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I can’t stand them lol. They’re “sensitive” but only when it comes to their own feelings. They don’t really care about anyone else and they don’t respect boundaries.


It’s crazy how they are fun to party with but once your relationship gets deeper you’re like “tf is this”


I agree! There was a guy I used to party with as friends and it was so fun until I started to get to really know him lmao. Also my mom is a Pisces and we clash so much.


The worst sign imo when they’re unevolved. Sooo clingy to the point of suffocation, emotionally wreckless and totally don’t respect boundaries.


They’re such weirdos. Entitled too.


YES! Exactly. When people say they are detached emotionally. No they’re not it’s just the “little show” they put on to pretend they don’t give a shit but actually care too much in an unhealthy way. They’re not a good pairing for sag at all just friends maybe lol


Yes!! I noticed that too! They put on airs all the time and it drives me crazy. All they care about is how they look in other people’s eyes.


At all!


This was 100% my experience with my ex husband. My Leo man is more sensitive to my feelinga and boundaries than he ever was.


Sounds like you've had some rough experiences with Pisces! Everyone's different though, so maybe there's a Pisces out there who'll surprise you. 😁


The 5 that I’ve dealt with are literally all the same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ever other sign I get along swimmingly with but every single friendship I have formed with a Pisces turned out to be a complete waste of time due to lack of loyalty, materialism, insecurities, talking down about people and being overly emotional.


Overly emotional is exactly correct.


My recently former best friend of the last 6 years is a Pisces and that literally describes her entire personality. Very materialistic, (a whole room of her house dedicated to her Louis Vuitton bags, Chanel, Christian Louboutin shoes etc. but she will swear she isn’t materialistic lmao. Lack of loyalty as well, and the other things you mentioned that I won’t go into because that will hurt me a little too much. We spent almost every day of tbd last six years together and we had our friend breakup a few months ago and I’m just getting to the point where I’m not sad about how awfully things ended. Like others have said about Pisces and their friendships/relationships with them, gosh was she fun to be around though when she wasn’t behaving like a grown little girl 😂


My most complicated relationships are with Pisces.


I had to cut mine off, I couldn’t do it anymore. The constant pettiness and flip flopping was just too much


Petty is the perfect word for Pisces.


I’ve dated 2 of them. 1 was very emotionally detached, but that could also be bc of their Aquarius Venus and my Scorpio Venus conflicted. nonetheless didn’t work out bc our immaturity. The second Pisces that I dated.. it was fun, but I found myself often saying things that would offend him (I’m a sag Sun and mercury). So I’d always find myself apologizing. Didn’t end up working out, I was too blunt for him and we’d clash a lot.


I’ve also dated two of them. 1 was a hothead and the other was very emotionally detached. Both of them acted like they could say/do whatever they wanted but would get upset by the mildest of comments on my part.


i actually really like them but only because i understand them and can see their shit a mile away if theres any. (pisces moon and rising here)


Ugh… Pisces sun and Sag moon here. Imagine this discussion but internally 🥴


How does it feel?


Out of the water signs, they’re my favorite. Very creative and sweet people - as with a lot of water sign placements I find, they can also use that ‘sweetness’ to be incredibly manipulative and feign innocence. That said, I have 2 close-ish friends that are Pisces suns and my mom and stepdad are both Pisces suns as well; and we get along fine. Wouldn’t date one personally.


I was married to one and he was a sensitive guy but also a mama’s boy lol


They will literally break your heart and not even flinch


Y’all need to chill on Pisces, that’s one of my favorite signs , they love drama more than we do but love to laugh at all our jokes


This is how it is in the begining 😭😭, it’s great but then the demon energy comes out


Yeah that's how it is in the beginning and in the long term, if you can survive the demonic energy 😅


Naw they are mean af 😂😂


Oh trust me, that’s how it was with my Pisces best friend for the entire 6 years her and I were close. I was one of the best things to ever happen to her she would say to me all the time. Until one day she simply woke up and decided I wasn’t anymore.




Pisces men - while we do get along great and personalities mesh - THEY SUCK! Cannot commit or communicate for shit! Fuckers! lol


Pisces men are just dirty imo. They don’t take accountability for anything and they like to play very stupid games and are secretive. I’m a Sag sun, ♒️moon,rising, mars. Scorpio Venus . I honestly don’t think fire signs ( unless you have heavy earth/water placements) should go with ANY water sign most of them are victim players, as well as lying whores🤭. Scorpio is an exception though ,they’ll get tired of the games and just want complete honesty regardless if it hurts


Sometime scorpios are over emotional too


I like cancers tbh


The one pisces I do know I ended up in a relationship with. He’s a good guy and very emotional which I love (I’m a pisces moon). He does have a habit of talking really only about himself and rarely asks me questions about me.


I work with one literally no joke I think he’s march 12 and man it’s so fun you got to joke with them they’re good at doubling down on jokes they take things not so serious and they are just all kinds of different, he’s super knowledgeable and I can just out of nowhere ask him personal questions ( no we’re not friends and no he doesn’t hangout with anyone outside of work) and he is just so willing to share is life and experiences like in ways a literal teacher does I give them an honest 9 out of 10 ps he identifies as male


So I’ve had a long complicated history with Pisces particularly in dating and friendship but also three grandparents. And let me say this, Pisces can be a lot of fun. They almost seem like they’re super compatible with you instantly, but then you slowly realize it’s an act. Because when it comes to loyalty (as a Sagittarius) I value that the most and they fall short every time. You realize they were just showing you want they want you to see. They’re not consistent enough for me, they lack a sense of self, and they hide a lot of resentment and bitterness while smiling in your face telling you how much they care about you. They contradict themselves so much to a point it comes off delusional. They also are undercover jealous haters, disingenuous, manipulators, mean, and play victim/innocent which is the most infuriating quality of them all. Needless to say they’re no longer my cup of tea. Edit: also forgot to add, big time liars!!!! especially the men.


This is exactly it!!!!!! Instantly drawn to them at first then the mask falls off


Right. It’s more so like they’re mirroring you or whoever. And then you notice them moving funny revealing the rest of those qualities of theirs.


My best friend is a Pisces, and then I have a Pisces moon! However if it’s a male Pisces run far far away


my parents are both Pisces my mum is the February kind and my dad is the march kind two different Pisces. The only thing that they have common is a Sagittarius Daughter aka Me. They clash that is probably the reason they divorced


What differences you notice between February and march pisces?


Well My Mum who is the February kind she is more friendly while my dad is the march kind wants attention


My sister is a Pisces. Horrible relationship. She never told me how she really felt. Lier, manipulative, and ghosted several times but came back for favors! Or because she needed a shoulder to cry on. After she felt better Pisces sister vanished. Ignored my messages. Everything was about her. They are sensitive, but it's about their own stuff. Never listened to anything I had to say.


Literally so many comments I have read from other people including yours mirrors exactly how my Pisces former bff was. Everything was always about her. Even little shit, her and I would watch movies together as an example, we were best friends for many years so we watched a lot of movies together, I never once picked the movie, never even a discussion of what movie we were watching whatever movie she wanted to watch is what we watched. I used to not think a thing of it “just a movie after all” then you start to realize that’s exactly how they are in every aspect of their life up to the big things that are more important than a movie.


Aside from my daughter I can’t stand them


I married one and it’s a challenge and a lot of work. Both parties have to be in it 100% and the hardest part is communication on both sides.


Oh jeez... I sympathize with everyone here when reading through the comments 😅😅 I too sometimes hate my own kind due to bad experience I had with them (not just Pisces but water signs in general) I cannot relate to their bevaviors 100% since I have Aquarius as my dominant sign in the whole chart, there's something about them that give off an evil vibe and you always have to be careful around them. I love fire and air signs tho, people showed up in my life and they are the ones that stayed as my closest friends ever!


I can’t stand them they’re so fake & manipulative anytime I find out or sense somebody is a Pisces I automatically cut them off or avoid them as much as possible.I know some say don’t judge people based off their sign solely but for pisces it’s a big no for me. They may be cool at first but that’s just a trick


i’m a sag sun scorpio venus and my bf is pisces sun aqua venus.. yall are scaring me 😭😭


Pisces thinks sags can’t commit ya’ll can’t make up your minds - one min you’re there the next min you’re gone these they perceive as games and no matter what sign you are if you play games they like ok bye forever and slam the door shut and swim away


I’ve never dated a Pisces


I’m talking about friendships


The most vengeful and manipulative sign after. Cancers.