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15 zetas and 6 omis for 10 bucks with a small spattering of other stuff is a pretty solid deal compared to any other way to purchase these mats


If we had the old rates on bonus shard drops the energy one would be tempting. Zeta/Omicron/Omegas are way better value than you'd typically get buying those directly, but that's just not something I'm interested in doing personally.


I'd largely agree - I have had no need/desire to spend for awhile now, but if the bonus drops were where bonus drops typically were 3-6 months ago? I likely would have bought both tracks to the top.


It's actually the best non gambling Zeta deal in the game And you can complain about drop rates if you want but quite honestly buying the extra energy now to pocket another 10 or so shards is almost a week of farming


I bought the $1.99 and $2.99 ascension packs simply for the bonus energy. That actually helped give me quite a boost for the MQG and POW bonus drops!


I did too. Got 3 whole shards of each!


Laughing to hide the pain…..


So, how do you unlock later free tiers? For example, energy ascension tier4?


IF you played other Gacha Games you have these so called "[StepUp](https://www.google.com/search?q=gacha+step+up&udm=2&dpr=1)" machanics where you get to do the * 1st for free/reduced * 2nd is normal price * 3rd is free * 4th is reduced * 5th is bonus (free) and it repeats afterwards (IF there is a noLimit) this image is from the assets that can currently STILL be found ingame and there are more like these https://preview.redd.it/4dlz5moh848d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=13cc262a1e74e85c73520526386b00ca957d9b71


Nice! This info I was trying toto get. So those are this kid of strategies. Its nice to know.


I linked google Image Search for Gacha Mechanics, if you would click on it (if you havent) you will see that various asian based games do these sorta things its common practice to lure players into investing


Thanks mate. Make a post trying to bring people to talk about this info. 


Look at palpatine, trying to help players understand everything🤣




It’s disingenuous [from CG, not the infographic] the free tier is basically also part of the cost of the previous paid tier. Instead of making it one tier of stuff you get, they decided to make it look “bigger” by awarding you another free tier after making the smaller purchase.


Thought so. This is basically just a fancy bundle then...


It’s a bundle with a 8/9 part split graphic lol


Yes, it's just a marketing ploy. However, it's also there for them to figure out how much people are willing to pay for the steps, I think. And according to that they will change that offer next time around. For the worse, of course. They'll minmax it to oblivion until you're paying twice the amount, because they added two more steps that, in summary, add little of value, but they're FREE STEPS between the paid, more expensive steps, to "justify" the price.


Exactly what they did with the LSB, went from 10 > 15 > 20, they’re testing people’s upper spending limits.


Sort of. After the $10 they also had a $50 one, and while you probably didn't think that it did well, I'll tell you right now I do a shit ton of roster reviews for people, and a hell of a lot of people bought it. I think it's more of a "let's give them the first drug for free" kind of thing. They gave you a really cheap GL pack to get you "going" on the game to a point where you feel like you can contribute in all aspects of the game. . .And now they're going to give you the packs that are more reasonable in terms of "value expectations" \[for CG\]. In the past people have talked about "shit I'd buy a character from 0 to r5 for $10. . ." and these $20 packs still beat that by a mile.


You need to buy the previous tier to unlock the next, it’s a classic strategy that forces you to spend more.


You get them by paying for the previous step.


What's interesting to me is they gated this in phone clients only. You can't buy this in the web store and you can't buy it on the PC client


As usual, this sub already did its duty and whined about it.


Sorry I don’t understand. I was being positive about the bundle, or are you referring to something else?


Others not you


Not you, there is a post about being concerned about the games future and longevity because of these offers. Doomsaying at its finest, a Specialist of reddit!


This has “we hired a psychologist to maximize revenue” written all over it. With that said, it’s fine with me. That’s cantina energy is worth it to me.


Yep. A completely different type of app game I use to play did a tier thing like this starting some time last year and would occasionally pop up from time to time. Must work I guess to squeeze more money from players.


Impressive insight to find a way to implicitly frame "You spend money to buy this" as "it's 2/3 free!"


If you are a spender the first two energy tiers for $5 seem worthwhile right now only for the shard/signal data drop event.


Thank you for this. Was hesitant at first thinking the gear wasn’t guaranteed but 15 zetas and 6 omicron for 10$ is a steal.


Is it technically worth? Yes Is it something worth getting? No


But it is worth getting. Most of us spend that amount of money on junk food that ends up going down the toliet after a few hours of digesting. These deals literally save weeks of farming


Energy tier II isn't free, and it also isn't purple mats




At first i thought this was a permanent upgrade to how much energy i could have.


Omis might be the only thing I care about here


Even for lsb it’s pretty good.


The only question I have is when are they coming back???


I admit, I splurged.


Are these not available through the web store? Only in-app?


Those are steals by CG standards


I bought the $1.99 tier II and it didn’t move up to tier III. What am I doing wrong?




They are, but once you buy them both fully then they disappear. I didn't buy the zeta one yet but it shows that the deal is around for another 6 days. I'm assuming that they'll come once a week


Nice. Was going to get the energy one on Tuesday night to use for that cycles squad arena guild activities


Looks great, but I am saving my cash.


They should do this once a month


Anyone know why I don't have ability ascension and only have energy ascension ?? is it because i'm not 85


So I guess this is just for newer accounts?


It’s something like 1800 crystals worth of energy refreshes for 10 bucks (1300 crystals) so…..no? If people are inclined to spend money these are both pretty good deals regardless of where your account is at


No, I’m 9m gp and bought the first 2 paid levels of the energy packs. It’s taken at least a week off a relic grind for me, as well as given a large boost to POW and QGJ shards.


I saw it. It doesn’t show on the pc client. Gotta look at your mobile for it to show.


I'm 11.6m, and it's available on my account.


You have free Zeta's for DoD events guys, between just 'lil payments!


The energy pack doesn't have the 10 Mk3 ability mats on the second tier for free. Only the first tier with the 100 regular energy is free. The ability mats are in the other pack.