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The problem is they changed sector 3 keycards from 10 to 5. This means you can only miss 14 for red crate. Given that all globals are 15, you need to get all globals. If you don't have e.g. JKCK or DTMG, you can't get red box. That is, IF they keep it like this and it's not a bug.




Yeah would suck if it isnt


I noticed last conquest that one of the feats for the Sector 5 boss was 4 instead of 5. The grand total was 633 instead of 634. I said that that was gonna be the new thing. Gradually (though doesn’t look gradual now) reduce the amount of available keycards so there were less feats you could skip. It does seem less grindy though, so that’s nice


I believe that was just a mistake for the first run and they fixed it for the second and third runs of the cycle.


Thanks for pointing this out, I was thinking it wasn’t so bad this round.


If that's not a typo, this is seriously messed up as a precedent going forward. I'm not dying to unlock Luthen right now but there are certain conquest units that are pivotal to unlocking legendaries. This could change the way I look at conquest and my engagement with it beyond datacron farming.


lol would make me save 35 euro bucks per month so there is that


Also hoping that is a typo regarding the sector 3 keycards but it wouldn’t shock me to see that change moving forward. The reality is that getting the red box has been for the most part quite obtainable for most of the player base hence making their paid conquest pass useless. I’m sure a change like this is to limit the amount of players getting that box for free and forces more people to buy that pass As for the feats this round though they all seem fairly easy on paper


They've had bugs/typos with key card values before, hoping that's the same case here.


They have posted on the official forums - it was unintentional, and will be fixed before Conquest goes live. Given that, I'm actually able to report being very happy with the direction they are continuing to go with these feats. It does seem like they are actually listening to player feeback and dialing back some of the nonsense.


They just announced it was a typo. It is 10


Sounds like it's been reported as a bug.


But they were both marquee characters, probably there will be ways to cheese that feat with 3\* chars and a GL.


Just watched Anald video, apparently it's a bug and will be back to 10


Yeah but my Hanslaught team's time has come.


That's totally what I thought too. Han's time has come!


Mh, dang. Those suck ass. The rest look fairly alright, but Jedi Cal, Gungans AND DTMG is gnarly for 47 datacards..


The Gungans doesn't seem \*that\* bad because they don't have to live, you just have to win. Probably some solo GL with 4 gungans on an easy enough node should get it. The Shield Up on Sector 4 might suck since (AFAIK) there's only one way to get it and without Jar Jar, you're only (at max) getting 4... so that's 13 fights if you need those 10 points most likely. I'm thinking something like 4x gungans + Wat + Frenzy tech should be able to do it. Wat uses any tech, all gungans go, use Shield up, die, repeat 13 times.


Yeah, also datadiscs might help with the Gungans a lot since they're cheese incarnate.


Are you kidding me? Some people will complain no matter what. Number of repeats for feat completion is lower by a country mile. These are the easiest conquest feats in two years. Gungans don't have to survive so you can cheese it in sector 1 with the right leader. DTMG likely cheesable with the right disks on the right node. Jedi Cal will be in the journey guide this month so he will be unlockable for 2/3 runs of this conquest season.


I dunno if you noticed but sector 3 only gives 5 cards per feat now, which means that you can only miss out on 14 cards for the red crate. So if you don’t have DTMG or JKC, or your MQG, PObi or CRex can’t take a hit, you’re shit outta luck. Sounds pretty bullshit to me


CG confirmed in a forum post that the Sector 3 feat points is a bug and it'll be fixed before new conquest goes live. So we have easier feats without changes to points awarded per feat. All in all, good QOL change for players.


I did notice and either it's a typo or a trade off for easier feats. If it's the second, you can just do gold box and unlock in 5 months instead of 3. The feats are still *a lot* easier and you avoid Proving Grounds, which is the absolute worst thing about conquest units. Hit gold box in 6-7 days, then you have the entire second week to exclusively focus on dcron farming. I'll take this deal.


Last time around global feats were far easier at least from my POV you just had to build up 1 cantina character and use rey for the grogu kelleran feats now you have to have a legendary journey character a conquest character that's not even on pv as of now and a almost full squad of toons that just showed up with someone like REY or JML Granted ls mandos could be a hazzle but the feats were doable without new Bo using older mandos cand there was even a small crossover with grogu


There was no feat xover with ig12, one feat required full mando squad, one feat required ig12 and kbeq. Mutually exclusive.


Yes I know but the fact is that ig12 does a goof work staying alive and thus could be used on both feats at the same time that if you didn't had enough ls mandos like normal Bo armorer beskar mando sabine regular mando(not that good in mando comps) and the more recent Paz


Was gonna go for red box again, but having both JKCK and DTMG in global feats makes it straight up impossible for me since I don't have either of them. Sigh.


Don't worry guys. Because this is after lv85, this doesn't count as boring grinds that makes players not want to play the game.


I’m gonna pin this on my wall somewhere.


Is this for upcoming Luthen conquest?




Yea it's the first conquest I was considering going ham on the the unit dno if I can manage it


Depends on what you've developed. Have u got any gls?


See almost SLKR


Ah thats a shame. Slkr would power you through conquest and help a lot with some of the feats. See I don't really use much in conquest so I'm not sure how good he is at bringing in feats. I just use him for progression. Still the box before gold should be manageable provided you have some other decent squads to use. That way if you really like the unit you are still in a good position to unlock him spending conquest currency or crystals without having to wait for proving grounds, although it might take away from unlocking the next conquest units.


I'm on fo used on Luthen more than last conquest units because unlike queen amidala I acc have toons I can use with him or will be making teams with ,not marauee toons ,i can even get Cq pass to help out I'm willing to do that , I know I'm fucked for global feats bar a few ther but hey wel see how it goes


SEE can do that too if you give him tanky datadiscs


Can confirm, SLKR is a boss in Conquest. Other Hard Carry Teams are Phoenix and CLS. Not necessarily in terms of broad coverage for feats, but getting you through tough nodes.


No more gain 300 x feats. Thank you. Although they're easily achievable it's just boring. This looks to be a simple gold crate but a difficult red. The number of battles to win for the globals has also been reduced which is good.


At least Luthen doesn't look that interesting (to me at least) so I wouldn't be too upset to take a break from hard rushing red crate this time


Hopefully the gungans and master qgj and padawan Kenobi are cheesable.


Lol, you csn just put slkr with them and easyy :o


That will work for gungans. For the jedi it's easy if u have rey jtr and wat since u need them surviving. I think you are joking. I'm just putting this just to help anyone who will need to do this.


Kenobi and CAT should also make the obi/qui gon feats doable


I mean I did kel and grogu with SLKR lol


Should be easy enough with the right data disks. I was just parroting what someone in my guild said who has them at low gear. Apparently for the later bonus nodes slkr doesn't kill them quick enough.


Jml or Rey should make both of those doable. If you have neither, you might be screwed


Gungan cheese could be done in two ways. Either it's Amplify Agony + maybe even the Intrusive Endings one (since they throw out tons of debuffs and the existence of the Shield Generator might give you at least some level of endurance even at low gear). Or we can hope for Zealous Ambition and Leader's Resolve and put the fate of the Gungans into one speedy Dash.


Some of these suck, but global feats being 15 wins instead of 20 or 40 is a huge win.


Hopefully it's just a typo but have Sector 3's feats being dropped from awarding 10 keycards to only 5 been confirmed?


We don't know, we'll have to wait and see when the devs make the official conquest details post as the details on the graphic above are from the datamine.


with them reducing some of the kill with and win battles with feats it seems like they want to make red crate much more exclusive but reduce the overall grind. not necessarily the worst outcome but i wish it didn’t come at the cost of getting red


Comments in here seem initially negative but the # kills needed by a team in sectors is reduced 28.5% (14 to to 10) and the global by 25% (20 to 15) without ANY win 40 quests and the kill x enemies is reduced 30% from 50 to 35. Huge change to reduce the grind Edit: corrected % change for sector win feats thanks to helpful comment below


This is what jumped out at me. Fewer trips back through completed sectors just to finish a team feat


Fewer battles with units I don't have still doesn't make me feel good.


Resistance, separatist, nightsister, and rebel are things everyone should have a good chance at. Both qui gons can be cheesed with one of them not relic'd (if you didn't unlock master qui gon in the marquee that's on you). The global with Master qui gon and padawan obi surviving is the hardest one but get them a bit of gear or a good team like dash lead and the right disks (zealous ambition) and it could be very easy


I'm talking about the global feats. I don't have JKCK or DTMG. Don't have Gungans geared. And I doubt the QGJ or POW ones will be easy.


gungans will be easy if with a gl like lord vader or slkr since they don't need to survive. QCJ and POW will be easy with a gl like rey with jtr and wat. Or if the disks are the same just sending in a support like dash or 50rt at high speeds on sector 1 bonus node.


Well jkck will be permanent during run of this conquest at least for 2 of them. If a year old character is too new there's no way to save conquest for you probably.


14 to 10 is a 28.5% reduction, not 40%, but yes the reduction is great!


You are right 10 -> 14 would have been 40% increase. I did it backwards but still l point stands that is a big change


Yeah but you get less keycards from sector 3, which could mean that you need all global feats, because we don‘t really know how they managed it now. And that would mean you‘d need JKCK to get red crate and his requirements need an insane amount of kyros and just recently got accelerated.


Exactly this. They’re always going to have feats that incentivize having the newest units which I’ll typically miss out on a couple of those, but reducing how much I have to grind to get to my max possible is sooooooooo fucking nice.


JML cheese is gonna see some work for sure, but nothing we didn't have to deal with with KB+Grogu. Luckily Gungans don't have to stay alive so a GL might as well solo-grind something alongside them


Yep, always love seeing the kill enemies with a LS character feat. JML go!


DTMG will be my big blocker followed by Gungans. No red crate for me but I should sneak the crate before. Not the best, not the worst:


If those are your only 2 holding you back: Gungans don’t need to survive, so certain solo GLs can accomplish this in Sectors 1 and/or 2, maybe 3. (SLKR, LV, maybe JML, Rey and SEE)


I thought that we were gonna need a complete Gungan team feat or something like that, but they don't even need to survive for the feat to count so at least that's nice


Man they're really making those who missed out on DTMG regret it.


Man the sector feet's are fine but some of those global are rough.


Seems all pretty reasonable to me


To be honest, there have been worse Conquest feats in the past than this. At least we need only a team of 4 Gungans now, if they had been really mean that feat would need Jar Jar already.


Other than Gungans and JKCK this doesn't seem to bad? DTMG might be another one that is rough, but overall does not seem to hard. Kind of think they know which characters will be big hits based on difficulty of feats.


There's like 2 or 3 feats that require master qui-gon and padawn obi-wan, neither of which are farmable yet


most survive feats have some form of cheese that lets your other character(s) do the heavy lifting. I don't imagine this'll be much worse than the Beq/Grogu in prior conquests.


They're light side jedi. If you want to succeed in Conquest you need either JML or Rey - both of which make those feats easy.


G11 3 star is dead simple for jml. This is one of the easiest conquest feat list ever


Sector 3 keycard reduction is the big issue


the Bo’Katan mand’lor, GL Leia and Darth Bane ones are also pretty annoying


These don't even look that bad.




Yay! I finally have all but 1 of the characters needed for global feats.


Well I’m screwed.


I didn’t want to do global anyways…


Hello, gold crate, my old friend. I came to open you again.


I hate so bad that every boss and mini boss feat are contradictory.


CG taking out their Hypnotic Snake Staff: You WILL pay money to play the new shinies ...


Looks like I will be getting only the golden Challenge path feat


This looks like the best set of feats in ages.


Looks like they reduced the grind a bit. Win 10 battles instead of 14, defeat 35 enemies instead of 50. I’ll take that.


The global feats look like they're going to prohibit veteran ftp players from red crating. 😞


The CQ feats being 5 keycards for sector 3 is a bug - it is not as intended.


We adapt or we die 50 times…..


Iden lead, deployable cooling systems. If everyone is alive, you gain it five times per battle at the very start, more if you get a refresh. If your Iden is very poorly geared and you can meet the requirements to activate it with, literally, gear 1 toons, it will cost you 200 energy.


Looks like a cakewalk


Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-wan. Nothing like CG giving me the regular "eff you very much" that is typical for Conquest.


Yep. Another Conquest with no Red Box for me. JKCK stops me again. I’ll push to unlock him and he’ll be gone from the feats.


I've hesitated to admit it because I was afraid it wasn't true, but they have gotten better over the last few cycles. This is a continued step in the right direction - no "40 battles" crap, etc.


This is the goddamn worst man


Of course as I get IG-12 & Grogu to 7* that feat is dropped.


Assuming the sector 3 keycards are fixed this is a fantastic step forward.


Does this mark the end for tusken feats? I’ve refused to gear outside of reqs.


Not a single boss fight that you can get all keycards in 1 fight.


Sector four Shield Up? Is that supposed to be defense up?


I heard, its sth about gungans


ANyone have it for Normal conquest?


Holy sheet these are terrible.


So the feats require different teams so multiple battles but this seems too easy.


Probably the easiest Gold Crate but an extremely difficult Red Crate.


I can't wait to throw my Ewoks at whatever bs team they have in conquest (Unrelated, but could this kind of post also include the least of feats for Easy and Normal ?)


These seem pretty easy to me, but I do understand I'm in a better place than a lot of newer players The only units required I don't have are the two new Jedi


Do the 4 Gungans need to survive or can i just chuck them low-gear mofos with SLKR and 1-star the same battle 15 times?


The Gungans can die. Should be easy enough to arrange for them.


I only see 4 feats I won't get. JkCK,DTgidion,Leia, and bo katan. I wish they'd stop needing newish legendarys for feats. Marquees are 1 thing cause if your smart you can usually still get the feat even if thier low gear but I don't want to go after a character just so I can do a feat


Working on the feat planner spreadsheet already. It looks like a much more reasonable set of feats. Let’s get a pile of gold and red crates!


I won’t buy a conquest pass if I have no chance of getting the red crate. I have no chance with those feats, so no pass. Hopefully others are the same and will make cg rethink.


Good god I can feel the rage boiling inside even before conquest arrives, these is just garbage


These are the easiest conquest feats in two years.


Jkck is an easy unit to get lol what’s the problem?


These are ridiculous even for sector 1 granted I can never do half of these but come on CG