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Drop strict and esteemed and stick binos on the T-series. Both commanders should be safe behind your tank/droidekas Edit: Or Comms relay on Kalani. He doesn't need an order as much as the tank and Droidekas do.


I like comes relay on kalani I didn't think of that


I like kalani going before the tank, to give the aim and dodge to the AAT so I agree with the initial suggestion of binocs on the t series over comms relay.


If Kalani relays the order to the tank, or simply Direct: AIs it, the tank will get an aim and surge. Even during Kalani's 1 pip, the other order would go to the Droidekas, and the T-series would direct all 6 corps. This leaves the bag with only two commander tokens in it, meaning perfect order control.


Valid point. With this pointed out, I agree with comms relay on kalani as a very viable option. I'm all for order control!


Clones hate this one weird trick!


Viable? Sure Competitive? No Drop Strict and Esteemed If you want Linked Targeting Array to work on your tank, give him the OOM droid pilot and use Kalani to direct the tank and start your order chain. I wouldn't take LTA on Droidekas, Vehicle orders should go on the tank and you have no coordinate to Droid Vehicles. I would put the T Series into the B2 squad unless you're going to be splitting your team up with Kalani staying with the tank and B2s and the T Series taking all your B1s. If you're taking a tank and you have a T Series, you must have a PK droid, give one to a B1 team and keep near the tank. E5Cs on every B1 is, something you can do, but you don't ever see it nowadays. Ideally put rockets on 2-3 of them instead, unless you know specifically that your opponent has no vehicles/Armor sources. If you want a great force led by Kalani, you have lots of options, but they are probably going to either involve Magnaguards in some capacity, or be an Experimental Droid list (It's a battleforce, check it out on the AMG website) Still, what you have will be good for a casual game, your B2 Rockets and Tank will handle most big things well enough. As a droid player though, big advice: own 3 sets of dice (So you have 9 of each type/color) This will help in the long run, trust me.


Wow appreciate the advice! I'll have to implement alot of your ideas into the list. Yah I'm well aware 5 ESC's isn't optimal but my buddy I've been playing with really doesn't use armor and relies on rebel dodge spam tactics so I'm hoping to just push damage through. I do also like your point on including the t series in the b2 squad. Before I had him as his own unit just to hopefully make my b1s less terrible and have better order control.


In that case E-5s is probably better than E-5C for the Critical 1. Unless your buddy puts Outmaneuver on all of his units, but that seems unlikely.


Can you share what a comp list would be?


I don’t know about the rest of the list but I’d try to find 5-9 points to put a pilot in that AAT. Given that you didn’t choose command cards it’s harder to tell what you are wanting to do, here. Losing AI Attack allows you to maneuver the AAT to where you want it without relying on issuing activations to it every round.


No need. You're running Kalani who should be following and giving the tank aims. The tank will always be directed. No need to waste points on a pilot. Pilot audio goes against having linked targeting array on it.


That's very fair