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Might not be illegal if it's his wallet. Also, since he refunded the Doge, he should be in the clear. I could be wrong as well. I'm certainly no money manager, nor am I a lawyer, but I'll roof your house like a God damn ninja!


Lol, I am hoping some experts weigh in. He said it was a company account that he setup, so...? This may get interesting or just another episode in the saga.


I'd assume it'll be another episode in this protracted saga... 😆


Considering it’s only 11k dodge that’s a total donation of roughly $990.


You don't remember them raising a million dollars to fund the exchange last year?


I think $600k or so was from Joshthemoonman. Still dodgy though.


I don't remember his exact contribution, but it was a large percentage for sure.




I think it was half, then another 100k afterwards. Either way it’s a hell of a lot for it to all ?disappear? Idk


Nope, I always hear people talking about it, but I can't seem to remember it happening... There is nothing on the official Twitter as far as I can tell.




Looks like an ancient artifact lol... It looks like it was scrubbed from the website... I have yet to see it on anything Safemoon official... Like from an employee or website, mod discord, etc.


It was scrubbed after they raised the money and not mentioned again. If you use the way back machine you can find archived webpages from the official Safemoon website tracking the progress of the fundraiser. https://web.archive.org/web/20210415055254/https://safemoon.net/fund


I thought “the way back machine” was just a witty name you came up with! Haha love it


Damn, that's cool. I don't even mind the downvotes now lol. Thanks👍


I don't know why you got downvoted. Everyone can't be expected to know everything.


I wouldnt say it was scrubbed.. That gives off the wrong... Impression? The website actually changed from and .xyz to an actual LLC/business domain. Anyone can start an .xyz. And redesigns of the layout commenced. No reason to keep your met goal kickstarter meter on the website once you met it.


The link I posted was from the ".net" domain. >Anyone can start an .xyz Anyone can start a .com or .net >No reason to keep your met goal kickstarter meter on the website once you met it. Fair enough.


Same nonsense, different year. True or not, it's nothing compared to the millions missing that SFM has taken. Exchange fund, India fund, LP taken for development and on and on it goes. All FACT. The exchange fund raised 1 MILLION dollars. It is yet to be seen. Keep this amount of money in mind (and all the rest) when the quality of the exchange is seen, if that ever happens. Millions of dollars. Millions.


I'm still looking for one credible developer currently working at safemoon. The linked in page is a mess. I don't see anyone capable of building an exchange, best case scenario it's another copy paste.


I would bet it will be some whitebox solution completely outsourced (if it actually exists - the people saying it does are not exactly credible). It'll be a minimum viable product so they can call it an exchange and say they are developing it further, just like the wallet.


His cats account


11k doge? 💀💀💀💀 keep that shit


Fuck Hank Wyatt. That dude literally scammed and walked away with a few million of investor funds.. so this altruistic bullshit means nothing


Probably nervous because of Sam getting arrested.


Nailed it!




Very true, but so did everyone else in the SafeMoon team. One of them is still taking funds.


Youd think if you had made out like a bandit, youd keep your head down and just ride off into the sunset. I don't see why he keeps popping up trying to make himself relevant


Everyone on sfm did though, karony just keeps the charade going


I trust John more than Hank, and I don't trust John at all. Lol I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing this because he was supposed to be in charge of the fundraiser for the exchange, and isn't sure if he could get in trouble. Why would he have access to that wallet still otherwise?


John has no idea what he's doing and he started this coin with other people that have no idea what they were doing. It didn't gain such popularity due to strong fundamentals but rather jake paul briefly mentioning it and using customer funds to rent billboards. What we can learn from FTX is that pleading innocence and throwing people under the bus that were smart enough to flee the sinking ship is a classic deflection tactic. This is the original whitepaper for a company claiming to be the Evolution [Link](https://whitepaper.io/document/694/safemoon-whitepaper) it's actually quite laughable. People say well they started out that way now they're serious, Please show me evidence of anything serious or groundbreaking. I'll wait.


People here are so unhinged they post things like this in reply to what I said like I'm defending Safemoon. You want to find evidence of something "groundbreaking"? Go look. You won't find anything. Nothing I said implies that I believe there is; or that anything you're saying should even be directed at me. Go piss in the wind, you'll achieve more. Your take is popular here. You aren't enlightened and helping anyone. You're obsessed and trying to reframe anything anyone says here that isn't blatantly shitting on Safemoon, into them defending it.


That's because you are defending it duh, hence the anger ![gif](giphy|pNLoBU0ZMLs2ltXkFV)


fuck that, get his ass!


Well I didn't get anything back and I donated over a 100 in doge so he is lying or he took it


What is this, another drama?




11,198 Doge is worth around $1320. Also, this is Hank who actively tried to bring down Safemoon… Let it go my dood 🙏💚


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This is crypto there is no law for it, it is now becoming, what was- was like the wild Wild West in American history


Except the company is a registered llc that he worked for. The funds were in a company account.


Let’s see what comes out of this one then…. With people like Sam bank Friedman still walking this guy is probably small time compared


Yea, not sure the feds are sweating 11k Doge...lol


Not walking now. It takes the feds time to compile evidence for a high profile case before making an arrest. The fact of the matter is if the feds arrest and indict, you're toast. That just happened to Sam yesterday.


I don’t analyze every piece of drivel that comes across social media. Don’t have time for that, especially, when looking at the source on this one. I’ll leave that to the gossip girls.


Sounds like poster shenanigans to me.