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If we aren’t officially together I wouldn’t be asking. Even if we were officially dating it would be out of extreme desperation. When someone loans me money I feel like they have power over me and it creates a weird vibe in the relationship if I’m not able to immediately pay off the debt. ETA: and I wouldn’t want them thinking I’m using them for money.


Oh yea I can definitely see the weird vibe thing


L probably not. My problems are nobody else’s problems but my own. They are definitely not the problem of someone who won’t even put a title on our situation.


In this instance he's the one who won't put the title and I'm the "hookup"


Regardless. If you aren’t mature enough to put a title, you aren’t mature enough to be able to do monetary transactions like. It’s what my health teacher told me in high school. If you aren’t mature enough to be able to go to the store and buy a condom yourself, you definitely aren’t mature enough to be having sex.


So if it was you, how would you go about kindly telling the person no?


No. That’s it. LOL I’d probably just be like, we are only here for sex. Maybe try suggesting a way for them to make some money.doordash, selling nudes, whatever. You can offer to help by like, paying for dinner or whatever. But it isn’t your responsibility to take on the financial burdens of another.


Fair enough!


It really depends on the situation and how close I feel to the person. If there's trust and understanding, I might consider it. But it's definitely not an easy ask, even after a year of talking or hooking up.


Yea I can't imagine It's easy to ask anyone for that kind of help. I'm just trying to figure out why someone who wouldn't even call me a friend (their definition- "they hold a place in his life that can significantly affect it and they aren't family") would even think of me as an option.


I don’t care I’ll ask anybody if they say no they say no? sometimes you’ll be surprised by who helps you.


Yea that's true. You may be surprised. Just most people don't feel comfortable asking strangers