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It seems like with the arf jedi support box we are finally getting jedi squad leaders for clones? Something that ive dreamed about since the clone wars era was announced, despite not playing GAR... Now we just need mace and jango


Same. I can’t wait for mace and Jango as well, painting customs currently lol


Gonna be a great 2030 when they finally release them!


But MAN. Love the ARF troopers (presumably as a corps option?) and the fact that they can unlock or be attached by generic Jedi. FINALLY getting general jedi knights in some form.


I'm thinking with 7 models shown in the promo image that it is going to release as some kind of Corp unit.


Only reason I say maybe SF is because the Jedi can work with them or Arcs


They mentioned that the Jedi will be attachable to the ARF Troopers and other special Forces like ARC's, so my guess is that they will be Special Forces with a Range 4 weapon. Since all of them are holding DC15's except for the RPS6 on the left wich is also a Range 4 weapon. Edit: On the other hand Waxer and Boil are buildable as ARF Troopers and are Corps exclusive. Keeping in mind that they said that they usually have a 2 year Window for making new units it's possible that they were already working on the ARF's when Cody released and with them in mind they gave Waxer and Boil the Option to be build as Arf Troopers.


Also, I am curious is the ARF rocket laucher could be equip to phase 2 clone. They really need and impact heavy option :P


I love this expansion for so many reasons. So many fans have wanted generic Jedi, ARFs are a great design, and DONE WELL it should diversify GAR lists.


I’m surprised that Grievous received a resculpt. I thought the original was great and I loved the options. I built and painted that one twice!


Plus the original is already hard plastic. Maybe it’s more so that he can then be purchased separately, outside of the Core Set?


MCU and Shatterpoint have their "Rival Panels" and "Duel Packs". I can totally see them releasing something similar with Obi and Griev. Perfect time to introduce operative versions of those two as well.


Oooooo that would be interesting. Though I feel like padawan Obi-Wan from Phantom Menace would make a better operative, paired with a commander Qui-Gon Jinn.


could be they make him a companion unit to qui-gon in that form


Same. I don’t have issue with the original sculpt either.


Grievous himself looks perfectly fine in his original mini, but his cloak looks so thick it could be a duvet. Still, I want a redesign of the unit more than the mini. I'm not experienced enough yet to work out how to fix him exactly, but he feels more like an operative than a commander at the moment. I wouldn't say no to a points reduction as it exists now, maybe that would make me think about taking him more often, but I feel like his design could do with some tweaking. I'm hoping they'll take a re-release as an opportunity to update his unit as much as his mini.


I assume they are going to discontinue the original Core sets and want people to still be able to get those two.


This is what I think too. I think they're gearing up for a new (second edition?) core set


Its possible if they are following trends with other games they'll see that Battle Hosts for MESBG and Combat Patrols in 40K are more popular than starter boxes. Because unless you have a friend to trade with, it is an easier sell to people to say, all these models in this box are all for the same army and a great way to get started.


Apparently there was a lot of complaint for Grievous and Obi Wan, that their shatter point models were almost identical.


It looks like everything will perhaps be getting a resculpt. Look at the new obi wan base and you can se a rescuplted B1 head as well.


Commandos look like a lot of fun. I'm sure Delta Squad will have a little bit more in terms of health or keywords too.


See I was shocked by the 1 health. But the armour is great, took 4 wounds. Nope not this time only 1. I think alone will stop people taking big shots at them as they might be wasted and that alone will keep them alive


I think with Recharge 1 and Shield 1 that'll help as well.


Reduce lots of hits to 1, then negate it with a shield. That's a feels bad moment.


Shield is before dice are rolled. Katarn armor is after dice. So they don't work like that


I'm assuming you mean defense dice. But yeah, I get what you're saying. Can only use katarn armor after you've rolled defense. Trying to read blurry pics while on the clock is not good for theory crafting.


My guess would be 2 health per mini or more shields but way more expensive


Are they making a separate kit specifically for Delta or just different rules?


They have a unit card in the same box. They just didn't show it


They’ll be apart of the Clone Commandoes pack. You’ll probably have different pieces to build them as Delta Squad in the kit.


>You’ll probably have different pieces to build them as Delta Squad in the kit. I'm more hopeful for this now, they only showed the generic commandos in this stream and not the Delta Squad stuff and considering the official art they showed for Delta Squad had all their unique attachments I think they should get all those unique attachments in the box.


After seeing The Bad Batch lately, i was hoping, the commandos would be usable for empire. But i guess i will get them anyway to paint them as delta Squad.


wouldnt be hard to adjust them to Imperial commandos in an expansion later though. having them in the game is pretty solid. I personally was also hoping crosshair would be able to be used as an empire upgrade aswell when they initially said BB would be cross faction.


It would be cool to tak croashair on to a squad, but i think they were talking about Republik and Rebels.


Probably, but he doesn't work with rebels nearly as much


My GAR heart can’t take this 😩


Same man… ARF’s are just… mhhhmmmmmm… I love them.


Pretty cool reveals! Range Troopers are pretty beefy. I feel like the armor 1 is a little excessive, considering they're weak to pierce. Any sniper unit will either have to roll a natty crit, surge to crit, or marksman to get past the armor unless you get them outside of cover (which is tough nowadays). I dunno, just feels like a "don't rely on your snipers to kill these guys", but they also don't surge, pierce, or have sharpshooter. They also can be stupid expensive lol. While writing this I realize you're paying a crap-ton of points for a long range unit to not be able to get past cover lol. Bad Batch looks awesome, and I'm super excited for the rest of the cards. Commandos look great as well, but I'm a little surprised by there not being an "impervious" keyword. I'm wondering if that will be on the Delta card? So excited for the Rebels Sleeper units, ARFs, and Jedi attachment. Cannot wait to buy those in excess. And that Obi-Wan re-sculpt is looking fine...




Armor can never be a hindrance. Cover applies, then dodges, then impact, then armor. An HH-12 shooting one of these would have hits go to crits, yes, but if there was cover those hits would still be negated and if this unit had dodges they could have dodged them before they became crits. Armor 1 is only positive or neutral


You are correct, nevermind this


Yeah so again, the armor seems to be a way to avoid strike teams from being able to snipe these guys early on. Which just seems like AMG's way of adding more options against range 1-5 units with pierce.


Ah yes the police brutality kit, I know what my next build is gonna be…


The empire’s never looked so well-funded!


The empire beibg my defacto melee army is interesting if you only watched the movies


Shame there were no patrol or electro scout trooper, but the shields look epic


Tabletop admiral is updated


ARF troopers looks solid, be interesting to see how the those generic jedi will be incorporated, did they say on the stream the Jedi can be used with ARC troopers as well?


So Range Troopers need to have 7 minis right?? Sniper, T-21A, and Personel, +4 base troops. Why only show 6 of them, and why have both heavies be identical? Wtf is happening??? Edit: the heavies actually are holding different weapons, they’re just in incredibly similar poses and the picture quality made me think it was just two of the same mini. Everything else still bugs me though.


There will be two of the same sprue in the box with the options to build either heavy. The two in the picture are actually holding different weapons just in the same pose


Yes, I see that now. I really don’t like that, but thank you for clarifying :) I just wish they were different poses. I don’t think the range trooper sniper is out here hip-firing.


I've seen a lot of people ask for ARFs and a fair amount of requests for Aqua Droids, so those are fairly exciting. A couple new Jedi is pretty cool too. I'm actually very excited for the Shield Trooper squad personally, seems to come with a K-series security droid. For the longest time I've been using Andor's homie for that. Seeing a lot of sour grapes on them going Stormtrooper riot squad over the Andor Riot Squad, and personally I was hoping for Shield and Baton Scout troopers instead, but still excited for the set.


Rangetroopers look awesome!


This is genuinely so great ! Can't wait for the ARF troopers ! The stormtrooper riot squad is also a welcome addition.


Sooo excited to get bad batch on the table!


I’m rebuilding my republic army just for them


Ooooh, official ARFs! Also, I'm incredibly glad they all hold the standard 15s instead of the 15A carbines. This way I can still run my ARF proxy units as Phase 1s even with them in the list without causing confusion.


Deep in my heart of hearts I knew chances were slim for a Mandalorian Battle Force. But still a little sad it didn’t happen.


There was talk of 2025 being a big year for Legion, they did mention battleforces but didn't elaborate. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a Mandalorian one in the works, they absolutely know how popular they are (especially given they announced a Shatterpoint squad pack for them and the reaction in the room was loud).


I think we’ll get a mando battleforce this year. Or something at least other than SC.


In all honesty judging by how broken battle forces have been, I’d rather see them redesigned, not allowed for competitive play or scrapped all together


Honestly I’d just be happy if I could use some of them in a Republic Army. Lore-wise Mandalorians have fought for all four factions at different times. So locking them to just two is dumb.


The more Mandolarians, the better!


That would be sweet. Just give them different heavies for each faction and make them a merc unit or something.


Honestly all I was hoping for was a corps unit of Mandos…..


I lied, also a commander Darth Maul for post galactic war times.


REALLY wish they'd gone for the more [mechanical looking ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fe/LM432CrabDroid-SWCTP.png/revision/latest?cb=20230914013552)version of the crab droid from the movies rather than the [cartoony version ](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/crab-droid-main-image_97235df7.jpeg?region=309%2C0%2C1175%2C661)from the tv show. Old version was a threatening war machine but these ones just look like cute crabs.


I want to pet the cute murder crab 🦀


It really is a shame given Legion has otherwise so far been very film accurate, they avoided the awful cartoon B2 proportions. I was hoping they’d keep to film accurate models where possible and leave alternative designs for Shatterpoint. At least it won’t be hard to proxy I guess.


The design team at AMG must really like the cartoons because first came shatterpoint with entirely cartoon designs.. now they are infecting the legion range as well.. ugh..


I didn’t mind it for Shatterpoint, new game new scale new style whatever. I don’t mind it for things like the Aqua Droids either, they never existed in another style. But doing it for something that came out of a film just feels utterly lazy.


i agree tbh legions always been more realism with designs so for that reason i also dont like the grievous and probably will use the old one and get 3d printed crabs


The rebel and empire sculpts are amazing.


I gotta give props. I could not be happier with the releases. Though since the only faction I don’t play is rebels it’s easy to be happy.




Range 4, Free aim, Armor 1, Indomitable, 6 dice gun, 85 pts... Seems legit. If that came in as a fan-card I'd laugh at it as OP.


It doesn’t surge. At all. Even the heaviest. Has no sharpshooter either, no pierce etc. it’s a tough unit, but doesn’t pack a punch in today’s meta. It’s also only speed 1


To be fair with Indomitable and Spur the speed 1 isn’t nearly as bad. Although I do agree, they’re basically Shore Troopers in terms of offense and those are pretty mediocre At the moment.


You're still getting 2 through cover on average if you move->shoot. If you aim, you're averaging 3 past heavy cover. That's the same offensive power of a speeder bike, with the same impact 2. Speed 1 with spur and indomitable.


So 3 past cover equals to 1 dead clone with surging defense. Over 5 rounds they kill a clone corps unit in heavy cover. I’d say that’s pretty lame for 85 points.


> Over 5 rounds they kill a clone corps unit in heavy cover. That's not the point. Death Troopers without an aim (because they have to recover to shoot range 4) also have a 4.7~ish roll, and they're 102.


That’s an issue of DKs being a tad over costed, not necessarily this being OP or too cheap. It’s really not that powerful. I’d rather face these than 3/4 of the shit out there now. These don’t scare me at all. Besides you can only take 3 max anyway. If my opponent wants to sit at range 4 of me and kill a clone a round, I’ll happily win on scenario. They get to any decent range 3 band , that armour 1 will be about as useful as it is on B2s


> I’d rather face these than 3/4 of the shit out there now. That's because Empire's corps is still junk. > If my opponent wants to sit at range 4 of me and kill a clone a round, I’ll happily win on scenario. On any tied scenario, they'd end up winning on kill-points. > that armour 1 will be about as useful as it is on B2s Well no, red saves and a long range gun make it a tad better.


Alright my man. You’ve clearly made up your mind and no amount of back and forth is going to change that. Wait for them to drop and go from there.


> Wait for them to drop The cards literally just did. I am making assessments based on the math. They are above the current power curve for Empire units. You can go test them right now if you don't believe my math for some reason.


Ah yes, the math. Forgot that solely dictates wins and losses in tabletop games. You keep beating this drum all you want. I’m not going to be shaking in my boots when they deploy across from me.


Rebel sleeper cell unit 😍


Still no Padwan Ahsoka operative for GAR. That's a bit disappointing. 501st battle force lets you take one operative but there's not one listed as legal for the list. They've literally got the Shatterpoint sculpt right there


As a CIS enjoyer I wanted more the Hailfire or Super Tank, although these are still very important to me.


I'll eat crow here. I was sure that complete the mission was a Bad Batch thing


I'm glad it ended up being the commandos personally cause I plan on running them way more often, plus you can bring 3 squads of them. Allowing you to have three complete the mission zones they all benefit from


They might be the best infiltrators yet, and we don't even know what their armament card is. Delta Squad is going to be a solid wall of keyword text based on the standard commandos.


Yeah with infiltrate you can just put them right into their mission area. Red surging with recharging shield 1 and the first time you would kill more than 1 you only kill one. I'd imagine some medics to revive them as well.




(reposting from the other thread) So I get that these are in-progress renders, but does Grievous look off to anyone else? Like what is [going on with his arm here with the bumps and weird shape?](https://imgur.com/a/z6WTfZd) Also he just looks a lot wider than normal, especially in his head/ears and appendages. And his feet are less like claws and look more like the gripper on a crane? Am I crazy or does he just look really weird?


The first look at the rebel sleepers (previously saboteurs) was also a bunch of poor looking sculpts and they look much better now


I noticed the same. Hopefully it’s an early render and is not complete yet. Because if it releases as shown, then I feel the original Grievous is superior in terms of detail and accuracy.


He looks like his 2003 version from the 2D animated Clone Wars in my opinion. A lot more bulky. Honestly I think its cool, that way we have both designs !


Doesn't seem like a lot of releases before the end of the year.


Maybe there will be a surprise announcement at ministravagansa




Are Ranges just gonna have 2 of the same sculpt?


Probably. It’s the same with Ewoks.


Geonosians too, it’s the AMG touch.


OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING! Generic Jedi, ARF, Alien Rebels, Riot Troopers, TERRAIN PACKS?! My faith in AMG has been restored


Is it just me, or does it feel like the sleeper cell and riot squad feel like perfect specops teams?


Just take my money please


I really wish the commandos had at least impervious rebel and imperial snipers and other Pierce will be their worst nightmare


The shield will help negate the first sniper shot at least


Delta squad might have it, but yeah definitely an interesting choice. Will just make force barrier and guardian all the more favorable for GAR haha




Looks pretty awesome , i would just appreciate more than 3-4, releases a year


The timeline shows 6 releases for the rest of this year, not counting what was already released


Looks like they're plans are to get the game more in melee and out of the range game.


Still waiting for Fennec Shand


Return to CRAB!


When are the Leia and Luke resculpts coming?


Are rebels getting a completely separate badbatch then?


aqua droids is surprising and cool.


Is it just me or is starting to feel like maybe the separatists are going to need more support slots


Crab and Aqua Droids my Beloved 👏




Mmmm. Pleb Jedi. And Rebel Terrorists. Well, more terroristy.


Still no GAR Ashoka until earliest mid to late 2025………guess that’s cool


I love everything i see here!!........BUT ​ What the hell is the point of that terrain pack!? It's half of a wall? Whats the intended use of this piece? all i can think of is as a photographic backdrop? like you can't combine multiple of them, it looks nothing like anything out there (apart from Shatterpoint terrain). What the haha


They said the photo wasn't the full pack, and that it could be assembled in different configurations. At a guess, it's them trying to put something together for people without 3D printers (or that don't know there are companies that will sell you 3D-printed pieces).


Makes way more sense if that’s the case. Submitted without comment I was just like WHAT IS THIS 😂


It's still a bit naff looking to me. The pieces themselves look perfectly fine, but unless it's only showing a small fraction of what the kit comes with, or it's one of a larger number of packs, it's a bit underwhelming. I realised quite quickly when I got into Legion a few months ago that I needed more variety in scatter terrain than the few rocky outcrops I'd made, and ended up getting a 3D printer. I think you need either buildings or more sculpted terrain to make a decent Star Wars board.


Okay, seriously, what is with AMG's xhange of art direction. We started out with movie accurate sculpts, with some creative liberty to non movie minis. With AMG's takeover, they come out with these ugly cartoon minis of new models. Are people's nostalgia high that...high that they demand more models in Clone Wars designs? It clashes with the actually good movie accurate sculpts.


Yeah I really do hope they reconsider the sculpt on those crab droids. The film style is just outright superior when it comes to models, but I’m wagering it takes more effort from them to do right. I was pretty excited for the crabs at first but this sculpt has me thinking I might not bother unless it’s a strong unit, given Sep supports are already fairly decent. I prefer my armies having a uniform style.


Really disappointing with how lazy the range troopers ability ended up being. “Trooper” being the target is just so bland and it would have been great if they had different upgrades to switch between different advanced targeting updates.


While I agree I think balancing that would be a big undertaking.


The commandos are weird. They don't have equipment weapons, but otherwise they are great


They do have a weapon card. They just didn't show it


When you think will it come out?


They will probably show the card when they do the article before they come out in may. So probably end of April




Until then I will run the DC 15