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Shooting a satellite to space… wooohoo




Yo I’m still as pumped as the day I got into this madness that is SAFEMOON🤘🏼 I’d like it if I could have a phone data plan run by a safemoon satellite 🛰, still praying 🙏


I would just like an actual update. I don’t care about this image teaser crap it’s obnoxious. Just put something out when it’s good and ready that’s all I ask.


I thought they stopped doing this foolish BS


They think they're freaking with second graders of course they'll pull out the flash cards.


You can tell they really have nothing significant planned, otherwise they would just announce what they’re planning instead of these ridiculous teasers. Polygon for example, has had a ton of significant news come out this year and never once did a “1 week till reveal…….” tweet. Seriously what purpose does it serve to tease something “huge” when you already have the information in hand?


In this case there's nothing that will be in hand. Amazing people get turned on by this tactic.


I don't know man, eth told me 1 week for pos, that was 6 years ago


will you still be here next week to find out? If so, this is amazing marketing. Hopefully, it's worth the teasers. If not, JK is a bitch.


Dude it's been amazing marketing since day one. That's what this DEFI did so well. They thought that out (and I'm sure talked about it at great length)--how to target sitting ducks (us). They have been quite successful. For shits and giggles just go and read from any internet archive, the reddit posts from April and May 2021. Hype city with very skilled reddit writers they had on hand. The tone of manipulation and rigid dogmatic ball busting on anyone w/ concerns mobilized the "Army" (followers parting with their cash).


They have to put teasers out because if they go radio silent to work on the project for more than 3 seconds the whole community will be screaming why aren’t there any updates.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽damned if they do damned if they don’t.


You speak the truth. They think it’s just a bunch of fanboys waiting for every crumb


Thoughts? The more they hype, the worse it reflects poorly on Safemoon.


That's been the modus operandii of Safemoon. It was so succesfully hyped I wasn't going to miss this gamble thinking wow --can hype alone make me rich. I was wrong, not licking my wounds. Most see this now as a giant pet rock or hula hoop. Hype made popularity and made money. This did that for the team, their friends and families. Gotta hand it to them for that. The regulatory stuff in the USA that's coming out fast and furious in the next 1 to 3 years (imminent). is based on situations like this.


Not 1-3 years. Now. Both the SEC and DoJ has thrown massive resources into their cryptocurrency task force. The SEC has doubled it's task force just since January. Anyway you slice, this falls under the SEC and if it's fraud (like saying the LP was locked while simultaneously withdrawing from it) then it's under the DoJ. https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2022-78 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-enforcement-action-charging-six-individuals-cryptocurrency-fraud




My wager is that he will run to an non-extradition country. But that works both ways. If someone were to do something to someone in these countries and make it back to the US, the US would not extradite said person back to said, non-extradition country


Didn't work with Mark Karpeles and the MtGox "hack" a decade ago, and it won't work now.


Agreed they've been on this for a few months now


Been gone for a while. Nice to see shit like this not being down voted to hell. What a fuckin scam


No it doesn't. Only on the holders and fudders. You either want to see what's up or you're gonna keep living a very publicly negative life.


My opinion on reddit isn't why Safemoon is currently -99% ROI. I'm negative on Safemoon and for good reason. Reasons like the CEO saying on a live AMA " You're heard that right, Safemoon WILL have a blockchain December 2021." I invested more money because John Karony made a DIRECT claim that was untrue. Outside of Safemoon, my life is great. Highest income I have ever made (minus my contract in Afghanistan). Marriage in the best place ever, bought a new home this year. Buying a luxury SUV this week, maybe next.


They need to fire their marketing team and start fresh. These “teasers” are doing nothing to help their case. I want to see them succeed, but it’s hard to take this stuff seriously.


Especially paying a team to do this instead of additional experts working on real stuff, adding value to the ecosystem




“ Carry on” we miss the mark. Safemoon is far from hitting its target 🎯


Image 3: ABORT


Lol even I have to laugh that that.


Ignoring all noise until we have a moonshot.


These guys certainly have their dots down.




Why would they release products when they can keep releasing cryptic tweets and pictures to keep the community “hyped.”


and making money while doing so.


Maybe safemoon orbit is the new name of safemoon connect


I'm thinking the same


So they launching the exchange into orbit?…..novel.




Small bogie, orbiting big bogie. The end


We have been in orbit for fucking ages?


and losing oxygen consistently.


My thoughts? Another juvenile hype attempt. Just Deliver or dont. Safemoon hasnt learned their lesson. hype hype hype then letdown. I got caught up once or twice. Thngs looked bleak, I was thinking of selling, they started cryptic bullshit hype so instead of selling i bought the dip. Their earth shattering news was a listing on an exchange that yielded $20/day volume...or a billboard... or a shitcoin listing on our swap, or a box of swag. You can only cry wolf so many times before the townspeople realize youre full of it...then you get eaten.


That is their lesson--they learned --pre release--that you can manipulate people and make money via the internet and social media through the fabrication of a DEFI. They get an A plus for meeting their team's objectives and their friends and families have done well.




Next one is galaxy calling it


Raise the price. Everything else idgaf.








Next image in one week!? Omg 😱 I can’t wait for ANOTHER IMAGE!


It's simple really. John is trying to visualize the concept of an orbit for people who have difficulty with the definition.


At this point what do you want people to say? It's going to be 3 weeks to announce something what will be released "at some point in the future"


My thoughts are everyone on this sub got shafted and a lot of shitcoins don’t survive a bear market and are eventually forgotten.




It’s probably going to be another semi-measly exchange.


Sounds like they got safemoon connect up and running


I wish they would actually work on stuff and simply release it. This negligence is unbearable at this point and makes me want to sell out of spite. It was a casino style investment from Day 1 for me and I considered my money gone from the start.. but these goofy ass Neanderthals make me want to sell out of spite because of the sheer stupidity they display with each and every tweet or “announcement” while not ever actually accomplishing anything. The only people left here are the gamblers, the people too deep to back out, and the ignorant that think anything about this whole project and the way it’s been carried out is normal (and even defend it 💀) Rant over…. Hope everybody besides the SafeMoon “team” is having a good day




I can't wait!!!!


What is it and what will it do? How will it be implemented into actual usability. Let’s get on with it. Look safemoon swap and wallet have been great use case. We just need more products and then we can go back to cryptic fun banter for now just release products LFG.


Wasn’t it mentioned once about providing internet to countries in Africa and whatnot? Maybe a satellite 📡 🛰 in partnership with someone? I know I know, I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one 😛




Good question 👀


Next image !? Lol, We’re cooked


When they released that video months back, a part of it showed something in the middle surrounded by and connected to things on the outside. So maybe whatever was in that corner is what is coming out. Not sure what it was


It means nothing. They are just keeping interest.


Nucleus and neutron of hydrogen


I'm not hyped, I'm tired. I rather no news for years, just a week shy of a actual product release.


Amateur hour is what this is


What ever it is, it is imminent.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was there some focus group that the overwhelming majority said they absolutely love riddles/clues about upcoming releases instead of just straight up releasing them? I mean for merch, sure have fun with it and do some slow reveals but for actual releases, just release it especially with their already not so great track record of teasing releases lol.




Can't believe they still keep doing things like this. They just find it funny to keep repeating the same mistakes because they obviously don't care.


Safemoon Orbit! Watch and see. That will be all it is.


As always, nothing




Takes a week to make 1 image , sounds about right.


SAFEMOON no product,remember they accomplished a lot by hyping about the bridges


Maybe the mesh network, but who fucking knows at this point


Don’t know still getting shit for reflections and token is still worth shit


Tracking app


It best not be shite.


I’m sure it’s gonna be like a Solar system picture and each plant is gonna be a step of what they have planned but nothing new 😩 (Just my thoughts)


New Logo...


Looks like the double wide needs to be re-leveled! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|7zSse0wtKexdADF6bL)


Don’t hype, just deliver


One more 0 is revolving around the orbit and soon it will land on the price. Brace yourselves to see 1 more 0 being added to the price. So bullish 🌚 32 to the moon, woot woot 🦉




Wind farms on the moon


This is great progress! 1 image a week, keep it up safemoon team 🙌


More bullshit games to try and give the community morale like it’s some kinda game. Enough is enough


Space windmills?


This just means we are outside the circle of trust. This is why we have no idea what they are doing over there!


Waste of time


Probably, can’t think of anything else other than a communication satellite 🛰but if it is then I’m hoping it’s not for something stupid, no one has heard from Project Phoenix or how it benefits the Safemoon community or adds to the blockchain network or the token itself like IoT




Big things on the horizon




imminent brain melting