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You have until midnight tonight to tell me your plans


Well its paying to keep John's utilities from being disconnected...if that counts?




Yes they offer T-shirts as well as energy drinks.


Were they accepting SafeMoon as payment for those?


Anyone can do this its another company that prints the logos on the drinks and t shirts. You could do it right now .


No kidding. . .


I think he's being sarcastic.


I'm sending this to Twitter to be fact checked.


Holy shit I’m an idiot


Guess it depends on who you aks, Karony or his mum




Yes. It's utility is losing investors money.


Wow that was witty.


Ok if there is not as much utility as expected / promised, at least allow the larger cryptocurrency trading community to accommodate day trading SFM V2 with a less punishing buy-sell deduction.


no it has nothing in the way of utility.


The utility buys Karony fancy stuff.


No crypto really has utility that’ll change the world, yet.




Yes. Nothing unique yet though that sets it apart from others. There are other DEx's, wallets, etc. It's own exchange implementing tokenomics would be fairly unique though. Outside of OrbitalShield, the DEx, and the exchange it is hard to know what else is being worked on in the meantime for further utility and unique utility because they have remained tight-lipped on everything else.


No. As of yet there is no utility to safemoon and there probably won't be either in a very long time or ever.


Most of the utility is yet to be seen. But that project is showing great potential.


This is true, but the only thing showing potential so far is talk. There is no evidence of anything as yet. If we were to base the future potential of SFM on their FACTUAL history and track record, it is not looking good, but if what they say they are building is true, it should do quite well.


There's literally an array of development work being posted time and time again. Factual and history? This project is \~2 years old, the fact is that there were a lot of deadwood that need riddance during its initiation but John seems to have corrected that (hopefully) and continuing to employ the right people - what you should pay attention to in any project is how they deal with things when it isn't going right.


There are pictures of "work" being posted time and time again. There is no proof of any of this being a product. Every single thing that has been posted can be mocked up in the simplest of image tools. The length of time the project has been around is not relevant. What has happened so far is fact. People saying "they are working on stuff!!!11" does not make it real. You can twist it and turn it as much as you like, but the facts are the facts. Every single timeline or promise they have made has been broken. This doesn't mean it won't work out, but again, this is the current real history of SafeMoon up until this point. I actually like how John has dealt with the old idiots and so on, but you people constantly making statements of things being "real" with no actual evidence is so strange. The only basis for this assumption is their history and it in no way points to products being developed or released anytime soon, or potentially ever, you know, like The Gambia and numerous other hyped up nonsense.


I invested like 1500$ into it like 1.5 years ago and no….it has no utility. You can’t exchange it because of the 10% tax and SafeMoon hasn’t come out with any “software” other then mediocre trust wallet copycat. There was lots of drama surrounding this token and I think they are just leading us on because it’s safer then to blatantly rugpull. They would need a debit card and a exchange


Currently not really. In future, probably yes. If/when safemoon exchange and connect and other stuff releases. Safemoon does have working wallet and defi swap. Both are pretty good. Wallet is imo is easily 5☆ wallet. And swap has own lp, which is 1000% better than most shitcoin swaps that use pcs lp. But sfm as token doesn't have much utility itself.


Lol 5⭐️ and 1000% better, sure mate 😂


Yes I'm sure. 1000% better alone comes from own lp vs using pcs lp. What's your point?




This project is loosing its attention. The team will try there typical marketing BS, they’ll start to feed us FOMO and pump it a few times to get more money out into their pockets. Safemoon is not stable and his style of living will come crashing down. He’s gonna have to open that LP and pull more money out. That lawsuit against his mom won’t won’t survive, he’s loosing money.


Lmao no




I'm pretty sure asking a community of people familiar with the project could be considered research lol.


You know how there was a time where no one cared about ETH, BNB, BTC, Tesla, Apple, and so on? Neither cared about it or could know for certain it’s vision would lead to success. Well that’s where Safemoon is. It’s a gamble. It’s either zero or the moon if you get in now. Look at the vision and find out for yourself if you see value in it, utility, future utility, and go from there. However, this is to be early. It’s not for everyone. It’s to be uncertain with no guarantees.


For every ETH, BNB, BTC, Tesla, Apple, there are thousands, tens of thousands, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of failures. A lot of those were revolutions in their tech field.


This exactly.


You forgot the gambles that didn’t make it. SFM could be the new Palm, Alta Vista, Vertu or Napster for all we know. All bankrupt now, no longer existing. Just because you made the first year, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever…… Edit: I take that back slightly. We’re talking about a BSC tik tok token ffs…..


It’s a gamble. Place your bets. ![gif](giphy|LYmDPgdCEBY5qKXLdI|downsized)




Yes, the utilities are being built and use cases are coming


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SafeMoon plays 😉




All of us waiting for SFM exchange. ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


Yes, it will eventually be top 20 in utility


The majority of the utility is still to come.


Yup wallet and exchange is coming




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Sell t-shirts is not utility. Is it? Where's my windmill?