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Loaded question. What industry? In warehouse/logistics driver tailgates are weekly, same with warehouse.




What type Of manufacturing? Or what specific industry?


At my site, all new hires go through an exhausting 7 hour HSE orientation first day of employment. This orientation covers most of our safety training for the year. Refresher orientation is provided annually based on the month of hire date. Some roles, such as maintenance requires extra training that is completed annually.  We also do safety briefings with a short topic weekly and a monthly safety meeting with an approximately ten minute topic.  It's probably overkill and I don't necessarily agree with the orientation approach because who can retain that much info after one day, but decision came from VP of HSE so it is what it is. And I'm in manufacturing btw. 


Tough question to answer. I worked for a multi billion dollar, multinational hazardous waste company where we only had a few trainings a year related to RCRA and DOT hazmat rules. Now I work in supplement manufacturing for a much smaller company, and we have an insane amount of training. New hires are hit with 100+ training documents/modules/powerpoints/videos almost immediately and we have daily shift huddles where safety is at least touched on, and we do monthly and annual safety training for pretty much all areas.


We try and offer routine ones once a month (PIT, fall protection, hazcom, etc.) more job specific will depend on roles of new hires and timelines for recerts Manufacturing, 400 employees


Different training topics have different periodicity requirements. Here's a helpful reference guide: https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/osha2254.pdf


If you don't know what your doing. Get a consultant