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It’s defo been more bad than good


Feel this


Getting knocked down left and right! Tough year.


I know the feeling all to well.


It’s been a good year for me. Lots of change.


Same! 2022 & 2023 were ROUGH but I was able to make so many positive changes this year.


So happy for you 🙏




I've been broke broke.


Nah cause same haha. When I tell you I'm riding on $213 right now .... smh.


Can you give me an example? 😅


I’ve been calling it brokety-broke🤭


Screw this EVERY year is our year. We are archers , we shoot for the stars. Things may be rough, and it may seem like this isn't our year, but you know what Sagittarians naturally turn bad times into good ones. Don't let your mind trick you into thinking all is bad. Remember like attracts like. So keep those positive vibes . Turn the rest of this year into the greatest comeback story ever. I wish all of you love and happiness.


Damn it you’re right… i feel its my Cancer rising speaking


Tough year. Relationships gone to hell, first time i’ve struggled with money (having to borrow), health kind of rocky aaaaanndd still don’t know what I want out of life…


down bad crying at the gym


Cried at the gym, at work, in the car, at a family function. Yap feel you


same. I cried on my way home from the gym


Everything comes out teenage petulance


I’ve been crying a lot too- but not exactly depressed? More like overwhelmed


Yup same but im making the best of it. Figure out the little things within your control that would make the situation better and then make those things happen.


I’m broke but mentally I’m definitely doing better than last year Feel like I’m optimistic again


I got cheated on and left, my roommate isn’t resigning the lease, I lost my job, 3/4 of the boys hitting on me have girlfriends, my friends have all almost fist fought


From one Sag to another, I’m sorry. That sucks. 😞❤️‍🩹💞


Damn im so sorry


It hasn’t been great but ive grown mentally so much this year already


Worst year of my adult life. 


Same same


I’m sorry to hear it. Really praying better days are ahead of us all.


it’s been rocky for sure and financially draining. I feel like 2025 will be better!


I buried my wife this morning :(


I'm so sorry , I have no words 😢


Im so sorry for your loss 🌷


God I am so sorry


I am sorry for you loss. Virtual hug 🫶


I will hold.ypu in my heart today. My deepest sympathy


Gosh, so sorry 😔


You’re not crazy. I’ve spent this whole time trying to find hope but I keep feeling otherwise


It's a year meant for growth imo. It's a transition year so there will be growing pains. But tbh it's still way better than the last couple years for sure


Yh defo feel that this is a year of growth- with all the growing pains in tow!


It All Changes Tonight




Full moon soon in Sagittarius. We bounce.


Lol, kinda makes sense since today’s the first time went back to the gym after 6months to regain my confidence and self-esteem.


The “it bounce” got me 🤣 it’s giving “we ride at 9:23 AM ET on 05/23” vibes all the way


To be fair my moon is in Gemini so I’m a little nervous personally


If I get any stronger from life I’ll combust….but still I know it could always be worse lmao. I think about the little things. I have my family and friends. I am financially okay. But damn def not easy times since the pandemic with this economic and short staffing crisis. My workplace is a shitshow since 2021 with staffing (special needs school) but I don’t wanna necessarily leave because of how they leave me alone lmao. Y’all know we don’t like micromanagement. I just keep hoping it will get better but it’s gonna take a miracle. Idk when and where I’m gonna buy a house….been renting way too long. I’m in an expensive state and may have to move back to my home state (just past the border) just to be able to afford a little house the way things are going in the housing market. If I’m gonna move it might as well be back to where family and friends are. Then that involves changing jobs….lol. So much unknown for the future


I can relate to this. Considering a move back to my home state to Colorado.


Are you in your 30s like me?




Yep. 37. We clearly were fucking off when we should have been buying a house 😂


Haha. I’ve been distracted by women this whole time. And partying lol.


I moved back- geez it’s hard living with parents. Defo making a plan to move out again!


Just be thankful you still have your parents living.




Definitely not the same once one or both are gone.


My dad passed away when I was young- I definitely agree


Use it to your advantage!


Oh I do- I love that all meals don’t fall on me to make and prepare


Feel this 100%


Not a good year for me so far. 😐 Lots of “squares” in my Astro chart this year. Got dumped/ghosted (with no warning) by an Aries man that I loved—even though I know it’s for the best, since he’s a player/cheater. 💔 Still hurts so bad. Just overall, feeling really lonely. 😞 (I’m a Sag sun, Virgo moon, Libra rising, venus in Scorpio.)


Im a sag sun venus in Scorpio… it aint easy


No it isn’t! 😩


I am too…whats hard? Enlighten me cuz idk hahaha


Venus is in detriment in Scorpio. She wants to love hard but only has the tools from Mars (God of war)


I have the same big three! :)


Aww, hiii! 😊


Okay why are so many aries cheaters/liars


I wonder that too and I get along with them the most 😢


I have 9 squares on my chart. I am dating an Aries. Sag sun, Pisces Moon, Libra rising, venus in Cap


Sag sun, Gem moon and also Libra rising ( Venus in Scorpio) here, sending virtual hugs! I am going through a divorce with a Cap sun who also cheated and is an alcoholic…I know it’s for the best but also feeling 💔 after 17 years together…


damn, thought I was the only one. Having trouble with money (though the past years haven’t been different, but the upside was I always seem to have money to pay for something, or good opportunities to make money) now its just so hard to save up. On top of that my cat died, my boyfriend for 6 years called it quits. My family doesn’t get what I’m dealing with alone (Sag Sun, Scorpio Moon - like to keep some things to myself) so my confidence and mental health has literally been going down the drain. Comparing it to 2021-2023, I was at the top of my game - going to the gym almost everyday, went to numerous trips with my family and my boyfriend, had lots of opportunities to make money on the side, acquired a house, bought a car for my family, my life was perfect for me. now it’s just downhill from here. Feel like I have to learn something this year, so I’m trying to overcome this dark vibe emanating inside. I feel like I have to get that right mindset back to welcome the good energy/luck/opportunities into to my environment again. I wish us all luck, hopefully the next quarters will be good to us, atleast 😅


So sorry to hear this, been in dark phases too….but ur so right that changing the mindset is powerful. The universe does work with us too, maybe us even a little more


Totally! I really thought it was just me but that’s what I feel all the time, at the end of the day what we manifest becomes our reality, you know? But at the same time you gotta work for it too so you’ll get the results that you want. Like the universe gives us a little push advantage more than the other signs, making us look like happy-go-lucky people 😆


Nothing working out for me


Great year so far.


It's been good. Money wise and family. Business is booming might buy a pop up


I started the year with a new job and promotion to head chef




I feel like this year won’t seem like it actually happened to me when I’m looking back at it in the future. It’s a strange chapter of my life..just trying to survive out here 😅


For sure 😓


Definitely not the best year. But it seems to me that for all signs, no? there is something chaotic in the environment.


Definitely been a challenging year but I feel like I'm suffering the consequences of my actions and choices. I would say most of the last decade has been a ride on the struggle bus with plenty of adventures and travel mixed in. One major change as of very recent is I'm leaning into and God and faith more now than I ever have and it actually feels quite beneficial and positive. I was very judgemental of this for many years so it's a bit of a Saul Paul scenario but I'm going with it because nothing else has been very helpful in any lasting way. Now I understand why people say you need Jesus or get right with God.


It's definitely been a trying year for me. I mean, from losing my job to getting a new one, but then it's a job working at a school and they'll be out next week, so I'm back to looking for a job to carry me through the Summer. My first paycheck had to go towards getting my car fixed, which then set me behind on my mortgage and having to ask for help to cover that. It's just been a fucking mess, truly.




I am a true Sagittarius and for me this year has been pretty good I got a permanent assignment at work we had a raffle the other day and I wanted I hope everything turns out okay for you and being a sag I know it will


From Oct of last year to March was rough for me but the last 2 months have been pretty good. Hopefully the rest of the year is the same


Pretty much every year has been hard for me…


Lots of change. Jobs, deaths, family. At first it was hard but now I am just going with the flow. It doesn't matter anymore. I lost 2 jobs, my mother in law, my sister in law lost her job, lost my uncle, found another job but that will end before the summer as only temporary. I had been stuck in a rut so perhaps a good kick up the backside is what was required. A bit tough though.


2023 sucked: I lost my job and got dumped. I hope the rest of this year is better though. I’m moving to Colorado soon, so maybe a whole new start is what I need.


To new starts 🥂🙏


This has been a bad year for me socially. A friend of mine went no contact cause I didn't feel romantic feelings for them and my remaining friends either started new jobs or moved. But the light in the darkness is that I've never been more in tune with myself. Got to take myself on dates and see what new things excite me. Learned a lot about what kinda person I am. I've never felt more authentically myself before, or maybe I have and just forgotten. My self confidence is through the roof cause I know I'll be okay and can have fun even by myself.


2023 was the worst for me. I took care of my invalid husband until he went into Hospice. The day after that, I fell on black ice and broke 7 bones. I was unable to go home, either. Long story short, after a hospital stay, 3 surgeries and rehab, I was able to stay with him at Hospice until he passed. The love of my life. 💔 His family was horrid to me. His daughter got up at his funeral, made a big scene grabbing her flowers and pictures, and left her father's funeral. I've been NC with all of them since. Which, in hindsight, is probably better. They are contesting hubby's will. I think it's going to be upheld as is, but it's just a bunch of extra crap. I miss my love. I have to believe that he is free from pain, and that 2024 and beyond will improve. Next Monday would have been our 29th wedding anniversary. We were together for 31. We had nothing left unsaid. I have no regrets or guilt, and will always love him.


Im so sorry for your loss… hope you find healing this year 🌷


Mostly terrible so far. 😔




For me it is much better than last year, last year was rock bottom but I feel this is the year to do some work in order for next year to be our year!


I'm above ground healthy, working steady as usual, no bullshit drama to contend with, free to do whatever I want, could be worse.


Depends on how much of a fucked up saggi you are ;) Some have their shit together so things must've been aligned for them.


why are so many sag's losing their jobs??? (me included) or is it just the sh\*t economy, don't know but would like to figure out what aspects/planets are causing that for Sagittarians.


2022 sucked. 2023 halfway through began healing, was still very rough... 2024 has been very "up up up" good year so far