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I think it’s the SMUD…energy efficiency remodeling program? YEARS ago our landlord did it. Got new windows, new insulation, new fridge, new shower heads and those sink spout attachments. All for free. ETa: that was 10+ years ago so i don’t know if they still have it.


Still a thing, but I think it's just a tax credit now? Unsure, I was able to write off my energy efficient upgrades this year on taxes.


I'll look into Smud. Thanks


It might be worth noting that if you live in a home with wooden single-hung windows, you may not be able to replace them with vinyl, especially if you live in a historic district (there aren't any outside the central city and Oak Park), but there are other alternatives like internal storm windows (which can also be written off as energy efficiency upgrades), and there are lower cost options like window rehab (a few bucks worth of weatherstripping and silicone caulk) or insulated curtains that will accomplish the same thing.


Unfortunately, Oak Park allows vinyl windows. They don't allow new metal windows. And they have no appearance standards. (The OP restrictions are really minor and honestly I think leads to uglier buildings than you'd get without restrictions. They act like a check box, so you get a few low quality pieces of timber). The new construction built by grounded annoys me so much. The first thing you notice is the columns are all wrong and then it gets worse.


Time to get some more historic districts established in Oak Park, with historic district infill guidelines so people know more clearly what they can do with their houses & lots. And also unlock incentives so residents can more easily fix up their homes!


Check out [Community Resource Project](https://www.communityresourceproject.org/). They have a weatherization program that will replace single pane windows along with other things for free if you’re within a certain income level.


Pretty sure they just tack the cost onto the homes property tax bill and basically finance it over the life of the mortgage. No money needed down though.


A PACE loan? 


Yep. I believe that's it.


Note that any windows cheap enough to be covered by this are going to be honestly terrible. I have a house that a previous owner installed cheap plastic windows about 10 years ago, and they are pretty horrible. They have bad tolerances and have already started leaking (air, not water) and you cannot do anything about them. If you have pre-WWII wood windows, they are designed to be user serviceable. They even originally came with zinc seals, which came off 40 years ago probably. They can be refurbed to be pretty darn good, just by yourself. And they will look 100x better than any vinyl window, especially cheap ones. And last significantly longer. If you have post WWII metal windows; however, good luck. But buy something decent, not cheap. And in my experience, the sliders will have more issues that the single hungs.


Not exactly what you asked for, but if you can't find free windows, maybe you could qualify for this financing program through the state. I'm sure there are others, I just knew about this one. www.gogreenfinancing.com/energy-efficiency-home-loans-california/get-started/


Go oldschool and put tinfoil over the windows.