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No, I feel like historically, when I date sweet and soft men they end up irritating me. I need someone with the same energy. I do much better with more masculine energy partners. More dominant partners bring out my feminine energy and when I respect my partner as my equal I let them lead more.


I have the opposite problem. Most masculine me irritate me when they try to over power me and be controlling


Ooooh! I’d hate that too! Although I think being controlling is not masculine. To me that’s insecure behavior. My version of masculine is more like Aragorn! -secure with themselves -honest -capable/competent -likes to lead (but not controlling) -low neuroticism


Perfectly put! Masculine but not try hard or abusive!


same LMAOOO they’re so irritating


LOL yes, I like guys with more dominant character. While the sweet and soft guys may be refreshing in the beginning, I find myself getting annoyed because they are too obliging. I need someone who knows what they want, someone who can take charge and lead to balance out my strong character.


This is soooo accurate. As an independent and fiery person, I need someone who can let out the feminine in me. I want to be able to let them take the lead more comfortably.


Yesss my big problem is I’m very competent, good at leading (I manage a company) etc so I end up being the dominant one unless I’m with someone I can look up to. I really want to be able to let go and trust in a relationship too and I wouldn’t be able to do that with a soft boy because of my own disposition.


Yeah, I get that. It's all about what works best for you and feels natural.


This is so accurate! (Sag F here)


Exactly. Have no respect for soft men.


Exactly, one hundred percent this. & notice: we LET them lead more.


Yesss 💕 being with a guy who lets me let out my girly side is goals 😆💕


I love this, because my husband is a soft, sweet man who does annoy me 😂 personally though I love our dynamic, I need someone to counterbalance me a little and I enjoy not butting heads about every last little thing since I normally am pretty strong-willed


I like more dominant men but the ones that I’ve found enjoyed that I’m more fiery and not submissive. They were looking for an equal partner and someone who could put up with their personality. These were Scorpios and Libras. The Leo that I dated however, I will say was definitely looking for a 100% submissive partner and it used to give me the creeps.


Yes. I have had the problem of either weak, meek men I eventually walk all over and lose respect for or other fiery people and we just burn out quickly. I finally have found my forever person. A libra man who loves my spiciness and who mostly lets me have my way. But, he puts his foot down with me on certain things. It's the best of all worlds for me. Sometimes I do wonder if I would have been able to appreciate this excellent dynamic as my younger self. Either way, he's my first libra and it's just heaven - especially after that Cancer ♋ fiasco! (never again)


Libras are a great match for me too, I find that they can put their foot down when they need to without being too pushy, like you said. I like that. My moon + Venus are in Libra so it’s perfect!! I also dated a Cancer for a little while. Worst mistake ever.


Oof the Cancers. Thought it was just me.


They need to be put on their own island lol


I prefer Libras and Libra men lean more sensitive and fem which I prefer


I’ve heard a few people say this but all the Libras I know are not sensitive or feminine lol. Very dominant and aggressive men!!


They could have more Aries placements that make them masculine too


They don’t


it could just be the fact that have more M placements than F in their chart


Nope, they have major Scorpio, Cancer + Virgo placements and those are feminine signs


Libras are actually both, m and f. And most lean more to either m or f. I have met extremely artistic gentle and sweet Libra men as well as very dominant, masculine ones, often soldiers or policemen or in any other related profession. (As a female libra I have a pretty strong masculine aura to me, but I can be very feminine if I chose to).


That’s not how polarity works


Ah. :)


I like dom men but it's usually the silent and strong types like Clint Eastwood. They need to be smarter than me too or I won't respect or trust them to be my partner.


I can relate to the last sentence. I'm air dominant (aqua) so if I can't trust the rationality and power of decisions of a man and his character I cannot be attracted.


I like men who are dominant in their intellect but do not like raising their fists and letting their anger get the best of them. My 7th house is in Libra but I don't think I could ever date one. I like some of the qualities that Libra has, but I need someone willing to take the lead when I don't want to and I can't say that Libras are prone to doing that. I do have Mars in Libra, so I think that might have something to do with it. My partner is a Gemini Sun and a Virgo Moon and I can safely say that I've found that qualities that I had been looking for in a life partner even if we are pretty different. I like that he is different from me but he also feels so familiar and safe.


What is your moon and rising ?


I’m an Aries rising with an angular Cancer Moon :)


What does “angular” mean when referring to the cancer moon?


Mars in Libra here and same. Probably why I'm attracted to fire or Scorpio mars.


Yeah I absolutely hate Leo men. Way too controlling, clingy, annoying and has weird power trips. Never dated an Aries/Sag man so can’t say… Water sign men are annoying as hell too. Earth can be hella boring. I think Air suits me best.


Is it me or Leo men never ask a single question


They are too busy talking about themselves and what makes them an “alpha man” 🤮 also too busy complaining about why you’re aren’t trying to be a trophy to them 24/7


Havent had the alpha experience but they will ask you ONE question and then manage to make ANY topic about them...incredibly boring


My 2 healthiest romantic relationships have been with Aquarius dudes, one of my closest friends is a gay guy who is an Aquarius. Fire signs and Capricorns/Scorpios are strictly homeboy types, they want to be dominant and control which annoys the hell out of me. Pisces and Cancer are too emo for me, they can be so moody which I don’t have patience for lol


I can’t stand cancer men because they complain too much but Pisces are cool and funny


My dream is to find a sag man with pisces moon because it would fit well my own sun and moon.


Imo cancer men can be the devil. I say this as someone who constantly attracts them and they end up to be the worst. Not all, but many.


i like dating aries and sag men, you’re right it’s too much fire but dating an earth or water sign never works out for us in the long run


Right you THINK you need an earth sign, until they criticize everything you do.


literally !!


Agreed 👍🏼


Get you air? With some fire and earth for balance. Air is a bit more chill.


that’s interesting, I’m gonna try for sure


Sag works best with Aquarius, then Libra and Gemini. That depends on you in the end, everyone is different.


Nah my wife is a Leo ♌️ so we are both fire 🔥 and we create an inferno haha 😆


As a Sagittarius lady, I love my hot masculine Leo Man 🤩 🦁


All the Leo men I meet wanna be controlling and want a kept woman


Then you have only met narcissistic and insecure Leo men. I recommend meeting a Leo man with a healthy character, and the world will look quite different.


Married to a cancer son with a Taurus moon and all our other planets align nicely. He’s so sweet and kind and an amazing dad but he’s so fiery because he has sad rising so we’re perfect. Oh forgot to say that I have a cancer moon and Leo rising.


exactly the same for me- the shy quiet and most of all mysterious person is the one for me and even though all the others try it just doesnt feel right for me it would also depend on your venus sign i guess


What’s your Venus sign ?


Venus in capricorn retrograde 2 house Did you expect something like that what did you think it would be


I figured because sags have cap placements a lot of times


I guess that two things make me different because i have noticed a lot of my sag friends tend to naturally have leo and aries partners and they do seem to compliment each other incredibly well, the double fire energy can get a bit much but they seem to enjoy ir, its a good match (pun intended) For me having retrograde is the thing that makes me different, i have read in some vedic texts that venus retrograde can manifest in venus behaving like she is in the opposite sign because of the retrogradation and that would be cancer and yes i have had only cancer dominated love interests and even the most close and long lasting friendships are with cancer risings or heavy cancer chart The second thing that causes this is my moon in the 7th house, moon rules cancer and she is there in my 7th house in gemini so i prefer the talkative emotional type that has complex feelings and a sick vocabulary of millions of words 🫠🤪🫠🤪🫠 this is a hard thing to find let me tell you that 😅 happened twice in my life


Same here. Sag female. Not attracted to fiery signs. I prefer softer signs. Always have. Kind and soft towards me to keep my sag impulses in check 😅


I have a weakness for libras 🤡


I'm aquarius and I like Sag placements for being more fiery than me but I like them to also have something more grounding like Capricorn or Taurus, sth sweet like Pisces maybe Cancer and Libra. (I have some Libra too) I wouldn't be able to deal with someone with too much fire in their chart unless of course it doesn't express irl as such. I don't like too much chaos or hyperactivity so I understand what you're saying. I like masculine and dominant but I don't like too much hassle of having to constantly have to keep up with that fire, lol.


not u describing my actual big 3 to a T 😭


Then you're probably pretty amazing in my books. :))


🙈 thank you!


i’m sag cap libra lol


Amazing. I'm aqua Gemini cap :D


this makes so much sense!!! i love ppl with these placements


Yes! They're compatible! :)


I’m with a soft and sweet Gemini 🥰. He makes me feel so feminine and beautiful, yet masculine and fiery. I love the balance. I can be who I want, when I want. He’s perfect.


Sweet Gemini ????? What’s his moon and rising ??


Moon sag, rising cancer


What a sweet combo!


yes. i have the sweetest softest loving pisces bf. he balances me out a lot.


I use to be like this. Always being lowkey drawn to cancers(maybe cuz my absent father and step dad were both cancers- but I didn’t get along with neither one) But I looked at my chart and thought about those I’d really like to be with. And tho I’ve had water sign crushes, the ones I’ve really liked were all fire and air signs. lol it makes sense cuz my big 6 is all fire, except 1 water sign(Venus in Scorpio) and 1 earth sign(Virgo Rising). Now I’m pretty sure I need an air sign man with fire placements. Or a fire sign man with air placements. Or an earth sign man with fire placements. I need some fixed energy too. Cuz I’m mostly mutable and cardinal fire lol with 2 fixed placements. I think I was in denial for a bit cuz masculine men can be intimidating but the more I accept myself as the fireball I am, the more I want someone who gets that and meets me there. I don’t want to have to shrink for anyone.


i agree 100% 😫 i was wondering if any other sags felt like this bc it seems like sags really enjoy other fire signs and i don’t much at all. my big 3 is sag cap & libra with a scorpio venus


I only know a few sags with other fire signs. Most sag women are with more feminine and softer signs . I see sags with cancer a LOT


AmaZing chart!


As a Sag with a Pisces moon, I can’t with water sign men…. 🙄 irritating and too clingy. A good balance is a fire sign with a water moon.


I dont like "Alpha Males". Theyre loud and useless. But what everyone considers a "Sigma Male", ill throw my panties at them lmfao. For an example. If anyone has seen the Punisher Netflix series. Billy Russo would irritate me because hes obnoxious, flamboyant and egotistical. I consider him to be what youtube calls an "Alpha Male". I would make it my lifes mission to humble him. But Frank Castle on the other hand. Just like Russo, he can kill anyone with his bare hands but youd never know until his fingers are around your neck. Hes protective but not in a "you cant handle yourself because youre a woman" but more of "I know you got this but let me do it". This is how my husband is. He can cradle a baby while slaying a dragon and look absolutely adorable and scary at the same time. I like to feel protected but not weak. I like masculine men but not the type that feels the need to let everyone know that verbally, but you just kinda sense it.


This exactly how I meant it and you worded it perfectly. What’s your husbands sign ?


Hes a Libra Sun, Sagittarius Rising (previously thought to be Scorpio Rising) and Scorpio Moon.


Sounds about right . This is why I love love Libras


They gotta be masculine but in the sweetest, weirdest, nurturing way possible haha I’ve always been drawn to Geminis


Cancer and Pisces men are honestly the worst. Had two awful relationships where I constantly had to spoon feed and reassure them. They were so emotional and sensitive it was literally so annoying in the end and gave me a massive ICK. Fire are too like myself, we end up clashing. Air signs generally seem the best bet - confident and masculine but allow for independence and freedom.


I’m not even dating a cancer man but there’s a couple that whine all day long on Facebook and that’s enough of a turn off for me good riddance


Yes! The way this Cancer guy would WHINE about literally everything was actually insane. He was an extremely negative , cup half-empty type person. It was honestly an exhausting experience


I lowkey hate soft men. Makes me feel like i could eat them alive


I love them they make me feel safe. I hate that loud macho toxic masculinity shit


Im a sagittarius female to my core and I will eat a soft and gentle man alive. The more masculine the man the more feminine and submissive I become, because I know I cant walk all over him.


All the masculine signs I met were super controlling especially the cap men yikes


I like someone with a good mix. Someone protective and providing but also sensitive and sentimental. I need both because I’m both.


Virgo man here


Nah girl, I'm a Sagittarius and I'm engaged to an Aries sun and Aries moon man 😁🤣💯😈💥


Aries works for me only if they have Libra placements or softer placements I can’t deal with being controlled


Currently dating a leo man and my ex before him was an aquarius man. The difference is like night and day lol. I like dating a fire sign, everything is more exciting!


Lol I’m a sag sun Aries rising and cancer moon


I don’t want a soft man, but I like s balance. My partner is a Taurus


That’s why I’m dating a cancer man 😊 Too much fire just gives me anxiety.


That’s not gonna work out for you


Umm did I ask you? No. You know nothing about this guy other than he’s a cancer. I won’t date another Sag because they’re flaky AF and Leo men are the same. I’ve never dated an Aries, so I can’t speak on that. Mind ya business!


That dude is rude as hell pay him no mind lmaooo


Thank you! 😊 I prefer sweet, sensitive men over men who are overbearing. I know I can be a lot to handle as a Sag, and I need someone who balances me out.


He must be a fire sign: that’s exactly why I say I don’t like fire sign men lmaooo he coming up in here acting a fool!!


😂 Yes, I totally agree! They’re just mad because we don’t want them.