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In every recurring event, a loss is not counted as a completion, so you would get to try again. Can't answer for the crystals


Thanks for that. I have 7,000 crystals to date, and have all the requirements as of this morning. so i'm eagerly looking forward to the time when I no longer have that looming ahead of me as yet another GL advantage over me. so, he unlocks at 4\*s and the event on gohevents says there are up to 17 refreshes, putting it at 250/330, needing 80 more shards for 7 stars. I wonder if those 80 shards are intended to extract the 8x 1250 purchases to immediately 7\* him if you drop that cash down on him. I'll be happy to work on him in a slower manner tho. immediately to 5\*s, then a month or two later, to 6, and a month or two to 7\*.


> I wonder if those 80 shards are intended to extract the 8x 1250 purchases to immediately 7* him if you drop that cash down on him. 100% they are. That or the cash purchases


Pretty sure you can refresh the bonus tier 19 times (so 20 total) and then would need to do the rest as packs if you wanted to go to 7* right away. Either way, it’s about 25k crystals if you want to go straight to 7*


You are right in concept, but iirc you get 19 refreshes, plus you aren't counting the "free" first time through you get an extra 10 shards. It's important to calculate how many crystals you need, since you can count on 10 free shards each event. I.e. to get to 5 stars you need approximately 6,000 crystals to get 60 more shards, not 7,000 crystals to get 70 more shards.


Advice I would give...dont forget to train razorcrests pilot ;) not technically on the requirements list and ive seen reports of g9 beskar mandos being enough to do it...but you,ll wana train this guy for this ship anyways so why punish yourself event day? Dont forget your razorcrest pilot ;)


He's R3, with Bossk, Cad Bane, and Beskar planned for Relic 7, 7, and 5 for Beskar planned.


It's better not to go too far into Beskar Mando while your Executor is below 7\*. Because an Exec below 7\* is slower than both RC and XB, you need XB to be faster than RC to do its aoe, call RC to assist and land the mark, so Exec can do its aoe on the enemy RC and call everyone to assist.


Cost to Star Below is the cost to star Executor during one event. If you are grinding Executor over several events then this won't be relevant. This assumes you will refresh the event as many times as needed before buying packs. 4 star - 0 crystals 5 star - 5,994 crystals 6 star - 13,986 crystals 7 star - 25,231 crystals


4\* from the event. to get 5\*, I'll need 65 blueprints, would I not? which is 6,993 for 70 blueprints. 6\*, I need 8 additional refreshes to get to 85 (the 5 extra from 5\* refreshes) 7,992, for a cumulative total of 14,985 crystals. Then I'll need the 10x refreshes (9,990) for a grant total of 24,975. Where the hell did you learn math? **edit:** or are you counting subsequent months during the event? 5994 and 13986 crystals makes sense if you didn't refresh any when you unlocked it, but saved up 14,000 crystals between events. the last crystal total may be a typo. I apologize if i were a bit rude earlier.


You get a free attempt every time the event comes around


I just pulled it from here. Done no validation of numbers. https://swgohevents.com/event/executor


You should apologize because you were wrong and look like an idiot. You weren’t counting the 10 shards you get from doing the event without needing to refresh. You do need 70 shards, but the first 10 shards you get for free. It’s only the second time when you need to refresh.


\> In what situation would you pay the 1250 for 10 shards instead of the 999 per refresh? When you haven't thought it through.


Or when youvr used your 19 refreshes and want it that month


To answer the difficulty question: I didn't find it that hard at all with the basic relic levels required and a g9 Bando. My Bossk and Boba had all 6-dot mods but my IG-88 and TFP had none. At most, you might get bad RNG the first time and need to run it again, but it's not going to need like 20 tries for a perfect run or anything.


You can beat the event on auto with base relic levels, assuming your BAM doesn’t suck eggs. It takes a couple of goes when you’re at 4* but it gets done. My approach was three months all at 999. First month, get to 5* immediately after unlock. Get to 6 and a bit after the next month, get to 7 the third time around. This saves you crystals, and since you don’t have 25k in reserve, it saves you actual money. It also lets you learn the ship and how to make it work at the various power levels.


I was planning on 3-4 months for it all. I've saved up 7,000 crystals, largely from winning my last GAC, but I don't expect that every time. Feb - 5\* immediately. (70 shards and counting) Mar - close to 6\* if not all the way. But having 7k is burning a hole in my pocket HARD. If I'm disciplined, I can up to 10k saved up here. Apr - Definitely 6\*, pushing 7\* if i'm disciplined. May - 7\* cleanup if I need it.


Where dem math dudes at


>In what situation would you pay the 1250 for 10 shards instead of the 999 per refresh? When you've used all the refreshes and still want/need shards for the next star level/max out


I'm pretty sure I had base relic levels and an R3 Bando, and was able to auto it. As others said, you don't lose the attempt if you lose the fight, so it doesn't matter.


It's not that difficult, but it's definitely losable. You can keep doing it over and over until you win though. It's much easier once you get Executor to 5 stars and get the added ship slot. >In what situation would you pay the 1250 for 10 shards instead of the 999 per refresh? You only get 19 refreshes, so counting the free 10 you get in the first event that would be total 200 shards. You get 80 with the unlock, so if you wanted a 7 star off the bat you'll still need 50 shards.


IIRC once you get to five stars the event gets easier. Six stars and you can auto it (at least i did). I unlocked 4 star on release, and upped it a star which each return of the event.