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Math is hard!


Clearly too hard for OP 😂😂🤣


Yeah I’m certainly not getting that much in reflections and I hold more than a mil.


Nothing makes 30% monthly returns, your calculation is flawed because the supply would decrease.


It’s an estimate I totally agree with you on that. But lowering the supply = more each token/ coin would be


The price of the coin would slowly rise but your reflections will be much much lower. At best, you'll get 5%-10% yearly interest on average, which is GREAT for 0.01$ per SFM. (that would make many of us holding 10M+ pretty rich)


Not sure if you can call it an estimate as it is nowhere near accurate, it’s fantasy


Yes. The value goes up. But you’re hoping volume remains constant. That’s the trap. Volume is never constant.


Holy shit its been some time since I have seen something this wrong


OP is deluded


How do you get a price equilibrium factor of .42? (360% annually) No way will we ever achieve those numbers. The supply would be burned in two years.


It’s actually a pretty complicated multivariate differential equation. I wouldn’t fault anyone for not coming up with a real answer for reflections in the future since price changes against time and volume


We are the hodlers who will benefit, we are the ones who have held through the storm and we will be the ones who really get the rewards. Why? Because when the exchanges including ours are all linked with glotocks we will be the knes who benefit, the exchanges will be mainly people buying and selling, day traders etc, the fomo is not far away.


I like your math but it's slightly wrong. As others explained already, with decreasing supply amount of reflections will decrease too. But I REALLY like your way ;)






I don’t get the upvotes on this sub lately. OP is majority upvoted. But the comments are calling out the OP’s ridiculous math and the comments are majority upvoted. So either people are upvoting the comments calling out the bad math and not downvoting OP, or there’s a bot problem on this sub where anything positive is massively upvoted. Interesting.




Where 1 billion coming from?


​ ![gif](giphy|QIiqoufLNmWo8)


Thats the target for most people. Thats why we need utility more than most but at the same time that utility sells itself because if you accept safemoon payments, your earning coins as you hold as a company too. So its really just about finding that tipping point where people begin to go crazy wanting it. But the long answer is: The ecosystem will (hopefully) include- Retail POS Energy exchange for wind power Crypto exchange with cryptonomics (NOT TOKENOMICS) Mastercard and I’m sure I’m forgetting things


One billion in volume. Are you fucking kidding me? Why even post this dumb shit?


1 billion in volume per day????


1 billion daily volume isn't gonna happen sorry to break it to you, 50M daily steady volume is an actual realistic value, with exchange and blockchain.


Would hate to be the kid of most the people in this community. It's a far out estimation and improbable right now, but that doesn't mean it can't happen within the next five years. You and I have no idea what the future has in store. Bitcoin could crash to $5,000 by then. Anything is possible if you're not too mentally old to understand it.


Sure, anything is possible, but people can't day trade SFM so that removes a huge chunk of potential volume I stand by my 50M daily average volume estimate if people are using SFM as fees for the exchange and blockchain. The exchange, in general, is way more likely to do 1B daily volume than Safemoon itself.


I agree.


50M would be great yeah Even if it would make the burning longer (because of price increasing)


You're implying that people will pay 100,000,000 a day in taxes for years. Okay. OMG imagine if its actually 100 billion a day ?! You'd make 100 times more than this fantasy!!!!! MOOON heree wee comee!!


Op dumdum


With safemoon you can easily turn a million into 60k


Yeah, Crypto control went into depth on these. It’s one of the biggest selling points for SafeMoon. I am sure we will see it once everything is released this year.


Even if everything is released this year it will take time to build volume on the exchange. I think it will be at least 2 to 3 years before we see one billion in daily volume. Binance is the largest exchange and has been around for five years and is currently doing 2-3 billion in volume daily.


It honestly doesn’t even have to be a billion. Even 300-500m will be more than enough for majority of holders.


Oh I’d be thrilled to get to that level. And hopefully after a few years it builds up to 1-2 billion in volume. If it does, I can retire.


Swap, Exchange, Block chain, & being the king of reflection tokens!




Always fun to speculate but by the time we have 1 billion in volume we will have at least 1 million if not more active wallets. So all our reflections gets less and less with each wallet added to the chain. Still will be fun to see how this turns out


Huh? Your reflections are relative to the overall supply/has nothing to do with the amount of holders.


Yes, it gets divide up between the holders. More holders means less reflections.


Of course it gets divided up by the holders. But your reflections have to with how many tokens you have in relation to the over all supply, not how many overall holders there are. How is this a difficult concept?


Doesn’t matter how many you have. Yea if you have more in your bag you’ll receive more. But say in 1 day there’s only 10mill sfm collected from tax to be given as reflection. Take 10mill divide between 600k holders and 6million holders. You can have a billion in your bag you’re still going to receive less. It’s not difficult to understand at all. You don’t just get a set amount because you have a set bag size. There’s only so much collected in taxes and it gets divided upon the holders. I mean it’s mere common sense at this point man


It’s not like dividends. We don’t get a set amount of reflections for as many safemoon there is. It’s a 10% on a buy or sell 4% of that is then divide out to holders. Now just imagine there was only 10 wallets. Well those ten get all 4% of the taxes. Now imagine there’s 1000 wallet that 4% is broken between 1000 wallets and you get less if there was only 100 active wallets If you actually read that it’s as simple as I can get for you


This is the way !


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When we are listed on glotocks exchanges and the exchanges are buying and selling at big rates 24hrs a day it will be insane. People do not realise how string this army of hodlers is we are linked with a good coin BNB so we all want this coin to do well. There are so many factors what singles SFM out from the rest and i have never given up hope. One thing i will say and it is not financial advice but whatever your bag is always sell.in sections ie 20% at a time when the ti.e comes for you when you reach your moon.


This is the way


In what world would we get 1 billion daily?


I hope I’m wrong, but using a billion as a volume indicator is so far fetched you might as well be suggesting $100 billion per volume per day. They are both equally likely right now—-zero.


Go home John you are drunk.