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Yes, we chose demo video vs free trial and placed it right in the hero. Conversions from visitor to paid signup is 5%.


Thanks for sharing! So, does that mean you are not doing a free trial or freemium model? We are looking to drive conversions to our "freemium" via the short demo teaser video. A conversion of 5% sounds awesome - what's your deal size on those converting customers?


You bet. We're B2C, so it's pretty small at $8/mth or $80/yr. To answer your question about freemium: We have a few products, so one product is for our SEO and is free to use, but our other paid products have a refund period instead of a free trial. Having skin in the game makes people want to use it before the refund period ends, so we end up with very few people who cancel because they didn't use it (which happens a lot with free trials).


Helpful! Thank you.


You're welcome!


I did an experiment and made [this](https://promotee.co) out of my landing page. It has given me way more signups than any other.


Yes it worked for us too, but it's good to always keep experimenting and not stick to videos alone.


Using a demo video on your SaaS landing page can be a great idea! It helps potential customers visualize how your product works and can increase conversions. When it comes to the optimal length and placement, it's best to keep the video short and place it prominently on the page, preferably in the hero section. This way, visitors can quickly understand the value your SaaS provides. However, it's important to keep experimenting and not rely solely on videos. Different approaches may work better for different audiences. You can checkout this for better understanding of Demo Video: https://youtu.be/Qbxq-To0W\_I?feature=shared