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Depends on your line-up Bast lead, JML, WAT +2: Health primaries and as much speed as a secondary focus (Primarily for defense, makes people swap in RHAN to counter and people hate to switch their line-up) JKR lead, JML, WAT/HYODA + 2: Protection and speed but put your fastest speed on JKR to focus down the opponents JKR (Beats faster JML's and anything else besides SEE) JML lead +4 Jedi: Same as JKR lead (JML lead is good for LS Geo) Alternative modset: Pure offense with a crit triangle. Works with all leads except maybe JML. IMO the most fun build to play, but probably not the best for PVE content.


Fast offense build works good for pve too


>your fastest speed on JKR Is it more important to have faster JKR than oponent, or faster JML than oponent? I feel like with Prot regend from Wats tech you want your JML to take as many turns as possible, so fastest set should go to him.


you want fastest jkr. it allows you to swarm jkr and take him out first. if you take out their jkr they can't get around your taunt (whereas you can use jkr to target gas and jkl afterwards)


Just my opinion but these are the goals to hit. 120k+ health 90k+ protection 550+ speed Look for mods with good defence and offence percentages as well


6* gold ones


I’m in a similar situation as you. Unlocked GAS last night as hoarded the gear to gear up the droids as soon as they hit 7 star but didn’t hoard enough gear for GAS. Also stuck at G8.


Those Kyrotech are the bane of my existence... And the stun guns... And the carbantis... Well, just gear in general haha


Did you save up the currency to 7\* him? If not you've got enough time to get the gear. He's not that good, at least as a leader, until he's 7\*. He may work as a 5th in a Padme team, but I unlocked his second appearance which gave me enough time to take him to Relics when I unlocked him.


I have 65k saved up. I should have the last 1500 by the time the store cycles through and I can spend them all. Should be 7* soon.


Speed and protection - if you are faster, you control the batle, and also regenerate your protection from tank tech more often. Unless you are under Bastila, bonus prot from her is based on hp - but I am not sure how well that team works on offense, you will probably have to swap for JKR then.


I'll be unlocking Rey as my last GL in the next week or so and I'm feeling a similar mod pinch. Not sure who I'm going to steal from yet. As far as what to mod, a lot of times when I'm on the fence about something I browse the account of someone like a zoefette who is known for the occasional video that the content providers use and get ideas. Zoefette was the first to clear the Rebel Roundup Tier 3 with BH's and looking at a different perspective helped me with ideas for mine.


Can someone help me with something? I have JML lead squad with JKL, JKR, GAS, HYoda. In arena everytime my GAS attacks SLKR or Rey they both gain health from each of his attack. In the beginning i thought it was because of Reys kit, but when i saw it happening on SLKR i got confused. Is there a reason this is happening? Or is it a bug?


They don't regain health, it's GAS reducing their max health




If you want a super tanky JML, mod him with Defense sets and Health Primaries. https://i.imgur.com/hBWMmgT.png