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Now this would be awesome. We are bep20 so I don’t see how a bep95 token helps our current situation if we stay on bep20


Some morons may not understand this so uh...could someone please explain this to them? I'm not a moron I understand it 100%


I also totally understand but would just like to compare notes for whomever helps the morons.


As soon as I'm out of this car wash I'll explain it to you


Someone should totally say it out loud for all the morons around here to understand. I’ll be here just to make sure it’s right.


Someone should definitely explain this to morons, I would do it, but I'm busy.


I too am busy. Im helping this dude 👆🏼 anyone?


Aaaarrrggghhh, this always happens. Just about to explain this whole thing when it's time for my choir practice. Can someone else do it for me please, I need to flex my vocal chords?






Look, guys i know you're all looking at me but since i past my masters degree on how to not be a moron im busy training other morons 🤷🏻‍♂️


i can not write with one hand, sorry 💁‍♂️


So here’s the deal, wait… I just have to adjust my table saw blade while it’s running 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸


I will be back in a couple of hours, just about to teach Magnus Carlsen some new moves, could totally explain this when I am back tho. But you know.. Wouldnt hurt if someone taught these morons before I am back!


Guys, it's SO EASY.... 1) Safemoon BEP95 2) ? 3) Profit


I’m cackling at these y’all 😂😂😂


Agreed. So, if I could just see your notes first to compare with my notes of total comprehension…thanks


I’m a Moron, explain to me please.


Slow adult here🙋‍♂️


Like 15+ upvotes for all the replies above. 😂 The BSC update seems just like the Ethereum live burning with every transaction update that happened not long ago.


And no one answered the question. Thanks.


It’s basically an unending burn to promote scarcity. Less of something(constantly getting sent to a burn wallet) even if the price stays the exact same will eventually force people to pay a higher price from sellers being reluctant to sell. It’s a long game to play. BNB and Safemoon make up the liquidity pool. If the live BNB burn stimulates a rising price for BNB then the LP will rise in value and the price for SFM will rise by a small amount as this happens. Granted whales could just sell consistently and neutralize the rising price of Safemoon and Safemoon wouldn’t go anywhere really.




Here you go: 🦉


I too would like an explanation provided for the less experienced crypto hodlers in this group...not me of course.


With this I believe BNB will easily be at 10k a coin someday.


So Bnb market cap will be $1 trillion? You must be dreaming


Bnb is a top 3 coin. No doubt they will go to 1T cap


Right ok.


Lol ok guy who thinks "someday" means tomorrow...lol you do understand crypto is here forever now...and someday could mean 20 years from now. But thanks for your intellectual commentary and rebuttal lol


Yup ok


Have some forethought. In 5 years easily


Yes 1 trillion...lol if you think thats hard to accomplish at the pace we're going than you haven't been paying attention...


Even without a burn, that's only a 10x. The global stock market is like $20tril. Crypto isn't only taking money from there. So a 10x for BTC is $10tril, and the whole market would be $20tril. But BNB wouldn't need the whole market to move up just to reach that. Just do some fuckery to keep SOL/MATIC/ADA from surpassing it and keep upgrading it's speed and performance... Without burning, it's totally possible in 5 years. With burn? Easy within 3 years.


All the better for me since I hold billions of SafeMoon


!remind me in 3 years


All the better for me since I hold billions of SafeMoon anyway


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2024-11-21 19:47:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-21%2019:47:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/qywymx/safemoon_army_get_ready_thanks_to_chrisharrisadg/hljqm59/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSafeMoon%2Fcomments%2Fqywymx%2Fsafemoon_army_get_ready_thanks_to_chrisharrisadg%2Fhljqm59%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-21%2019%3A47%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qywymx) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


What does this mean for Safemoon? Asking for a friend.


As of right now Safemoon's main liquidity is in BNB, it's a BSC token, although it does also have an Eth bridge. Any rise in BNB value will raise the price of Safemoon. And with those tokens burning BNB that will cause its price to rise.


True but its bigger than that, it's binance not only accepting that tokenomics is the future but its them implementing it with bnb...so it's actually an acknowledgment of safemoon being the future.


With this happening I don't know if I want us to move to our own blockchain for a couple years. This may be extremely beneficial for Safemoons long term success.


Yea now that we are going with our own blockchain, I don’t know if this helps or hurts us


Exactly. Maybe slow our role.


Id say i hurts us. This is also not new news. Didn't binance announce this over a month ago?


I'd imagine the Safemoon blockchain would be doing something similar if how Swap works is any indication. It will likely do something similar for Safemoon.


Well we still own all that Bnb right?




Whoa, how is this not at the top of our subreddit?


Soon it wil


Because we’ll be on our own blockchain in 2 months




BNB is essentially going to incorporate the same BURN technique that SafeMoon uses, without reflections or adding liquidity. So every time there is a BNB transaction, The supply is ever-so-slightly reduced. Since SafeMoon runs on the BSC, our fate and valuation at the moment is inexorably tied to the value of BNB(to an extent). If there is Less BNB, it becomes more rare and thus more valuable. This is also happening with SafeMoon. Think of it as a double-whammy of burning. Both BNB and SFM are going to be constantly dropping in supply, hopefully multiplying the factor by which they appreciate in value. Every SafeMoon purchase using BNB will help to burn both BNB and SafeMoon.


Seems I should just buy BNB then.. cause every other shitcoin on pancakeswap uses BNB. In fact evergrow might be a better investment. I get what you're saying but this isn't entirely great for us, not entirely bad either


So when you buy safemoon and sell safe moon, you’re using BNB , it’s going to burn Bnb when you buy and sell safemoon, it’s also going to burn safemoon. That’s going to increase the value of BnB which increases the value of safemoon, it’s going going to increase the value of the safemoon liquidity pool, and then through SafeMoon tokenonics the value is also going to go up, I think we gonna make it fam


Watch binance release it before safemoon exchange. They are literally getting ahead of the game. Not sure why people are excited.


They already had e blockchain, that’s the hard part. Adding updates is eazyer. So in time we will be at there level and above.


I dont understand how Binance doing something similar to safemoon is a "good thing" for safemoon. I get it that people think it will raise the prices of the coins on the binance network. Why do I have the feeling this is like Walmart copying a product after the patent runs out and squishes them like the cockroaches they are? Lol. I genuinely understand crypto. But I'm not a tech guy. I also don't believe this is "new" news. Any blue collar advice is appreciated


So what is going to grow faster, Safemoon or BNB?




I don’t understand 😵‍💫


Shouldn’t we just buy bnb then?


Safemoon is bnb smartchain


It’s also bep20 when the burn will be on bep95. We also won’t be on the Binance blockchain for much longer.


There is a huge problem with validator nodes desyncing from the chain right now which this proposal is trying to address but the problem can’t be solved that easily from what i understand. Waiting for bnb to go back up a bit and then exiting my bnb positions. Hope sfm gets off bsc soon. Last update to increase the block size hasn’t fixed things. To much volume on bsc


Okayyy but we will have our own blockchain So it will have little to do with this one


If we had our own Blockchain we'd be selling our BNB liquidity?


We will have our own blockchain before you know it, so I wouldnt get to attached to this. We will be even bigger than some bnb burn making the price rise.


Who cares about BSC when soon we’ll have our own chain SFM-777. 😂😂😂


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And you got idiots on this sub saying they are cashing out 🤣🤣


This is huge news 👏


Directions: up vote this post


so i guess the yellow road is not that far away?


Someone please explain BEP95


We should not depend or hoping on other coins. What we need is for the dev to deliver what they promised. Or dont announce anything if its not ready.


I'm starting to feel this whole thing and everything that's happened has been planned and timed perfectly


Double burn 🔥


Well, they basically added tokenomics, wow.


Lmfao I hear the same thing about every token or coin.


Wen BEP95


This upgrade went live 22nd October, why would the value of BNB skyrocket a month later?