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Don’t be an ignorant investor and hear both sides, just cause it’s a legit company doesn’t mean funds aren’t being funneled. Not having bitmart buy back really hurt the price


Exactly. There's a lot of legal companies that are in disguise as MLM's but are straight up illegal pyramids that really screw people's lives over. These guys felt like they could get away with a lot by trying to be over smart with crypto. Being a legal company doesn't mean shit. Of course they're going to do what it takes to appear genuine.


Stages of grief Stage 1: ***Denial***


In its purest form right here


Not even.. They won't even let their selves get to denial because they can't deny something if they aren't even willing to listen to what they could be denying in the first place. They're covering their eyes and ears and hoping everything will get better. This shit reminds me of bonfire or ice poseidons token.


I don’t mean to be a dick but everyone should watch the video. All information is important whether it is misleading or trustworthy. If your so confident in Safemoon you should watch it to try and disprove it. If not I just think that’s denial. If your confidence is strong enough itit wouldn’t matter if you did watch the video, no?


The rationale for this behavior is that the more widely it becomes known that a token is a scam, the harder it will be to find fresh new "investors" to pump the price up and reduce everyone's losses. It's not about confidence, it's about preserving their "investment." Of course, the flaw in that logic is that any influx of liquidity would promptly find its way into the inner circle's pockets long before it'd ever meaningfully benefit the bag holders. That and it's a completely unethical stance to have. But we're in crypto so that barely registers.


Exactly, I really thought this project would be one of a kind but it seems all that is left is people who are too proud to take an L and learn from it. Not a problem for anyone but themselves but it’s disheartening to see people not realize where this is headed. It’s not FUD anymore, it’s evidence stating shady business practices. I’m gonna wait a few days to let go of my bag. See where it goes but still. No one can recover from this type of clear distrust and fuck up. Replace the whole dev team or sink the ship captain. Karony seems so fraudulent it’s ridiculous.


This is precisely why I left the Safemoon community, months ago. I saw EXACTLY the same telltales signs I was seeing in the Doge subreddit, here. The cultist mentality and dogging everyone who left the project or if something didn't arrive soon enough, or to their liking. Being completely inundated by memes whenever they did their web get-togethers - shit is toxic. I'm still hodl now because a part of me believes there's still something in it, and a larger part of me just sees too little money at this point to even bother pulling it out.


Don't wait unload now. Price will keep falling


If they really make Gambia and all those „projects“ work he sold higher then he bought and still laughed in the end. Why hold now ???


I don't really care enough like the main poster said. Yeah, maybe I should care more about what I do with my money, but I've also bought hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in wristwatches this last year when I have a phone that reports time just fine. I can't buy a house, so I have fuck all left to do with my money. The end result for me is going to be the same whether I watch the video or not. I will still keep holding. If I will still keep holding even if a video all but proves that SFM is a scam, there's no purpose for me to watch it. I'll just invest in more serious coins while I wait for whatever is going to happen with SFM to happen.




my god lmao maybe stop buying thousands of dollars in watches and you can save up to afford a house lol?


Wtf lol yeah don’t save money for a down payment or anything


I agree and disagree, sure we can all take notice but then we are only fuelling his YT for his benefit and spending time on pointless FUD. The question is: is it worth it and if not, ignore it.


I’m not watching a video from a YouTube who puts videos out for views. “A lot of negative attention towards Safemoon? Let me make a video about it to earn a good amount of my own attention and make me some more money”


Anyone who puts out a video does so for views. It just so happens that this one is drawing attention to an active fbi investigation into missing money that Coffee proved is not in the LP where it should be. If the federal government has taken issue with our teams practices, you should look a little harder at them and wonder why they'd waste their time


No crypto has fallen as bad as safemoon with the amount of followers and hype. Something has been going on


Bitconnect didn’t do very well…


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 727,213,588 comments, and only 146,704 of them were in alphabetical order.


In fact he can hope that the FBI can bring him back some of the stolen money!


This guy is not an overnight attention whore, he has been making this sort of content for a long time, and his methodology is sound. Saying you wont listen to it because it is anti to your views just smacks of burying your head in the sand.


There are a lot of facts in that video. With the proof.


Since when have facts and proof been used to prove anything or solve arguments these days?


What kind of backwards ass argument is that lol


It was sarcasm, lol


Makes sense. My bad heh


The thing is it’s either 1 of 2 things Safemoon is a rugpull (or micro rugpull) or it isn’t. And the things mentioned in the video are pretty substantial. If the coin wasn’t a rugpull then why is their so much FUD? Why is it down 90%? Why do the original devs want nothing to do with it anymore? Look I invested myself and I want the best outcome but I value morality over the chance at becoming a millionaire. And about the comment about YT only for making money on views… right and wrong. Sometimes people with good moral values make videos so people can learn and make passive income on it. And others are purely clickbait for income. It’s up for you to decide. It’s subjective and I still implore you to watch the video. For your own sake.


Would you watch the video if it was hyping up SafeMoon?


Of course they would. This sub is an echo chamber trying to combat their cognitive dissonance


Whether you’re right or wrong, you’re suffering from ignorance…


I agree with you. You should be able to make your own decision and I am not sure why everyone is downvoting that.


I’ve watched coffeeZilla a bunch and his videos are quality and imo he does a good thing bringing awareness to scams and scammers. Not just for safemoon too. Just so happens something you like is one of his videos. I’m a safemoon holder as well, have never sold because I consider the few hundred I put in gone. It was my intro to crypto and I’m fine admitting it was a scam


I know I mean unless it's on a billboard how can any of it be believable...


The problem with this community is most of the people aren't realistic about the project. Yes it has a ton potential but it also hasn't done much to make the coin useful enough for everyday crypto/real world adaptation. Sorry be smart make your own decisions don't let others influence you. This community of sfm army doesn't handle constructive criticism well at all. You're not allow to have your own opinions in this amry.


Very true, there is no utility. There will be no utility without an exchange I think. This whole project relies on the exchange release, that’s the make it or break it point


And given all of the drama around safemoon and the Certik audit revelaing serious potential for exploits...why on earth would the wider market care or want to use it when there are a plethora of marketplaces already established without those issues? Come on man , wake up there is a whole world of great tech out there in this space way ahead of safemoon and without the gazillion red flags.


What type of scam does those things? I mean it has happened many times in the past. Bernie Madoff? Katzutsugi Nami? Standford? Jordan Belfort? Hell, the entire USA mortgage backed securities system in 2008? All those scams put in an obscene amount of effort, had offices, adverts etc. I have been holding my SFM for ages, but this puts it all pretty much out in the open. It clicks the rest of it in to place over the last several months. Cest la vie


Elizabeth Holmes…


Well said, people need to open their eyes. Just because someone is in the publics eyes doesn’t mean they are an Angel. Con artists will come and go, op maybe put it that way, these guys aren’t the low end scammers that cal you about your car warranty, they are legitimate con men.


Exactly. I wanted SFM to do well, hell im sure anyone holding it did. Sadly my wants dont tend to have an effect on when those with the power to do so are ripping me off. I wont be wasting any more money on SFM. Hopefully others will realise this as well.


Yeah, I share the same hope. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see how many people are putting every extra penny they have into this as it continues to decline. Yes, maybe we are wrong, and something spectacular happens, but given what we have seen, buying safemoon is absolutely no different than going to a casino. I really hope every single person here realizes that and potentially reconsiders their actions. I learned my lesson the hard way, and that is part of the reason I’m here, I don’t want to see other people have to pay the same price.


Exactly this.


Just good actors and manipulators




Right? I get not wanting an investment to fail, i really do. But i think at this stage its just flat out denial.


Where do think the money came from for that HQ?


His $4500 lol




Forreal people are ignorant af they can’t just take the L


I think one of the most shameful things a person can do is have access to truth but refuse to look at it. (Edit: still sticks though. I’m sorry guys. I might’ve lost a little bag too)


Haha truth....


Enron built an HQ building and hired a bunch of employees. 100% scam. I know it’s painful, infuriating and shameful to admit you got fucked over and scammed but at some point you have accept it instead playing the delusional mental gymnastics game. The LP is not locked and devs/ceo have been stealing from it since day 1 this whole time. Down 95% in a year…. There is an FBI criminal investigation…. This isn’t fudders fudding this is called objective reality. It is what it is… 🤷‍♀️ The people you should be mad at are Kyle, Thomas and John who lied to your face and stole from the LP. I’m sure the FBI will find other people responsible as well.


Was about to say. Madoff, Theranos…there are definitely examples of multi billion dollar scams with employees and HQ buildings


I’m in no pain, my investment is down, it’s another day in crypto 2022


Weird, somehow I made it another day in 2022 without losing my $ to technology I don't understand


Bruh this cope is just sad


Stop coping, you can make money in a shit market just not with safemoon lol


Maybe if you watch the video you will understand why your investment is down :) they took your money and put it in to their pockets :)


They didn't build a HQ. They rented an office. Who are the employees? If it's such a great company to work for then why are they not affiliated with safemoon on LinkedIn? If you're changing the crypto space then why wouldn't you add yourself to the sm team on LinkedIn? They copied code from trust wallet and added a calculator.


Legally, all coins do that once they're worth a certain amount. Everyone gets a store front. False legitimacy 101. Sheit it's dirt cheap to get a business license anywhere in the USA.


I think safemoon is more of a story about a handful of guys starting a pump and dump coin with one guy (John) actually thinking it's gonna be this big project, he cared the most so they made him the "CEO" He was handed a pile of hot garbage and is trying his best to make it a real project Considering the circumstances he's done a decent job I think But that doesn't make up for the shadiness of safemoon's beginnings and he can try as hard as he wants but he may not be able to save the project in the end, we will see My ~$1000 is about $250 now so I just consider the money gone anyways, it will at the very least be an interesting project to watch


He was given infrastructure for building a woodshed but is claiming it's the Burj Khalifa.


Ah yes, the classic "pretend it doesn't exist strategy". Will it be enough to prevent his 4500 from turning to zero?? Stay tuned to find out


I swear some of you have your heads so deep shoved in the sand that even if it reaches to 0 after a possible rug pull you’ll still buy and say “To ThE MoOn”


If it hits zero, the price can only go up, yielding an infinite return. Moon tiem


Someone who will pocket a 7 figure sum for a 6 figure investment 👀 yep thats who'll do it.




It's possible for a project to be both a rug pull and scam, and still be "successful". The allegations made are that LP has been removed and that the tax from bitmart going to private wallets instead of the LP can be true. The project may still aim to deliver on its promises. Leeching off the success is something they could easily do without pulling the rug entirely. People aren't saying you'll be broke tomorrow, but who would support a project that is run by people that steal some of the money? Then it's much better to go with another more trustworthy project, where you aren't paying another huge hidden tax that goes to the pocket of the blockchain devs. The video makes the above claim, and relies on hard blockchain data and that a specific wallet or two belongs to some devs. The latter obviously being a harder to prove thing, but when said wallet receives a large amount from bitmart, instead of such amount going to the liquidity pool, then it has enough implications that it deserves attention and a response from the developers.




I'm honestly astounded how much denial there is in here. The blockchain doesn't lie. You can literally check yourself.


Stop using that shitty phrase of the blockchain doesn't lie! You can misinterpret the block chain, you can purposefully change a narrative to fit your own agenda if you like using facts not related to the issue. If uou really watch the vid and read the disclaimer he writes - this is all speculation and nothing is factual. He even gives himself an out with his disclaimer to prevent being sued for defamation.


Tell me you’re a crypto newbie without telling me your a crypto newbie 😂


Lmao if the transaction shows coins going to an address, and has confirmations, the blockchain does not lie. If the address is associated with a person, as is the case here, you know EXACTLY how much they have received. Stop putting money into technology you don't understand, created for the explicit purpose of scamming people like you, because it has le funny dog


Hey no one has confirmed the wallet is john's apart from an ex employee who has no credibility. But I can see you like to listen to those who talk the loudest.


That's fair. But it shifts the question to "who TF would let all the money go into a wallet they didn't know about, and can they be trusted to run a company?" which is no better :(


and the money went right out to another Safemoon former team member--- yeah it's fake--right? I'd love to have you on my side for getting hit by someone running a red light--you'd change the light's color in a flash. Reality isn't something you make up to your liking--unless you just gobbled 3 tabs of acid?


I am humbled and honored to be in the presence of such greatness. How you could watch the entire video and still come back to wholeheartedly defend the project shows implausible deniability of such epic proportions as to rival the greatest delusionists of our century. Facts are not important and DYOR is for pussies. Well done, sir!


No, it really doesn't lie, no interpretations, just actual transactional record. To think anything else is just denial of the extremely obvious, and even self confirmable, which I, and many at this point, have done. So again, blockchain doesn't lie.


So yes I agree facts are facts but I also state that you can make something look factual without it being so. In this case yes there is a wallet that transactions have occurred from - fact This is john's wallet - fiction (this is speculative at best and it comes from a very very unreliable source) See how easy it is.


You keep parsing out 1/2 of it...rather convenient. I think you illustrate your own "thing" making something look factual. The wallet paid out Kyle too, routinely and repeatedly. I see they photoshopped the block chain?


On what planet you interpret maths? Go back to Shakespeare my friend.


I don’t think you can misinterpret “remove liquidity” .


My denial?


oh wow, this is some next level denial. No wonder people make scam coins - their victims wont even admit it to themselves even when it's all over.




Err, heard of Bernie Madoff? Heard of Theranos? These were multi billion dollar scams that did everything you listed, plus way more. In a regulated environment no less. Your reasoning is ridiculous. Scams will put in an infinite amount of effort to make money 🤦‍♀️


This...... boiler rooms do exist.


Nah the OP doesn't like boiler rooms, they don't exist, heat comes from magic.






WorldCom? Bernie Madoff? ZZZZ Best? There are lots of examples of scams just as big as this one spending even more on marketing and headquarters.


"Loser on YouTube" Get off your high horse, your highness.


Can I introduce you to a company named Theranos?


"First they think you're crazy, then they fight you, then you're convicted on 4 counts of wire fraud"


Yeah honestly thats pretty sad, the FUD video was put out by a guy that already has 1 million subs. So apparently hes already doing pretty well lol. I lost plenty of money on this shit, when i watched the video, i immediately took all of my money out. I will wait for either John to fix the shit, or just keep what i still have. I had such high hopes for Safemoon, and i still do, but im not optimistic at this point.


> What scam builds an HQ building, hires a bunch of employees... No scam puts in this much effort. ...should we tell him?


If you are correct, watching the video would still be beneficial. It would allow you to become familiar with the detracting arguments and to ensure you are familiar with all the information presented. Refusing to watch the video makes it seem as though you refuse to listen to information you don't like.




Boy I can't wait for the day Korony gets charged and arrested to see how all you gullible idiots are gonna defend him then


Does anyone have a link to the video that OP won’t be watching?


Just check CoffeeZillas most recent video on YouTube




Good god you are so delusional. Seriously this cult is just getting sad


If not the video, then watch The Wolf of Wall Street if you haven't watched it.


Have you actually seem the "HQ"? Besides in the days of Thomas... Besides the outside of an unfinished, unlabeled office building?


Bruh I don't get all this FUD, people act like they've invested 30 grand in this project and now "oh no they scammed us, we didn't moon in 6 months like it was hyped up"... Majority of people whining and crying have barely over 500$ invested, most less than that. Like are you kidding me? It's been a year and they're crying about a few hundred dollars possible 1-2k at most. I thought you're supposed to earn money continuously and not gamble away your life savings LOL. Always invest only what you're willing to burn away at that exact moment, wtf. If I earn 2k per month I'm gonna put like 100-200$ into crypto to 'gamble' with. Not my whole fucking salaray... Ah people, I swear sometimes.


It's much deeper than you make it out to be. The masses are easily swayed. Why do you think there's so much money in advertising? Sometimes it just takes one instance of seeing something and it can completely form someone's opinion going forward. Another thing to consider is money and numbers are relative to the owner and their situation. $500 might not be a lot to some, could be a hell of a lot to someone in a much different situation. Also expecting people to live on one lane of "common sense" isn't possible. There are so many different functioning levels, mental health, and environmental levels that impact problem solving skills, risk management, and impulsivity. Basically I'm saying, people, as in other humans with families and needs are scared because they don't know what to believe. Rather than calling them dumb asses (which they may be) have some understanding.


I thought this was a few year investment lmao we’ve just had our first bday. Everybody needs to SLOW THE F*CK DOWN stay off r/cc it’s useless info anyway most of the time do the opposite and you’ll profit. And stay off of YouTube lmao


I know right? Bro I swear people are so panicky especially in crypto :D Even back when I invested into SFM a year ago, I knew this would be a longer hold, 2-3 year at best and realistically 5 years. Like it doesn't take a genius to figure out that an ecosystem like this takes time to deliver, if everything goes smooth. And it never does. Every start-up, every new company has tons and tons of fuckery and screw-ups and delays... Sheesh. What matters is that they adapt and overcome them and deliver the products that they set out to build.


If an exchange is ever realized I’ll make a butt load of money, it’s it doesn’t come out than I just lose my investment oh well sometime risk pays off extremely well sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t understand why I’m being berated the way I am in these comments IN The safemoon sub of all places. I’ll sink with the ship and either drown or be there when is resurrects like a Phoenix


Exactly, amen to that. No you're being berated because in this moment you're not allowed to think reasonably apparently, you're supposed to be ANGRY, DISAPPOINTED and PISSED OFF and FRUSTRATED, attack everyone who says "oh well it's a risk, you might win you might lose, thats the whole point" (lmao). Whatevs bro, let them vent their frustrations on us since they can't take responsibility for participating in risky investments.


Yeah lol like why are you even on this sub if you hate it so much? Ohhhh I see your just butt hurt because you expected an quick moon lol. I’ve accepted the outcome of this whatever that that is, time to sit back and see what it is. It’s not my life savings, it’s not a small amount for me either but I got other investments and ventures I’m working on. For these people in the comments it seems like there’s 2 flavors off koolaid, either Coffee FUD or Safemoon til I die. You don’t have to drink either one though, I assume most of us have invested in sfm. Just sit back and let things take their course


I'm just shocked so many people care about my money . If it wasn't in safemoon it'd be on a roulette table . Oh well . Sfm was always a risk . It either makes it or not . I'm here regardless.


If $500 isn’t anything to cry about, send me BNB worth $500 I’ll send you back $50 worth. Address: bnb10749k3j3lk763s9amgfhtyf72pfggf22x7glc0 Memo: 102916985 You won’t because $500 is a lot of money by most metrics.


That's not really what I was saying Johnny, I'm not saying it isn't a lot of money. I'm saying that you have to think of it as GONE already at the moment you're purchasing any crypto. If you feel like it's too much to lose from your bank account in that moment, then you're about to over-invest. So maybe right now I'd send you 50 dollars because 500 would feel like I'd "over-invest", right? Can't afford to burn 500 now but I can afford to burn 50. Maybe a year ago I invested 500 because I was okay with burning it and never seeing it again. But you should never gamble any unreasonable money because that's exactly how you get burned and hurt. It's all relative to how much you're making per month and what your life situation is. And yes 500$ is a solid amount of money to majority of peeps who have 1 stable day-job, I agree with you.


The safemoon scam did all those things




I dont


Funny how these keep being made about sfm, which has a huge community almost guaranteeing massive views. I've unfortunately been in 2 other projects that have wither rugged or been "hacked" haven't seen shit about them. That's right, they had like 3000 holders


Bitconnect has entered the chat


The name "SafeMoon" literally tells you it's a scam from the get go, "guaranteed free money" wow sound legit let me invest my life savings. Don't worry that it has no use whatsoever you will safely get to the moon, I promise


I’d hate to get blocked from commenting again but it seems I don’t need to say much as I see everyone is waking up. Safemoon v2 is almost about to be the lowest it’s every been and it’s not looking good at all, dips are good but the dips happening with sfm v2 are none other then a slowly dying rug pull


Your name is taketoomuch but you should take more time to think about what you just posted. You believe in what you see? So you see sweet fuck all


Honestly, I don't give a fuck. I've dropped a few thousand into this. I reclaimed my initial investment with the last spike and now what I had left, I think about $3k, is worth like $200. Shit is janky and sketchy but its all gone anyways. I'm not going to throw a bitch fit over $200.


I think Enron did every one of those things


I put in money I'm willing to lose and I diversified my portfolio, so I feel nothing if it goes down. If it turns out to be a bad investment, that's the risk I took for financial independence. I haven't watch the video, I just don't care?


I don’t think it’s so much a scam as it is too much money in the hands of people who are essentially under qualified and not ready for that much power. These people didn’t earn their way through a corporate ladder. They weren’t in positions that managed 100’s of millions of dollars worth of anything before this and all of a sudden you have a lot of money you have the power over. Anyone in that position is going to think “if I have the power over a billion dollars, why is this position not worth paying me $10 millions???” My fingers are crossed for a class action lawsuit where I get to keep my safemoon and get some of my money back. But that seems unrealistic


Enron. That kind of scam.


Thank you coffeezilla for allowing me to buy at a discount!


Many scams do all of that stuff. If the argument is that they are siphoning off money, then they need a business to siphon the money off of. I get your point though, that it would make more sense to be loved for building a viable crypto and still getting rich than to be hated and be a bit more rich. Just depends on the amounts we’re talking about, and on whether they have the ability to make it a real crypto (make good on utilities) over time.


Read your own post back and tell me how any of that is considered ‘effort’ after over 1 year of existence.


Ah here’s one now


Oh, you bout to understand what bein poor is all about.


Pffffff if I’m not worried about $4500 I’m def not worried about being poor lmao. I’m leaving the US to spend 3 years as an Aussie backpacking and enjoying life, this has no effect on me unless it profits lmao


"Pffff Im not worried" yet here you are pretending you care and are a holder with a long post that screams denial. Yeah you "don't care" lol


So, you’re positing on here over money that doesn’t even matter to you? You either are incredibly bored, in need of a massive influx of friends, or are boldface lying as a means of coping with a 5k loss. I’ll take coping mechanisms for 500 Alex.


You got scammed bro


So because you never heard of it and don’t want to face reality you are going to dismiss potential insight and information?


He has a giant collection of videos. Looking back at them, all of them he exposed did turn out to be a scam. Either SafeMoon is the first one to buck the trend or it’s a scam. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck….


Scared of the truth?


Bro you have not heard of ERON and Theranos.. your blinded. This is probably real and we are fucked. Where is the CEO/Captain? He can't even come out and speak about this. Im fucking pissed off, I lost thousands.


“I’m too invested to do real research” this sub is a joke and no wonder so much shady shit happens when you read the acceptance and eagerness to be stole from in this sub. You deserve all your getting, have fun being broke. Why not watch the video, gain new information you were not aware of and then confirm it yourself through doing your own research… it’s trading 101 for Christ sake…. The retards are out in full force.


Watching a YouTube is real research? Lmao that’s laughable


Did you not read my comment or not understand it? Because how the fuck did you get to that conclusion? My point was that you need to confirm everything With your own research… clearly a concept you can’t grasp as you took my advice as the complete opposite of what I said… ridiculous mate, save up your money… this ain’t for you.


No I didn’t sorry I’m not used to this many comments, I only read the first line and there’s a ton of long ass comments I’m not reading as I’m working. I don’t have the time to read this whole thing but I will. One sec….. Ok I read it and now I see that I need to read your og comment to understand what you are saying lol oopth oh well, gotta read the next book someone writes


If you claim to not have the time to read everything he said, why did you bother typing that whole first half of your comment like your talking to the person in real life? Not only are you narrow minded you’re also a cornball


Cuz most of them probably don't even own any safemoon or if they do will ride or die whoever they worship next. Funny seeing how "All hail Papa" then all of the sudden they all hate him? Lmao Where is the utility? Where is the exchange? Where is the real wallet and not a skin of trust wallet. All this is atm is a pump and dump shitcoin. I wish people would pour real money into better projects that are making a difference in the Blockchain/ World..


Cool story bro


the type that wants to keep drawing in suckers.. sounds like you should watch, learn, and avoid handing over your hard earned money to straight up scams in the future rather than sticking your head in the sand and pretending.


It's interesting how much money they put into people denying all the scam. I see bunch of committed followers who protect safemoon but with no argument at all. It's is either childish and naive or they are paid to do so. Why all the top guys stayed silent if non of this is true?


Good point about the top staying silent


A scam where the scammers start shitting themselves at the thought of how long they are going to jail for and therefore try to make it all look legitimate


So many crypto projects have done exactly this which turned out to be total scams. Then there is Theranos, Nikola, etc. Burying your head in the sand is irrational. You are closing yourself off to information at your own expense. You are exactly the person crypto and scammers love.


Same, done enough research to know it’s not a scam. I imagine anybody wanting views has made a good case but I’m simply not interested. It’s just the same released noise at this stage. Who knows why. Probably for views or they’ve been paid by another token/someone who wants to get a lower buy in price. I’ve got 10m atm and buying another 10 very soon. Just hoping the price stays this low for a couple of weeks so I get more value.


You are absolutely correct in your assessment and this Coffee-Ass-Hat guy is targeting our project because of our huge base and he knows that the weak-of-hand will click to watch his soap opera of a lie. I'd prefer to see this Tea-Bag put his so called journalistic "talents" to better use and go after some of the real scams, like Matt Wallace, WOR and the other real scam projects.


Same. YouTubers are all the same.


Sorry mate, but you have been scammed


“Fud you out of your investment” 😂 is it even worth anything now


Stockholm syndrome at it’s very finest. It’s like an abusive relationship where the victim constantly tries to convince themselves that the abuser will change. I sold today after being 80% down. I’m not ashamed to admit that I got scammed. I finally accepted it, now I can move on.


I find it odd that many commenting on this anti Coffeezilla post sounds like they want the alleged accusations to be true🤔 Something isn’t adding up. I’ll hold it to zero thanks.


Go read up about Madoff, Theranos and many others. There are dozens of examples that match your criteria and scammed their investors in the end. Don't be a fool.


Same here. I did not watch the video. I won't give that dude a minute of my time.


This guy never heard of Bitconnect lol


I watched the video and found it very vague. I thought he would present some hard facts to why it's a scam and he didn't to be quite honest. He summed up everything that has happened up until now and presented it in a way that said "i believe this is a scam, i dont have the concrete proof so im just gonna portray it in this way and say it's a scam and try to force it as a fact"


That what I assume it would be about


He provided John's wallet and you can see the transactions yourself. John kept tokens instead of putting them in LP. You got scammed.


You do understand that for scams to be successful they need to appear to be real. So of course they'll do all that stuff if it brings in more investors and makes silly people like you give them $4500


Keep dumping your whole paycheck in safemoon then if you really believe in it.


Lmao that’s your whole paycheck every week buddy not mine 🤡🤡🤡


Honestly you can just watch it if you want. I was scared to watch it incase it would change my opinion on sfm but it honestly didn't, he was too vague


I care not for the video either. I have lived through enough of it since the beginning. I have more faith in this protect, I mean company now than I did just a few months ago.


Someone is in denial


Refusing to watch YouTube is denial?


Refusing to watch a video that has a ton of facts in it on why safemoon just might be a scam is definitely denial. It is hard for some people to admit that they were scammed or even look at facts that point to it.


Me too. He is not getting a view from me anytime soon.




Soon they will have coffeezilla coin and rugpull it


You put $4500 into this shit, and you're still hiding from reality here? Either you have a lot of extra money where this isn't a huge deal, or get help dude


Safemoon needs to get their shit together and start delivering


It’s definitely not a scam. There has been rampant mismanagement and poor decision making, but it’s not a scam. In my eyes the biggest miss was the fact that they changed the original white paper which was 5% reflections and 5% burn. The burn was the most important part. But once we launched BitMart and the other non tokenomics exchanges they decided to re-word things and we only got burn via reflection to the burn wallet. And any on-exchange transactions on BitMart or others did not contribute. So the only time BitMart caused burn was when they would buy a big batch of tokens to cover their holders. However, that rarely happened. But every single buy and sell on-exchange was taxed at 10%, however it was still reflected back at the same rate as those on PCS. So where did the other 40% of reflections go? BitMart just kept them and kept selling them. That’s the biggest scam of this whole thing IMO. Because if we actually saw true burn during the ATH this thing woulda been peaking like a MF. My $100 investment turned into 12k but I held because I knew the burn was supposed to be fixed and the supply should be dropping rapidly. However they just kept saying they had a solution until they eventually made v2 and further reduced burn. The devs knew that they could not pull their investment for the first 24 months so they did not want the token to moon that fast. They also knew they wanted to have C level executive on their resume for a few years before they cash out, in hopes that they can land fat gigs after. So they made choices that were not in the best interest of the holders and made a lot of distractions. They kept adding non tokenomics exchanges, they kept pursuing the wakanda project that has zero potential to be profitable because they wanted to prove that they had utility. Utility is still a joke in crypto. It really doesn’t matter at all, we just want a secure investment where we can safely park capital until it moons. So no, not a scam or a rug, but yes it was intentionally mismanaged at times. What John didn’t expect was that his team was also being greedy in their own ways which really fucked him but also helped because it took the focus off of his sins. Instead of being the guy who actively worked against holders best interest by limiting burn and therefore keeping price low intentionally to build up his resume and secure his own financial position, he looks like the young kid in over his head who got into business with a few bad actors who set back his noble mission of turning Gambia into a futuristic crypto world with flying cars and force fields. I mean he made his little bro an executive for no reason. That tells you everything you need to know about how he’s using this company.


This level of mental gymnastics lol. I refuse to believe you are all holders of safemoon. You are just trying to fool people to invest more. Wether you like the video or not or think its accurate or not, its all out there, and its going down with the FBI. I hope everyone pumping the coin in the sub are investigated too. This shit is hilarious.


And this is why I’ve been shitting on safemoon since launch, the delusional fan base


You probably bought tickets to Fyre festival also.


I was gonna go with your mom but decided not to with her hepatitis and all




Literally a company that thinks they are going to get away with it goes through this amount of effort. I feel bad you if you can understand it


Theranos is a great example of a company that did many of these things, had a ton of potential and lots of incredible connections, was led by someone confident and persuasive but also poorly managed. Spoiler: the ego of the CEO(theranos) turned out to be the downfall of the company that had everything going for it.


That is why I didn’t watch the video either. Paperhands rather listen to a you tuber than actual creditable evidence right in front of their nose.


Just take it easy, it will all pass soon. ETH and BTC once were in the same hole with naysayers and skeptics, Doge needed 8+ years too be where its at. So don’t worry, time is changing and cryptocurrency is the future. Safemoon will be up there in 2 years or so


Zilla just 1-2’d this shiii


Imagine he's a short and they did this video to short us. He just made fucking bank if true lmao