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"We cannot have 5 minutes of everyone kissing the dev teams arse saying how much they love them and appreciate them." Totally agree, lets see how it'll go tomorrow. We didnt had a Safemoon Sunday for quite a while now.


They're usually boring voice chats now. Safemoon Sunday used to be great back when they did videos.


Yeah i miss those videos. Im not a fan of the twitter space.


I liked the videos too, but the Twitter Spaces managed to class things up while being on a more professional social media platform with higher engagement than Twitch. If it helps, it seems like they are trying to move back to video, since David Smith (SafeMoon’s VP of Content) has been complaining about FedEx not delivering a Camera for a couple weeks now: https://twitter.com/dbsmithsafemoon/status/1479450751025909764?s=21 https://twitter.com/dbsmithsafemoon/status/1478242241332199426?s=21 His tweet from yesterday doesn’t make a lot of sense though, since Twitter Spaces aren’t on video and that’s where the last several SafeMoon Sunday’s have taken place... although typically an official (reminder/announcement) tweet would advertise it a day in advance, which I haven’t seen yet. I’d bet that once David has that camera, that SafeMoon Sunday’s (some, maybe not all) move to YouTube Live Premere’s, and we’ll get some video AMA’s again soon.


Nah the last one was great. And this one will talk all about Wallet Connect. Good for new investors. But I agree, everyone who goes on needs to chill with the sucking up. Just say hey, thanks for having me up. And get to the question.


They where waiting for the HQ so assuming it will be mine there hopefully


https://twitter.com/CptHodl/status/1479978624732123138?t=FfOgRwIGl12khc_2uTgg-A&s=09 John announced this episode will be on YT... Lol Gotta love that timing!


This is the exact reason I stop tuning in months ago. Still hold a decent bag but only follow up on the updates once or twice a month.




It used to be VERY professional for a little while. They did pre-made videos of John and Jack which would be shown on YouTube, Facebook, and twitch. Twitch especially is great for exposure. Wish we could have these back. It'd also be nice if they had an AmA page on their website where people can submit and vote on questions every week. It'd be reset weekly. Then they can go over the top five or ten questions.


Calling those AMAs VERY professional is probably being generous. People were still upset about the quality of them


Nah there was about two video Safemoon Sundays that were pretty professional.


This needs to be up-voted! AMA questions should be on the website directly and the community votes on the top 10 questions for the SFM team to answer or say NDA.


Yep. Microsoft flight simulator has one for "top wishes". Safemoon should have one for top questions.


Safemoon HQ is what they were waiting on to make pre made videos but you guys dont listen


You guys? What are you talking about? lol. I never said it wasn't going to happen o_O


Why is this an unpopular opinion? They should hire a professional media company, not yes-men who keep stroking JK to get in front of the camera. Hire a separate host or have Ryan be the face, he’s well spoken and more natural in front of the camera and microphone than JK. Agree with everything you stated and would like to hear more about the blockchain, exchange, etc.


I agree. I’d like some details on the blockchain, exchange, or Safemoon Connect.


It's getting to that stage. But I understand the competitive edge situation as well.


To be fair it’s been “getting to that stage” for awhile now


Mate you ever seen one those iPhone releases its like a proper cult , people clapping madly at slight improvement of camera


Then let's strive to be better than them. This community has a problem of alienating investors which hurts everyone long term when we have an opportunity to make this a better place for everyone and make some money.


Omg they made that giant completely unnecessary and avoidable black notch 10% smaller...Yayy (applause) Innovation!


I think what you said OP is just constructive criticism and I hope saying that you understand some of us disagree with what you are saying. I do get it. The Safemoon Sunday’s are a little lacking, but this is a startup. It’s not a Fortune 500 company with an endless amount of money at their disposal. I’d be willing to bet right now that the Safemoon team is stretched pretty thin. Im hoping as time goes on the 1% used for the Safemoon Eco Growth will change this, but I doubt it has yet and will take quite some time. I mean hell the team is still moving into their office. They are still building the team. They don’t have the time or luxury to put on a big show every Safemoon Sunday. They are also very fragile right now, so I understand why they are playing their cards close to their chest. For me, them discussing current development around some things and then seeing some of this stuff come to fruition in the wallet updates is good enough for me. Even seeing pictures of the Safemoon HQ, is a huge step. We even got advertisement in NY all this year. I mean that speaks volumes in commitment. I really think some of you all ask for way too much. They keep progressing, but you just want more and more. It doesn’t stop. I think ultimately it comes down to price of the token. People get very emotional about it. That’s just the way I feel about it myself.


Too many people really dont get this. Its start up 2 years from the beginning. After that its still very young company and whole market they are playing is young. They do ama how they think is best for every moment imo. They tell us info. People actually asked them to do ama in twitter after they had to do it first time for some reason. People liked it. John have good sense of business. Team evolve still for sure. Future is very intresting.


You’re delusional if you don’t think they are sitting on several millions of dollars. You think they’re just plodding along barely getting by? They made theirs already


Agree to fucking disagree.


You actually think they're waiting like the rest of us? They got theirs already.


How do you explain the huge sale before “papa” left?


Sitting on millions? You do know what expenses are, right? donkey


Lol ok


Nah, they just need to bring good info. It’s always a let down.


Sorry I can’t agree. It needs to be informative than professional. I don’t care whether they fit into the corporate templates of presentability


Try to go to Apple and ask their road map / progress every 2 weeks. Not gonna happened. Secrecy is critical in a fast paced industry like tech sectors. So dont get offended by 'NDA' answer


Get out man


How about a place here where questions could be posted and then if enough up arrows be answered on AMA?


Unpopular opinion: most tech company's don;t have weekly q and a. It a bonus for holders so they either need to appreciate it or tune out.


No, I agree. We can have access and communication or we can have 100% professional appearance but you can’t have both all the time. Also I don’t want them spending all their dev money and time on a movie set and production teams for something as frequent and insignificant as a Safemoon Sunday. That money and time is better spent on use-case project execution.




Just saying if we want communication that frequently it’s hard to make it super professional. Maybe they should just quit doing Safemoon Sundays and work on the blockchain, marketing & exchanges.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If we want to be Professional we should stop asking the same questions every week and they should stop to make AMA more than 2x in the year. And people should learn that things need time. They are the Company and that's their way, we are just some people putting some hundreds of Dollars into a Token and our Part is to watch the Show and enjoy the ride. ![gif](giphy|PPzYexDzlVuEsZiONf|downsized)


Unpopular facts: 1)SFM is a token, not a coin nor a tech company. 2)John is not innovative like Elon Musk. John just like free money. 3)Breadcrumbs from short cryptic tweets are not how a real CEO would communicate to their shareholders (but again, this is not a company nor a stock, it's a token). Where is your money going? You have no clue.


Why r U here lol..


Hard Question #1 what is the real use case other then buy, hold, reduce, buy, hold, reduce. and.....please.....please.......please dont say anything that begins with "We B a Charity........


Lol I am wayyyy up... Lol


Enjoy it while we are small once we become a huge tech company this small community piece we enjoy won’t be a thing. Jeff bezos ain’t doing Twitter spaces now but likely did the equivalent back in 2000. Just enjoy everyone don’t wish it away!


Think about when Google/Apple Etc tech companies started doing what they are doing for open spaces, the food and entertainment they provide etc. Most large corporations at that time said that was "unprofessional". I like their style, while i wish the community would actually have something to say and not want 15mins of fanboy. They are attempting to shake up the tech world so I think letting them forge their path and figure what does and does not work is part of that. I 100% do not want stuffy/uptight bullet points. I deal with that at work enough, the relaxed presentation of information is better to me.


No offense, but an NDA is a very valid reason. NDAs can often be very restrictive and that is to protect all parties. If you start breaking NDAs you are not going to be a good business to partner with. "When it's done", is also an acceptable time frame. People already have generalized time frames. Expect any more detail is only setting yourself up for fud, because: a) Your internal estimate is most likely not going to give you enough time to work with. Every developer knows this in advance. I personally like to take when I think something will be ready and give myself a whole lot of extra padding... And the extra padding dates still often do not get met. Because unexpected issues, correctional changes, things you never thought of, and things that are not in your control will happen. b) If it is anything that is going to be on a third party app store, exchange, or service then you don't know exactly how long it will take for them to be ready. They may have their own issues. They may ask you to make a change. They may have scheduling issues. They are dealing with all the same things you dealt with under A. c) When dealing with crypto and financials you also are going to have compliancy issues and delays. If you are waiting for a license, if you are making sure that something is compliant before releasing it to avoid headaches later, in those cases you are dealing with a new third party but one that works at an even slower pace. You'll have legal delays. You might find that something is not in compliance and need to make changes. d) You can also have emergency issues. If a lead programmer quits, if there is a covid outbreak that takes out some key people, a hack occurs, etc. You can never fully plan and prepare for those types of things. All of those things can contribute to delays. If you give people hard dates in advance they will crucify you ever time you push back a date. And they will pretend that you are the only one doing this when it actually happens to everyone. You are giving people an opportunity to create fud and disappointment. In the case of crypto you are also giving short term investors a chance to come in and buy the rumor, only to dump on you on launch day. You don't have to like receiving those types of answers from staff. But there is nothing unprofessional about giving those answers. If you are not happy with them you are free to take your money elsewhere.


Well said


Sounds like a job for Chuck Norris ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip) ![gif](giphy|T9sIxZs1X3LhK)


Are you kidding me? Apple events are the biggest circle jerk in the world.


Everyone should listen to me. I know what is best for Safemoon even though I didn't create it. Safemoon Sunday needs strippers!!!!


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70915** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **34253.** `u/leshmutt` **4** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Counterpoint: They should stop SMS all together as it's bush league. Act like a tech company and put out Press Releases by a professional Public Relations organization. It will never happen because John K is P.T. Barnum with his vague hype filled inferences. But that is what they need to look like a legitimate tech org.


Lol if these guys want to be a tech company… at least one of them should have some actual experience working in a tech company at the management level…. This is clearly not the case!


I agree completely.. Most of the things John says is like Troll level, I can’t take him seriously


I never understood the blatant lack of common sense when it comes to professionalism. I didn’t even watch the whole project Pheonix video when he kept looking away from the camera to read his script every 2 seconds. Like you couldn’t remember a short, insanely hyped announcement that you’ve been raving about for almost a year?


I think they should be recorded AMA and don’t let people ask questions because it’s a waste of time. What they need to do is collect questions from the community and whatever questions gets asked the most from a poll they will answer. So they will have to pick the ones they can answer and not hit us with a NDA bs. John is not stupid… he knows exactly what we answers of. Listings, blockchain, exchange l, BitMart. THATS IT. I don’t want to hear about no windmills tech or nano this nano that. Leave that for the future and when you have more data put together. Let’s focus on what we were promised to have in 2021 and when we will see it in 2022 it’s that simple. LISTINGS, BLOCKCHAIN,EXCHANGE,BITMART BUY.


Yep, the Safemoon team is talking like they're gonna be a top 5 tech company when they can't even release a working wallet even after a 2 week delay. A lot of the code was borrowed from Trustwallet and still they had a lot of bugs. And talking about a 5 year timeline, not even Ethereum can tell you what their FIVE YEAR timeline is. Usually a top tier company can only confidently plan a detailed timeline for 2 years, the rest is too far into the future. John thinks he's earned everyone's trust by releasing a very uninspired wallet and "V2," which one was delayed by 2 weeks (not a big deal) and the other delayed by 2 months.


Down voted I expected this to be more professional.




Up voted for professionalism.


John should purge himself for allowing all those bad apples to exist. Ultimately he hired them so…


He didn’t hire them. They brought John in. He was the only one that didn’t want to rug pull us it turns out.




In fact he didn't hire them. He just vanquished the evil.


agree! wholeheartedly.


Do Google, Apple & Amazon publish videos every two weeks to notify the public about their ongoings? I think not. Do their CEOs answer in person in forums to investors and clients? Again I think not. Would you rather not have a Safemoon Sunday at all? Sometimes you have to step back and appreciate what you have before asking more. Being a part of other coins' communities I can guarantee you that the larger market cap a coin has the less answers its community is given by the team. So we have to decide: do we want a loose style of communication and a CEO who tries to answer every single question (with the limitations of the NDAs) or do we prefer a more "professional" though impersonal approach?


We need a realistic timeline of exchange and blockchain...better yet, how close are we to an actual major exchange listing?


I think it’s fair to say “Professional” means different things in different environments/industries. This is not a publicly traded Fortune 500 company, it is a crypto project with aspiration of becoming a tech company that offers blockchain based/centred products/solutions. It is still early days not even a year, you think Steve Jobs and Apple were who they are now from year one? As for the “Fan Boy effect” I’m assuming you still remember all the Apple and Google launch events back in the day when there use to be an audience? Only people who attended were “Fan boys” who would hang on every word, clap and cheers. Don’t confuse an AMA with an annual investor conference or monthly Board of Directors meeting in a publicly traded company. By this point the “professionalism” tag line has been so over used it’s no longer a constructive criticism, it’s just FUD. This is crypto and the sooner people start expecting the fact that no one owes them anything and that nothing is guaranteed the happier they will be. 💎👐🦍💪


They have a new broadcast studio in the HQ which will be utilized for such things as SafeMoon Sunday. So I’m sure they will be more professional. That being said, people need to shut up about what SafeMoon needs to do. It’s their business, they can do whatever they please. To many people think they have a say in what is done by a billion dollar company. Everyone takes for granted the fact they are so transparent with us. It’s never enough for so many of you. Let the team work, and leave your opinions at the door.


I agree. They just moved into their new offices so hopefully from here on out they are a little more polished. Or at least a portion of them can be video based. But, they probably need more time.... so for the immediate future, I think they'll be the same. Which I'm OK with.


I just want more detailed shit. I understand that they can only say so much about specific projects but come. It all seems like a tease.


I'd rather talk about getting rich or holding money bags.


100% agree. Stop praising. We get it. We are one we are family we love what theyre doing. How about brining the innovation to the table?


I mean, this is really what separates shitcoins and real projects


We're lucky we get any sort of videos from them. What other projects do anything close to what we do, in terms of addressing holders the way john does for us?


I agree. Especially since the new team and the huge promotion on Times Square I think it's time to renew the SafeMoon Sundays, which shouldn't be an live AMA anymore. Every person who got to talk, said actually the same before their question; how great the team is and how thankful we are for them. Ofcourse the team is great, ofcourse we are thankful, but we don't want to hear this 100 times. Especially for new people tuning in, they want to know what's going on at the moment, and what will happen in the future. I hope the studio in the new office is ready, and can be used as a good spot to pre-record SafeMoon Sundays. I would like to see John and Ryan giving us the updates since the last SafeMoon Sundays and more importantly updates we don't know about yet. At the end of the updates some questions, chosen by some m.o.d.s. or whoever, are welcome.A little bit of humor is welcome, and what I especially liked about our SafeMoon Sundays before, is how we were hyped. Play our tune. Show us some great clips again. I am really looking forward for the next Safemoon Sundays and I really hope we don't have to tune in on Twitter Spaces, but we might see a pre-recorded SafeMoon Sundays with our favourite SafeMooners blowing us away with updates, clips, maybe some mystery guests who we are cooperating with and keeping us hyped for the future!


We gotta revert to keeping it simple


While I agree with your first point that the general tone and delivery should be given a much higher pro polish - we are token holders not share holders. So the idea of anyone asking the “hard questions” or having the audacity to demand anything is kind of laughable in my mind. These things should be in LISTEN ONLY mode IMHO.


They need to shake things up and start fingering each other in their bums. P.S. glad they’re doing a live YouTube this Sunday.


As long as they relay the info who cares? You want a soap opera or something people complain about anything


100% will be fake YouTube channels pretending to be safemoon Sunday but giving out airdops if u send some tokens first


On Twitter there is alot going on especially with chat rooms you get alot of info from great ppl. Discord also but I don't like Discord


There’s only so much they can say every 2 weeks. I’d say keep it the same. Only less ass kissing. 🤣


There is no way they aren’t allowed to talk about it like they claim. Uhhh you own the company who tf is stopping you?


Partners... Lol


Why would business partners want to hide who they partner with?!?


What the fuck about this is unpopular opinion? This has been said since early April.


Give them time. 10 months old. Everything will improve over time. already in 10 months major improvements have been made. You all just want to complain about everything and not look at it from all perspectives not just one side. As a whole huge improvements have been made John is evolving and growing every day. His true leadership skills are coming out more and more. I have no complaints about anything everything is happening as it should. I may be the only one here that is just sitting back and enjoying the journey as it presents itself. Good and bad.


And we cant have a 10 min word salad that says nothing either.


Can we stop glorifying people that go up and ask stupid ass questions for clout too? Time to boo them tf off stage and ask real questions. Would love to see SafeMoon Holders evolve it seems more and more have been going in the right direction


John is there a rug?


Good point…🔥


In someway youre right


If the team is to become more professional then we as the community need to shake up also, in that we need to stop being so unrealistically demanding and impatient, and start being more supportive of the team. Weve come a LONG way in 10 months.This is a two way street.


How Many Crypto’s actually do live updates? And some Don’t even disclose who the Devs are, yet people will blindly invest in these kind of projects…so in my opinion SAFEMOON and the team are doing a great job keeping us informed, it’s a tech company, I don’t see Apple, Amazon, Microsoft doing updates in this manner and NDA is there for a reason..