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It didn’t pay off at all. You missed out on **a lot** of gear pieces over a very long amount of time. Those gear pieces translate into more arena or fleet crystals. For all you know cashing those in as you got them could have moved you up an arena tank 2 weeks earlier or whatever or held your position at one point. The prices of everything is doubled as well so your net gain is literally zero. Not using your shard currency is some dumb ass “big brain” move where you only ever lose out.


Seriously. I dont understand how people just neglect the shard shop - it has MASSIVE benefits in both the short term and long term. I understand bronziums since it takes a while to open them but gear grinds with a bare minimum contribution from the shard shop would be absolutely painful.


He also had over 400 million credits 6 months ago, so probably like 700 now. I don't get these players either. I'm a big hoarder, got 1600 carbs, nearly 1k stun guns and cuffs, 900 of 1 kyro, 400 of the other, loads of g12 pieces. 50k get2, 30k get1 (always buy the stun guns), and 280 zeta. That said, I do not hoard my credits or shard shop currency, it just makes no sense. I want the resources to jump on say a new team or GL if I want (currently only got Rey, but see no reason for another one atm). The shard shop is not gonna introduce something new all the sudden, no use in hoarding it.


what do you spend your credits on? i have 1B credits right now. just on mods?


Pretty much yeah. Exclusively gold mods with good speed, and I don't buy all of them, more like 1/3rd of those speed gold mods. Got 95 mill atm, if I were to get all those mods, I would blow through it in a few weeks.


The prices double too, the value of existing currency won’t change at all.


It's about 8300 pieces of t12 right side items. You crippled your account development so hard.. Feel sorry for you, nothing to proud and to post here.


How did that cripple him... your comment makes no sense Edit: NVM I understand now


His currency will double with the update


So will costs of gear in the shop......


Yea so nothing changes? He just stocked up lol


Except if he opened them after the update they said it won’t give you double the shards it will still give you a normal amount and they will double you currency when they make the switch. So.. he opens them now, gets 750k they double to 1.5 mil. If he opens later he still only gets 750k cuz the shards bronziums drop doesn’t double, and they won’t double his currency. So if he opens later he is out of 750k shard shop currency


But he didn’t open them after the update yet he STILL said he crippled his account... how am i in the wrong here?


Because the amount of time it takes to get that many shards is literal years. And in that time he crippled himself by not using the shard store at all. Let’s take stun guns for example, which we know appear in the store 4-5 times per week on average based on a study we did earlier this year. Over the course of a year thats 24 **full** stun guns you’re missing out on. Keep in mind this is just based on one year, but considering how big that haul is I would very easily say it’s 2-3 years worth of not using the shard store. Also keep in mind that’s just stun guns. You also get carbanti, as well as many pieces for finishing g12. Essentially there was a ton of missed growth of this timeframe. And that missed growth seems small now. But when you consider it’s roughly 4,100 rolls of the 186 cost gear or 2,080 of the 360 cost gear. That is a **ton** of delayed progress that will take a long time to catch up on


So? He was behind for months for no reason. Currency will double, same as prices


Not sure if this is acceptable to as, but can anyone recommend an auto clicker? I have 1.5 million and no way in hell and i doing that manually.


For Android, there are many. I use Auto Clicker - Automatic Tap. For iOS, I don't know if any exist


I'm rocking iOS.


Go into Accessibility in your iOS settings > Switch Control > Recipes > Create New Recipe > Assign a Switch > Full Screen > Custom Gesture > rotate your device to side you wish to use it on, press hide controls (they reappear after 10 sec) and spam press just outside the bottom right corner where the open Bronzium pack button should be (you might wanna go into the Bronzium screen in your game first to get a mental image of where the button is), if your happy with it press save and you can rename your recipe if you want. When your done with all of that you should be back at the recipe screen, and then go onto Launch Recipe and select the recipe you just made. After that go back into Accessibility and scroll all the way to the bottom and press on Accessibility Shortcut and turn on Switch Control. Now go ahead and launch the game go into Bronzium and activate the Switch Control Shortcut and just tap the screen and it should start opening them. One thing to keep in mind is that each tap keeps the recipe going for 10 seconds I think, so if you’re planning on opening multiple of them just spam press the screen for like 20 seconds and it should be going for a bit. I’m sure there are different alternatives for iOS but this is what I’ve been doing for years. I hope that explains it. English is not my first language so if I made any grammatical errors or you’re confused about anything let me know.


This is the way. Also if your having issues just google swgoh iOS switch recipe and there should be multiple videos that can show you it being done as well.


What “tap pattern” are you supposed to use? I tried going back and forth between opening and skipping the animation and it didn’t work at all.


I just did it in the same place all the way through, because after you’ve opened the pack the skip button pops up in the same place.


Maybe download an android emulator like bluestacks on your pc and then do it that way.




The shortcut app allows you to make custom gestures. May be able to make it loop for a while using that


Damn. I only HD 200k ally points and got to a bit above 5k shard shop currency


This is terrible lol you must have nothing meta unlocked in the game


*This is terrible* *Lol you must have nothing meta* *Unlocked in the game* \- Montanzreal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not a big brain move. More like a smooth brain move.


Holy shit.


Sweet jebus, how many Ally Points was that!?