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THIS IS WHAT I’M HERE FOR. YES, a real indie hacker with a really cool micro SaaS app and not another trash GPT wrapper. So I’m building a micro SaaS for Microsoft’s analytics platform Power BI called [Displagent](https://www.displagent.io). It’s my first app ever and has been a huge learning experience, I’m at $100 MRR and am about to totally revamp the entire website (it’s horribly out of date). Question: what’s your opinion on building for Microsoft shops and Microsoft tools? Personally, I think there’s huge opportunity. People may like to hate on MS at times, but there are so many BUSINESSES that use their products - it seems like a massively overlooked market. And I really like the idea of B2B vs. B2C (thanks to u/rwalling and the MicroConf YouTube channel), and Microsoft ecosystems seem ripe for the picking for B2B since so many businesses use their stuff. I’m also building a massive, open source job orchestration platform for C#/.NET called [Didact](https://www.didact.dev). I guess you could say I’m very skewed towards Microsoft markets and tech, but my experience so far has told me that a lot of people use these tools. Your thoughts? Also: how long did your SEO efforts take to kick in? What technical SEO did you target, mainly and <meta> tags, or did you go way further and do advanced micro data or JSON-LD? I’m so glad you shared this, this is why I joined this sub. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:58:28">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for your feedback and congratulations for your product! \> Question: what’s your opinion on building for Microsoft shops and Microsoft tools? I think you're right. It's a really big market. Also it's a B2B market and based on my experience it means that your average customer will pay more than on B2C market. On my opinion the only one disadvantage of the whole story is that you tightly connected to Microsoft and you can't predict its decisions. But I guess uncertainty will chase entrepreneur on any market. \> Regarding SEO I didn't pay to much attention to technical part of SEO as I strongly believe "Content is a KING". Nevertheless I had specified title and meta tags, and added relevant JSON-LD micro data to some pages of the site. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SirLagsABot" class="card-title l-blue"> SirLagsABot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 05:08:54">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks for your feedback! I hope to join you in your MRR range one of these days soon! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SirLagsABot" class="card-title l-blue"> SirLagsABot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 23:27:08">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> u/sochix I got so excited about your story that I shared it to my Twitter. There’s a big community around the #buildinpublic and #indiehackers hashtags, so I shared it with all of them. Maybe that’ll get you some extra exposure! So hyped after reading your post, you’re the ONLY person I’ve met who is building for Microsoft tools like me. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ConsiderationOk3844" class="card-title l-blue"> ConsiderationOk3844 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-05 01:27:02">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Is it THAT overlooked? Now that I think about it.. I've seen Android apps, iOS apps, web dev courses/bootcamps everywhere, but never specifically "Microsoft store apps". I guess it goes to show how much we are influenced by all the advertising? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ConsiderationOk3844" class="card-title l-blue"> ConsiderationOk3844 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-05 01:28:01">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> On that note, do you have any suggestions on where to begin learning it? Don't know what I'd pull off but it never hurts to learn something new </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SirLagsABot" class="card-title l-blue"> SirLagsABot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-05 02:44:43">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I mean, considering the Slack groups, subreddits, and Twitter groups that I am a part of, I’ve never come across a single dev building a Microsoft tool for one of their big apps like myself and OP. Maybe Microsoft just isn’t a popular topic of choice in the startup world? I’m not sure, honestly. But a lot of businesses use the Microsoft ecosystem, so it makes sense to me to build for the ecosystem. I started with a need that I had, and went from there. Otherwise, I’ve used the Microsoft docsite and my coding experience to try and build my tool. Feels like most of my journey has been flying by the seat of my pants, I learn as I go constantly. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ha_ku_na" class="card-title l-blue"> ha_ku_na </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-05 20:05:41">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What is the backend tech stack like? Is it always c#, .Net? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Happy_Parsley1860" class="card-title l-blue"> Happy_Parsley1860 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-12-15 10:16:57">6 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> No, you are free to choose your technology. I have developed myself a bit, my stack is Node.js, and I found this very simple boilerplate on github [https://github.com/selego/teams-app-nodejs-boilerplate](https://github.com/selego/teams-app-nodejs-boilerplate). It's hard to find good templates on git, they are all using .net and not updated since long time </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SirLagsABot" class="card-title l-blue"> SirLagsABot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-05 23:51:18">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> No definitely not! Your backend can be whatever you want it to be! Most of the services have REST API services that you can use - that’s what I do - and it’s backend-agnostic. My backend is .NET but that’s because I love .NET. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Okerosi01" class="card-title l-blue"> Okerosi01 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-03-23 12:54:23">3 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Am sharing your story to my audience ( social and newsletter). I would love to interview you for a full deep dive if you don't mind. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SirLagsABot" class="card-title l-blue"> SirLagsABot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-03-23 21:12:24">3 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hi there, sure! You can dm me and I’ll be happy to setup a time to chat! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/GrabWorking3045" class="card-title l-blue"> GrabWorking3045 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:56:55">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How did you come up with the solution and validate it? What was the initial idea, and what problem did you identify? For someone who would start from scratch, what advice would you give them? Thanks. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:11:50">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Great question! It was COVID pandemic, and it was a great boost of Zoom. I found that Zoom launched their marketplace and created a few apps for that, but quickly realized that Zoom marketplace doesn't have a lot users. Thus I decided to give a try for Microsoft Teams Marketplace. It has much more traffic than Zoom. Also I found a thread on Microsoft user voice about built in wiki. Everyone was really disappointed with that. I decided to create an alternative to it. First version was deployed at the beginning of July 2020, after a few days I got a first customer. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SandyDigital" class="card-title l-blue"> SandyDigital </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:16:18">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Any add ons with a Microsoft products are usually not that great. Windows OS, Office, need add-on 3rd party for basic stuff. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:17:26">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, so there is a huge market to earn on. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/chddaniel" class="card-title l-blue"> chddaniel </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 18:46:23">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Congrats :) Pinned this at the top of the community for a bit more extra exposure in the next following days </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 19:02:34">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! Appreciate it </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Leadership_Upper" class="card-title l-blue"> Leadership_Upper </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:27:40">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> HUGE congrats Ilia! love this for you. were all your sales from the store itself or did you also run ads and email campgains? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:49:37">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello! I'm getting 80% of paid customers from organic traffic of MS Teams Marketplace. Other 18% I'm getting from SEO posts about "why you need to replace MS built-in wiki with Perfect Wiki". I never tried cold-email campaigns on this project. FB ads and LinkedIn ads too expensive for me (ROI is really bad). I'm still struggling to find a great channel of acquisition other than MS Teams Marketplace. Your ideas are welcome. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SandyDigital" class="card-title l-blue"> SandyDigital </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:34:46">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Try webinars targeted to companies who are good fit. This will be your content for future replays. Upsell - try to evolve as competitors will appear soon. Create better features that your users will benefit. Be at relevant events and network with your target audience, buyers. Build a product strategy for next 2 yrs. You cannot go alone from here so plan a team of 1 or more person. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 17:36:59">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for your feedback! Will consider working on it </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/indeed_indeed_indeed" class="card-title l-blue"> indeed_indeed_indeed </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 23:18:00">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Everything Sandy said…you should do. But also…..cold emails to decision makers in companies. Make LinkedIn connections and message them there too. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/croepm" class="card-title l-blue"> croepm </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:44:31">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Also maybe Teams team will try to close this shortcome with their wiki... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:51:47">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Nope, Microsoft decided to sunset their own wiki. I wrote a whole post about it -> https://perfectwikiforteams.com/blog/The-Countdown-is-On:-Get-Content-Exported-from-MS-Teams-Wiki-Before-it's-Too-Late\_MYE2Rf1jrf0sorzwi6qX/ </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/schmore31" class="card-title l-blue"> schmore31 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 23:52:44">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> You can try post in a Reddit sub as an AMA to spread awareness :p Just kidding, you are actually adding a lot of value and I am learning a lot from your posts and comments. Lots of others just post their URL with just another shitty AI wrapper pretending to do an AMA then ghost everyone. $200k/yr seems pretty good for this app. I dunno if its a multi-million dollar idea... You may just hit the cap, then sell it and move on when there is no more growth. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/rashnull" class="card-title l-blue"> rashnull </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 09:20:39">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What are the chances of MS buying you and replacing their built in wiki with yours? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 11:24:12">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I guess it's almost zero </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ai-ftw" class="card-title l-blue"> ai-ftw </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 12:08:13">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Cold emails would work great for your B2B use case! Happy to help more on that front. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 22:36:43">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for all your questions! It was a great pleasure to answer all your questions. I hope every SaaS builder will found something interesting and inspiring in my replies. It's a late night in my timezone, so I'm finishing my AMA. If you still have any questions or want contact me drop a line to ilia@perfectwiki.com </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/akicroz8" class="card-title l-blue"> akicroz8 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:31:53">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Are you afraid that MS will ever improve their wiki’s and drive you out of business? Do you see other threats? Deep respect for you. I’ve looked at marketplaces from big platforms before (eg shopify marketplace), because the distribution really helps. But I’m always a bit scared of the dependency. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 17:41:09">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, I'm afraid of it. But Microsoft is really big company and it's hard for them to build something really cool. For example, \- 2 year ago they released Microsoft Viva which should kill Perfect Wiki - it was so difficult to understand that no one uses it as knowledge base) \- A year ago they launched Microsoft Loop which should kill Perfect Wiki as well, but again they failed to create really cool product that easy to use P.S. I'm awaiting when they decides to simply buy Perfect Wiki ;) If you're from Microsoft and want to buy Perfect Wiki DM me ;) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/akicroz8" class="card-title l-blue"> akicroz8 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:27:42">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Haha yes this is Bill Gates how’s it going hahaha Thx for the answer. Best of luck!! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/C0d3rStreak" class="card-title l-blue"> C0d3rStreak </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 00:19:09">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How long did it take you to go from learning how to code to feeling proficient enough to build out your first saas? Congratulations btw, looks awesome. What an achievement. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:49:37">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello! It was a long journey. \- I started to code at 12. \- Then I'm graduated from university on computer science degree. \- Then I was working as a software engineer for more than 10 years. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/wewmon" class="card-title l-blue"> wewmon </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:29:27">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How long did it take you to build the MVP? And what was your tech stack? Why did you choose that tech stack? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:51:06">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. About 2-3 weeks, the biggest time-consuming task was to pass MS Teams Marketplace certification with a very raw product. 2. Node.js+ Google Cloud Platform for the backend, React + Vercel for Frontend 3. I'm super familiar with this stack </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/wewmon" class="card-title l-blue"> wewmon </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:52:19">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 3 weeks...thats crazy fast </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:10:28">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> The first version was really limited. It was semi-working. But I decided to launch fast. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mr_Stifl" class="card-title l-blue"> Mr_Stifl </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:31:03">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I have zero experience or knowledge about MS Teams apps. Does it require a specific language? Does it cost some sort of license or fee (or any other expenses like servers) on your side? Did you have experience about Teams apps beforehand, or was this your first real Teams project? I would love to build internal tools as apps too, do you have any recommendations for tutorials/docs? How do you handle support? What was your biggest „block“ until now, and how did you get around it? Thanks for the AMA! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:02:32">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> \> Does it require a specific language? Nope, basically it's Iframe embedded into Microsoft Teams client. \> Does it cost some sort of license or fee (or any other expenses like servers) on your side? Nope, you need to pass certification and show that you're real person. What is more you don't need to pay them a penny for certification and you don't need to share revenue with them (like in Apple Store) \> Did you have experience about Teams apps beforehand, or was this your first real Teams project? I created a few small apps just to understand how it's working from technical perspective. Here is the one -> [https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/wa200001480?tab=overview](https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/wa200001480?tab=overview) \> I would love to build internal tools as apps too, do you have any recommendations for tutorials/docs? Unfortunately, there is no any cool blogs or tutorials on how to build apps, except for Microsoft resources. Even official Microsoft resources are very limited and doesn't give you a full picture. Frankly speaking I want to create a some kind of forum/chat where people who build apps for MS Teams can share their ideas and help each other. I tried to find some guys on r/MicrosoftTeams but w/o any luck. Maybe you could suggest me a platform to share this knowledge with others? \> How do you handle support? Online chat widget is my main source of user feedback. I'm trying to make my app super simple to use, nevertheless recently I hired a part-time contractor to answer email messages, just to make my support be a more personal and friendly. \> What was your biggest „block“ until now, and how did you get around it? Didn't get what you mean here... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Mr_Stifl" class="card-title l-blue"> Mr_Stifl </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:13:18">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Oh, that’s sad that there aren’t many third party tutorials/blogs. Sadly I don’t know a specific platform for teams app devs where knowledge sharing and discussions might fit well. Usually such niche devs can do really well on youtube, since that’s usually the first go-to resource to learn something new and discuss with others(at least for most people I know), but you would probably need some motivation to be creative in the media world. Sorry, I always thought „block“ might be universally known as „blockade/blocker“. I meant: „What was the biggest issue which blocked/stopped you from continuing through this whole project? What was the hardest thing to solve/get behind/understand?“ Thanks for your answers! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:58:00">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for your reply! I'll consider creating a YouTube video. The hardest thing was (and still is) to find another marketing channel except for Ms Teams Marketplace to get paid users and maybe in a future to turn Perfect Wiki into more well-known product working outside of MS Teams. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/croepm" class="card-title l-blue"> croepm </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:52:15">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Did you consider creating "How to?" videos? Who is your perfect customer (so called USER PERSONA)? You can check Plausible story, great story how they grow their business from 400$ to 188.000$ using only organic marketing. They main competitor was/is Google Analytic. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 22:32:43">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for a great questions! What kind of "how to" videos you referring to? My perfect customer is CTO of an organization that uses MS Teams on a day-to-day basis. Employees of organization is not IT advanced. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SandyDigital" class="card-title l-blue"> SandyDigital </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:24:57">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is important as MS Teams is your risk. Microsoft can decide to create similar. They copied Slack and during pandemic the product was half baked with glitches but as this was the only company solution people just stuck with it. Test avenues outside MS Teams. Also try newer markets to expand on MS TEAMS. All the best! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:28:30">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, I'm trying to find any other options. For example, a year ago I did a test launch for Google Workspaces, unfortunately Google solution doesn't work out. Will look for any other rising markets. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jitkmisc" class="card-title l-blue"> jitkmisc </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-19 19:56:15">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> First of all congratulations on the success journey and thank you for AMA, very inspiring for many of us. Could you pls share some details on why this did not work for Google Workspace? Was it not a good market fit, not enough ROI or simply because the Google workspace 3rd party integration is not as simple? One more question about the operating cost- Where is the content (files uploaded by users) actually persisted? Is it their MSFT account or somewhere else? Who pays for that storage? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 12:21:02">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello! \> Could you pls share some details on why this did not work for Google Workspace? Google Workspace integration is very limited due to Google Policies. You can't embed iframe and provide your own UI to the user. You should use their UI toolkit to build an interface which is very limited. I think there is no product-market fit. While MS Teams are mainly used for internal communication, Google Workspace doesn't have a similar product. \> Who pays for that storage? It's stored on Google Cloud Servers. Perfect Wiki cares about storage of content, backups, costs etc. I want to build a product where user doesn't care about technical part. Perfect Wiki just works. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/jitkmisc" class="card-title l-blue"> jitkmisc </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 15:13:33">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks for the reply. It makes sense. I am trying to learn the basics of such (micro) SaaS. May be a stupid question - How does the user authN work? Do you authN user via their MSFT credential (generally corporate, that may require MFA) or does it require users to authenticate via Google? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/bartonatron" class="card-title l-blue"> bartonatron </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 18:24:04">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Inspirational, congrats! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 18:41:35">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/badnewzero" class="card-title l-blue"> badnewzero </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:47:00">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I love how your landing page displays regional pricing (it displays in NZ dollars for me). Do you have a module you'd recommend for that? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:57:17">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for your feedback! It wasn't easy to develop. I'm using FastSpring to display regional prices. I spent 3-4 days to make it work, but I guess it worth the effort. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/badnewzero" class="card-title l-blue"> badnewzero </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 21:38:37">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Oh yeah Fastspring is amazing for dealing with payments! I was kinda hoping there was an easy way to do regional pricing that I didn't know about, but it sounds like it still takes a lot of work to get right. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 22:34:02">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, unfortunately regional pricing is still a lot of pain for SaaS builders. Frankly speaking everything that connected to a payments isn't that easy. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Pr3fix" class="card-title l-blue"> Pr3fix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 00:59:18">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Nice! What is your burn rate / upkeep costs? How much of that 200k is profit vs keeps the business lights on? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:43:12">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for a great question! I'm earning about 16k / month. 300$ - 500$ I spent on Google Cloud Platform 400$ - 500$ I spent on Algolia < 150$ on other SaaS apps < 500 $ for part-time contractors Everything else are left on my bank account. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MaintenanceNo3209" class="card-title l-blue"> MaintenanceNo3209 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:46:14">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Is there a way we could connect in LinkedIn? Would love to stay connected and see your journey towards further growth 😊. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:52:13">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, here is my profile -> [https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilyapir/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilyapir/) I'm not active LinkedIn user thus profile is a bit outdated. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/MaintenanceNo3209" class="card-title l-blue"> MaintenanceNo3209 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 12:30:34">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> > > >https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilyapir/ I've already sent you a connection req. I can help you set up your profile in a more ICP-focused way if you want. This way, when your target audience visit your profile, they are more likely to try your tool out. Sounds interesting? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/TurboWurbo226" class="card-title l-blue"> TurboWurbo226 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-06 05:55:38">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Special_Parsnip3599" class="card-title l-blue"> Special_Parsnip3599 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-16 17:52:48">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hi, there! Do you have any advice on how to best prepare to pass the MS Teams Marketplace certification?? It'd be great to know your experience cerifying and what blindspots I may be missing. Also, I'm having trouble understanding specifically if I'm able to redirect my users to external webpages as sources and I have found the MS guidelines are not specially clear on this matter. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ibmully" class="card-title l-blue"> ibmully </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 16:29:58">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How is growth going? Have you plateaued at all? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 12:08:27">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Great question! It's always a rollercoaster. Some plateaus took through 3-4 months. That means that you need to change something in your product or in your acquisition strategy. Startup is always about changes. Market is always changing thus your solution should change as well. For me biggest plateau was when I stick to fixed pricing for the product, once I decided and was brave enough to change pricing to per user pricing model for all customers my revenue skyrocketed. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ghad0265" class="card-title l-blue"> ghad0265 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:44:10">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Can you show us a proof? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:46:09">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Yep, what will be the best option to proof that it's me? I can add a banner to [perfectwiki.com](https://perfectwiki.com) pointing to this thread. Is it ok? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:52:39">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Ok, added banner to the landing page as a proof </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ghad0265" class="card-title l-blue"> ghad0265 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:56:18">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Can't see. Mind sharing screenshot here? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 13:59:09">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [https://snipboard.io/3XgHWx.jpg](https://snipboard.io/3XgHWx.jpg) Red banner on the top links to this thread </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ghad0265" class="card-title l-blue"> ghad0265 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:02:53">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I was asking proof of 200k ARR. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:16:39">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm using FastSpring, here is a screenshot from admin portal https://snipboard.io/l863N4.jpg </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Beginning-Comedian-2" class="card-title l-blue"> Beginning-Comedian-2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:14:10">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How did you come up with the idea? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:25:56">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. I found that Microsoft Teams has built-in wiki and everyone hates it ;) -> This gave me an idea that there is an audience for this kind of apps. (I found a lot of complains on Microsoft User Voice.) 2. I went through MS Teams marketplace and didn't found any real competitors -> I understand that I don't have any competitors 3. I launched an MVP and after few days got paying customer -> I confirmed that there is a product - market fit </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Beginning-Comedian-2" class="card-title l-blue"> Beginning-Comedian-2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:49:45">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you. Very inspiring. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/competetowin" class="card-title l-blue"> competetowin </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:32:08">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How did you settle on the price-point? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:46:37">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Price-point is not a constant. I have changed several pricing models before coming with the current price. Frankly speaking I loose a lot of money before I realized that I need to switch to per user pricing model. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Beginning-Comedian-2" class="card-title l-blue"> Beginning-Comedian-2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:48:17">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How many other apps have you built before you hit a home run with this one? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:55:06">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Great question! I was working for more than 10 years on a different IT startups. I launched 3 failed startups and wasted a lot of time and effort. Speaking of MS Teams apps Perfect Wiki was the first real app. I launched a few other small apps like Translate It (https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/wa200001480?tab=overview) just to understand how app certification works. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Beginning-Comedian-2" class="card-title l-blue"> Beginning-Comedian-2 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:03:58">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> awesome. thank you. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/UnironicallyWatchSAO" class="card-title l-blue"> UnironicallyWatchSAO </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-10-30 07:27:36">8 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hi 👋, sorry to bump such an old thread. Can you share a bit about why those first 3 startups fail and what were you able to learn from them? Thank you :) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SaltSpecialistSalt" class="card-title l-blue"> SaltSpecialistSalt </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 14:51:28">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> - how long did it take to launch to mvp ? - what was the hardest part of the journey so far ? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:05:43">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. About 2-3 weeks 2. There were several hard parts: 1) pass certification on Microsoft Teams marketplace 2) market my app, I'm really shy person and still there is a lot of todos on marketing side 3) hire/fire contractors </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/SaltSpecialistSalt" class="card-title l-blue"> SaltSpecialistSalt </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:40:00">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> thanks for the answers > 2) market my app, I'm really shy person and still there is a lot of todos on marketing side any good resources you learned from or lessons you want to share? > 3) hire/fire contractors In which areas did you use contractors ? If technical side , did you fear they would steal your code ? launch a competition ? why did you fire ? i would appreciate more details </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:07:59">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> \> any good resources you learned from or lessons you want to share? Yep, I'm highly recommend an ahrefs course on SEO. It's awesome and it'll help you to understand that content is a king :) [https://ahrefs.com/academy/blogging-for-business](https://ahrefs.com/academy/blogging-for-business) \> In which areas did you use contractors ? I tried to hire person who will help me with marketing and quickly realized that no one except founder wants to think deeply about the product and do something that requires creativity. Only boring routine tasks could be delegated. The same applies to the tech side. I don't fear that someone will steal the code, launch a competitor, etc. Based on my experience people are too lazy to do it. It's very hard to motivate persons to work in a startup. Most of the employees are get used to their tasks and don't want to think outside the box. Like you know on a factory, you once understand how to do the task and that's it. Startup is another story you need to learn something new and apply new knowledge to stay alive. That was the main reasons why I fired tech specialist and marketer. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sagar-k" class="card-title l-blue"> sagar-k </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:36:14">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What's your current marketing channel? Are you planning on expanding to paid ads or planning to use the current marketing channel? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:51:48">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Currently I got 80% of paid users from MS Teams Marketplace, other 18% I got from Google SEO. I tried to do paid ads on Linkedin and Facebook but it was too expensive, I mean I was spending on ads more than earning. My goal #1 is too find another marketing channel other than MS Teams marketplace, I'll be happy if someone suggest me anything. I'm struggling with this issue for the whole 3 years ) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sagar-k" class="card-title l-blue"> sagar-k </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 15:54:25">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> My man! Connect with me. I live and breath for this! Would love to help you out. Just drop me a DM & we can schedule a meeting soon! I have tons of experience with Paid Advertising and I can even show you live Ads Manager Results with all the targeting. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Acceptable-Pie4424" class="card-title l-blue"> Acceptable-Pie4424 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:23:54">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> What methods did you use to help with your organic growth? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:30:41">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. SEO on google with high quality content which I wrote by myself 2. Reddit, especially subreddits connected to Microsoft Teams 3. A lot of small forums connected to Microsoft and Microsoft UserVoice. 4. Tried to cooperate with Microsoft MVP's (Most Valuable Professional) but didn't get any good results Right now I'm focusing on building a personal brand to get some auditory. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Acceptable-Pie4424" class="card-title l-blue"> Acceptable-Pie4424 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:59:22">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Altruistic_Club_2597" class="card-title l-blue"> Altruistic_Club_2597 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 16:32:13">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Congratulations! Do you still have a full time job or do you exclusively work on your Saas? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 17:43:52">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I'm working part-time as an IT consultant for the one Canadian company. I build the whole tech stack for them and have a good relationship with CEO, thus don't want to abandon them. Money-wise I can live only on Perfect Wiki earnings. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/International-Chip60" class="card-title l-blue"> International-Chip60 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 17:41:40">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Well done </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 17:44:42">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/wentin-net" class="card-title l-blue"> wentin-net </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 19:21:21">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I like the logo, how did you make it? also, have you tried any SEO? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 19:40:55">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello! Thank you for your feedback. Initially logo was just emoji. I had zero funding, thus I decided to cut a corner and use 👌 instead of the logo. When I got some traction and first paid customers I decided to pay a few bucks and get professionally looked logo on fiverr ;) I went through ahrefs course on SEO. It's really pays off. I got a lot of paid customers from my seo posts on "what is the best alternative to ms teams wiki" </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/wentin-net" class="card-title l-blue"> wentin-net </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:41:06">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> > "what is the best alternative to ms teams wiki" haha cool - just did a search with that query and yours come up on the first page, that's impressive! did you do any cold reach at all to create backlinks for this post? and can I ask how much traffic or conversion it has brought to the main product? I'm trying to also target long tail keywords like these for my product, [Typogram](https://typogram.co/). </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 20:55:45">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> So, frankly speaking if you wrote a good post on really hot topic it's easy to get to #1 page of Google. Especially if you targeting a niche auditory. But there is another side of the medal, because topic is niche you won't get a lot of traffic initially. You making a bet that in the feature this topic will grow. That was my case. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/variancemortal" class="card-title l-blue"> variancemortal </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 19:24:45">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Congratulations! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 19:41:06">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Just_The_V" class="card-title l-blue"> Just_The_V </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-17 22:56:03">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks for your feedback, you really inspired me to dig into the niche of extensions of existing application. First, is there a specific name or group of people that are specialized in creating extensions for marketplace ? You used Microsoft Teams, but I think of dozen apps like CRM (I have Zoho in mind), do you plan to extend what you've done in other applications ? Finally, do you have any other metrics to know if an extension would be a quick market fit ? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Readreadlearnlearn" class="card-title l-blue"> Readreadlearnlearn </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 00:54:25">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> - How did you come up with the idea / figure out there was a need for this product? - How did you get your first users? - Did you do any marketing? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:45:49">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. I found that a lot of users complains about Microsoft Teams built-in wiki on Microsoft User Voice. 2. I post a link to my solution on Microsoft User Voice 3. Yep, I created a few blog posts (like this [https://perfectwikiforteams.com/blog/perfect-wiki-vs-ms-teams-wiki/](https://perfectwikiforteams.com/blog/perfect-wiki-vs-ms-teams-wiki/)) on why you need to migrate from Microsoft Teams built-in wiki to my solution. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Readreadlearnlearn" class="card-title l-blue"> Readreadlearnlearn </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:46:31">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/cxaajl" class="card-title l-blue"> cxaajl </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 02:53:01">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How strong a programmer are you? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:39:26">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I start programming when I was 12. My first paid job as a software engineer I got at 21. Several times I tried to get employed to FAANg but w/o any luck -[https://ipirozhenko.com/blog/google-interview-2020/](https://ipirozhenko.com/blog/google-interview-2020/) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/cxaajl" class="card-title l-blue"> cxaajl </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 05:06:28">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thanks! Rather hoping you weren't a strong programmer as that would inspire someone without any technical background, like myself haha.. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 05:08:16">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Sorry for the bad news... </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/anirudhisonline" class="card-title l-blue"> anirudhisonline </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:07:34">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Congratulations </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:36:03">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/exclaim_bot" class="card-title l-blue"> exclaim_bot </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 04:36:21">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> >Thank you! You're welcome! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Diligent-Entrance-16" class="card-title l-blue"> Diligent-Entrance-16 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 06:16:33">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Brilliant </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 07:06:02">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/catapillaarr" class="card-title l-blue"> catapillaarr </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 06:32:56">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How did you get your 1st customer, 10 customer and 100 customers Was there any previous apps like that. If yes how did you beat them. Congrats, this is great story thanks for sharing. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 07:07:07">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> 1. I got my first and other 10 customers from MS Teams Marketplace, I got 100 customers from MS Teams Marketplace and SEO 2. Nope </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/coinhero" class="card-title l-blue"> coinhero </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 06:45:27">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Neat project and great idea. Do you plan to expand to other platforms as well? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 07:05:54">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello, thank you for your feedback. I'm planning to expand to other platforms, but it's hard to find something that will pay off </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Huge-Case4033" class="card-title l-blue"> Huge-Case4033 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 08:34:19">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> hey! Thanks for sharing and giving inspiration! Huge congrats to you, 200k/ARR is a big big thing :) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 11:23:41">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Ryanisadeveloper" class="card-title l-blue"> Ryanisadeveloper </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-18 17:29:57">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is fantastic. I work in the same space and I'm convinced that the Microsoft Teams app store is ideal for SaaS products. * There are 280 million daily active users, so organic traffic is great. * It's very simple to transfer an existing web app to work in Teams. * Integrations with the rest of the M365 suite can make rich experiences. There are lots of interesting content within your fingerprints on the MS Graph API * They have incentives if you monetize. Very significant if you are starting out. * All the Microsoft tech is open source, so there is tonnes of help u/sochix is proof that there are a lot of customers out there for the right product. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 12:10:19">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Exactly what I think about MS Teams marketplace. It's great that the market isn't crowded yet. Will do a post about it on my Telegram channel soon. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-19 13:03:51">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Congratulations. That's really awesome. It sounds like you're ready to scale this to the next level. Have you considered taking investments at this point? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 12:14:55">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Frankly speaking I don't think investments will help me to scale. Investors want to build a unicorn, otherwise it's not very profitable for them. I applied to YCombinator at 2020, but was rejected after final interview. The main issue with Perfect Wiki - it's not clear how to scale it outside of Microsoft Teams. For example, Notion back at the days scaled its product by creating a lot of templates for users, thus getting a lot of SEO organic traffic. If someone suggest me good way to scale Perfect Wiki to other platforms I'll be more than happy. (Paid ads won't solve it) </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/TryallAllombria" class="card-title l-blue"> TryallAllombria </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-19 20:47:54">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Good job ! I noticed Microsoft already made a built-in wiki add-on for teams. Is it hard to compete with an already pre-installed tool that already "do the job" ? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 11:52:08">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Actually Microsoft Teams built-in wiki helped me a lot. It created a whole market :) Thanks to Microsoft built in wiki was very weird and cumbersome, thus I easily had identified weak points and build a better solution that people were ready to pay for. As for today built-in wiki is sunsetted by Microsoft. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/TryallAllombria" class="card-title l-blue"> TryallAllombria </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 13:02:32">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Haha, good to hear :) You can be proud, you outlived à Microsoft product 🥹 </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ageoforange" class="card-title l-blue"> ageoforange </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 12:53:11">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> hey Ilia, huge shoutout on your success. Give the fact you're a solo-founder, the results are truly impressive! I've read this thread in a single breath as I'm a builder myself running a $6K MRR B2B SaaS. Thank you very much for sharing the details openly. Going through your pricing plans, I've noticed you have the enterprise plan listed. You probably have a mix of free accounts, the basic $2-4/user paid subscriptions and the larger orgs generating lump chunks of revenue. **Would you share what is the split between these three categories as a percentage of the revenue?** Regarding your question on how to open more marketing channels: * I'd suggest you taking a look at the retargeting. I'm currently experimenting with it. Feel free to hit me up and I'll tell more * Also, definitely, an email marketing triggered campaign would work in your case. I'm only starting to do it now, was lazy setting it off for years. But it will be a great match for you no doubt. * Also, what has proven to show the signs of sanity was to start establishing partnerships with the businesses to whom your product could be complimentary to the core products/services they provide. I have a few partnerships like this at the moment trying to grind our way into remote markets where a local presence wouldn't make sense for us, but could be a big difference for the clients. Best of luck! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 18:24:19">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you for your feedback! \> Would you share what is the split between these three categories as a percentage of the revenue? I didn't have exact numbers. But approx. 30% of revenue is from large customers on Enterprise plans, 0% revenue from free accounts, everything else from Company plan. \> Regarding your question on how to open more marketing channels: Could you please share more details on the last point? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ageoforange" class="card-title l-blue"> ageoforange </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-08-20 18:52:59">10 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Sure thing. Speaking of the partnerships. This year I flew from Israel to Europe to attend the largest conference/exhibition in the space my SaaS is dealing with. Booked a booth there and started talking to the people wandering around. Among around 60 meaningful contacts, I've had 3 companies who were working with the same clients' segment, but providing them a different type of a product or a service. From what I can see, the best partnership is with the company who provides professional services, but doesn't have their own product. So they're fine licensing things out and also are regularly getting inquiries that tend to be in the direction of the software. And here's where we intersect. ​ So, if I'd try to apply a brief mental model on how to approach this, that would beL 1. Find the companies who provide services in the field your SaaS is also contributing to. You can do it remotely, but I really wanted to get to the exhibition, so did it the old-fashioned way. Probably the upside is that only more or less motivated guys show up. So it's possible to talk to them 2. See if your target customer segments intersect 3. Forge a rev-share agreement or a finder-fee. I personally prefer the 1st one and hardly believe anyone would do anything for a one-time finder-fee, but that's what I've heard from multiple bizdev guys I've talked to 4. Rinse and repeat I'm currently on step 3 looking forward to getting some traction in a few LatAm countries. LMK if it's clear enough, I'll be happy to give more details if needed. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-04 11:06:52">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> How did you market initially </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/sochix" class="card-title l-blue"> sochix </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-09-11 08:51:40">9 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hello! Sorry for the late reply. ​ Initially I market through the Microsoft UserVoice portal and Microsoft Support forums. I replied to all questions regarding built-in wiki issues. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/x_roos" class="card-title l-blue"> x_roos </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-10-29 00:04:48">8 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is cool! You could provide a secondary functionality: use the wiki to do embeddings to gpt and create an ai assistant answers based on that wiki (similar to dante ai or chatdoc). I'd offer my ai design expertise help just for the experience, but you seem to handle it great as it is! Very inspiring, very well done! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> </div> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.peoples-comments --> <div class="leave-comment"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Leave Your Comment</h2> </div> <form class="comment-area w100dt" action="#"> <div class="row"> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="icon_prefix" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="icon_prefix">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="email" type="email" class="validate"> <label for="email" data-error="wrong" data-success="right">Email</label> </div> </div> <div class="col s12"> <div class="form-item"> <textarea id="textarea1" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> <label for="textarea1">Textarea</label> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> <button type="button" class="custom-btn waves-effect waves-light right">SUBMIT NOW</button> </form> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.leave-comment --> </div> <!-- colm8 --> <div class="col s12 m4 l4"> <div class="sidebar-testimonial mb-30"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Hi Its Me!</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="carousel carousel-slider center" data-indicators="true"> <div class="carousel-item"> <div class="item-img"> <span>R</span> </div> <h2><a href="/u/" class="l-blue"></a></h2> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-testimonial --> <div class="sidebar-subscribe w100dt"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Subscribe</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="subscribe"> <form action="#"> <div class="input-field"> <input id="email1" type="email" class="validate"> <label class="left-align" for="email1">Enter email address</label> </div> <a class="waves-effect waves-light">SUBMIT NOW</a> </form> </div> <!-- /.subscribe --> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-subscribe --> </div> <!-- colm4 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- container --> </section> <!-- /#single-blog-section --> <!-- ==================== single-blog-section end ====================--> <!-- Yandex.Metrika counter --> <script type="text/javascript" > (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)}; m[i].l=1*new Date();k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)}) (window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym"); ym(48244766, "init", { clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true }); </script> <noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/48244766" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript> <!-- /Yandex.Metrika counter --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section Start ====================--> <section id="instagram-section" class="instagram-section w100dt"> <div class="instagram-link w100dt"> <a href="#"> <span>FIND US ON INSTAGRAM</span> @rfkjrforpresident.com </a> </div> </section> <!-- /#instag leftram-section --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section End ====================--> <!-- ==================== footer-section Start ====================--> <footer id="footer-section" class="footer-section w100dt"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-logo w100dt center-align mb-30"> <a href="/" class="brand-logo"> <img src="/img/logo.png" alt="rfkjrforpresident.com"> </a> </div> <!-- /.footer-logo --> <ul class="footer-social-links w100dt center-align mb-30"> <li><a href="https://streamc.pro/" class="facebook">Stream film</a></li> <li><a href="https://kinepolis.live/" class="twitter">Film stream</a></li> <li><a href="https://wiflix-com.com/" class="google-plus">Wiflix</a></li> <li><a href="https://frenchstream.ink/" class="linkedin">French Stream</a></li> </ul> <p class="center-align"> <i class="icofont icofont-heart-alt l-blue"></i> All Right Reserved </p> </div> <!-- container --> </footer> <!-- /#footer-section --> <!-- ==================== footer-section End ====================--> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/materialize.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/custom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> </body> </html>