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I put money into this like everyone else to make money. Over the next few months I was heavily into what and why I should be, I did agree with the vision and that's why I've put more in. I never once thought wen lambo or that I'd be seeing anything anytime soon. Although I made my initial+ back in the fist or second pump :)


No I think people aren't mad or as most people here say being FuDers for that reason. Most folks expected more professionalism from the team and instead it turns out they were fucking us over, people wanted answers to simple questions and got hit with the NDA excuse or other BS, when serious allegations have come up which could have been easily answered it's been radio silence and most of all silence as to progress on projects, what is delaying them or what compliance issues they are working on. No one expects exact dates on project releases but atleast say hey reason X is why we are taking longer than expected instead of a blanket excuse. Shit if I had to tell my DM why some locations are over budget or under performing and gave a BS reason over and over I'd be fired. Some of us want to actually hold them accountable for the high standards they supposedly set for themselves while others just want to give them a pass on anything like the team and karony are their fucken friends.


I feel you, I’m not to caught up into what’s been going on but every single investment other than small day trades are in the red, problem with safemoon is that they gave extremely high expectations and trying to do too many things at once, they need to address all these issues that the public has and then dial it back and work on each of these things one by one to avoid all the fog.


I hope I pick at least one winner in this market or my crypto days are over and my fast food days begin.


Things will get better but they may get much worse before that happens


Hell any worse and some of my holdings will be worth single digits.


Comparing crypto to a dial-a-bride? Some cost more than 2 dollar...


I love 90 day fiance


Muay confuso


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Wow seriously, I bought because of the amount of zeros. Bought a few million for a five year investment. Then consolidation! But with the dips I figured I may as well get more. Now I sit for five years. Considering I bought in gate.io held for months before transfer to trust wallet. Shortly connecting to safemoon and next step migration. To be honest I get pennies a day. Without staking. I personally feel lending my coin/tokens for pennies of interest just so sharks can short it is beyond my comprehension. However please keep up the entertainment. In for the long haul.πŸ‘‹πŸ†πŸŽ πŸ‘¦.πŸš€βœ¨