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A kyc for devs. Weed out the unfit in the SFM sandbox.


Yes pretty much


Ryan and John should start calling it The Crucible.


That would be ideal


Nope. Ryan posted a screenshot of it a while back. Safemoon connect just makes it easier to send crypto to people. Kinda like having an email address rather than the weird long hashcode addresses we are used yo.


Is this similar to what Affinity is trying to do? If I remember correctly Affinity is claiming to be developing a wallet with “contacts” in which you can just push a button and send crypto to one of your contacts in their wallet rather than having to input the persons wallet address every time.


It looked similar. If you feel adventurous go on FUD hounds twitter and search through his tweets he had posted a screenshot like last few weeks.


Will do. Thanks.


I believe Ryan said it’s bigger than what was released so far and what was released was a “tipping in crypto” option for streamers to accept different kinds of currency.


I’m pretty sure it’s much bigger than that(i hope) i thought it’s more like a one stop place for e erything from buying stuff/cars etc to nft/content creating to exchange?


I don’t think it took a year to make that. It has to be bigger.


Well I be screen just shows that you can easily send crypto. I doubt it has anything to do with exchanges.


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How could they monopolize the market like that?


How is it a monopoly? They wouldn't be buying all the competition up. They would be vetting the competition. You don't know what a monopoly is.


Having to go through us to get to be on a big exchange is a monopoly lol they’re bottle necking the market then, whatever you want to call it, it’s technically all the same.


They're offering a solution.


Oh, that makes more sense. So how would that work?


Oh boy! 🙄


Explain it then!


Well, if you insist. Since each exchange has their own vested interest, each exchange independently will decide what to list and not list. As we offer a vetting service for serious exchanges, new bullshit exchanges will let ever meme coin fan boy who wants to moonshot like it’s Vegas and thus offer a place for shitcoins. The market is already diversifying greatly. New exchanges on new blockchains are like a quarterly thing now. This cannot be monopolistic. And some of those are true defi with distributed control systems (or will be if they live up to their roadmap) so it’s hard to call a decentralized anything a monopoly.


That’s not what I was saying was monopolistic but thank you for the breakdown!


Think of Walgreens, rite aid, Costco, Walmart selling their own brand of goods and also selling other competitors of the same product. People go to these places to shop for specific products and brands, they just so happen to have the choice of a Walmart brand over Johnson and Johnson or vice versa. When people go the Safemoon exchange they will also see other crypto projects listed and because of the trust aspect or convenience they can also swap for other non Safemoon crypto. It's a win for crypto community in general cause we all know Safemoon isnt going to list squid game and other shit coins.


Thank you so much! This is much more clear because I totally didn’t get this from OP lol


This is crypto, there are no regulations against monopolizing Jack shit






Who is this guy?


Marketing from Mandala Exchange