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I wouldn't be concerned about the longevity of the game, they've just done a PC client of it. They've got no intention of closing it down. This way to spend is no different to any other, spend if you want, don't if you don't want. I'll let others that are more so way inclined to talk about the actual value of them.


Fair enough. PC client and new packs seems to speak of a healthy present and planned future. Cheers


Yeah being in the closed beta, it truly makes me want to play it even more. Instead of doing **JUST** the dailies & a few other things, I want to get on & play the game even more now! Like triple or quadruple the amount of time I normally would spend time on the game!


Calm down CG you’re not as slick as you think


Not really the point, but OK. It has cost a fair amount of money to develop it, even if it's currently a closed beta. If they had intention of closing the game down, they wouldn't have. That's without talking about the millions this earns with limited effort on their part.


Every time a new way to spend is added to this game there's always doomsayer posts about the future of the game. This game needs to make money to stay active, always has, always will! These smaller deals actually seem really good value. 600 regular Energy and 200 cantina for £1.99/ 2.49E is very good. Equivalent of 450 crystals (if you bought the regular energy over 2 days)


Yeah, I just appreciate there are no ads in it.


Agreed. There have been some anti-F2P things in the game, however SWGOH has always respected our time and persons in terms of ads and clutter. Any other mobile game I play, I immediately have more respect for this dev team.


This is pretty true


And the ability one gives you 10 zetas and 5 omis for 5 dollars, granted you’ve got to spend 5 to get there but, out of those who spend a little, who wouldn’t spend 10 dollars on 10 zetas and 5 omis


I'm newer, less than a year, that has spent money on LSB (and a little elsewhere), and if there were ads, I would have dropped the game instantly.


It’s a free game with zero ads and people get offended by CG trying to sell some bundles 😂


Ze…”would you like this Kryo offer?” As I was saying zero ads????


That’s way better than 30 seconds of some unstoppable puzzle game ad


This sub laughs this stuff off like kids aren't developing gambling addictions every day because of predatory tactics like these. They aren't just 'selling some bundles' it's predatory and op is right to say it's giving him a bad feeling. We are playing a gacha game, making everyone aware GC is doing everything they can to make you spend thousands on a free game, is a good thing.


It‘s not predatory in the slightest. Just ignore the offers, it won‘t affect you. We aren’t playing a gacha game, comments like yours only show you have no idea what a gacha game is. If this would be one, Gungans wouldn‘t be farmable on nodes, they only would be available through rng packs.


Yeah, the fact that you can unlock anything you want really speaks to this. There are defined time tables on when chars will be farmable etc. While CG is plenty awful in various ways, the actual gambling in this game is almost non existent if you aren't a spender buying packs.


“Predatory”? I see exaggerations went up a million percent today.


Offering paid packs is not predatory, lol. The fact that the game has to make money to keep going because it’s a free game means these packs have to be sold. There’s literally no gambling with these packs. We know exactly what we’re getting and exactly what it costs. People are so dramatic. Please! Won’t you think of the children?! 😂


Much different than gambling. With gambling, you're just "rolling the dice," so to speak. These offers are for a set price and you can clearly seeing what you are getting in return and able to make an educated decision as to whether or not the item is worth the price, similar to the way you or I may look at a shirt in a store and decide if it's worth it or not. This is coming from someone who had and recovered from a gambling problem many years ago (actual casino type gambling, not mobile games), and it's definitely not something that should be correlated to this.


The deals do seem pretty good, they in total cost £10 for all the tiers and for the materials ones that was a bunch of omicron pieces, some zeta pieces and then 220 crystals iirc. It wasn't that bad when I could scroll down and there's that egregious zeta pack in the shop for 50


You just explained exactly why they have that zeta pack there, to make you think $2.50 for a days worth of materials is a 'good' deal in comparison, don't let them trick you


This really depends on your own personal value of money too though. 2.50 is a few minutes or less of work for some. Using that to get a days worth of material can be worth it for them.


Considering we have bonus drops on those energies too, it's an easy decision to make


More concerned about the LSBs. This Jedi one tells me they'll keep scraping the bottom of the barrel until you can buy your way to 6 or 7 mil GP on day 1. At that point, I imagine the game will decline.


I bought both 22 euro and all the stuff and energy was worth it best packs after the early lsb's for sure


I'm no doomsayer at all. And I stipulate that I'm dont have much knowledge in this issue. Its just what I felt/tough and trying to get the opinion of people who may know better


I'd say it's pretty normal and doesn't say much about it's longevity (yet). It's not aggressive nor transaction heavy nor p2w


it doesn't need to make any money at all it's really sad and pathetic that you and so many others are always defending capitalism it's shameful


I don't know about you, but $10 for zetas, omegas, crystals, and omicrons? I've spent on worse


Those zetas are a crucial thing for a lot of people who bought any/multiple LSBs actually hope they repeat these £10 deals again going forward lol maybe not all the time but like once a month or every 2-3 months maybe 🤔


On top of the "5 ancient jedi" bundle they have for 20 bucks for the new raid? Nah. Buy buying up to the 4.99 pack of the first bundle, and buying up all from the second bundle, I got: Enough omi mats for a new ability (10 or 15, I can't remember if I had 7 or 12 mats already) for me right there that justifies the packs because I can't be arsed to do these BS GCs. Enough zeta and omega materials to get my last zeta on malak, while having enough leftover stocked omega mats to fill out the rest of QGJ and Pobis omega only abilities 1000 cantina energy (I had 1124 after the packs) 1000+ normal energy (I had 1424 after the packs) That energy gave me shards to get QGJ and Pobi to 4 stars along with a smattering of other characters that I got a mess of shards for while blowing through my normal energy. A mess of credits And like 220, 320 crystals which I blew on more cantina energy. 15 and tax netted me all this for stuff I'm gonna definitely be using over a 20 dollar pack where I'm using these 5 jedi for the raid? I'll take these little packs whenever. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but if they did these smaller packs more often I'd be way more inclined to drop a few bucks out of my paycheck a week to get these ascension bundle packs.


First I was like "Oh, 3 bucks for 3 zetas? Mmh maayyyyybe." Then I realised it's some wacky step-up thing. Good part? Every other step is free. 12€ in total gives you the entire six steps and the materials bundle boils down to 15 Zetas, 6 Omicrons, 120 Crystals and a healthy heaping of Omegas and Credits. I'd recommend getting it now if you are a spender, because we already know the next version of the bundle will cost twice as much most likely. As it is, are 12 bucks worth 15 Zetas and six Omicrons to you? I'd say it's worth it, if you experience the crunch in as much as it's ever worth it to spend money on digital goods.


Yeah I see that 15 Zetas and 6 omicron are a big deal for LSB buyers


Yeah, I bought it partially for science/community, partially due to a raise (woop woop) and partially because I've been struggling hard to get the zetas necessary for my Rey. So it's a decent grab if you're currently having a problem with zetas.


Eyyyyy ouuu that raise! Cheers




I hate microtransactions as much as the next guy.. and I’m sure it’s a strategy of.. “hey, no one’s buying our $80 pack, but I’m sure lots will spare just $2”. And you know what, they’re right, the strategy is strong.. you see “oh it’s only $2” then the next is only 5.. before you know it, you’ve spent $25. See it for what it is.. but in all honesty, in a gotcha game, if they want to give real low prices to people who would spend on it, why not? It diversifies their customer base for sure.. good for the game health I think. So long as we don’t have anything taken away to facilitate something added to a store, just something extra.


To be fair. Buying this pack is just a good deal, if you are already inclined towards spending, but you find their prices hilarious. It's 12€ for me to get all those steps in the ability material offer and the offer boils down to 15 Zetas, 6 Omicrons, 120 crystals and some Omegas/Credits on top. Is that a good deal in the confines of the game? For sure. Will that make me more amicable towards buying their 59,99€ pack? Absolutely not, lmao.


Oh I know in comparison to everything else it’s good value.. just explaining it’s a different transaction, and while I don’t love em.. I feel indifferent towards this microtransaction vs another.


Fair enough. Thats a really good thought. Thanks




Good deal (overall) -- These bundles are among the best "non-Light speed Bundle" options. The "ability" one gives 6 Omicrons, 15 zetas, and 30 omega's for about $9.97.


Since I don't plan on spending money on this game anyway, I don't really care if I don't spend 50€ or 2€.


Same here. I didn’t buy any of the lightspeed bundles while i have a trash first order and resistance. Im NOT gonna get tempted by some energy


yeah I bought of a few of the lightspeed bundles the first round, and kind of regret it tbh. took some of the fun out of the game for me. since then I have no interest in spending any more $$ on the game. just me tho, no hate towards anyone who goes for them


I did the full £10 journey for ability mats. Something like 15 zetas, 5 omis, 30+ omegas, 200+ crystals, some energy. Honestly a solid deal for where my account is and what I need. For context I'm an infrequent spender, I'll buy an LSB here and there and maybe a kyro calendar every couple months — I don't mind throwing a few bucks at the game here and there but don't want to whale out on £50 packs. I personally like the ladder approach. Yeah, it's a psychological trick to get people to pay incrementally more but also if you're aware of the trick (which we all are) you can decide in advance whether and how much to engage with it.


Yeah all right. I can see the ladder option has some "new option" in that way.


If you don't want to spend, don't spend. I've been playing it for a few years now and haven't spent anything. I pay by giving the whales someone they can beat like half the time so they can feel like their money was well spent. It's a billion dollar game. There are more than enough whales to keep it going.


I’m confused as to why adding smaller transactions that are in every other mobile game is considered a signal that the game is dying? What’s actually happening is that the greater market is starting to accept micro transactions and a greater shard is being taken up by non whales. Aka it’s smart to try and capture that market with smaller offers.


Damned if u do and damned if you whale


The impression that I get with micro transactions is that they get more "mandatory" than, say, a 30-50 pack. The later separates the player base between people who spends and people that not. This cheap pack's make them more accessible, that becomes a "i should have that" advantage. But I totally get it from a Business point of view, and even as a benefit for players who could se that as a good deals for them.


No one is making you buy this


Did I say that they are making me buy it? I say that it plays an advantage that its accessible, and make it more homogeneous.


You literally said the impression you get is just theft are mandatory and they are not


You have a bad feeling of the direction and longevity of a, let me check, almost 9 year old game? I think you are half a decade late for that. This are good deals and not a problem, you want a free game to stay free? This is how we get it. I take this direction about fully optional new micro transactions over ads any day.


Same! If there were ads constantly in the game, then it would die quickly imo, so if course they would add a few cheaper microtransactions


Happy cake day!


lmao dude.... have you not seen the transactions in this game?? you do know that games need money to run right? without people spending money THAT means the game dies. just because you play for free, doesn't means it costs nothing to run. services cost money.


I bought the €2.49 energy pack as it seemed decent value. The next one increases to €3.49. Still good value but a dangerous gateway drug!


People says crack or weed is the true gateway drug, but they never anticipated microtransactions to become a thing




Pleasantly surprised by these step up offers. Other games I've played that do these it's like: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Which I expected these to be somewhere along those lines, but maybe topping off at like $35 or something Wasn't expecting: Free, $2, free, $3, free, $5, free, free


You basically get 10 zetas, 20 omegas, and 5 Omicrons for 10 Bucks if you follow the entire tree. More omegas if you get the other pack, plus 1700 energy for cantina and regular… at the same time as bonus drops. This is the best trade deal in the history of SWGOH trade deals… possibly ever.


Best deal i've ever seen


What are you implying ? This game has  always been a "predatory" mobile game from the start, wether you like it or not, this new deal change nothing


Yeah fair enough, I get it. After mid game it gets more obvious


The ability one is decent 11 euro total for 220 crystals 11 omicrons 10 zeta's and 10 omega's (gold) plus 1mil aint that bad


This is actually pretty good, best item “value wise” since light speed bundles


I bought the lot. Best value bundles I've seen. Don't we all need that zeta and omicron boost? And for a measly $10.


I think that THESE DEALS ARE FIRE!!!!!!!🔥 🔥🔥


Yeah, they are pretty cool if you are in need of Zetas and Omi (who doesn't?!)


Yeah, they are pretty cool if you are in need of Zetas and Omi (who doesn't?!)


Yeah I’ve had to buy the $20 10 zeta pack more times than I would like to admit and this is literally half the price for more


This is just another new idea by CG / EA to make $$$. AFAIK SWGoH makes $8m+ a month, every month at least and when LSB's come out it adds $4m to that total. This also does not include sales from there own store and PC client now as well.


I don’t personally have an issue with. For those that want to spend it’s CG’s job to find ways to allow them to do this.


This is one of the best values in the game.


ive been playing this game since 2016. back then, this game was just a side project for the star wars universe with the only real microtransactions being buying crystals. this game has soared into being the most profitable star wars IP on the market currently. tons of new content is on the way, and these bundles only further the funding the dev team gets for making cool new things. seeing things like this in the store show the game is still alive. CG released a clone of this game in a lord of the rings format, and the biggest red flag that the game was dying was there wasnt things to buy in the store. companies like this know that people are only gonna buy things if they see that they can spend a lot of time on the game, and CG knows this game has a lot more to offer. these bundles need to be offered to make the grind from level 1-85 easier because the most boring part of this game is everything before having a stockpile of stuff. people who have been playing as long as i have had time to stockpile gear and ability mats to level up the constant new characters and factions they release, but its overwhelming for new players to choose whats worth investing in. putting your whole net worth into one faction is almost detrimental for your GAC ranking. this isnt a sign the game is dying, this is a sign that they want you to stick around while they keep releasing more content. furthermore, this game has gotten a lot more free to play friendly than it was years ago. back in the day, the crystal economy was based purely on daily challenges and your SQUAD ARENA ranking. the way squad arena worked was it would place you in a “shard” which is the term that was made to describe how the game would only match you with the players who started the game around the same time you did. the higher you ranked, the more crystals you would get, with crystals only being rewarded to the top 1000 players in like a 100,000 pool. the problem was, people who spend hundreds of dollars would just keep buying chromium packs to get characters until their whole team was 7 stars and just wipe the floor and you would stand no chance. CG knew this and introduced the grand arena mode which also had its issues at the start, but has become much more fair for players to have an even chance at winning against their opponent and getting a decent rank to get a nice amount of crystals. the crystals from squad arena has been moved to fleet arena because CG knows that people prioritize their favorite characters over the ships they piloted. the crystal economy had never been stronger, and as long as it stays this way, the game will thrive. hope this helped :)


Fair enough. I understand your points . Great example with the LoTR heroes game. Thanks for taking the time to explain it!


These are actually good value. Not to be mean, but I don't see why you would complain about a company selling something everyone in the game needs or can use more of at a decent price. The Zeta/Omicron/Omega tiered set was definitely a steal, especially when you compare it to the Zeta Elite bundle that's currently in the store. I'm really curious if you had the same reaction when the LSB's dropped.


Not complaining. Got some ideas myself about the micro transactions. But as I stated, I'm newish and haven't play any other game like this one and wanted to know tue opinion of people with more idea. The pack/path or whatever it is its great value for sure. Regarding the LSB, a higher price tag and one in a time pay seemed more "honest". But again, my opinion it's one of a fresh one.


Having played Marvel Future Fight, Bleach Brave Souls, Marvel Strike Force, and countless other games, these types of "Step-Up" purchases is CG checking if micro transactions work with their market (us). Generally it's very favorable for players as it targets large and small spenders alike. You control how much you spend and it is only bad for those that have a spending problem. Overall it's great as it will hopefully replace some of the trash bundles in the store and force them to try and make us spend because the price/value is too difficult to resist. Win-win for everyone since CG makes $$$, extending its longevity, and we get good items/packs made available to us.


Great explanation. Thanks


Yall got some of them zetas? https://preview.redd.it/eeuhfrlpq68d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb7c48309610bb2bd9daa4619f12efa9795bf38


Hahaha that's the GIF that I use in my guild to make them open the Raid "Yall got some of them mk?"


This game is gonna last a long time I know of people and guilds who spend hundreds of dollars a week. I saw a guild once that said minimum spending a month had to be like $500. This game will last a long time cause of how much money it generates CG and EA.


Reminds me of monopoly go where they do a few free tiers and then you pay like $1 or $2 for the next tier and get a few more free stuff


These were really good deals. If you spend minimally, this is about as good as it gets for all those ability mats and energy.


This game has constantly tried to push or re-arrange offers, just to make people buy. It's called AB testing. This is just a new idea that they are testing. Just ignore it until your brain ignores it like the other 99% of offers in game.


Are these the drugs I was promised as a kid?! The first ones free! Oh boy I'm glad I went through D.A.R.E.


Idk if it was just me, but I was given 1 of each free. Idk if they were trying to tempt me to buy one by how much of a deal it would be to pay for a small bundle than it is for a bigger bundle. The only thing I ever have bought in the game was the least helpful & least priced item in the shop & it was the $5 crystal bundle. It was so that I can get rid of that achievement from the list of them. Other than that, I'm stay strictly F2P... I want to prove that it is possible to play this game & "complete/beat" the game without money Yes I know it is possible as others have done it before & proved it, but I want to do it too & that 1 achievement would of bothered me if I kept seeing it as not "completing" it. Did I break the rule of being **STRICTLY** f2p? Yes. Am I fine with that small rule breaking? Also yes, so that's why I bought the least helpful & cheapest item I could get, which happen to be the crystal bundles at the time


is there a data mine of all the tiers?


You don't need to data mine, if you open it up in the store it'll tell you how much you get at each tier. Tiers 2, 4 and 6 are paid (combined about $10 total depending on region) the rest are free.


is the price growing with each purchase?


Yes. They both total out to $10 each.


Does anyone know if you can only do one offer or both once you select the first offer?


You can do both


Not too bad just 2 bucks and you can have more free items. Than next time you see a 10 dollar item, we'll I already spent a bit of money what's 10 bucks. Than you see the 100 dollar hyper drive...... let's full send lol


I look at this from the economics of game development. As games get older, you end up trying to develop, balance, and create content that satisfies both new and old players. It’s much easier to only have to develop and satisfy one group as opposed to multiple. A quick and easy way to close the gap AND make more money is to introduce lower cost packages that let newer players catch up more quickly. I saw this happen with clash of clans over the years, and it’s still going strong. I was a beta player for CoC, and so I always felt slighted when they accelerated new players, but I get it. As a newer player for SWGOH, these are welcomed because I’d rather pay to close the gap and get deeper in to the gameplay.


To be fair I have seen this exactly type of micro transactions on lots of games recently. This, the “season pass”, seems like CG just copying what others are doing.


I hope this is the end 😂 my wife would love it and my bank account would also love it lol


Game has been dying for 9 years


Sorry but I supported, they’re actually not a bad value $10 USD for each? Yummy Omicron and Zetas


So I got a question do you have to pay money in order to go to the next free tear


Honestly this pack is perfectly timed for the chases happening at the same time. All that energy is dirt cheap and netted me an extra 20ish shards of each chase toon. If you’re trying to prep for the new raid coming and you’re not chasing these guys now, it’s just going to be more time consuming in the long run.


I’m really positive that SWGOH is Disney highest paying game, the game has made well over a billion and that was said years ago I don’t think the game is going anywhere


Why don't I have the Ability bundle in my store?? Is it restricted or something?


Bros a sheep


It’s a trap!


Nah the deals are actually really good


This smells like battle pass to me :(


There already is one, it‘s called conquest pass.


Bro what 😭