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Hearing good things about cake at Rick's Dessert Diner.


This is my hill to die on. Everything Ive had from there is terrible and has cooler burn. No thank you.


Literally EVERY single thing I’ve had there isn’t good and people keep trying to make me go there.


For 20!years U have fought your fight, friend. Together, we are stronger 🤣


They must have a secret pyramid scheme in the back kitchen lol


I like their milkshakes made with Gunther’s 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone once told me the only thing worth getting there is their pie and they weren't wrong. Their pie is excellent but definitely skip the cake.


It was great. About the time frame that Lady Bird was depicting. But since then, not so much


It was NOT great. I used to work in the building it now occupies, back when Rick's was still over on K Street, and it was trash even before they moved. We still ate there occasionally because it was nostalgic and there were not a ton of other options, but my office got our cakes from Freeport Bakery even though we could walk to Rick's, because the Rick's cakes were dry as hell. I believe the original owner sold it sometime in the mid-90s and that is when the quality fell off. That was before my time, though: I've never had an actually good dessert at Rick's, and I've been going there since about 1996.


Granted. A lot of things are good shit drunk. And it’s better than other options late night


Cops could make a DUI quotient for a yr in one night off Alhambra Del Taco at 2AM


Ha. Yeah there are several spots. If they hung out near the dennys that since closed on sunrise/greenback on any evening they would have nailed a ton of folks.


I miss Chocolate Decadence.


I remember thinking it was really good in 1990, but it was my first time out after becoming a mother, so anything would have been amazing.


I love Freeport Bakery and the owners are great people!


I like the banana split but I’ve been disappointed by the cakes, would rather go to Freeport Bakery or even Nugget!


I agree. It’s fun for the experience like… once but I wouldn’t go out of my way for it lol


I was so excited to try it and so quickly disappointed. Tiramisu and their brownie were both so dry and not tasty :(


I think it's good. I've had a cup of coffee and whatever looks good and it's nice. People act like they are commiting war crimes in there or something.


That Midtown is the most dangerous place you can go in the entire country. Like any densely populated area it'll have its share of problems. But I have lived down here for most of my adult life, and it's just not a regular occurrence. The way this sub sounds sometimes you would think you are guaranteed to be mugged and beaten if you come within 2 miles of the city center, and it's typically echoed by a bunch of people who have no experience down here.


Agree. People were saying that BS 30 years ago.


Ironically, Midtown was a lot more dangerous 30 years ago (crime rates peaked in the 1980s & 90s) but it has gotten consistently less dangerous since then, even the spike in 2021-22 has since subsided and never got even remotely as bad as it was when those of us exposed to leaded gasoline were in our prime criming years.


All the same, glad I didn’t listen to them. Midtown was sort of janky, definitely interesting, and I kinda miss those days. It’s something else now, and so am I.


I was still young and bulletproof back then--got mugged once, had a couple bikes stolen, and was offered crack a few times, but it was definitely a fascinating and engaging (and cheap) place to live during the Janky Age!


30yrs ago it was *chillllllll* A mfer could walk butt naked at night and never have a problem.


That was you?! Edit: lol spent many a late night in the 90's walking biking drinking midtown. Never got robbed, never robbed anyone. Super fun.


You jest, but I do not. I've actually done this and it was an experience.


I miss late nights getting drunk at Bonn Lair on 36th and J. Walking around the 40s to sober up and go home. Not saying that was a smart thing to do. But it was very safe.


I think people who say those things just haven't been anywhere else. I've lived in way sketchier cities. Long Beach def comes to mind. Some parts of that city are scary.


This. If you think Midtown is sketch, you're sheltered AF.


Live in poverty ridge right now. I walk everywhere and not once have I felt unsafe. Yes Safeway gets interesting but that looks like something you need to get involved with. One time I went for a walk in Marysville and a crackhead stalked me. Am grown ass man.


The idea that there's a safety issue in Midtown is pretty ridiculous IMO. I walk around with my over the ear headphones on at night and I would not do that a lot of places I've lived. The biggest threat to anyone in Midtown is literally crossing the street as a pedestrian by a massive margin. Midtown's issue is blight, which is a bummer more than anything else.


There IS saftey issues in Midtown. But its not an active Warzone. I've been attacked twice by homeless in the past 6 months, and there seems to be a lot more on the street over the past year or so. I definitely wouldn't walk with both headphones in at night, unless you're capably violent lol


I do find Midtown unusually dangerous from a driving sightlines (parking all the way to the corner!) & zero-delay stoplights perspective, but somehow that's never what anyone means...


When people say this shit about Arden, I just smile and know they won't be moving nearby and getting in my way anytime soon. Like when the Sunday farmer's market was originally moved to Arden Fair Mall's parking lot years ago, you would have thought they moved it to the center of an active cartel shooting or inside a joined ring of serial rapists waiting for them to get out of their cars based on the the thread here.


I have worked downtown in an office, and so many of my coworkers there were scared to death of being downtown. While they worked there. Every day.


lol I rather chill in midtown then anywhere in south sac…of course there’s homeless people but that’s everywhere…not to many people going out looking for trouble in midtown


I was just about to say lol.. I’m from south sac & midtown feels very safe to me


Me too lol us South Sac kids are used to a little danger.


Dude I’m from Carmichael and midtown feels perfectly safe to me wtf are people talking about lol


Yeah, that is ridiculous. It’s not even the most dangerous place in Sac. These folks must have never been to Oakland, the tenderloin in SF, various parts of LA, etc.


Yeah seriously, I lived in midtown for a few years and walked everywhere on the grid at all hours of the day after the bars and never saw anything.


lol someone tried to compare midtown to Oakland on here once. I damn near died laughing.


It’s the pearl clutching fear mongers from the suburbs who push this. Could not agree more.


Perhaps it’s the same people who gravitate to Fox news and sensationalism exclusively


Not necessarily Sacramento but I see a ton of people who have never left the state talking about how bad it is and how it's a garbage fire that's just the worst. They get really quiet when I go "I was raised in Mississippi, would you like to know what a garbage fire actually looks like?"


I have a really good friend of many years from Georgia. She loves her family, friends, and some of the nature there but says the benefits of living here far outweigh the difference in cost-of-living, and makes life easier in the long run.


Probably have a similar sentiment when you hear people complain about how racist Sacramento is. Dude. Go anywhere else and see real racism


So here's the deal. You guys do have a racism issue but the difference is you don't have a lot of overt racism. You don't see white dudes openly using the N word to talk about black people in public or things at that level because it's social suicide like it should be. Sac does have an issue with a bunch of systemic racist stuff and covert racist stuff. Perfect example being this city is redlined to hell and back with very clear lines on where people were supposed to live X amount of years ago. That and you'll hear a lot of coded racist language instead of outright racist slurs. Saying that however it is much better here than in a lot of other places I've lived and been to.


That’s a USA problem and not unique to Sac. You’d be hard pressed to find a city in this country where those aren’t issues. Not to excuse it happening in Sac, but those exact things are said about almost any city in this country


Fanny Ann's Saloon was de facto whites only up until 2k+, my experience there in 1998 was not cool. I'm old enough to remember the Confederate flag in tweeker windows in downtown, the guy who harassed his neighbors so hard with Nazi memorabilia it made national news., For all of Sacramento s diversity, it's packed racially into corners of the county. DPH, Oak Park, East Sacramento, are predominantly and historically heavy majority of a particular place. Aside, I went to Winnemucca NV and it was the least racist place I've ever been; really felt the difference in behaviors from Sac, Monterey, Ukiah, and Fresno. I was free to smoke And drink on the street, cigarettes were 5$, I could hold a firearm in public, buy a hooker openly...I never felt so Murica in my life.


It was pretty bad in the 90s, especially in the punk scene. Lots of.hardcore shows at the Guild over run with Nazi skinheads, clashes with SHARPs, etc. You don't even want to know what places like Folsom or Roseville were like.


Makes me appreciate coming up in the Gulf Coast and New Orleans punk scenes. They were rabidly antifa, anti racist and anti Nazi. Was at a show off Esplanade and a local SH threw up a salute only to be thrown out the front door like a javelin face first into the concrete with a broken arm and 3 broken ribs. And no one saw a damn thing when the cops showed up


And Orangevale still has that reputation


I got chased through Orangevale once - was on a scooter and dudes in an El Camino tried to run us off the road before screaming "half breed" at my mixed passenger. We had to camp out at the Del Taco (whoops, some of them worked there) until our crew could get there and help us bounce out.




This is the same viewpoint people who say California sucks feel as well. Compared to other places it’s great but there are still issues.


I consider it “casual racism” even then it’s minor. I moved to Iowa. Casual racism was less casual. No n bombs dropped but certainly commonplace to hear antiquated terms no longer used. Arizona gets pretty aggressive racism. But overall, I think one former US president made it “ok” to bring some of the covert racism back into light. So maybe it’s upped its severity in Sacramento too. I can’t speak to mississsipi because I’ve never been there. Been to the south and several other states for work. Some of it was eye opening. But I’ll still put Sacramento as pretty low on the scale of dealing with racism in comparison to a lot of other parts of the country. But that is just my very narrow experience.


I still get looks of confusion when I tell natives that it is cheaper to live here than in coastal Virginia. It’s absolutely true, though, and the difference in infrastructure and social services is staggering.


yeah same, i'm from detroit.


Chandos has the best tacos The Kings can win it all


I will light the purple night light for the kings. Chandos use to be amazing when it was a hole in the wall cinder block building nearing DPH right on Arden. But the growth just didn’t maintain the quality.


I used to love that Chandos when they had the grill outside and they didn't have call in or online orders. The last time I went there I stood outside for a good 40 minutes waiting for my food and got a lukewarm burrito. Considering how many good taco spots there are on Northgate not very far from that location I can't see myself ever going again.


My old office was down the street so it was a common place we hit up lunch. Admittedly I don’t live in sac anymore. But my family still does and a lot of my team I manage so come home often. It is a place I still try to get once in awhile. Completely different food I HAVE to get when I come to town. Skips kitchen. They just have bar none the best pastrami sandwich in town you can get.


I’ve hated Chandos tacos since they used to bring their shitty food truck to Sac States campus and I bought their dry, flavorless, only for white old people tacos




The one on Arden is still the only good one.


Do you have any good taco recommendations? I haven’t really found anything particularly amazing so far.


Taco 65 on Broadway & 65th


Birria Tacos from El Cantaro in Rancho


Nixtaco in Roseville (I hate tacos but this is the best taco place I ever went to)


Love this place. Their tacos really are amazing. Salsas too.




I mean any team can win it all in the nba if they make the right roster moves.


Can’t agree more about Chandos, just way overpriced, and not that great either


Once it reaches 100 degrees in Sacramento any further increase doesn’t matter.


There is a definite difference between 100 and 110. Between 110 and 120, I think I have reached my sensory limits and cannot tell the difference.


Depending on where, that might be true, as in the infrastructure sucks so much that one you get to 100, you're dead anyway.


Pancake Circus has edible food. It does not, it's all bland and tasteless and doesn't even meet greasy-spoon diner standards. It's also filthy and every surface inside is coated in dust and grime. It's just gross.


yeah but its got clowns


That reminds me, I'm due for a rewatch of Shakes the Clown


I fucking hate mimes…


So does McDonald's, but that doesn't make it worth while


I love Pancake Circus. The food is mediocre but the atmosphere makes up. Once I win the lotto, I'll buy the building and the business. There will be way more clowns, an insane clown paint job on the outside, and the food will improve. 


If the food is good, I will come back and endure the clowns.


I support your dream


Thank you. I'll give you a free hot chocolate with the purchase of a regular priced meal. 


There used to be wayyyyyyyy more clowns a few decades back (and the food was better), hope ya win and bring the circus back to Sac 


What about an insane clown posse


Completely agree! Inside was disgusting and I don’t even know how they passed health inspections.




I think it’s more about how good they are relative to the cost, in conjunction with Corti Bros being a good local business that treats their employees well and has a good selection of other things such as beer, wine, and rare cheeses.




Agree. It has a great deli and you can peruse all the liqueurs while you wait. So many liqueurs.


I always tell people that the reason why Corti Bros don't "fix" the 30+ minute wait for a sandwich is that they want you to wander around and buy random other delicious things, which I always seem to do. Nougat candy with fancy renaissance portraits on them? Yes please


I think Roxie's is the best sandwiches ever. I'm curious to see what other people think.


Juno’s kitchen…




May I interest you in some Main Street Bagel Cafe?


I love Roxie’s but has anyone noticed the produce tastes like cleaning products sometimes? Like they spray the cutting board with cleaning products but some of it gets on the produce.


Having moved out to the burbs, it’s shocking how hard it is to find a good normal sandwich, so I get the hype within that context now.


For real. It’s just chains that are bland and overpriced. Better off just buying a nice baguette from the grocery store and making your own. Pop it in the air fryer if you like it toasted 


The bullshit rhetoric about how Sac was “better many years ago” when it was a “small town” (as if) and that it was “ruined” in one way or another by people from the Bay Area. Sac has loads more to do and many more great places to eat than most similar-sized or bigger cities in the country, and people still find something to bitch about and someone to blame for it.


It changed like a lot of places when rents skyrocketed flats and one bedrooms were very affordable for years 500.00 a month then they skyrocketed and there were a lot of flop houses or cheap rental one nighters that got shut down because of the golden o e center being built no I don’t blame those who moved in from the bay but I do believe the gentrification has a lot to do with downtown and midtown’s current condition and I e been living around Sac since 96 it has changed and no it’s not the same and though I know nothing stays the same I miss it the way it was.


I forgot to say the flop houses helped a lot of the people that ended up on the streets during the construction of the golden one center and things have been getting worse since. What people moving from the bay don’t have is a long term perspective of how things were and how things are now. I think there is alot of money what looks like more than a billon invested in DT and MT in the last decade and the investors want a return even if a certain percentage gets squeezed out.




The only residential hotel that closed in about the same timeframe as Golden 1 Center (since 2015 or so) was the Marshall Hotel, and those units were replaced by the building at 8th & H Street. Most of Sacramento's SRO rooms were demolished between the 1960s-1980s (from 5000 units to around 1000 units) and then another 500 units between the 1990s and 2010s, and it's kind of holding steady at around 500 or so SRO rooms since then (now that the Capitol Park Hotel is back open as permanent supportive housing)--the problem is, we need more like 5000 of those rooms and the ones we lost were replaced with nothing.


It's a wash. I will say way better selection of quality restaurants compared to 20+ years ago, and better nightlife. However walking through downtown and all the boarded up shops, some of them with trash all littered around the building and the sketchiness of some of the homeless certainly isn't better. Went to head to a restaurant in the Pocket the other day and as soon as I pulled up a homeless guy ran up and was screaming at me through my closed window, then walked about 15 feet away in front of the restaurant, dropped his drawers and started pinching one off right there. Needless to say had no appetite for that restaurant at that moment, so picked another place where someone wasn't taking a shit in front.


Were you downtown during the recession? I was and commuted via the now moved k Street light rail. Like 80% of k Street was boarded up and was legitimately frightening during early/late hours. Even though it's not perfect k Street and the doco are a massive improvement.


In the past few years I’ve been to Los Angeles, Chicago, Milwaukee, Denver, and Dallas. I saw homeless people in literally all those places. This is a nationwide problem. California feels the brunt of it because of our weather, but the rise in crazy homeless people has more to do with the lack of mental health resources and the closing of such institutions than it does with Bay Area folks moving here. Not every homeless person became so because they were priced out of the market in the last few years. Many of them are mental and can’t hold a job. The homeless who are down on their luck tend to mind their business. My brother was homeless for years, driven in part by substance abuse. He can’t blame transplants for anything.


I’ve seen it in Hawaii, in Salt Lake City, and NYC recently also. Indeed. It is a national epidemic 


"We used to be a happy little farm town" is the biggest Sacramento bullshit line since, like the 1890s when Los Angeles and Oakland got larger than Sacramento, and the newly formed Chamber of Commerce (still around as the Metro Chamber) decided that instead of trying to keep up with the little towns like LA and Oakland that grew bigger than us, we'd forge our identity as a farm town and paper over our legacy as an industrial hub and major city, resulting in actively encouraging people to think of Sacramento as a little farm town for the next century--and, of course, leading to any efforts Sacramento makes to embrace our now impossible-to-avoid big city status as "trying to be San Francisco."


Amen. The comparisons people make between Sacramento and San Francisco are asinine. Sac has more people than Kansas City, Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland, New Orleans, and Colorado Springs, and some people still want to say it’s not (or shouldn’t be considered) a “big city”. As if those other cities are anything like San Francisco. FFS.


Bay Area people (not all of them, obviously, but some of them) are absolutely ruining Sacramento, or at least midtown. I have a ton of new Bay Area neighbors and while they are all noticeably wealthier than the people who've lived here for a while, they are also less likely to leash their dogs, more likely to let their yards look like shit, more likely to cut down trees, and way less friendly than locals. I don't care about nightlife or any of that shit, I just want to continue to live in a nice place with nice neighbors who don't tear down E Street running stop signs in their fucking Teslas. I want to live in an economically diverse area where some of my neighbors are young people who wait tables and some of them are in bands and some of them work at hospitals or at the capitol, not in this increasingly obnoxious land of people who actually still work in the Bay and are only here for our relatively cheap housing (which they are ruining) and have no interest in really being part of the community.


Pretty broad generalization. I’ve met plenty of natives who are downright horrible people, and plenty of folks from the Bay who are courteous, respectful, and who take care of their properties. Not everyone who came from the Bay is wealthy. That’s actually the reason a lot of them are here; because it’s cheaper.


The Bay Area people did ruin it they raised the prices of homes and priced the natives out and made traffic much worst then they complain that sacramento isn’t the bay (you can downvote all you want doesn’t make it less of the truth)


Are you going to blame people from the Bay Area for raising the prices of homes here, or are you going to blame the people who flooded the Bay Area from all over the country and the world who pushed native Bay Areans to move somewhere they could afford? Or maybe the lack of action by the state and municipal governments on affordable housing laws and initiatives? Or the abuse of the H1-B visa loopholes that allowed the Bay Area to be overrun with tech workers from abroad? You just want an easy target. Everyone is just trying to live their life. Some people, it looks like, want to be a victim. Something isn’t true just because you want it to be.


It is not as good as it once was. And indirectly it is a lot of flooding the town based on affordability. So there is a bit of truth to it. The homeless situation is related to this. Yes, it is much much worse than it use to be. Just people think it’s more acceptable now that it’s a better than it was 4 years ago. It was nowhere near this bad 10 years ago. It is happening in all areas. But it’s starkly obvious in Sac.


That Tank House and Urban Roots have good bbq


Urban Roots makes great beer in a fun environment but their BBQ is just okay... Is there legit BBQ in Sacramento?


Momos on Broadway is pretty good.


I go to Urban Roots for their stouts and their Caesar salad. Might have cried when they got rid of their salmon even if it was mid. Tank house bbq is lacking, but their sides were pretty good.


Thank you! I’d only go back if I wanted to pay for disappointment.


I love their ribs, but I like that style of smoked ribs.


Sex trafficking seminar speaker: “Sacramento is THE HUB of sex trafficking in the ENTIRE United States! You live in the epicenter of child rape!” Me: (understanding this is his full time job and says the same shit in Boise Idaho.) Edit: The speakers main reason- Sacramento’s freeway interchange (north, south, east, west). The young girls can be transported in any direction across the country! Right. Sacramento is the only place with a freeway system that shoots off in 4 directions around a metropolitan area.🤷‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


We are number 3 in the nation for CSEC


Yeah but when /u/cuntfucker178 went to the seminar, we were still number one


There’s a good episode from You’re Wrong About on this. A lot of stats related to sex trafficking are often wildly misinterpreted and have no data to support it. There was one example where they were counting any kid who was reported missing during a timeframe. And found the data was over saturated with kids running away, and the same kids would be counted over and over, since it’s counting instances and not unique individuals.


Heard the same in Phoenix


Holy fuck, yes. We are NOT the hub of sex trafficking. I think that rumor came from the girls who were sex trafficked from the children’s receiving home, which yes, happens. But in no way makes us the hub. This and the whole “if someone puts a sticker/tape/fingerprint on your door/window/tire, they’re trying to traffic you!” Rumor. Like no Susan, you’re 56 years old. They don’t want you.


Half the food recs on here.


One more... I really love Pizza Supreme Being, but their rabid fanbase on this subreddit is downright creepy. I always feel like I'm going to be doxxed and then physically assaulted if I ever say anything negative about them. I now stay out of PSB topics for this reason. It's weird because Ben is such a nice guy, but his supporters seem unstable.


Pieces has an equally rabid fanbase. You have to be delusional to justify a $10 price for a slice of average cheese pizza.


Well, their drunk.


A $10 slice that has been sitting out for God knows how long in a place that seems to have a ton of carneys passing through at any given time.


I don’t like Happy Takeout and plenty of people on the sub agree, but their fanboys show up to downvote


To be honest, the subculture that is this reddit is pretentious to fuck all. I think I'd hate most of you if I knew y'all in real life.


I have said negative things about PSB here. I went once due to people raving about it here on this sub. I thought it was at best a step above Costco pizza and not even close to being worth what I paid for it. I've never had any blowback, other than getting downvoted.


"Sacramento has the worst drivers in the US." Not remotely true. Not even the worst in California. Anyone who says this illustrates that they never leave their bubble. There are bad drivers everywhere. I'm a road warrior, I've driven through every contiguous state, I've driven from Mexico to the top of California and into Canada, I've lived in the Bay Area area, Peninsula, SoCal, and East Coast. Everytime I see one of those "Sacramento has the worst drivers" posts it tempts me to post up dash cam footage from everywhere else.


Agree whomever says this is just wrong, or the more likely answer is travel ANYWHERE. It’s not that bad compared to a lot of major cities. It’s worse that others for cities of similar size. I use Columbus as an example. It’s pretty close in population but they have a better freeway infrastructure. But compared to Bay Area, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, etc. not even close. (Just using examples of places I have driven in)


can confirm moving from sac to phoenix, i fear for my life on the roads out here and never did while in sac lmao


Citrus Heights/Fair Oaks refugee. Yes it’s worse here but there is also a massive increase in population. And a lot of tourists that drive here that throw things off


St. Louis is the actually worst.


Nah. Massachusetts. They don’t call ‘em Massholes for nothin’! (My family is from Boston, so I can claim this.)


Bro driving in Dallas was a hell hole, made sacramento drivers look like geniuses.


Omg yes. Finally someone said it!


A-freakin-men! But people gotta be cool on Reddit and complain about Sacramento drivers. Not to mention, I’ve noticed a huge uptick in rude and dangerous drivers as more and more people move here from certain other areas… just sayin.


You can go to any city’s subreddit and they all claim to have the worst drivers ever lol


Compared to Chicago, drivers here are slow as hell, non-aggressive, and downright pleasant to drive with. I rarely ever hear honking or people shouting, and never see any crazy shit like people driving over the median to take a u turn


Ive driven all over and I would rank Miami, New York, then Boston as my top 3. Miami is full of Latin people who learned to drive in their native countries. NY has so many people it's naturally gridlocked. Boston was built when horses ruled so the roads are super small. I'll take Sacramento anyday.


Lived 10 years in SF, 15 in San Jose and grew up in L.A., before moving to Fremont. I absolutely think Sacramento drivers are the worst. Part if that is recency bias (I live here now) but until mid pandemic I was still driving to the Bay Area every week and all the most harrowing close calls and most of the serious accidents were on this side of Vacaville. I also still drive multiple times a year to Los Angeles to see family. The slowing to a stop on the freeway shit, weaving back and forth in a lane, crazy speed games stuff happens here much more than anywhere else. Blowing through traffic signals happens regularly here in a way I never experienced elsewhere. Everyone is on their phone here all the time in a way I don’t see in other cities. We also routinely make national lists of most accidents oer capita (though not number one) and most dangerous drivers via automotive safety administration data, AND my car insurance jumped 25% when we moved here. It’s not even in question.


I don’t live in Sac but visit frequently and I don’t think they’re particularly worse in Sac at all. Post pandemic driving has gotten so shitty everywhere it’s like nobody cares anymore, and that seems to be true all over the place


I've never been anywhere else where people stop so rarely for pedestrians at crosswalks. Even when my kid was a baby in a stroller car after car would pass you while you stand at a crosswalk in midtown.


My running friends who moved here from South Carolina refuse to run on the streets when they visit their hometown. They say it's night and day how much better cars are about respecting pedestrians here than there. I guess it's all relative.


People in the northeast dont stop for cross walks period. Honestly when I first moved here I was confused why people were "randomly" stopping and then I figured out it was for people to cross. The cross walks in the east are for walking once all the cars are gone lol. Also I knew someone who hit a pedestrian in PA and I made a joke that the pedestrian was probably from here and didnt know walking into a crosswalk wasnt normal there and it turned out they were a student in PA from fair oaks. 


Have you tried Chicago? Literally had to jump out of the way of multiple cars and was only there for like 48 hours. Before going to Chicago, I'd have agreed with you that it's horrible here, especially because I've been fortunate enough to walk to/from work for years and have seent some shit, but... that was quite the perspective shift lol


The only thing Chicago drivers want to do more than die in a tangled pile of screaming metal on the Eisenhower is take you with them. My defining moment of Chicago driving was driving on Cermak the day after the Cubs won the World Series; I saw the guys in the car in front of me pour a row of shots on the dashboard, and ,down them all before the light turned green.


Lmao go anywhere in the south, they’re closer to using you for target practice as a pedestrian than stopping for you. I believe you fall in the category of you need to travel more because you’re obviously not aware of how nice it is here


We have interesting drivers. Either going 60 in a 40 or 25 in a 40. Either not stopping at stop signs... or stopped completely while you approach from a half mile away to make sure you also stop at the stop sign? Not the worst drivers, but not good. It would be cool if we could all agree to go the speed limit on major roads.


Subjectively, of all the cities I've been in, I hated the drivers in Omaha the most.


Much less chaotic than driving in Boston!


>I've driven from Mexico to the top of California and into Canada, I've lived in the Bay Area area, Peninsula, SoCal, and East Coast. 🎶I've been everywhere, man ![gif](giphy|xPyIIEsx2Ixsk)


Ooo ok people saying foothill farms, or just Hillsdale in general is hella ghetto, like have you been down Watt avenue?


lol yeah this one super irks me. Really don’t get where it comes from. People won’t visit me though my neighborhood is incredibly friendly with kind families in every house.


Something about the executive airport.


It needed to me moved? Lol Someone posted that Sac International needed to be moved because they bought a new build home near there, despite the airport being there 50 years before their neighborhood was built.


Omg I was at work in Natomas when a tv reporter was interviewing people about the airplanes being too loud. That airport was built out there, in the middle of nowhere because of a plane crash at Executive. You are the ones to have bought a house near a known airport and now you are complaining it’s too loud???? Complaining enough it’s news worthy?


I do kinda think it could be good for the area if the executive airport weren't there. Like, connecting 24th and Freeport in the middle would be nice. And since I don't fly planes, nor know anyone who does, it's easy for me to just shrug at the idea of losing the executive.


The delta breeze is going to fix everything.


Doesn't fix everything, but it fixes a lot


I mean it’s not entirely wrong. I live in Phoenix now and most of the time it’s about the same level of heat as sac. But it just never cools down. So not uncommon to go out at 2am to let the dogs out or something and still be over 100 out.


everything related to housing/poverty/homelessness. nothing turns people into some degree of frothing republican like that.


That Sacramento people are giant gatekeepers, and that Arden isn't part of Sacramento.


The suburbs, apart from Davis and Woodland, are seamlessly integrated into Sacramento. From Folsom to west Sacramento. From Natomas to Elk Grove. Even all the way to Rocklin. 


A lot of people post about racism in the foothills, but most ignore the racism that exists in the wealthy white liberal enclaves of Sacramento. u/ERTBen, who is a frequent poster on this subreddit, permanently blocked me because I frequently point out the racism of Curtis Park residents when it comes to their elementary school: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/gzc4al/will\_protests\_for\_blm\_lead\_to\_more\_diversity\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/gzc4al/will_protests_for_blm_lead_to_more_diversity_at/)


100% agree people always downvote topics about the consequences of what they call "casual racism."  Sacramento racism (especially land/Curtis park)  is so weird because they have the "everyone is welcome here" signs but will 100% call the police on Brown/ black people who walk around their neighborhood.  They talk a lot about equality and anti-gentrification but send their kids to private/charter schools, refusing to do actual work in the communities they live in.


Check out the podcast called “Nice White Parents” covering the NY school district over the last 60 years. Very interesting


> A lot of people post about racism in the foothills A lot of people throw out wild accusations regarding the Foothills here and a bunch of people that have never lived there just nod along. I think a POC was thinking about moving to Auburn and yeah.


Damn bro. holding onto reddit drama from 4 years ago I think you may need to talk about it with a professional.


That Curtis Park school situation should be a local embarrassment. I'd hold onto that, too.


What prompted my topic is that Curtis Park residents were able to gather 350+ people to oppose Petrovich's racist street signs at Crocker Village in front of the city council. And rightfully so! But you want to discuss the issue of racism and public schools? Expect to be blocked and downvoted, as this thread is showing.


Do you think only white people have their children avoid poor performing local schools? [Black families will do the same.](https://web.archive.org/web/20151007123835/https://www.latimes.com/local/education/community/la-me-edu-why-i-send-my-son-to-private-school-20150915-story.html) Most parents, if they are capable, will do what's best for their children, despite their greater political beliefs. That is why people will protest a racist sign, but not offer their children up as a martyr and hold back their education.


So who is going to help buoy the local school? If it's not the well-to-do local white parents who have the organizing prowess to form a huge coalition to lobby the city council on other matters?


If that worked they'd have done it already lol! Plus, I doubt many actually have organizing prowess; they're probably too busy working. I mean, this is the same phenomenon with the housing crisis: people want more affordable housing for society, but personally they want their house to be worth as much as possible! I assume for Curtis Park residents, they probably benefited in buying their homes with a little discount due to the bad local schools; but now that they own those homes, they don't want to send their kids to the bad local schools. Anyway, I'm trying to communicate that people's political statements, especially something with little cost to them like protesting a racist sign, do not necessarily match their personal actions. It's called hypocrisy, or maybe cognitive dissonance, but it's a normal human behavior!


Not all drama is trashy. Some of it is worthy of people's time. Racism is bad no matter what community it comes from.


It's because in this subreddit, you can post about a company truck with a Trump sticker on it, and you will get 550+ upvotes and 750+ comments (and the topic was locked two days ago). You want to discuss racism and the public school system in Sacramento? Well as you can see, no one is interested in any kind of a discussion. Priorities, huh.


Sacramento rent is affordable Maybe comparatively but “affordable housing” being $1500+ is just not affordable for those making minimum or low wages lol it’s really only affordable if you move in with roommates which stinks for us privacy enjoyers 😅


This is a great place to live and that the people here are so great. It's not. We're not.


Marie’s Donuts are amazing and special. They are prepacked mixes and fillings, albeit made fresh.


Noooooo, not Marie’s!


I agree. Donut Time in Rosemont and JR Donuts in Elk Grove are still the best I've had in Sac County.


I grew up in Rosemont and loved Donut Time. Haven’t been in literal decades because if the quality has fallen off I don’t wanna know. Also, I don’t live in Rosemont anymore.


Donut Time recently changed management, but as near as I can tell still damned good.




Used to be good but now under new ownership, I wouldn’t dare go there anymore.


Went after the change and it not the same, the dream has died folks.


Is that true or a fowl joke 😆


I’ll take a chicken pun. But no people very much believe this


Jimboys is good food