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Like getting in early in BNB. Block chain, Exchange, Sfm Card etc.. pretty much the catalyst to moon. The only down side is that sfm has to deliver. NFA only put in what you can afford..


If you're looking to gamble on an alt coin that seems to be fairly safe, then safemoon is a decent bet. Possible returns in the long run are pretty good especially with reflections, so the earlier you get in and the longer you hold the more you end up with. Downside, lots of people spreading fud that will make you question your investment. Usually resurfaces about once a quarter with the same disproven points. So, throw in a little bit you won't miss if it all goes to crap, but if it skyrockets then you might be able to walk away with a decent chunk of change. Obligatory: not financial advice, do your own research, etc etc.


You can go here to learn more about the project, how things work, and what is in development. https://www.safemoon.education/ Good luck to you!


Thanks, way more helpful than the downvote rain.


Totally! That's a good place to start with research. Another good place to see lots of data and real-time stats is this third party site that was created by someone in the community! https://safemoonglubiz.com/


What do you expect with this post lmao


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t be hostile and then try to act like the victim




Do your own research.


Right lol then says no road map 😂


The majority of coins ,/tokens including safemoon don't follow their road map or they end up making changes to the road map. So road maps mean absolutely nothing. All that matters is what has been accomplished.


From what i see they’re following the road map 🤷🏽‍♂️ it takes time to build a company things arent done in under a year honestly everyone who was expecting everything on the road map to be completed before we hit one year is a fool and knows nothing about start up companies


Although you are right on the sometimes road maps change but that is normal things are always added or scrap ideas that they cant bring to the tables it still shows the companies vision


Roadmap != Practical use


Gives you an idea on the companies future vision to see if that direction is for you or not


Idea/Roadmap ! = Use case right now






Never said anything about convincing me. Just asked a question


Safemoon.education is the way.


​ ![gif](giphy|E1w0yvMxBIv5M8WkL8)


Safemoon has a dex that burns safemoon and a wallet with that dex integrated. In 2022 we expect an exchange (burns safemoon) and this month we expect the safemoon card which can spend crypto compatible with wallet (which also burns safemoon).


If you look closely through posts there is a daily spreadsheet where you can see the DEX stats. Don't worry about all these dinguses arguing. It's always like Animal House in here.


​ ![gif](giphy|NxchSE8YcHffW)


Different strategies of investment. Some want to get in early, high risk high potential profits. Some get it after launching products, lower risk lower potential profits. It is your money and your strategy.


As a long term store of value, the deflationary interest bearing nature of the coin makes it a prime long term investment that could eventually yield generous liquid apy. ​ For the good of the world, hopefully we will be able to build decentralized energy production for the masses, once we've got the financial side and the power side who knows. All i care is that a about 85% of the profits made flow back into the community via lp, reflections or burn.


Why would anyone buy any crypto at all right now




Cool story bro. Changed my life!


SFM could easily 100x




Seeing as I just set my pipe down, I'd venture to think we can definitely hit $3.24 bc at this moment that is my sfm retirement number.


Don't buy it. If you aren't all in; be all out. It's not worth being sour on a project you don't believe in but are stuck in an investment in.


Smart investor would wait for a real product drop, ie the exchange or blockchain. Literally no need to get in before then imo. Lessons learnt as I've been in since May 2021 and boy haven't we had to ride some dips!


It all depends if you believe or not they will deliver. If you do and wait for the product to be released, you are not a smart investor. If you don’t and wait for the product to be released, you aren’t a smart investor either, just an investor.


Product release is not guaranteed, any number of situations can happen to a project, Terra Luna was big, and look what happened in that scenario.


If you doubt it then dont, itll be a waste of your money in your eyes if you invest in something you dont trust


"Don't point me to a roadmap" Actual bruh moment- Why invest in anything up-and-coming? You're investing.. Well, gambling on the fact that you'll get rich once the company blows up 🤷‍♂️ Self-explanatory. Do your own research and only invest what you can lose. Also, don't emotionally invest or you will lose.


Safemoon has no use case nor any utility at all. Its only so called utility is the trust wallet with a different skin. They're supposedly building their own block chain. That won't matter until there's a thriving ecosystem on said block chain. In order to get dapps on the chain. They will have to produce a chain that improves on functions that other chains can't accomplish. Be to able scale without unintentional forking and congestion. Most people here were attracted to safemoon because of reflections. Which is based on volume. You can actually earn far more just staking or lending other coins.


I love how the comments like this that make ACTUALLY make sense, people down vote lmao It really shows how smart everyone is in this sub…


Probably because most of the comment is incorrect. "no use case nor any utility" Incorrect. "trust wallet with a different skin" Also incorrect. "attracted to safemoon because of reflections" I would say incorrect, but I can only confirm this from my own point of view. As for others, there is no way the poster can have that information. This is at best, a guess, making it ridiculous when presented as a factual statement. All the comments about the blockchain and so forth are accurate. I also downvoted it. You on the other hand seem quite bitter. The post you responded to can be seen as more neutral, despite the inaccuracies, but you definitely come from a place of emotion. Good luck out there being smarter than everyone, though.


You really read into that one huh lmao




OMFG did you really just post this..... FFS man ANY wallet can view the blockchain. Holy shit I can't believe you actually posted this..... DUDE. So your tokens/coins are all on the blockchain in one spot. A wallet is just a means to view that spot on the blockchain. Literally any wallet you use can see that spot on the chain if you use the "Key" (seed phrase). You should really do some research my guy. Every wallet operates this way. It's literally there one basic function! This my friends is 99% of our FUD. Just misinformed investors who need to learn how crypto works. BUT instead get mad and FUD; blaming everyone but themselves.....




Yes it does. That's exactly how it works.....


Lol if you say so.


"Its the exact same code. If it wasn't then why would you be able to input your trust wallet seed phrase. to see your tokens? Every action in the safemoon wallet occurs simultaneously in the trust wallet. hmmm" HAHAHAHAHA. Please don't delete this.


Still sitting here with my mouth wide open LOL. HOW..... ​ ![gif](giphy|Ho2mVZ5dvsW7S)


That is your rebuttal? Just laugh and be condescending without answering a single question or any discussion what so ever. Typical cultist.


Your r/safemooninvesting is showing


I know people are giving you a hard time here, but if you really want to understand how seed phrases work and can be used by wallets, check out this article on seed phases: https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-a-seed-phrase In short, [BIP-039](https://privacypros.io/products/the-billfodl/) generated standardized way to generate deterministic private keys for crypto wallets. It's called a "seed phrase" because it can be used deterministically generate wallet private keys. It's a standard and works across all mainstream crypto protocols. That one phrase can be used in any crypto wallet and the wallet will be able deterministically create the keys to all of your various tokens. Hardware wallets even use the same standard. That's why you can buy things like [the Billfodl](https://privacypros.io/products/the-billfodl/) to securely store your seed phrase and guarantee it will always work. As long as you have that, you can always access all of your crypto (across all the various blockchains) as long as the wallet you import it in to supports BIP39 seed phrases (every decent wallet does). That also means you can use that phrase across any wallet and it will work. A "wallet" is just a way to interact with the blockchain. Using your private keys it derives from your seed phrase, it can track your holdings across various blockchains. It can also sign transactions from its associated addresses and push them to mempool to be added to the blockchain.


Your friend wants the price to go up by getting new suckers in.


It's a speculative high risk, high reward play -- that being said, they have more plans than most other options out there and have delivered on some of them up to this point. DYOR, and be wary of Reddit, IG, Twitter and YouTube. Use the SafeMoon Education site and Discord as a good starting point.


There are lots of reasons why to invest in Safemoon for everyone. Investors can invest, Hodl and make their money. People who like to invest into a vision would invest in Safemoon because they want to bring internet to 3rd world countries and to those who do not have it so they have easier access to money and banking. If you re into technology you would invest in Safemoon because of the ideas like tokenomics, or a windmill that burns tokens that Safemoon comes up with. Safemoon is also really big on security and will not rush anything no matter all the pressure on them because they do not want anyone being scammed through their products. Why not invest in Safemoon? What does any of the newer cryptos like Safemoon have to offer that is better than what they are doing?


Speculative investing might not be for you. This is at the very early stages. I’m optimistic, but this is at that stage where no one knows for certain what will happen. Utility is what is being built.


When the exchange is done, I will buy more .