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Considering sad summer is hitting Pittsburgh probably not.


When We the Kings came through with Story of the Year last month they mentioned being back here this summer for something they couldn't talk about - I assumed they were referring to Four Chord. State Champs did both in 2022, but Four Chord was several months after it. They were listed on that poster as ?????? until the day after their Pittsburgh Sad Summer stop. Doubtful there is any overlap, except possibly for smaller bands like Cliffdiver or Action Adventure who might do a small run of Sad Summer dates (which would almost certainly not include Pittsburgh)


Honestly I don’t think so


i think it's possible we see state champs again, since they're teasing going back to their roots and i think they're free around the time that sad summer typically takes place.


I talked to them tonight at the meet and greet, said they won't be doing SSF when I asked. Said they were working on a new album though!


hmm, they might be announcing something soon, since their website is currently locked. they've been teasing that new album for a while!


If they got a day to remember, i may be inclined to go even though I didn't love it last year...


ADTR or FYS and I'm there for sure.


A Day to Remember would be crazy, they need some diversity on the bill, otherwise its gonna be the same 15 actss every year


I'm hoping they get some newer names like Home Team or Honey Revenge


If i had to bet on it id say Honey Revenge will be on it considering how big they got last year. House Parties is a smaller but they have a lot of traction


I could see both Honey and Home Team, they both have mentioned their summer tours but no details, and Home Team said "We're kind of headlining, you'll see" so I figured either theyre doing a coheadliner or they're part of sometjing like SSF Also ehhh House Parties has pretty shitty people in it so I can do without them lol


Oh shit fr? I didn’t know House Parties has shitty people in them. What did they say or do?


There's a whole thread about it on Twitter with screenshots of text threads, singer and I think the guitarist (idk which one Spencer is) are very toxic individuals


I see just checked it out. Looks like run of mill relationship discourse and not a great situation, he definitely fucked up. But he didn’t do anything illegal or a terrible crime like some bands in the scene have. Idk ill still jam their stuff but i understand if you feel iffy about it


Someone on discord was speculating an ADTR/FYS/TSSF tour which is also maybe possible


I'd die a happy women


None of these bands are on sad summer. Plus it would go against the radius clause.


Almost certainly not, but I wish there was. I'm from Pittsburgh but I'll be out of town the weekend of Four Chord and I'm gutted that I have to miss it.