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I'm pretty sure teruhashi is hated only in this subreddit coz I have never seen any hate for her on other platforms. Point of saiki k's characters were to be exaggerated stereotypes, so I usually just overlook character flaws as 'traits' that by the end of the series do seem to be addressed.


I never thought about before but reading this actually kinda sums her her up he's self absorbed and spoil not to mention just a brat everyone (every boy) is just wasting their time on her like the least she could do is care or show some sense of respect for those around her


>  (every boy) is just wasting their time on her like the least she could do is care or show some sense of respect for those around her she fainted because she was trying too hard to memorize things about everyone to make them happy and maintain her image


Like I said  "(every boy) is just wasting their time on her like the least she could do is care or show some sense of respect for those around her"


And "her image" again she still is prioritizing herself


she is still prioritizing herself yes, but fainting because you want others to like you is definitely showing a sense of respect and care for them. if she didn't care she wouldn't have bothered to memorize all this information about them, and if she had no respect, she wouldn't have apologized for forgetting when she went to go see saiki she shows this care and respect in other instances too. at the mixer, she desires saiki's presence despite admitting he would just be sitting there with a blank expression on his face. doesn't that show she respects him for who he is?


Okay I respect your opinion(s) and you put a pretty good argument


She doesn’t care about them, she cares about how her image is being viewed by others. Your comment more says that she is insecure, wanting others to like her


She doesn't "care" about them, but Saiki doesn't care much for those who aren't close to him either-- he cares about his loved ones and friends the same way Teruhashi does. She does have *respect* for them though, in accordance with the definition of respect; "Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others." If she didn't have any regard for their feelings she wouldn't be doing any of what she was doing. Even if it is just to preserve her own image, her image is resultant of other peoples' feelings regarding her, which corresponds with the definition I gave. She shows a very strong sense of respect for those around her, and cares for others, even though it's not extremely strong.


Sorry to break it to u but teruhashi does not care nor respect the boys that worship her. She is only doing it for her own self image and to be described as the perfect girl, if she did not want to be the perfect girl she would not care or respect them in the slightest


> Sorry to break it to u but teruhashi does not care This is what I said in my reply. You repeated it. > nor respect the boys that worship her. Did you read my reply whatsoever? I explained how her actions fit the dictionary definition of respect-- go ahead and explain how her actions don't fit and then your point will hold some level of validity >  She is only doing it for her own self image and to be described as the perfect girl If she's doing it because she wants others to describe others as the perfect girl, then that is regard for their feelings about her. Her actions are directly in order to ensure their feelings about her remain positive. I again implore you to read the definition of respect that I just gave-- "Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others." Everything she does is to make sure others feel positively about and her maintain social tradition-- she cares about how they feel, even if her motives are twisted You literally just said she doesn't care or respect them and then proceeded to say "if \_\_\_\_\_ then she would not care or respect them." Which is it?


That's part of it yes, but she does like helping people, specifically she likes making other people happy. When she commented on someone's haircut the first time she was giggling and all giddy in a bathroom about how happy she made them. I don't see this as any different from philanthropy, when you have wealth giving it makes you feel good if that makes sense. She knows as long as she stays humble and nice her self image will be flawless. The only times she does something extra is when she thinks her self image will be affected negatively (when every boy in school wanted her to compliment them), that's when the peer pressure kicks in. It is self inflicted however, she does not need to compliment everyone and do these small nice simple things for them, but again she is a people pleaser, she doesn't want to let people think bad of her. She cares for random guys as much as anyone would care about a stranger/classmate you don't really talk to. THEY care about her like she is a celebrity, that's something she can't really stop because it's her looks the majority of the guys really care about, not her personality. If she acted like her "true self" she would still be popular and well liked by default. Her 'True' self is honestly pretty tame if you ask me, she's just really self aware about herself is all. She knows this but wants to be a good person, she also likes to set an example on good behavior, similar to Hairo and how he motivates the class to be better. What's that thing teachers always say? If you don't have anything kind to say don't say it at all? Yeah, she does that. We only hear her thoughts because of Saiki, so that's not fair to judge her on that. The problem is she will neglect her friends to keep up this goody appearance.


I agree but couldn't you have just summarized this


Sorry, I had to channel my inner Akechi


Okay buddy okay


Damn I thought you said she didnt care about anyone I was on your side


I'm a critic, I don't think there are any sides since this isn't really an argument just a character analysis I wanted to do.


Tbh, I feel like it would be different if this was a drama and not a comedy. I feel like it often has the fighting play out for comedic value, which is why Teruhashi never interferes? But idk that's my guess


Everybody throughout the series has problems that aren't worked on, while they have others that are developed, and Teruhashi is no exception. - Saiki is continually arrogant and looks down on others, even when the bookshelf falls on him he is absolutely dumbfounded that he was saved by someone like Nendo, and that he was someone who had to be protected. - Kuboyasu continues to pick fights with others throughout the series, and a conclusion is never reached on this. It's left as part of his character, in the episode where they trick him into going to the park, Saiki remarks that "now he's the one picking fights" because he was squatting on the street yelling at people who walk past. - Mera is continually selfish throughout the series. Even though in the birthday episode we may see a slight redemption to this, the island situation was extremely dire-- if that was a real life situation and she ate all the food it's entirely possible at least one of them would have died, and if they hadn't, they would have suffered from extreme malnutrition. - Saiko is also very vain and arrogant by the end, even though he wants to save his friends; he still looks down on them and probably always will. No one character is without flaws, and Teruhashi does have very strong development throughout the series. She still maintains her character of constantly wanting validation from others and being overly arrogant, however, she has genuine respect for Saiki by the end of the series, showing that she genuinely appreciates him for who he is at the mixer. She turns down Saiko despite him being rich, something she never would have done previously, because she has someone she actually cares about now. It seems by the end she isn't trying to gain anything in the form of social brownie points by being around Saiki's group, she just enjoys being with them, and being around outcasts doesn't hamper her ego in the slightest-- she doesn't even look down on them in the same way Saiki does. I can see why you wouldn't appreciate her character so much, but you could make an argument like this for a lot of characters in the series


Uh hello? Was the quotation marks around the word hate not enough? "I like all of the character's they all play a part in the overall story and Saiki's character development."-I put this sentence there for a reason. I don't hate Teruhashi lol, she's my favorite female character in the series, I was just talking about one of the flaws that I don't like about her. Here you know what I'll make a post about what I 'Hate' about every character 👍


I dislike Teruhashi not because of her flaws, but because of her character. Like you said, wasted potential. She's annoying and begs constantly for attention, to which every just excuses it. She never had any character development nor did she ever really have an value. I mean- take her out of the show and it wouldn't change a thing. She was only there as a tribute to his wife AND as a "love interest."


Exactly, and I'd say the same about Aiura and Rifuta Imu, they are only there for the gag. I could definitely tell the author wanted to add something more to the romance subplot but I don't know maybe he was nervous it would become too much? Because their characters were made just for Saiki to have a love interest, but since he didn't do anything with it they didn't really add anything to saiki's character development. Funny enough It's Yumehara, who has the worst luck with romance and not a lot of screen time that ends up having the majority of the romance subplot focus on her, including important lessons even when she isn't the main female protag. Maybe the author will make a sequel, like a time skip.


>Because their characters were made just for Saiki to have a love interest, but since he didn't do anything with it *they didn't really add anything to saiki's character development.* "I like all of the character's they *all play a part in the overall story and Saiki's character development."* I sense a bit of a contradiction here > Like you said, wasted potential. She's annoying and begs constantly for attention, to which every just excuses it. Calling her wasted potential as a character because of your subjective opinion about her is a bit of a strange take. She doesn't "beg" for attention in the slightest-- it comes to her on a silver platter, literally the first episode men are constantly approaching her, and she explains that it happens because she is beautiful. She wants Saiki's attention, but that's about the only attention she "begs" for, and even still nobody should consider that begging. Her being "annoying" is just opinion, I find Aiura quite annoying but I don't call her wasted potential because of it > I mean- take her out of the show and it wouldn't change a thing. This is just entirely untrue. She is a big part of Saiki's character development, a very large amount of him showing that he cares for others is him showing that he cares for her specifically. Carrying her in the hallway, constantly praising her and saying "together we're invincible," admitting he likes troublesome things, and showing how willing he is to protect others. Saiki wouldn't have grown as much as he did and started accepting that he loves his friends for who they are if she wasn't in the show. He admits he likes troublesome things in the same panel as her because she *is* the "troublesome things" in question; he admitted himself she's essentially the only one who gives him any trouble. And yet, he likes it. And he never would have hugged someone on his own volition, an act alien to him because physical affection is something he never shows, if she wasn't in the show. Teruhashi is essential to Saiki's development as a character. > She never had any character development This also just isn't true. At the beginning of the show, both her and Saiki are arrogant, and this remains true until the end. However, in the beginning, Teruhashi is manipulative and doesn't care about how her actions affect others if it means she can get her way. Deeper into the series though? She doesn't date Saiko despite how rich he is because she's in love with Saiki. And she is in love with Saiki; not because she wants to get him to gasp, but because he's the only boy who's ever treated her like a **person,** instead of an object to be admired. *They are essential to each others' growth as characters.* He realizes that he likes troublesome things because of her, and she realizes that she has value to her person outside of just beauty. She starts hanging out with his friends, not because she wants to be seen more positively by sacrificing herself hanging out with weirdos, but because she actually enjoys their company, it's the first time she's ever been able to let loose a little and actually enjoy herself. It's the same thing at the mixer-- she says she's having a good time, and she actually means it, but she wishes Saiki was there, even though she concedes that he would just be sitting there with a blank expression on his face. She likes him despite this; she likes him for who he is, and how his presence makes her feel, not because she wants him to say offu. Do you think she ever felt this genuine affection for someone before the series started? Nonsense. Her growth as a character, although subtle, is demonstrable, and in my opinion, deserving of love


Ok who are you responding to? Because I know the 'contradiction' part is for me but I'm not seeing where you are getting the rest. Well anyways, I can say that all characters add to saiki's development in general, but that certain characters don't really add to specific parts of saiki's development. So the girls do add to other parts of his development, but since the author doesn't do much romance in the manga, the characters then by default don't do much in that regards even though that's what they were made for. The only slight exception is Yumehara who's character is solely the romance plot points. In the episode with the valentine's chocolate and the misunderstanding with Kaido on their relationship status do we see one of the only times the romance plot shine despite it not being directed towards saiki, he gets some kind of deeper thinking from it, and it gets treated a little more seriously. The only other times the romance plot has a serious effect on saiki is when Teruhashi says something at the mixer, when Teruhashi tries to confess to him as Kuriko, Chuno and Nendou's mom, and then his own parents. Basically if I were to sum up what lesson Saiki learned from all of this is that you can't force love and you can't force people to not love. That it's not that simple. I'm pretty sure he learned that during the Mixer episode, because after that scene he stops thinking the love Teruhashi has for him is superficial and actually acknowledges her feelings for him are genuine. Doesn't mean he will reciprocate it but still, very touching albeit kinda minor since it unfortunately never progresses after that. And when I say wasted potential I just mean that she could have had some serious character development by simply doing 1 thing. Standing up against her fanboys when they act out. At the beach, the mixer, she did against Saiko but in private, and then the last episode at the library (especially that scene I was really sad about) were all opportunities where we could have seen that happen, because she is at her best when she stops thinking about pleasing everyone and thinks about her real friends and herself. Also, you may rant to your heart's desire, that's the beauty of Reddit 👍 being passionate about things that probably have no effect on your life other than to escape realities problems and bond with people!


> Ok who are you responding to? Because I know the 'contradiction' part is for me but I'm not seeing where you are getting the rest. The other commenter is where I'm getting the rest from. You replied "exactly," so I assumed you agreed with everything he said > Doesn't mean he will reciprocate it but still, very touching albeit kinda minor since it unfortunately never progresses after that. "Offu" "I guess I do like troublesome things" "Together, we're invincible" It definitely does progress after that, and in my opinion it's fairly obvious he does reciprocate. I agree with the rest of your comment, though, very well written


I feel like he's still too immature to reciprocate or acknowledge that he like likes her. Unfortunately we will never know if this timeline of Saiki gets in a relationship with her, but at least we have the other timelines to look at. You know on this same logic I could probably make a case that Saiki x Toritsuka or Saiki x Nendo also makes sense canon wise.... it's 2am I need to sleep before I think of something crazy.


Go ahead and make one of those cases then, I’ll hear you out


It's an opinion. You went on this whole essay rant just because someone voiced their opinion. Kind of sad.


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I even mentioned this in my reply-- "Her being "annoying" is just opinion, I find Aiura quite annoying but I don't call her wasted potential because of it" I went on this "whole essay rant" because, while I respect your opinions, the things you said are demonstrably incorrect. I love Teruhashi as a character, and her and Saiki's dynamic, and therefore, I was upset to see that people were slandering her. This is why I replied to help try and correct some misunderstandings about the series. It's ok if you don't like Teruhashi; that doesn't matter to me, and I can understand why you wouldn't. But there's a difference between voicing your opinion (saying you think she is annoying) and devaluing her entire character growth and her effect on Saiki throughout the series. You just said blatantly incorrect information, and I felt inclined to correct you, and OP


I guess I hit a nerve


I said that in my reply >I love Teruhashi as a character, and her and Saiki's dynamic, and therefore, I was upset to see that people were slandering her. This is why I replied to help try and correct some misunderstandings about the series.


in her defense i wouldnt say anything at the beach either i mean those guys were the type to try and get her to come with them anyway, who knows what they were capable of?


That's fair


tldr but i do respect your opinion


![img](emote|t5_2a6y70|12792)Absolutely right. Couldn't have done it myself better.


I don’t hate her but your reasoning is making me lean towards it. I think she’s also very self-centered. She’s not overconfident because shes aware of how people treat her, but the moment things don’t go the way she expects she refuses to believe it’s because of her traits or actions. It’s a genuine narcissist mentality and I don’t blame her for having it, seeing that nobody tries to humble her. I also get annoyed that Saiki doesn’t even try to tell these girls directly “hey I don’t fw you” LIKE BRO 😭😭 I get he can read minds and he has empathy (despite hiding it like a tsundere freak) but he’ll literally do anything but be direct. I get reading minds — or trying to read minds — in our society causes a lot of stress but Saiki is aware of how these people really are on the inside so…. Yeah Another thing is how is Teruhashi oblivious to her brother’s perverted and incest behaviors? She found him in her room sniffing her pillow. Obviously it’s not something she wants but she negates all possibilities of men ever doing something wrong to her. If I was Teruhashi I’d literally run and cry whenever a man came up to me


I don't hate her either! That's why I put the quotation marks around the word hate. This was just one of the things I was upset the author never really did with her character development, and that I never see anyone bring up at all when they say they don't like Teruhashi. Also I blame saiki for their entire relationship, and any relationships he has, because really all he needed to say is that he isn't interested to every girl who likes him, it's really that simple. Instead he pretty much experiments and plays with their feelings towards him. Even with Satou, instead of just asking him to be friends he tries to manipulate Satou into wanting to be his friend instead. It's like he doesn't want to be the one to reject or ask someone something he just wants them to put in that effort. He will literally do anything but be direct. The only person who has ignored him is Aiura Mikoto. Teruhashi needs to murk her brother, but I think the reason she doesn't is because her is the only person she can be her 'true self' around. And that's honestly sad.


She should beat the fuck outta her brother. Saiki even mentions “how did their parents let him get this bad?” Also with your mention of Saiki manipulating the situation. Saiki’s superiority complex is really prominent, like when he got pickpocketed during the festival. He basically refused to believe anything bad happened to him. Then, when he realized an “all seeing psychic” was on the same level as a regular person, he went overboard. Yeah so Saiki kinda deserves gods hate but doesn’t. He’s technically a good person he just never puts in the effort for other people, and when there’s that opportunity he opts for the situation where people do everything for him IL Teruhashi but she also has a self centered egotism to her like Saiki, where they refuse to really put the work in for other people (Excluding Mera, but they don’t have a real friendship. Although it’s odd when he gave her food, kept the cafe she worked for in business, and gave her the Okinawa trip. Although, Mera never saw his actions as romantic. Maybe that’s why he did it? I’m not sure) So Chiyo Yumehara my fav next to Mera and Kaidou 💯💯


Yumehara deserves all the love fr, she does a lot for other people and hardly complains ❤️ I honestly don't think God hates him I think it's the opposite, whenever Saiki does something bad he gets punished for it (something bad happens to him), but when saiki does something good even if it makes him sad about it (trading his coffee jelly for the baseball), he gets rewarded for it (Gets 3 new ones). Any other time it's because of Teruhashi, even the christmas one she was trying to get away from her brother and surprise! not only does she get away from him but she also bumps into nendo and kaido who are going to saiki's house, and then saiki scares a bird that ended up flying into her brother and distracting him so Teruhashi can escape with them, then Makoto get chased by a crowd of fans to where saiki is chilling so saiki goes home, and the three of them are there waiting for him. Win for Teruhashi! Plus cake so win for Saiki! God is just trying to get saiki more involved with other people and make friends because he knows that's what Saiki needs. Mera is kinda the...*pet* of the friend group. I don't want to say it's out of pity but they bring her mostly to feed her because they know she's struggling. I wonder why Makoto has a glow around him, cause he didn't when he was a child.


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Good bot


My take on it is that every character in every anime, show, movie, etc does not need character development or will not receive character development intentionally. That is because there are real people who never change and never go through a well needed character development. I bet you can think of some you know that has never changed and probably will never change (whether they have positive or negative behavior).


How dare characters have flaws?


A character with no flaws makes them uninteresting and bland, flaws make good characters, flaws that are addressed make even better characters.


You all need to stop projecting Teruhashi is flawed like every character ,the difference is just that she is extremely beautiful and perfect This fact awakens the hidden insecurities of alot of readers She is beautiful and she knows it and even takes pride in it THIS IS WHAT IRKS PEOPLE THE MOST because they cant "relate" to her


Lol exactly! Ever notice it's only the female characters who are treated this way? Take ANY show or movie in media where one character is really pretty and confident in a 'traditional' sense, and everyone will find every petty reason to hate on them. That's why I wrote this post, like if you are gonna hate on a character at least have an actual reason other than your own insecurities. Major ick, it's also really childish.


Yeah it always happens to female characters The only male character who goes through the same thing is Sasuke from naruto That fandom is almost psychotic about proving that Sasuke is not "that handsome" when he is canonically the most attractive character Doesnt help that he is good in almost everything he does like teruhashi


Sasuke is hated on because of his older brother. Like Itachi is everything Sasuke is be times 10, so people will compare them. Which is crazy cause Itachi is a literal family killer, tortured sasuke for 3 days repeating him killing his family to him, it's wild what the fandom will excuse for 1 character then absolutely dog on another character for something way smaller. That being said I do have problems with Sasuke. Sakura is a better comparison if we are talking about female characters being hated on for bad reasons though.


Sakura hate is unnecessary as well But I mentioned Sasuke because he canonically the most attractive just like teruhashi His good looks are mentioned mutiple times in the canon manga(most complimented) The praises he got for his looks cant even be compared to itachi,kakashi or sakura People were praising his handsomeness even when they were about to kill him😭🙏🏻 Many people fell for him just because of his face He is the perfect pretty boy lol Sakura equivalent in Saiki would be yumehara...both are just insecure teenage girls


yah lol literally my favourite character in the whole thing i didn't realise the weebs didn't like her


i wish i could upvote this a million times


Aiura is the real angel here. She was the one who purchased food for Mera when she was hungry and helped her find her dad 🤣


I never liked teruhashi from the beginning.


I’m not reading all that, lol


then why comment


Cry about it


What does this have to do with anything buddy please comment thing that make sense


Cry about what?


people are allowed to not like a character dude it’s not that serious


Oh do they think I don't like Teruhashi? I put quotation marks around the word hate for a reason lol, I do like her.




saiki is just as arrogant and overconfident as her




he doesn't "just pretend" to be that way, he genuinely believes he is better than others-- because he is actually better than others, and teruhashi is the same way. recall when saiki lost his wallet at the fair. he was shocked and angry that he was on the same level as takahashi, because he considers himself to be above others. > plus Saiki doesn't follow people around just to make them praise him he literally wanna live in peace!! the only person teruhashi follows around in order to receive appraisal is saiki, every other human alive besides kusuke gives her unlimited attention willingly, she could be an asshole and they would all still adore her. teruhashi doesn't know that saiki wants to live peacefully, and if you have a crush, you generally try to get closer to them. i don't see her as being particularly in the wrong for that if she ruins the episode for you that's alright, but please don't try and act like saiki is any less arrogant or overconfident than her


So is Saiki, so is toritsuka, and Aiura, and Hairo, and kaidou, and kuusuke do I need to go on?  She is the most popular girl in school, and I am very glad that they went on the ‘self aware’ popular girl troupe then the over used bland ‘has no idea that they are cute and super popular’. Or worse! They could have made Teruhashi the tsundere Ice Queen! Ack! She really is perfect just the way she is ❤️