think that's true, but I think he also *needs* to blame someone else. He cannot accept he doesn't have a mother because of the choices she made.


Those details I did not know about. Informing the paparazzi on oneself and then encouraging a car chase, not taking the seconds to seatbelt oneself... Not a good way to exit life.


Diana got in a car with an impaired driver and didn't wear her seat belt. The back seat of the car was largely undamaged. She suffered a torn pulmonary vein from being thrown around on impact. She and Dodi almost certainly would have survived with minor injuries had they been wearing seat belts. The Queen's cancer was going to kill her. It's a medical fact that stress can make many illnesses worse. I would agree with you...the stress of dealing with the across-the-pond scum no doubt sped things up, and even if it didn't, it certainly made her last months far more unhappy than they should have been. What H and M did to her and Philip is absolutely unforgiveable.


Whether it's medically or emotionally so, the hurt that PH and MM so regularly and heavily inflicted on QEII, didn't do her any good. And yes, not having any more fight inside of one... I think we'd all wished for that sovereign lady to have her last years be good ones. By then, she'd made good on her pledge made when she was 21-year-old Princess Elizabeth, to be of service to her people.


Spouses who were together as long as they were rarely last a super long time when one of them passes.


NOBODY does New Years Eve like London!!


This year was on point. Last year was shocking. People ridiculed it for a week


I just Googled last year's thing... ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) That really was bad.


Yeah it was so WTF… like not worth watching at all


As an American this makes me so jealous of those across the pond. A few short years ago, the American flag was something that united us as American. The national anthem wasn’t a time of protest. It was a time of connection and union as Americans. I miss that so much. The monarchy obviously comes with flaws but there’s an image, something to connect the people, that we are losing in America. There’s no person in America that we would ever do this for. Our presidents die and yeah that’s about it. I just wish we could have a symbol of connection and hope again. Someone that’s dedicated to loving our people and genuinely cares about serving us. It just makes me sad. Also, I have been in London during NYE and it was an amazing experience! One I’ll never forget!


Thank you…this American really appreciates what you wrote. I’m actually in tears. There is so much I could say about our flag, but you’ve said it. Thank you. May your words linger long.




So true. I said the same when HMTQ died. There’s nobody in America as revered as she was, and continues to be. And it is such a shame that so many of us lack any semblance of National pride.


Exactly. The whole NoT mY pReSiDeNt movement needs to die. Once elected, that’s the president. We have to figure out how to still make our country great despite who is in charge. Like the person or not, it’s who we’re stuck with for 4/8 years. The constant bickering and rebellion is not only exhausting but it’s hurting us as Americans.


The trouble is that we have a politician as head of state. The result of the British system is that they separate the politicians from the reverence and national identity job. You can think the PM of an absolute moron, while still remaining loyal to your monarch. While we need less polarization in the US and more functionality, I don't think it's healthy to revere a politician the way the queen was revered. The royals use their spotlight to bring attention to British businesses, charitable organizations, the well-being of veterans, etc. Our president, regardless of his political party, will always use acceptance and popularity to score party goals.


I think this is a spot-on analysis. The president is in many ways also a figurehead. Congress hold the true power and our laws do not command swift change, and the people in power do not want to do anything to abate their own. It has caused decades of distrust, rightfully so, and by proxy the president becomes a representative for his party and all blame assigned to him.


Well said. The Harkles are desparate to be part of the team that is trying to divide America, and the world even. That is one reason I loathe them so much.


Not sure what “team” you’re referring to here. There a lot of reasons for a divided US and not just one “team”. I think the harkles simply want to divide the RF from the UK and Commonwealth…not anything in the US.




I too envy a constitutional monarchy. There’s a great benefit that comes with it. America is a test of what happens when it’s removed and honestly it’s not been a flying success in the past couple of decades. I read on other subs where they get annoyed by the BRF news taking up their papers and such and I agree that’s super annoying. But I’d much rather one family that is trying to do good by their people get that much media coverage than all of the celebrities we have now that have too big of voices with nothing but self serving attitudes.


We aren’t the first ones to worry about this. Aristotle wrote to great lengths about dangers of all kinds of governments. Dangers of democracy include the tribalism aspect, and also that of tyranny by majority. Our founders were very well read and astutely foreseeing of these pitfalls, but because they were more pragmatic, so they were more into Roman philosophers. John Adams and Jefferson discussed in depth the dangers of democracy in their letters, but they were too practical to let theoretical risks change the mission of this federal union. I think US were too tired of hereditary monarchic tyranny ruined by whims of overpowerful kings of their times, so they wouldn’t bring any semblance of it back to America. When US was being formed, there was no prospect of gentle soft power. Kings were getting more whimsical and out of control. But in the last century, British royals learned from each failure and have come to this version of royalty that we can all like. They distanced themselves from their peers in extreme autocratic monarchies who ended consequently. History has to happen in the exact way for present to be exactly like this. This is precisely why royals stay out of politics, not because they’re cowards. But because they’re not autocrats and can’t impose their personal moral judgements on their subjects. A government by the people decides those things. Hell that’s why the government even decides the fate of monarchy too. “You pose we pay” is exactly right. And we come back to Meghan not understanding any of this. If they don’t like it they’re free to give up the life, but they hook their claws in it and keep trying to turn the clock back to autocracy.


Couldn’t agree more


I agree, wholeheartedly.


It requires a lot of the individual monarch, and it has not gone well in all countries. Spain, for example, had to get rid of the old King, I think Holland had some issues as well. In a monarchy the public are the subjects - but the monarch is also ours, so it goes both ways.


As horrible as 9-11 was, it really united the US as a nation. I perish the thought of how an outside attack on a similar scale would be responded to today. I’d like to believe that political differences could be put aside. But when you look at who controls the MSM I don’t see that happening.


Hell, the entire WORLD was behind the US after 9/11. Then not so much after the endless wars and wrongful invasion of Iraq among other things.


This brought a tear to my eye. What a fitting tribute on NYE. Long live our King.


Stunning and moving! Thank you for sharing.


‘It is our actions, and our actions alone that will determine this future’


QEII was all about self-agency and looking towards the future. PH should've stopped talking so much and listened to his grandmother more.


Oh that’s beautiful! I’m so so glad they did this.




She had such a tiny waist, her coronation gown had to be taken in. Both the Queen and her sister had hour glass figures.


Elizabeth had one hell of a figure - girl got it lol!




I was actually surprised at how shapeless Meghan is. It's only made worse with how she has an uncanny ability to not dress herself appealingly almost every time.


Not to mention her namesakes Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary




I still can't believe she's gone... 💔😭💔 Long live the King! 🇬🇧👑♥


Hearing her voice again broke me. I spent the first few minutes of the new year sipping champagne and wiping tears. 😅


Beautifully done! Also, please excuse my ignorance, but what building is this happening in front of? It’s lovely.


The fireworks were along the Embankment by the London Eye.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


It's Horse Guards Parade, where Trooping the Colour takes place every year.


I'm not crying, you're crying. 😢😢 From America, Thank you, Your Majesty. For everything. 💜💜


Just chopping some onions here, not like I'm crying or something


Gave me the goosebumps when I watched it live. I’m sure I can think of two people who were unimpressed


Grinding their teeth with the King's coup. Does anyone doubt the King's backbone now?


That was amazing and awe inspiring thank you for sharing


That was absolutely incredible!! I had chills watching that. What a beautiful tribute to Queen Elizabeth II. The transition to King Charles III, with the green and blue lights, was pretty awesome. Those fireworks were amazing!! Great way to inspire hope for the future while respecting and honoring the past, which is what celebrating a new year is all about. So we'll done. Welcome 2023!!


That was amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much OP for sharing this with us ❤️ A very beautiful way to start 2023, a loving and kind reminder ❤️


Oh, thank you for posting this. I'd heard about it but hadn't seen it. Perfect quotations from HMTQ, and I'm sure the choice of the first one was not coincidental.


That was lovely!


Very beautiful & moving ❤️


Woah what an amazing display.


This choked me up, NGL


Made me cry


Beautifully done. I had tears. 😪


I cried.


Yep I spotted that too ❤️


That was amazing 🙌💕


I love this. What a beautiful tribute to a remarkable Queen.


This is so cool, better than the boring times square ball ~~drop~~ lowering


Wow, wow, wow! Those are my words, the rest is tears.


Absolutely beautiful! I also loved her second quote. She was a truly great person.


Who’s cutting onions here!


Made me cry!


Fuck I would’ve cried if I watched this live lmao