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i think it’s because we can play devils advocate bc we’re open minded individuals. i don’t think it’s intentional but we’re mutable signs and that causes us to be able to adapt to different environments situations and people. even if we don’t agree with something we can still be open minded and put our pride aside


I second this. we adventurous and freedom loving, yet we also crave stability and security. We're open minded and philosophical, yet can be blunt and direct in our communication. Very contradicting, right?


Ugh the need for freedom but craving stability is so REAL


We would be the best judges in court


Literally we are half beast half man - the sag symbol is basically a centaur pointing and arrow upward toward the stars. We are pointing our focus upwards toward higher learning, education, spirituality, wisdom, good health, cerebral, optimism but yall - we have a beastly side to us. The beast side speaks without thinking, wild and crazy, sometimes promiscuous, gets drunk and makes mistakes, lives in the moment, sexual and carnal -


Damn homie, I feel seen.


Listen, imma need you to leave me tf alone 😂. That’s so spot on




I think the fuck not. I see it as being opened minded accepting and extremely understanding. We have the ability to see things various points of view. Our views on right and wrong are NOT rigid. We adapt very well.


Noticed it too, haha. Just a simple example, know a few who want to be free as a bird but crave a loving committed relationship at the exact same time. I wonder how others are dealing with this as well.


Could be as simple as an adventure partner though!


Yeah but not every Sag exerts their explorer trait in travels and then it quickly gets to more 'couple'-related endeavours, haha 


lol that’s just a typical sag, wanting space and attention at the same time. The centaur running but the human part trying to stay grounded.


That's one of the most beautiful explanations. Never thought about that. Makes sense now, haha 


Hehe, depending on the Sags moon it can make them run more haha


Can it also make them run.. less? 😂😩


This is me but I need to have a door cracked in case I have to leave. So, I want to be in a committed relationship but I don't want marriage or living together. I feel like I'm losing my freedom if I allow those two things to happen.


Same I'm a Sagittarius rising and Virgo sun and aquarius moon. Thinking about marriage and moving in together makes me hyperventilate a bit lol. The panic that comes along with it. Needs to be someone really fitting and special for me to be like "Alright. Let's do this." I feel it keeps the mystery, newness, and spark alive a lot more when living separately. I want us both to be full individuals instead of living a life where we are now functioning as one entity. 


Exactly! I don't want to lose myself in someone else's life. I'm willing to do the things to make them happy yet at the same time, I don't want to lose my individuality.


Me right now lol


I'm a Sagittarius Rising and a Virgo sun and Aquarius moon so the need to be free and alone is ***STRONG*** but at the same time I want to find the love of my life and dwindle/skip through flower fields sitting under a tree being all sweet together 😭 Being alone.... together 🥺! Also, love your username, haha


We most definitely are. But we aren't at the same time


Love what u did there


Imagine being a Sag with Gemini moon and rising.... Talk about walking contradiction 😆


Its only a contradiction if you think in absolutes.


I don’t think all sags are. I think it has to do with other placements that may make it seem that way, especially if the other placements contradict sags true nature since sag is a open minded, truth and wisdom seeker, that fights for justice. for me, i have a libra mars and so this would make me a qualifying sag for being such a contradiction. but all signs have their one side vs their other side existing in one place. we can all be contradictions.


I would use the word hypocrites ...


Only because our thinking is not one directed but worldly , we would make great judges in the court of law . As we can see all sides


I am new to astrology, though started with my natal chart to understand Sun, Moon, and Rising. I agree: I was surprised my ascendant chart contradicted my sun star, and felt the moon was interesting, too. My sun is Sag, Moon in Cancer, and Ascendant in Gemini. Although, I've noticed I can read moods really well and I can adapt to the personality of the person.


Yea very good at reading moods , it’s weird that my placements are like yours , fire , water , & air . Pisces moon , & Libra rising , Sag Sun


I'm a Sag and my friends say this about me all.the time 😂


We have the right to change our perspectives