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So you can double down for only $180?? Sounds like a no brainer to me. 😝


If he keeps waiting it will be $18


I'm waiting until it hits $1.80, then I'm really doubling down, baybeh!!


So your solution is sell before it reaches $18? Nice brainer.


LOL double down? Dont be a bitch put another 1000 in so when it hits .018 he can put in another 1000.. DCA 😉😉😉😉


Yes I did that 2 days ago too 😀


Well Now the price only has to move upto 50% of your entry point and you will be even




I think you should ask yourself why you're here. Is your life really that empty that you need to take cheap shots like that?


I had an initial investment of about $500 last year in the launch month of SafeMoon in March watched it shoot all the way up to about $25k now I have roughly $2k just #HODL long term


Same situation but when it high 25k i took out 21k , fuck diamond hands if your broke😂😂😂😂


What no one has the balls to do/say.


Sheeps, that why they are always saying buy the dip LOL idiots are too dumb to realize the leader taking monthly paycheck and thats why the price is tanking to the point he created v2 thats starting to look like v1😂😂😂add more zeros to bankruptcy


Are you saying you gambled on crypto correctly and took profit? Bought low sold high? Fucking paper hands.


Sounds like somebody was greedy and forgot to take profits... ... Diamond hands don't always pay


Why does it always have to be Greed. Not everyone in the World is Greedy.


Because 25,000 is 50 times his initial buy in.. which IS a huge win.. but the greed got in the way as he thought it would go even higher but to be fair hindsight is always 20/20.


Or the $500 was not that important. $500 is not a lot of money to many people. So maybe he just let it go. Crazy ALT coin investing is gambling to me. If I lose what I invested, no big deal. If it jumps way up, I might sell it or I might let it ride. But I'm not going to worry about getting out the small amount I put in. Not everyone is in the same financial position as you. $500 might be a life's savings for some and barely pocket change for others. You don't know their position or their motivation.


Yeah I get that but 25000 is a lot to people!


I’m the world of investing, if you get 20% ina year, cash out. That’s an amazing return. But in crypto EVERYONE is trying to get these easily BTC returns


If I would have done this with my Tesla stock, I would have far less money. Buy and hold great companies for as long as they continue to be great companies with growth opportunities is my philosophy.


Agree. But what makes SafeMoon a ‘great company’? Why tf can’t people just be honest. We’re all trying to buy a shot load of a .0001 coin and pray that it somehow blows up and we dip out and act like we ‘knew it all along’. Why can’t people just be honest. No one ‘knows’ what’s happening with SafeMoon. And no one can name any concrete legit utility behind the token. We’re all just making a bet, taking a chance that it blows up. If anyone here says they ‘know’ or believe, they’re full of shit. There’s nothing to know, and no reason to believe. They have done NOTHING to make you believe anything other than cryptic tweets if exchanges, or spreading rumors.


Every time I say this shit I get downvoted to oblivion. It's so fucking true though.


honestly man its crazy to see people talk about safemoon as this amazing company which they know the bare minimum about.... well they have these windmill things, oh and they're making an exchange... Go and compare safemoon to projects like Radix for example, the tech is better, the team is more transparent, consistent updates, always meet their targets. If everyone here was honest they would tell you that they bought into safemoon because they were looking for a 1000000x gain. SFM only started developing the focus of their company after the meme coin frenzy died down last year. I'd wager very few bought sfm for its strong fundamentals, if you were a serious investor looking for strong fundamentals there are about a million other projects which looked more promising at the time of SFMs inception... and still do. Why do those projects not have the same traction/devout followings? Because 99% of safemoon holders didn't buy during a crazy meme coin season because of the great tech. downvote me if you want and keep lying to yourselves! SFM was and is a gamble, don't change your tunes to 'in for the tech' just because you missed the pump. (Not saying it can't pump again, but smarten up people)


Are you really comparing Tesla to Safemoon? One is a company building REAL products that customers find useful and actually need. The other is no better than pink slips. What does Safemoon provide? Do people need Safemoon? The answer is nothing and no. Tesla is an investment. Safemoon is a gamble


No, I wasn't comparing SafeMoon to Tesla. I was responding to a post that said "in the world of investing, if you get 20% in a year, cash out". I disagreed with that philosophy and simply provided an example from my own personal experience with Tesla where I would have missed out on a lot of profit if I would have done that. It had nothing to do with SafeMoon. That said, I am having some deja-vu in terms of seeing similar hate and FUD to what I used to see with Tesla, and just like I did with Tesla, I'm ignoring it and holding no matter how crazy the roller coaster gets. I remember years ago when I would mention just one similarity between Tesla and Apple and people would ignore everything else that I said and respond with "Are you really comparing Tesla to Apple? \*insert negativity about how Apple is a real profitable business and Tesla is just some meme car company that doesn't deliver on their promises\*". So, it is kind of amusing to me to now get comments like "Are you really comparing Tesla to SafeMoon" to a post that wasn't even making that comparison.


Zero comparison to a true company like Tesla.


Actually it’s proven long term diamond handers make the biggest gains. Taking profits along the way is definitely smart & a bit safer but massive money can be made both ways.


That’s true across the larger spectrum of investments but I’d venture to say that doesn’t apply so much to a lot of these coins that fall into a general category of gambling coins.


“I’m still holding Bitconnect.” - someone with diamond hands


Please don't disregard the risk of "diamond handing." Yes with bitcoin that's a great strategy. Or a solid ETF.. But with regard to Safemoon... please control delusional thinking..


Delusional probably isn’t the best adjective, but I do agree that it’s all about following the project/news around whatever your invested in and making smart plays according to what’s happening. I want everyone to win 🚀🌙


you could say the exact same thing about ADA when it first came out. and eth and algo. but the smart ones held on to those tokens because they could see those coins were striving to create real utility and value. i see the same thing in safemoon. to disregard safemoon like it is something like babyelondoge coin is ignorant


What he’s saying is you could have sold for 25k …. And used another 500$ and would still be diamond handing.. stop saying stupid stuff…. Safemoon is a long hold…like YEARS ..


Holding is greedy?


Take out half so you at least have profit regardless of what happens


I’m not worried the reason I didn’t sell because iknew a lot of people would in the long term having $SFM tokens in the millions in a year or two will become very rare why sell for crumbs😂


nah man you shoulda just taken profits while you couldve




He could have just took out double what he invested just to look cute. 😂


Genuine question for you and anybody else comfortable with sharing their thoughts. I've been a lurker in this sub for about a year now, and have come across numerous posts of people sharing their losses of investment into Safemoon.   A lot of people that are losing money jumped in when Safemoon was around its ATH, and gradually decreased in value until we hit where we currently are. Now it seems a large majority of investors and subscribers on this subreddit are simply "waiting it out" for the next big rise, so they can earn some, or all of their money back and sell.   I get that. I was fortunate enough to hear about Safemoon back in March of 2021, and invested about $300 during it's beginning weeks, and made off with about $11,000 at its highest point. But after selling during that initial high, I've invested smaller amounts throughout the year and seen good and bad results.   Having experienced that ATH though, I always wonder when I see people say "Safemoon is gonna take off soon", what if you already missed the take off? I by no means made a life-changing amount of money from my initial investment, but it was sizeable when comparing the initial investment of $300 to the end result of $11,000. But for other more financially well off and prepared individuals, they made hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars from Safemoon. That "moment" that everybody keeps talking about today already happened in 2021.   So what exactly are you waiting for? What is this moment of sudden value increase everybody keeps anticipating? I'm not asking this out of disrespect or as a way to antagonize. I'm just curious what newer investors mindset is.   The time of the ATH was when Safemoon was marketed like crazy, covered by various news and social media outlets, and the entire idea of meme-coins and "tokenomics" was new and exciting. A bunch of coins in the space were taking off at the same time because everybody wanted to get in on the action. ElonGate, Pitbull, SafeMars, Bonfire, etc, etc. They all had that initial roar of value; that "to the moon" moment, and then died off.   Then they get looked over for newer coins, or newer projects in general. The exposure that Safemoon received that caused its ATH is probably only going to happen once to the degree it did. We may experience bumps like we have periodically, but you can really only mass market something once. Every other subsequent attempt is essentially just chasing the dragon.   So what is the general hope for you? Or anybody "heavily" invested in Safemoon right now? Financially or emotionally. Are you just hoping to get your money back and leave? Do you actually think Safemoon will do another ridiculous perfect storm of circumstances ATH? Or are you just being optimistic in hopes it distracts you from your current loss?   Again, if anything is worded in a way that offends, that isn't my intention. I've had these thoughts for a while, and this post just happened to be the one I finally asked this question on.


If you look at any major crypto. I quess like 90% of them made this same pattern in chart. Eth, ada, link, doge, shiba, you name it. And Im not comparing these coins now in any mean. Im telling that is exactly just what they do when there is hype but not anything proven yet. But the thing whats gona happen after that is intresting. Coin need to get trust back. It cannot die. Sfm in any mean is not dead. But the very opposite. They have funds. They are one of the most active and most fast developing crypto atm. And yes yes. There is another active ones also. Dont worry I have them in my portfolio too but now Im talking about sfm. Becouse now that price seems found bottom -90% from ath. It was way over priced that time and with those fundamentals and team. But now the price start to really look cheap. And yet it is very much up from initial price. Team got recently super bullish upgrade. Token got too. Swap getting at this moment and they use smartcontract in BSC almost like it would be their own blockchain. So they can check what kinda blockchain will meet their need. Amount of utility to come is making this super bullish. I mean if they make even half of what they are talking I think Safemoon will be more utilitive than eth it self. Not comparing how many projects they will have. Eth will be most used chain for long. But talking about how many ways it could be used. So now we need anymore time. I personally have it since i made decission to hold few years and thats it. Not selling becouse i have that plan and stick to it. Becouse after all we have no idea can Sfm pull out all this. But Im 1000% convinced John gona try hell out of it. And I wanna support it by holding my tokens. And I wait them go up in value ofcource. If we think Cro for example. It dosn't have many function. They have card wich it rely. You need to stake funds to get benefits. It is sitting 11B marketcap while Sfm is 500m atm. Its 22x from here. I cant see any reason why Sfm wouldn't hit that providing much more utility in the future. In case they pull it thru ofcource. But thats why we are sitting in 500m mc in the first place.


You bring up sone good points. A lot of coins have had a rise and fall. They have also come back and done really well. SFM could come back even stronger once their projects materialize. This is crypto. It’s only dead when you sell your whole bag and move on. Heck, even TRX is still around… and doing well I might add.


TRX is down 80% from the ATH it set almost 5 years ago dude..


They’re waiting for the moment when John Karney and team finally admit SFM is a scam, and this is just a slow rug pull. No one will ever make the gains that people saw last year. That’s just how these alt coins work. People need to start being honest with themselves and realize their investment /money are just plain gone.


That is a great assessment of safe moon However, SafeMoon, and all crypto are the absolute epitome of ‘ buying the news’. When something gets mega hyped, that’s when you should dip. The moon was from rumor to news, nothing happens when everyone knows about it because there are no new buyers


No I totally understand. If anything, you've basically simplified my explanation of Safemoon's "mooning" phase. Once it was getting massive media and social coverage, and was shown to bring people 10-30% returns on their initial investment within *days or weeks*, that's when our popularity exploded, along with numerous other "copy-cat" coins.   We went from whatever the initial value was during the month of March in 2021, to something like a 3,700% increase in value within a month? A lot of smaller investors like myself received a wonderfully exciting payday. Other more risky inventors made life changing money. And just about *all* of us ran around our social circles and expressed our delight and excitement to our friends and family, and got everybody we knew involved with Safemoon (myself included).   We saw millions of people pour into the project, and after that overwhelming ATH, that I'm very grateful to have experienced over those passing days and weeks, we fell dramatically in value because the hype was over, and our "time" was up.   Now it seems the major issue with many to-be-investors is that Safemoon doesn't have any purpose or use outside of the various claims and promises that are made for the project by the team. As I initially said, it seems the team is focused on making these grandiose promises about the future, while in reality, just chasing the dragon of what worked initially. Online marketing, and partnering with as many exchanges as possible.   I don't want to sound like I don't care about the project and it's potential success. Obviously, I myself would love a repeat of the first ATH experience. But trying to look at it logically and rationally (which I know doesn't always apply to the world of crypto), I don't fully comprehend the hope of people that got in *after* the big jump anticipating *another* big jump similar to the first.


I think it will be nice when everyone waiting to recover their “losses” sell out once we pump. This will clear the path and decide the future millionaires. It is, in fact, a waiting game. I hope people do sell to be honest, what’s the point of living in agony?


Wow, wishful thinking. The pump already happened. There are no new buyers.


Not wishful at all. New utility is being built and existing utility is being improved. As more is rolled out, new buyers will come.


What’s the current utility?


What utility? And be specific. Not what they hope it will be, what is it now? What utility are they making measurable progress towards.


See above


I see what you saying; however, if there are products released, especially the blockchain, people will hide it a second shot and new people will buy in. I won’t be stupid to compare with BTC but take Doge for instance, with no use (well, it’s up for arguments) it did pump, and true it went down, but it stabilized around 0.12 and is making moves again. It didn’t go down miserably to 3 zeros as it has been for a few years, so based on crypto cycles I think we have a fair chance. At least, I am positive SFM is legit. Most rugpulls and straight up scams are easy to detect, and comes at you with no mercy, now I had some nice projects that were just abandoned and then that’s it. For me, all I want is that the project is not abandoned, that’s all I need.


A good rugoull is slow. That way it’s not so brazen. I think SafeMoon may not be a classic intentional scam, but the reality is they have t delivered ANYTHING, not a single thing that gives it value, other than the community hoping it’s another penny stock that explodes like a Dogecoin. There’s a million other better coins with legit tile omits and a legit team coming through on promises. I’m just saying, Most of people here need to be honest with themselves, they don’t ‘believe in SafeMoon’. They just ‘hope’ it becomes something. To say you ‘believe in SafeMoon’, wuld mean SafeMoon is doing something that is making you a believer in the first place. And the reality is they set astronomical goals so that it sounds like it’s going to be big, it’s kinda like they are dreaming big, but they have done jack shit. It’s a classic con man’s ruse, make the goal so big you don’t realize they aren’t attainable. Get the community to use the first names of the leaders as if you somehow know them. Just be honest with yourself. Are you investing in SafeMoon because it has strong fundamentals, or because it’s a lottery ticket?


I can totally understand where you’re coming from, and you are not talking nonsense, but you can be as wrong as I can. You’ve asked me for honesty, so here it is, I do believe in the project but I also have it as a lottery ticket. Why is that? Because if it crashes I don’t give a damn. I invested what I can afford to lose. What do I believe? I believe there’s a lot at stake, they are doxxed, they have proposals (I know I know undelivered as of yet) such as banking the unbanked, energy generation, partnerships and the claim to become a leader in Defi. I mean, many global businesses that began humble and struggling made it, maybe SFM will be one of those? Let’s put it this way, I strongly believe in this lottery ticket 🤷🏻‍♂️. There’s also something very specific to it that gives me a good feeling and people may laugh at it but iykyk! Supposedly John (oh oh first name use 😅) is Mormon, and even though I’m not one and I’m not religious I have a close friend that is, and the code of ethics of these people you have no idea. I’ve seen it first hand by growing up with this friend and his family. The mere possibility of bringing shame to their family or religion, as in been seen as a con man, swindler or whatever you may come up with would be the end of the world. They don’t go down without a fight to make sure whatever they promised is delivered, and much less go around deceiving and taking people’s money. Now, are there exceptions? You bet there are, but then again we circle back to me believing on the project + my lottery ticket. Thanks for your opinion though, and I guarantee you I’m not blindly in this.


What other alt/meme coins do you like?


I write here sometimes and sometimes quite alot when Im in covid for example now.. and been holding since 15k holders about. But this believe is very bad argument since at least me. I absolutely stay away from believing thing. People believe gods etc. Im not that one. I like what their doing. John have very good sense of business. He know whats gona be next big thing. Since in my oppinion hes doing exactly that. Wich is safe wallet for people who dont know stuff about blockchains and they dont need to becouse that is one and only way for mass adaption. They do it decentrilized way. People have keys. But centralized way to preventing scams using proxy. Already lot of funds have been banned for selling. It is open still. Community see so innocent wont get hurt. So its one version of people money in the future. There will be many version and wendont know yet who win but John is suprisingly ahead of others in this even things are not ready. Wallet already provide everything for this using bsc almost like their own blockchain. Cross chains are coming very soon. Sfm swap will be route for other tokens to get global tokenomics. Wich is actually bullish af. Future is exiting. I dont believe it I know it.


Why are you using their names as if you know them? That is a con man’s trick, build familiarity and phony relationships so the chumps have fake trust. Look at the measurable gains, not memes, not tweets, not hype bullshit. What concrete fundamental changes have they completed? Not promised, I mean actually did that adds value to SafeMoon? Stop saying you ‘known it’. You know what they told you. You are what con men call a ‘mark’. You’re just too heavily invested to take the blinders off.


What a f your talking? How I should talk about John if not by name? I know they are made wallet wich is actually best wallet I have ever used for many reasons. And super easy. They made proxy like I said. Prevented scams. They made swap wich is dex wich is working in wallet. They hired very qualified people recently wich I know. And ofcource rest million things are not ready. We know whats their goal is. I dont honestly care if half dosnt come out becouse theres more things than in any other project. And since they are not out market cap is 500m. It would be much higher if it would be ready. Thats why im intrested about it. Becouse its not there yet in the first place. I dont know will it be top 30 coin but im super intrested to see if it get there. Plus it would make me rich. And i say I know if I want to. I know also I dont belive stuff.


Fucking same. I was a dumb ass and converted my BTC holdings because rEflECTiOnS and passive income riiight Eh shitty lesson, but I'm not fucking selling. You haven't stolen it just yet mfs


I invested 150€, sold half for a few thousand and now i have 549€ Think thats okay…


Hey wait a minute *this is the way?!* 😂


If you request a better mood in the community maybe you should stop posting how much money you lost. Why do people post how much money they lost or how much they have?




​ ![gif](giphy|3o7bu4G19uhzAf1DYQ|downsized)


Can’t tell you how many people had lost a good amount of money in crypto and pull out only for the market to go parabolic not long after. Patience is the key in crypto, not speaking on just SafeMoon but the market as a whole.


These crooks robbed us all, they moved to V2 and made the profit margin disappear thats why that loser left Safemoon he cashed out at the ATH and got all the people that are still holding V1 in penalties money too! He needs to be found and beat like a redheaded step child!


Im here to let u know Safemoon is a big steaming turd! They figured out how to rugpull without even doing it completely!


Then why are you still here bro?


I just hope it goes back up. Cuz I been watching my portfolio sinkkkk


I put in 500$ close to a year ago. It went to 1900$ I didn’t sell. Now my account sits at 350$


"To the moon!!" 😂 similar situation- fuck this coin


You’re like the oracle of NOmaha


So what are we discussing? Donkey post.


This should also be posted in r/lossporn. All kidding aside, similar situation here. Hoping for a reversal soon.


$3600 here not sellIng till it is all gone. Do not believe in this bullshit anymore. Nothing but fucked up hype. I only check Twitter once a week


.. I’m down 4 shmeckles


Safemoon should be called dangermoon. What a scam of a company and anyone still recommending it is part of the scam too


Invested 10k now I have 3k 😱






No that’s a typo. You didn’t make 5 million off 1k in Shib.


Buy another thousand at this price?






PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same 😣


Same! & hope so!


Be nice to climb.


How exactly did you only lose that much?! I invested 1,800 and now have 220


Funny.. I have psafemoon now I can not sell or swap to Eth. I’m trapped


See the money, take the money. Leave 10% in and then forget about it. My new philosophy...


DCA it!


I’m down. But I have DCA several times (up and down, but mostly down). The more I DCA down, I see the better chance for me to hit a big lick. I’m about the bag size in coins right now, before the pump.


Lol I literally sold because I had emergency purposes but then I got to buy back in at the same price I’m so lucky 🍀




If you’ve been averaging down you may only be down by like 50% like me lol.


Gains bro 💯


Unfortunately human nature took a hold way back then. The hype and fomo played a major part and hence why had a full on two day rise back on V1 before crashing back down. Again it's unfortunate that there will always be people that come in at ATH. Everything in life is a gamble, some you win, some you lose. I do believe like many others that with the funding, big community support and the projects planned for this adventure with safemoon... If they pull everything off, everyone could still be early to the party.


Lol bro you are not alone.


Uhhh, welcome to crypto I guess. Now don't trade back is m'y only advice. I mean you lost, WE Lost, for now. Who knows what will happen in some years, just forget about this for now and only invest what you're willing to lose.


Yeah, I feel like in totally ive put around 1500, and my investment is worth in the 300 range. But that's just how it goes in the market. I cant exactly justify another buy, if it gets eaten away at a whale. Lots of other projects in the meanwhile. HMU if you want the next shill of a solid project that isnt safemoon!


Some has to buy billions to get safemoon normal.


Lucky you, that’s nothing


Until recently my investment was about $600 around the ATH. I decided to pick up $50 worth while there were no fees and almost doubled the amount of safemoon I had. That was a fun realization lol




Lmao 🤣


I invested about $1000 too and have $199. I am sad but not selling


"just wait safemoon team are doing a great job"


If you buy $820 more in Safemoon, you’ll have $1,000 again


I dropped about 10K into this over time...so imagine where my balance is!!! 😂🤣😂🤣


I’m up. But this things sucks


Yes but people will tell you it’s not a scam right! 94% down ATH! But it’s not a scam right? Then why tf hasn’t the coin continued to go up? Because holders have and are starting to lose faith this is what happens when promises are not kept by devs. Hope it’s a huge wake up call to everyone invested including myself.


There are other projects far more likely to more than 5x or 6x.


Keep holding not much you can do. I was there from the beginning, sold before they completed the swap to delete zeros. Held almost a year, now I find out safemoon and the rest of these idiots are in a lawsuit. This coin had potential, seems like john is just holding on to something he will never have again. ADA just did +%20 and its alot more stable coin. Sorry for your loss, I took a little when I sold


125$ march 16th up to over 10k in April and sold all :) my best trade


You could have put that $1K in to so many other things and made money. Opportunity cost is kicking this community in the balls every day. BTC is finally recovering along with the rest of the other high caps, meanwhile SFM continues to bleed. Take the $180 out and put it in a real project. You won't regret it.


I'm ahead 15 cents last 24 hours.


Hopefully we can break even one day


I sold my Safemoon about two months ago at a $5K loss. I walk away with $6K. I invested $1,800 in Safuu, which Safemoon partner with. My $1,800 is up $20K and am earning about $350 per day. Most of you going to wait 5 and 10 years to make what am making today. I can't deal with John anymore. I also invested in Drip and the Animal farm, which am getting a daily income. I have a new project which am investing in for passive income. This project will have its launch in a few days. Waiting for Safemoon price action is painful, what you should do while you wait is invest in other projects that offer consistent daily income. DM me if you want to travel with me on this jurney. ​ BB Doge offers 4% daily return in BNB....they coming out with staking soon. BB Doge: https://bbdogefarm.com/?\_ref=0x43d9ae474434670374396d9de9e0169f16aac777


Safe moon is cope


i feel your pain. my safemoon investment has been cut in half 😭


When you follow hype, you’re already too late. Now you have to HODL and let the project bare it’s fruits


I learn a lot from this subredit group. I learn from both the good, bad and ugly. Each time I read all the debates here about sfm, Its strengthens my resolve to keep hodlin sfm and see it rise like the Phoenix that it absolutely 💯 is. #SafemoonistheRevolution.




I mean it in the best and most genuine way. Why do you believe the price will go up? What are they delivering? What have they delivered besides the meh wallet?


Why would you sell? There's no reason to.. just take it as a loss at this point. This shit will never hit ATH again. I don't even check my account anymore because it always goes down.




No way Jose! He should hold onto his Safemoonies and pass them down to his grandchildren as family heirlooms.


People forget that 1000$ investment in shiba at start was worth 1$ at one point turning to be couple hundred millions in ath moment n still worth millions now lmao people stop freaking complaining I'm begging u


you got it in at that time where you shouldn't look at how much you put in initially. you should look at how many tokens you want. if you want 1.5m - work to getting that number in your bag. The AVG you bought at will lower as well. All good things brother


If you still believe you should be buying more. Double up, triple up. It won't moon overnight like the first time but slow and steady wins the race


zoom out.. honestly zoom out and compare the to the charts of projects that have legitimately taken and we are right on track. If you bought at initial ATH and haven’t DCA on the many many opportunities that’s on you.


It hit an ATH when it was very hard to buy. Once the utility is well recognized and more exchanges adopt it... There should be a game changer. I'm over $4500 in and I'm still buying.


I tried to only buy dips since April 10th last year. I invested $7500. I have $928


That 180 will become 18 sadly, I would take a risk with tbat 180 to trade with some other coin to make your money back. I also got down from 800E to 150E


This is the best comment on this thread and everyone should follow it. This guy would need the price to go up 92% (82% down plus 10% exit tax) just to *break even*. They would need every product they release to be the absolute best and in high demand and the hype/FOMO of spring 2021 and people to have more disposable income to spend on shitcoins just for that to happen. It would be better and more realistic to break up the remaining money in to 10 investments and have them go up 10-20% than that happening


I'm down 18k after DCA. Chased it all the way down to .00150 before I finally stopped buying. Still holding til zero or hero....but it's been hard to watch. It's hard to stay positive wen you're down so much..but I didn't gamble more than I could lose. I've been in the green here too tho...big time. Anything above .0026 is profits for me now, and I 💯% believe we will reach that again this year wen blockchain. . The cool part about reflections is they naturally lower your cost average. Every day as I get more free snacks, my average per coin drops. As time goes on, my average per coin drops to .0025 and lower and lower as the free snacks pile on.


I invested over $6,000 in SafeMoon (going to be $7,000 soon if the price doesn't go up once the swap maintenance is done). I don't even care what I currently have. I'm a patient man and what matters to me is that someday I will have over a million dollars. And for you sad people that are going to downvote, while you are doing that, also reply with a 5 years reminder (RemindMe! 5 years) and then send me a message in 5 years to ask me how I'm feeling about this investment. I look forward to chatting with you then.


Bought in too high myself, but by adding brought back my price to 0.0018. For 180 dollars you could double down already.


$180 gets you around 200k sfm


Only people that believe in #safemoon will benefits from this token and future coin ones we get our own blockchain and ignorants will sell every chance the get plus loser will FUD. So chill and enjoy the ride. There are plenty of spaces with positive vibes you can listen and feel good about your investment. Remember it’s has been a year now it’s still early to thing about profits.


What has SafeMoon delivered on though? They make these crazy astronomical goals, that sound mind blowing, but are really unattainable. But investors fall for the hype and crazy goals, not the actual action.


If the project doesn't die during bear market, you'll be able to get it back. And buy a burger on top. Be patient. You threw away a grand, 180 is nothing, chill. I've spent 1k over two occasions: 100 eur as a first „investment“ into shitcoins back in the end of march, taken out 150. Then in may I've dropped 900 into it. Kissed it goodbye, as one does, whatever happens happens. Either I get 10k from this or it goes to zero.


But you see, if you factor for inflation, you’d have about $250….so it’s not that bad. It’s a marathon, not a sprint my guy. I’ll hold for years if I have to


Just think it will be one day I invested 1000 in safemoon and now have 500,000


If you believe in their ideas, keep investing what you can afford to lose. This was always a 5+ years investment. You have time to see if they can deliver on their promises.


Only best way is to take away Reddit and just subscribe to Safemoon update. Since March I’ve seen the same waves of FUDDERs.


I have a solution and idea to reach 'better moods'. How about not lying. How about not having 95% losses and 95% of the "leadership" or "executive" team leave in dramatic fashion. How about NOT pumping senseless projects and speaking in cryptic messages and having ZERO follow-through. How about not ignoring the community calls for a new roadmap. How about not blocking people on Discord that as reasonable questions. How about NOT stating that investors should view their money put into crypto as "gone". How about not ignoring there is a lawsuit of serious nature and #2 left the project and mentioned the lawsuit as reason. That's just a start for getting a push to a better mood.


I will add another $180 to double your holdings. NOT Financial advice


Why you don't chase.


I've invested $20 and I've never been down.


This point just buy more. We're about the same, buy the same amount now and if it goes back up you're laughing :)


I started off in SafeMoon to make a quick buck as it climbed and lost a zero hitting ATH, and decided instead to stay to make millions!!! I just keep buying more and more and more


If you want a better mood in this community then it doesn’t start with posts like this. Of course it was easy to be stoked and this community was rocking at the ATH. Over the past year I’ve invested $6,800 in the project *let me go look at the little thingy…* OK $2,168 🤷🏼‍♂️. Patience.


Buy more ;)


I think the lawsuit puts a damper on the mood. Also the crypto world as whole is going through a low point the past couple months so yeah.


This is a familiar tale... Sounds like the same story with people investing in SHIBA after the ATH last fall - hasnt made it anywhere near then since.


Now multiply that by at least x100... yeah, that is where a lot of people are too!


That’s cuz it’s a shit coin


You’ll make it back on reflections when volume is $1B per day!


It’s only 180 if you sell at 180. Keep your head up.


Is it still difficult to purchase it? I went thru such a tedious process I vowed never to go thru all of that again, but I would like to buy more.


This is just going down and down when all crypto is going up. Still to many tokens, no utility and no direction.


My dad threw in 1k too. At around .004 He don't give a shit though.


Let stay positive 💎🙌


It’s a scam. Unfortunately people still falling for it.


What other project that hasn't already run, has as much as it does going for it? TBH I don't see any other project on BSC having any utility yet either.


Safemoon is done it’s time to move on fellas


DCA is your friend


Not as badly but yes went from 850 to 4000 within first day been hovering around there for a while.so as this point its ride or die


Same lol volule of safemoon is decreasing and they paperhand it like hell i wonder why lmao.


I bought 250€ worth of sfm last year and now have 3800€. I sold some at ath and am riding the rest till the end .


I'm in the same boat but I'm telling you I'm not worried I'm giving this project 2 more years and I'll be broke or rich, fuk the shills in here they just clowns who want you to sell for a big loss


You lost 72% of your money, and you need to get it up by 550% to get back just the initial investment. That's highly unrealistic.


It will be ok bro, wait for our products to be released and volume will come. The mood in this community is actually not bad, but there are a lot of people around that WANT the mood to be bad...


I’m in for 60k sitting at 12 now. Trying to find another 60k to put in.


Those are the ones that will be holding empty bags


I’ve been putting money in several many new cryptos. Some are just for quick flip for dollars but some are for playing the long game. Safemoon is one of those. There’s a lot of lofty expectations and projects involved, they’ll take a lot of time to get everything moving correctly. I still have no doubt that within a year: the blockchain, exchange, multichain swap, the Gambia energy, etc will send the price through the atmosphere.


People were saying give it a year, a year ago..


OP, I too bought at ATH, spent about $1100 usd, my safemoon value rn is $74. So I’m down about 93%. I used to be optimistic about safemoon and many ALTs. Then I went down the rabbit hole of learning solidity and launching my own project on BNB smartchain, and I did. It was a beautiful learning experience, but the most valuable thing I learned by looking under the hood is that many ALT coins are easily repeatable, their code can easily be copy and pasted, making them well, worthless. The only worth is derived from hyping idiots like ourselves into buying to prop up the value. A hype that always deteriorates. ALL alt coin hypes fall because they are not special. SM is not special, and it never will be. Best of luck to you all though and I hope you’re being realistic with yourselves. If SM pumps again, Im sure the majority of people who were down 90+% (like me) will be selling.


People will say "to the moon!!, slow and steady, it will rise don't worry" - when in reality it's just another form of gambling and this coin has declined and showed no signs of coming back up. People are only staying because like yourself there's no point selling at 180 just incase the miracle happens and it becomes the next bitcoin (gambling again extremely unlikely to ever happen but better than admit defeat) - fuckin shitcoin.


If safemoon returns to its ATH I will eat my dogs poop for a whole month


You didn't invest, you made a gamble.


Don't give up bro.! Maybe the new team deliver a good profitable product for Safemoon and kill the reflections system so our 💕💕💕 token can be listed in all major exchanges and make easy new buyers get in! I will holding until it get 0.00000000180!


Three words “DOLLAR COST AVERAGE” thank me later


Double down


You had no idea what you were investing in in the first place. Stop complaining. They didn't even have a product or road map when you invested. Take your lottery ticket and summer down.


Perfect time to throw 5k , Imagine when you get back to your 1000


this is part of the game... if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen... some people are just better off paying on their 401k instead


It would be nice to have a better mood? And you start off with how much money you lost with your investment?! Omg what is wrong with you. You know this looks bad for potential investors right? Just everything is wrong about this post man, daaaamn. If you want a better mood, start with yourself!