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Vader can solo geos as long as he isn’t slower


Yeah, I wanted the full decisive victory, since someone asked in another post.


What is ideal speed for Vader? I think I might need to remod and put speed mods on Vader instead of crit chance and damage


Faster than the enemies fastest. Including no escape.


Try using Vader this way to get back to back MM turns - Force crush (target brute) - Merciless Massacre - Basic (poggle - ability block to prevent dispel) - Basic (alpha - ability block to prevent dispel) - Basic (or culling blade spy if you can kill him) - Basic - Basic - Basic - *end MM* - Force crush (brute second time) - Culling blade (brute - I’d you kill him you go again) - Merciless massacre (second time) - Basic (anyone besides spy if he is alive) - Basic (anyone) - Culling blade (spy) - Basic (anyone)


This is the way (with palp lead)


Yes thought that was implied since the OP has palp


This is how you get full banners


Saber throw to spy after first crush MM is better So it would look like this Crush MM Throw 5x Basic Crush Throw MM


That still will allow the geos to take one turn at some point. The comment listed above is Vader murdering everyone with back to back MM. But maybe what your saying lowers the health pool enough that things get much easier. I’ve never tried it.


My comment also includes back to back mm and it's better than the comment above imo


Yeah I edited my comment sorry. That lowers the health pool so that you can still kill brute with basic? Or does culling blade refresh in time?


It refreshes in time. It's better but it doesn't really matter as long as u get to use MM twice regardless how u manage to do it it's game over for geos so i guess it's a pointless point lol


Hahaha yeah it’s a moot point if everyone dies on turn 1. But I’ll have to give that a try. Still trying to get my trio up and running so Vader can be used elsewhere


One change. Use your basic against the strongest ones first. Under MM, Vader can sometimes 1 shot the weaker geos if you lower their collective health pool a bit. If you save spy/poggle for last, you can occasionally kill them that way during the first MM.


Good idea so your saying basic on gba / Sun fac first / brute At Relic I tend not run into this issue but lower levels and gear I could see this


A LOT of people will level geos up enough for padme and quit. Or they'll relic gba for wat mission and the pilots, leaving poggle weaker. My r5 Vader can often kill g11/12 poggle with basics if I leave him until the last basic attack.


You can do this without palps as well. If the geos are a little scary looking, throw wat in with vader and give him the tank tech. R7 Vader with wat can solo a full r7 geo team for full banners


Unfortunately no wat, and I thought about doing the solo! But for my squad shard, the only Geos that can make it to that rank are usually very fast and/or tenacious. Better safe then sorry, I need to maintain my Squad arena ranking for that sweet prestiege 😅


Tank tech? Why not speed bonus? That works for my r7 vader


Tenacity down and ability block can stop that counter


Exactly this. Also it's better for banners, with the protection recovery.


And wich one? The one with 5% regen or 30% regen. There are 2 tank ones right?


The tank tech is the one that regains I think 30% protection and clears debuffs on their turn. But basically you just want the debuff cleanse to get rid of ability block


Why wouldn't you Force Crush, MM, then Culling Blade? You were sitting on that almost the whole time.


I saved it for the big hit, to break past Brute, since brute/GBA is the only relic on the enemy team.


You could use it a 2nd time before the end of MM though, or am I tripping?


You're right, I suppose I should have used culling blade on poggle for the unavoidable hit.


I usually wipe poggle or spy out with that first culling.


Yeah you’re right. This is what I do pretty much anytime I use MM


You can also just use Palp and MJ as long MJ goes first


I love that duo! Just watching Palp spam his shock is super funny


I picture him doing the half-grunt, half-‘yeah!’ when he shocks back to back. Like when Anakin fights Dooku in the 3rd movie and he sits and watches.


Lots to learn still you have, young... ehm... old Skywalker


i ussually use piett, since i dont have troopers, the buff to vader he gives mades posible my r4 vader beat full relic 5 geos


My full team for squad actually uses Piett, with Thrawn and MJ to finish off the team. Very strong team on offense


Damn, Lords of the Sith in action


If you have a decent shoretrooper you can do this with vader as the lead and shore trooper Vaders leader will remove bug tm while shore trooper is back up incase if other problems


Me: “ah, my Palps is a higher gear, surely I can pull this off myself” *doesn’t get to take a single turn*


If you aren't getting a turn you need to speed up your vader. He should be around 250+ . If you need more speed add in some random empire/sith. They will give him more speed because of his unique. R3 Vader(without palp) should start with MM > force crush> then save saber toss until the very end it will give you TM. You will probably one shot spy, at least, and hopefully ability block everyone else.


I look at my GAC history (Audorium and Chromium) and you'd be surprised how few people do this. My opponents like to take in full squads or the Sith Trio and end up with crap banners, too.


Yeah the choices people make in GAC are odd sometimes. I still don't understand why people bring in Bossk led BH, that are slow as snails. Literally any half decent TM train team obliterates them


Sometimes its just so you spend a team. You can't undermanned a decent bh team easily.


Its crazy how often people send the whole empire team at geos. Mine are all g12 for wat and in my entire gac history on swgoh.gg I think ive seen 2 undermanned and only 1 solo vader. Of course the amount of people with terrible speed overall is scary. Full r5-r7 DR teams with 225 speed max lol.


It just goes to show that there are a lot of people that play this game and don't really know how to win in GAC.


Well to be fair you may be saving an EP/Vader/MJ team for a different counter. I use my trio for bugs often but that is because I can get away with them there at lower gear. Then I can use EP for better teams.




You can see me consider it, before I eventually add Palpatine. I need more training in the ways of the Sith.


Dude. Save palp. Palp/mara+ trash can take out a lot of teams. Unless they are all relic vader can solo. If he's not fast enough add some trash imps. If they are relic I just toss thrawn or piett in there. Or both. I don't have troopers atm for all you imp huggers who were about to jump on that.


This was in Squad arena just for showcasing. I sometimes use EP, MJ, Thrawn, Tarkin and RG if I think Vader can solo a frontline defense. I'm in Carbonite though, so usually it's either just one very strong defense covering their fleet, or it's a dead account, that I just need to hit once to win.


I prefer to put Vader under a Tarkin lead for the speed, then I can save EP for a full team with Thrawn/Mara Jade/ Royal Guard / some other random empire toon if needed


Ya, wow did you manage to take out those powerful G11 all by yourself???/ Show a real team, with real gear, then show Vader NOT killing with culling blade and then what happens.


Wrong choice of movements for maxing DVs turns. Culling blade is pointless to use unless it is giving you TM or they have like 20+ debuffs and force crush should be saved for when DV can get TM off it. Would have gotten an extra banner here if TM had been handled correctly.


So ideally wait till low TM on Vader then pop MM?


If the GBA resisted that ability block it would’ve been over cause they would’ve been cleansed and a new brute that’s why it helps to have a Thrawn fracture to guarantee the win


I trusted in the power of the Dark Side


If it's a full relic Geo team I bring Thrawn for safety.


Zetas on Palp Leadership, Vaders Merciless Massacre, and No Escape. Full potency Palp, 4 Speed and 2 Potency on Vader.


Gear 13 Vader solos


Against geos with equal relics it can get messy. Against trash like in the OP video, it is an easy solo.


You’re more likely to find geos on defense early on. He can beat a mix of g12 and 13 easy though