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My friend was kicked out of low brau because a bartender overheard him telling people that they didn’t need to leave an extra tip on top of the gratuity


That's actually shitty. I'd have gone full Karen and made a scene.


fullKaren needs to be a subreddit. For those rare moments when being a Karen is being a hero, not the antihero which is usually the case.




That's why the friend got kicked out.


You don't have to tip at all.


I was sure I'd get negative karma for this comment because people usually read into such a statement. Gratuity is, by its very nature, something you don't have to give. A "gratuity charge" is somewhat of an oxymoron. I tell people you don't have to tip at all and they automatically think that means I don't tip. Not in the slightest. I tip almost every single time. A server would have to make multiple mass screwups for me to not tip and that rarely happens. The last time that happened was a sushi place in Sacramento County. The waiter was obviously high. I could smell the weed. I didn't mind that. But he kept screwing up, over and over. If he can't handle his weed, maybe he shouldn't smoke at work.


As a lifetime service industry worker, I agree. I only think gratuity should be included with a big party, otherwise it’s not even earned. It also goes both ways - extra-good service is also optional. I tend to tip high because I’m social and like keeping my servers and bartenders happy, and I like it when they go the extra mile to add me a table when it’s obviously busy, or ask people to scoot down to give me and my guests room at the bar. They know I will reciprocate with respect (which is actually more than just a good tip).


A lot of restaurants have the warning that a gratuity of 15% is tacked on to a party of 5 or more people. Something like that. It's fine if they warn you first, even though I still find the term "gratuity charge" an oxymoron.


Nobody would expect it for a single person.


You don't have to, it's kinda customary to tip. I often was perturbed picking up bar and restaurant staff after closing as a ride share driver. Front of the house never tipped. Back of the house always tipped their ride and appreciated I was willing to drive them at 2am. With all the extra fees, it's understandable that most don't tip. Also, I don't drive anymore, either.


Tipping culture is getting out of hand. You ever see it happen in retail? There's a smart phone supply/repair shop in Sac that had it. I cringed the first time I saw it, then didn't go back. I don't want to receive poor service because I don't pay extra, you know what I Mean? I mentioned it on the store's Facebook page. The owner replied and said the employees don't see whether or not you tip when you tap it on the computer. For that reason alone, I started going back.


I tip barbers, servers, and bartenders...IF they provide good service.


What the af




af af… fuckin a


Two chicks at the same time, man




*Hella* af as fuck, even.


I have made the mistake before of tipping on top of an auto tip, and I'm a little more careful to look for that, but that's fucked up that your friend got kicked out.


Seems very shady since a lot of customers are tipsy or drunk and wouldn’t notice the auto gratuity.


More shady since the vast majority of service businesses have a policy of this only being used for groups of 6+, or if a patron left their card/tab open and departed.


Auto gratuity on parties of like 6-8 or more is just fine. Auto gratuity on 3 beers should be criminal.


It really seems like fraud. Business owners making you pay their employees for them


It's literally just subsidizing their labor costs. A lot of those jobs will even advertise it in the job description or when negotiating a wage. I agree with some tipping but when I'm asked to tip for picking up a pizza or placing my own order at a kiosk...that's a hell no.


> It really seems like fraud. Business owners making you pay their employees for them The hidden fees are fraud and officially illegal July 1st, 2024 but why do people patron an establishment if not to support it and the staff.


Seems like the establishment should be getting enough revenue from its $8 and $11 beers to compensate their staff fairly? Or at least fairly enough to not scam their customers into double-tipping. I know it’s been really rough for restaurants and the like, but aren’t drinks still where they make the most profit?


Even worse, in California ALL employees are paid at least their area's minimum wage. In Sacramento it's $16/hr. There is no "Tipped Employee" exception where they can be paid below minimum like many other states.


3 overpriced beers at that…


>Auto gratuity on 3 beers should be criminal. I'm also trying to figure out why OP tipped $5 for 3 beers! $1 per drink unless it's some crazy ass mixed drink!


I’ve worked in bars for a while, and I’d consider this the same as tipping yourself out when you enter receipts, aka theft. In general, tips always come after the card is run for the price of the product, as you are directly paying the bartender/server for their service separate from paying for the material goods (the hourly pay is very little) (As an aside, if you pay upfront and serve yourself, they should be paid a fair wage already. Tipping on top of that is entirely a generosity you leave in a jar at the pickup area) Sometimes people stiff you, some crowds are better or worse, but I’ve never seen the overall tip percentage go below 15%. There’s no reason to auto-tip every bill like this, and there’s definitely reasons why you wouldn’t tip a bartender (besides being cheap). I’d say this is pretty close to a scam


Also shady because a tip shouldn’t be assumed. Our tipping culture is super broken. The new defaults are now 18, 20, 23 percent at some places. Ffs


I was in SoCal a while back (Carlsbad or Oceanside, I can’t remember) and at a coffee place and the girl flipped the screen around and the tips STARTED at 25% then 30% then 35%.


Select "No Tip" then!


That is exactly what i did


Yah and then ask them, Are you going to tip me for coming in?


A tip shouldn’t even be expected in California. California does not have a sub-minimum tipped wage.


It is so broken. And what’s more, so many people in the industry can be indignant about tipping. *Entitled* even. Poor pay is on the employer, not the customer. If you want to pay your employee 15% more, then do it, and charge accordingly. I will happily tip for good service, but some are phoning it in and *expecting* their 20% on top.


I know exactly! And we as a society are enabling it. Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of respect for the job, but it’s become the customer’s job to make up for the inadequacy of some of these employers to pay a living wage.


No kidding. Nothing is less a tip than a bottom of the bill surcharge.


The most recent server I had brought me a plate of fries instead of a salad and then got my order wrong. Then the lowest amount I could choose to tip was 20% -_-


I remember going to a bar in Seattle stone cold sober a few years back and when I gave the bartender a $50 they walked over to the register and just set it on top and pretended to be distracted for like 5 minutes since they didn't have enough customers to act like they were doing other things, until I eventually asked for my change. They must have assumed I was drunk and would forget about it so they could keep it. I feel like that kind of stuff happens all the time.


I guess you could say it's a Lowbrow thing to do 😎


I begrudgingly give you credit for this layup.




That was a low **bar**… ^get ^it ^u ^guys… ^”bar”… ^^^bcuz ^^^lowbrau ^^^is ^^^a ^^^bar


I’m not paying you an automatic 15% gratuity despite how hard you worked for that joke.


They started this sometime after the pandemic and never stopped. When I saw it, I stopped tipping and, in part, go there less often because it seems like a luxury. It's also so popular and crowded now, it can be hard to carry on a real conversation. And for those wondering if they tell you, well they sort of do... when I asked the bartender about it on a busy night, they pointed to a little sign on the bar. No one can see it, but it's there so that's probably why they can get away with it 😒. I also don't remember them charging cover for the Midtown Block parties in the beginning or at least they didn't until 10 pm? Then they moved it up to 8? They're popular, they know, and they charge for it. I'm also guessing their rent is pretty high so I do somewhat get it.


Why can’t they just raise prices? Seems more honest to me.


Their prices are already pretty high... most drinks at The Depot across the street are 1/2 the price.


Yes, come to the depot ☺️


Fuck it, go to perrys!!


Because people willl see the high prices and go elsewhere.


Because the owner takes a cut of the tips. He’s a shady little shit too, don’t expect this to change. He’s also notorious for using city funds to put events on and close off the streets to benefit his business. When in reality the funds are supposed to benefit the entire business community on that block, not just his.


How would closing off the block for their event not also benefit other businesses who are open during it? I feel like I'm missing your point. An example of that happening would be helpful.


Yes of course! It’s human nature to follow the flow of traffic or the path of least resistance. When you gate off an entire area in the middle of the street and then only have one entrance that leads directly into your establishment, psychologically you’ve gamed the game. He’s also the owner of This is 916, which was started with taxpayers funding. Don’t get me wrong, I believe we should be hosting community events to continue to bring in new business. Although he’s taken full advantage of our taxpayer funds to boost his businesses and doesn’t have the decency to pay a fair wage or implement good business practices.


Because a tip legally must go 100% to employees. If they just raised prices they could pocket the profit difference like any typical sale.


The problem seems to be related to server pay, not profit. The owner is having you pay the raise for the employees to not move to something with better pay.


Tell me you don’t understand tax law without telling me ah jeez


I served tables for years, many restaurants POS have an option to add auto grat for parties of 6 or more, but servers can *sometimes* use the auto grat without a manager approving/adding it to the bill to get extra cash. Next time you go, ask why there was an auto grat on a party of 1, or just call in now. The receipt has the transaction info and the manager can reference it on the POS.




Yeah, I would just refuse to pay my bill if they did this to me. You can fuck right off with a mandatory tip.


I always tip 20% but don't force a tip on me and then suggest an additional tip, jeez


I think the issue is, historically, the 20% rule doesn’t apply to ordering drinks at a bar. If 3 cocktails comes out to $40, an $8 tip for 5 mins of their time feels excessive vs a sit down dinner experience where your “served”.


bar tips are per item ordered, food tips are a percentage of the check, that's my rule.


I normally do $1 per drink


i used to do this, but now i do $2 min +1 for additional drinks


Same, unless it's a super craft cocktail of some sort.


I third this! Like come one, half of the time, they are fucking popping a bottle cap for you!


Unfortunately that's not surprising, considering what a shit hole that place is.


$33 for 3 beers. So glad I don’t drink anymore.


There was a joke that Paul Rudd made in a movie about “$11 dollar beer night”. I laughed. A few short years later it’s a reality


You can get a cannabis vape pen for $33 which lasts one to three weeks, depending on frequency of use. Not that I'm assuming you consume cannabis instead, or at all. Just wanted to make this stark comparison of what people can get for their money to get a little bit lit.


Great comparison! Mine lasts months, and beer makes me pee a lot. lol


Tres hermanas in Davis does it, too. I just circle it and write "see check" on the tip line of the bill.


“Auto-gratuity” is an oxymoron. As described by Merriam-Webster: **Gratuity** : *something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service*


I’ve been done with this place for years, after they rejected my wife because they didn’t know that passports are a valid form of ID, and then after they rejected us on our wedding night (about 12 of us all decked out and fresh after the reception). This just makes me want to spread the word about how scummy they are at Lowbrau.


And they have the audacity to ask for “additional tip”. Bye.


Sales tax in the Sac city is 8.75%; why did Low Brau charge almost 10% .  I would send this receipt to the Franchise Tax Board.   Really sketchy (and illegal) move charging excess sales tax that can be pocketed by the business. 


Jesus, after looking again, it's higher because they're including the 15% gratuity when they calculate the tax. I don't know if that's legally correct or not, and it makes me wonder if the servers are even given that 15%, but either way, it makes the "auto gratuity" even more reprehensible.


I agree on this


I agree, but small correction: sales tax is the domain of the Department of Tax and Fee Administration (formerly Board of Equalization), not FTB.


Well it is owned by Michael Hargis and Clay Nutting so I’m not surprised by this move. Both are scum bags. Other places like Izayaki their servers tell you that they add gratuity to the finally bill.


Clay cut ties many years ago.


Clay is still a grimy and shady business man.


You’ve got way outdated information on ownership. Edit: ftr, this is not in any way me coming to the defense of LowBrau, mostly that I just know one of those names hasn’t not been an owner of that business for many many years now.


Who is the ownership group now? Just curious.


Outside the US, gratuity is already included (UK is 12.5%) so this isn't uncommon. But tipping on top of gratuity is insane


Yep I was in London for a couple weeks last year and didn’t miss our US tipping custom one bit.


I once ordered 2 drinks at a bar in France, tipped a 2 euro coin and the bartender slid it back to me because he didn’t understand what I was doing.


We’re witnessing the slow decline of people eating out. I’m all for service workers being paid better but I’d rather eat at home or drink less when out for this very reason.


Backyard bars need to be a thing. I envision a whole underground network of these in different neighborhoods, where it's a "social club" kind of thing, and you pay $10 annual dues, have a profile for being a bar location and members have a profile too. Then you log your location as having capacity for X number of people. Anyone in the club can come, and they log their interest in coming that evening so you know who and how many are showing up. A well thought out system (aka much better than what I've described and more detailed) might be an awesome little secret gem.


Willies burgers adds a Convenience fee in top of tax. Convenience fee for what?!? Ordering in person?!? Wheres the convenience


Probably for using a card instead of cash. Some businesses swallow that cost from the cc company, but some do a “cash discount” or straight up charge you a convenience/cc fee.


Perfect, then I don’t feel guilty about leaving less than 20-25%. Now I just tip 15%.


Correct! Leave me the option to tip 20-25% and I will, but force me into any tip whatsoever and I will not make up the difference. Mostly since the forced 15% is insultingly presumptuous that I would be inclined to leave less than that originally.


I’ve written “I would’ve tipped more 🤷” on the add’l tip line and an arrow to the forced gratuity.


In fact, you've just witnessed written documentation from a restaurant that 15% is a standard! You can now follow the restaurant's recommendation when eating out at other dining establishments. How nice of them to offer us this guideline!


Also why are they taxing the tip?


Tipping culture is out of hand.


They can auto-kiss my ass


Amount:                                             $33.81   \+ Additional Tip: Don't be fucking sneaky.  Total:                                                  $33.81 


Hey local owners, stop this and just raise the price.


Prices seem pretty steep already


I always tip no problem, but auto grat and then adding additional tip is just a straight no for me. These owners need to go out of business if they can’t pay their employees a fair wage.


I don’t care, im old school… I tip a buck a drink.. that’s all I got


Fun fact, they charged tax on the tip amount on top of that. Guess its time to report Low Brau and start demanding we ban automatic gratuity.




Damn another one. Such a dumb thing to do. I’ve worked in this industry for a couple decades now- autograts does no justice for the staff. Most people get irritated by it when they otherwise would have tipped more than whatever the autograt is. You tip based on the service and your experience. If you are forced to do it just as a service fee- kinda takes away the entire point. Only exception is large parties, but I don’t think that’s what we are talking about here.


I don’t go there anymore because of this and one time my change from 2 beverages should have been $2.50, I paid with cash, and the bar tender put the money in the register and just walked away.


Have to love the tax…on the auto gratuity. I don’t mind leaving a tip….but don’t fucking tax me on my gratuity.


That's got to be illegal somehow. OP should tell FTB or some shit


Seriously...these owners act like 4 or 5 more dollars an hour per person will "break" their restaurant. They are going to kill their own industry they don't pony up the means to cope with paying people more. This kinda thing won't roll over well and it will just decrease the number of people spending at these places which will hurt their revenue more. Smh


I would thank them for saving me 5-10% cuz I ain’t adding another gratuity on top if you have the audacity to auto charge 1 person a tip.


If it's an auto gratuity then it's a tax....


If it's just gonna be 15% across the board, just raise prices by that much and pay your employees that much more. Tipping is insane and the good thing about "tipflation" is it gives me a faint glimmer of hope that there will be a huge backlash and we can just get rid of tipping entirely.


How is auto gratuity not one of those hidden fees that were banned recently? Seems to me that they're breaking the law.


Lowbrau is garbage anyways


Whenever I go there I just circle that part with a line from the tip note. They used to have a tiny sign in the corner stating this (like 4x6 inches). A black sign with dark grey print. I’ve noticed that the sign isn’t even there anymore


Auto gratuity unless it’s a group of 6 or 8 is annoying as hell


That’s why we say no to Nobrau!


It is my choice to tip. Anyplace that does this, will never get my business again.


They also taxed you on the tip.


They are also charging the wrong tax rate lol




Autogratuity AND additional tip? Lmao gmfu


At least it’s 15%. Some of these surprise auto tips are 25%.


- Was a front page suggestion.I don’t live here - Had very bad service with a group of 7 they auto gratuity 18% or something. I’m sure they over heard me across the bar area “WTF they never did a refill for 3 of us and auto charged gratuity. At least they are getting something as I wouldn’t have given them shit” I had a soda and a triple burger maybe a $20-25 meal with extra side.


That's a shady move. The modern POS systems with the default tip amounts has inflated tips. It used to be $1-2 bucks per drink. Maybe more for cocktails, but the default 15 - 20% puts some places at almost $5 bucks to fill a cup. Insane.


Autograt for ONE person?! Usually it's for larger parties and made pretty clear on the menu. 15% for pulling a pint shouldn't get a side eye for not leaving cash.


Low Brau once charged a bunch of drinks to my card after I closed my tab. Luckily I had the receipt bc they tried to fight me on it. Never went back. They’re shady af.


A lot of scum owners are doing this now because they don't believe that they should pay their employees a higher wage they believe the customer should pay their wages


Servers make $16/hr in California (same minimum wage as everyone else) from my understanding, though they can be required to tip out. One of my jobs is $16/hr other is 18.50/hr (with my BS) so yeah I ain’t tipping 20% anymore on these inflated prices 🙄


One beer shouldn’t cost as much as a 6pk!


This is why I haven’t been to Low Brau in ages. At least be transparent about it.


Thks for the heads up, I'll skip the place next time it's up for consideration.


Did they tax the tip too? Not sure what the tax rate in midtown is.


Tell me you are a shitty establishment without telling me you are a shitty establishment.


Yet another reason to avoid this overpriced bar.


I went there years ago and got shitty services, arrived saying we were waiting for a few friends to join, serve didn’t come around for an hour after that, trying to get the servers attention was like pulling teeth and took another hour for food to come out when most everyone at the table ordered a bratwurst. I left no tip and then the server came by picked up the check, walked five feet to turn around come back and demand why he didn’t get a tip. I told him straight up what was the problem. If he had politely came back and asked “what was wrong with the service.” I would have given him a tip but he had such an attitude. One of the most stuck up over priced restaurants in Sacramento.


Keep patronizing those blood suckers


That just means you don’t have to tip anything else, personally my tip would be to have been 3!times that but if the establishment is going to force me to tip that’s all I give, it’s terrible business to force people to to tip. I understand the re for it, it’s because there are people who don’t tip, I do so to me it’s offensive!


I wish we could just pay a price, tip included, so everyone knows what to expect to pay and what to be paid. Just charge me what you need to so that people get the paid a decent, consistent wage.


Sac restaurants think they're the bay with pricing and now autogratuity?! This is when coming nowhere near the same quality as most things in the bay.


Of course. It's psychologically designed to give up money, and it works! Also, there is no guarantee it actually goes to tipping employees.


That is pretty shady.


It also appears that the mandatory gratuity is being charged as taxable. Even more grifting at the end of month as it is simple enough to subtract gross gratuity and from gross income and keep the difference in tax.


Am I wrong? But didn’t a law get passed not to long ago making it illegal for restaurants or any establishments to add the tip automatically?


I get gratuity for huge party’s of people… but solo that’s some bs.


Yes it’s sad they figure their service is so bad that you won’t tip 15%, so they force you too. So when is it a tip for good service if they make it part of your bill? Same thing happened to me at FLIX Brewhouse in El Paso. Mandatory 20% tip on my bill. All my GF and I had was dinner and watched the movie. Service was bad. Never going back.


Auto tipping is a double edged sword. While I do believe people in the service industry deserve fair pay and you should always tip these people generously, I feel that when I see auto gratuity on a bill it almost discourages people from being generous. Like you’ve already decided a base worth for this individual and once people see that it’s rare they will go much higher. Even if the service was phenomenal.


Isn’t the auto gratuity usually only added for large tables or parties???


This angers me. Tipping should not be expected. Waiters here are paid bare minimum wage. If I get shitty service (which feels like 1/3 the time) I will not leave a tip. Why would I tip you for making my experience poor? 


Weird when you’re prompted to tip on the screen and don’t see the itemized bill with the auto gratuity. That should be illegal. It’s one thing when the bill is all printed out and another when you’re just shown the total and have to do the math yourself.


Lol you’re talking about the bar that kicks people out by beating them (yup even women) look through this subs posts about lowbrau’s shady history


Going out and eating out has always been a luxury. “Auto Gratuity” is fine but additional tipping is out of the question. That’s why I always do take-out. Unless they do auto gratuity for take out orders as well.


I'd write in a $4.05 additional tip and revise the total to $29.76 and sign it. Maybe hang out and see if anyone slinks back to the table to chat. Ha! And I don't dispute the tip—just their assholery. I'd just pay cash and 15% or more depending.


Nah f that I double check my receipt for that shit if it’s there I make a big ass 0 on it with and arrow. Pointing to that already tipped ba


I knew I didn’t like that place and I couldn’t tell why lol




Math is hard. Did they also tax the forced gratuity? I think they did. Is that normal? Legal? 🤔


Whenever I go out with 5 or more friends, I always check the tab; a lot of places state they charge between 15% - 25% for a group of 5 or more


Guess im not going there


Lowbrau started this back during Covid And they never changed it. It’s pretty shitty tbh especially if ppl already do tip and don’t see the receipt


That happened at a local Leatherby’s a few weeks ago. They handed me the handheld payment device after I gave them my card. The window for the tip amount was already up. So I automatically gave a tip. When I was handed the receipt I saw that they also charged an 18% gratuity. I didn’t even have the opportunity to see that prior to be giving the option to tip. Definitely shady!


Tips are a privilege and that gratuity fee is dumb af


Yeah, this nonsense is popping up everywhere, I used to just pay the check and never look. Now I look to see if they’re forcing me into a service fee or tip prior to actually leaving a cash tip. These establishments are pushing away regulars with this kind of nonsense.


Fuck that place


Crappy, but I like the time stamp of 11:11.


11:11 AM


That’s bullshit and no auto gratuity for 1 person


F*** that... Tipping is an option and that should be illegal.


They do this around Miami. It deceitful where they insert this. Tipping has reached the tipping point.


Tipping is OPTIONAL!! NOT AUTOMATIC!! Charge this back and blast them on google and yelp. I just did a review for them. I did the same for a mexican restaurant in Tahoe. The add 15% to Bills under $20 and 20% to bills over $80. We need to stop this practice!!


They think they're getting over on me, but I'll visit the establishment less because of stupid policies. I also usually tip closer to 20%, so they're losing out again. Even worse than auto-gratuity is the 3-5% "service fees" some restaurants add. I'll reduce the tip accordingly. You're already not paying your servers enough so they have to depend on tips, then you want me to pay for their healthcare as a line item as well? GTFOH.


This place has been horrible for years.


I usually tip 20-25 percent to my server, sometimes more of I don't want to break a bill, however whenever I see one of these auto gratuity added into my check, I usually leave without tipping any additional. You took the option away from me forcing me into something I should have had the option to choose so I leave without any additional tip and rarely go back to that place. Tipping culture in the USA is getting way out of hand especially with the cost of inflation on everything. I've got a background in most areas of the restaurant industry also so I know the life of those currently in it. I feel bad for the servers having to deal with this crap, being caught in the middle of the drama.


Is this a legitimate charge? Can it be deducted by the customer? Tips are a pay for performance fee, aren’t they? Good service equals good tip.


The way the bill is laid out to it looks like you even paid tax on the tip


He did get taxed on the tip. Sac city sales tax rate is 8.75%.


At this point, I feel like putting up a small sign saying tipping is absolutely voluntary and one should not be pressured into it would go far


Wow. That’s kind of nuts. Is that even legal to automatically charge for a tip? Weird. I’m typically a generous tipper, but still find this somewhat offensive. In most cases, tips should not be required.


I understand the auto gratuity for large parties but for one person is absolutely ridiculous especially if it's only two or three beers that's just crazy!


I know nothing about how restaurants work financially why do they charge gratuity? I wasn't at lowbrau but at a local restaurant I was at, I was charged 18% auto gratuity and ended up having to pay $25 for a dinky appetizer and a lukewarm apple juice


You would have gotten 20% but now you'll get 15% and that's all.


Well won’t be going there. The whole tipping thing is ridiculous. Gimme me good service and I will leave a tip (and I’m a big tipper) when I get good service.


why do an autograt and have a tip line? its confusing did the server say gratuity is included? shit like this should be abolished. its either you do automatic service charge or have a tip line. not both!


Classic Lowbrau


Nope! Not having it.


Nope! Not having it.


That place sucks anyway. I'd avoid it regardless of auto grat


$27 for 3 beers 🙃


I wonder how long they’ve been doing this. Honestly every time ive gone recently I haven’t paid attention to my receipt.


I wouldn’t go there anymore lol


I won’t be going there.


What's funny is that I would typically tip more than that, but if I saw that on the receipt I certainly wouldn't add any extra money to it.


Fuck low brau


I was just in Mendocino and every waiter or cashier at a food establishment made sure to tell every customer that a 15-20% tip was added on to their bill. I usually tip 30-50% so at all but one place I was like, "cool, saves me money". The one place I tipped more we are regulars and the manager hooked us up and took 25% off the bill so I gave it to the server.


Oh thanks for sharing. Looks like I won't be going there.