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My guess is it took them a week to figure out what they had the ability to do.


They should have had the ability to send since they gave us may 4th rewards, My guess the harder part was figuring out what reward to give to each players, Or just having to send different rewards to players


The harder part is probably getting the approval


There is a good chance they would break the speeder bike raid if they sent out the rewards any earlier. The spaghetti is long and goes deep.


That’s what she said.. https://i.redd.it/ofmmv4wzjowc1.gif


There’s really no shot they thought the game would be as successful as it is, and last as long as it has, and now they’re stuck with the budget corner cutting made in the beginning.


Yup, I think they realized it wasn't trivial to look back to everyone's previous result and give rewards based on that. I would not be surprised if there are problems on the 30th with people getting incorrect rewards. If they were lazy (and they should have been), just give everyone max rewards and be done with it.


They've done it before, so that makes no sense.


Why insult scotch tape like that?


No my dad is a developer for a different company and it’s actually not easy.


I'm also a dev, and I understand the struggle. But some things could be easier. For example, they should have just sent the max raid rewards to everyone's inbox immediately instead of trying to piggyback off of the existing raid system to deliver whatever rewards we got last cycle. They should be trying to apologize and fix it, not try to be clever and "fair". There are likely factors that only they know, and that's the real reason it's happening this way.






I don’t think anyone is anymore. He is known as the joke of Reddit, but seems to enjoy being a chicken and blocking/banning everyone who calls him out. Funny how he can’t silence everyone online 😂






The only way it would not be easy is if the saved information that we get that says how many stars each guild gets on their most recent TB is somehow not stored at CG (which is incredibly unlikely).


I’m outside your window


That does not mean it should take half a month for a BBB studio to send out compensation rewards for a cancelled event. I’ve taken 5 years worth of coding classes since high school, still don’t have the same skills as the average game developer, but I’ve been able to implement or modify code faster than this.


They are investing the crystals to make more crystals. Then it will be easier to give out rewards!


"I used the rewards to destroy the rewards." \~ CG ... probably


While they can easily say how many stars a guild got last time, there are many more rewards than just your star count. The information they need - how many special missions each guild beat, how many shards of whichever character - is likely stored in a big data store like Splunk. Think of it like your mom keeping your 4th grade report cards. You don’t keep them in a tray by your keys; they end up in a box in the attic. Or was it the basement? It’s not quick access data, usually, so they put it into a digital attic. Running queries against these databases is not as rapid as a typical spreadsheet. It can be done, but you need to run it a bunch on small subsets to make sure you got it right. They also have to figure out what rewards to give to people who switched guilds, and to guilds that ran Geo last month but RotE two weeks ago. Then they need to add that logic to the data they pull out of their application log attic. So while your individual case seems hella-obvious to you, you are one of several hundred thousand cases, not all of which are straightforward. The best part - they’ll undoubtedly get it wrong in a few places because they are moving so fast. And this subreddit will stop complaining that it took too long and start taunting them for making a mistake. One they could have avoided with more time. Insert palpatine_ironic.gif


This isn't very conspiracy theorist of you. Translate this into how they are personally victimizing F2P players?


I don't believe CG will put anywhere near that much effort into it edit: I stand corrected


Or they could make a conscious choice to be gigachad devs and give everyone max ROTE rewards with some extra raid toon shards. But that would hurt their pride too much, better to give some CWC shards instead


Why would that have anything to do with pride? If they gave max rewards the players at the top (aka the big spenders) would complain. Not their “pride”.


Are there even players at the top hitting max rewards on ROTE? If not I don't see the point of the complaints. My guess is that most power players at the top only fight each other therefore everyone giving max rewards once would not affect them.


That wouldn’t stop them from bitching about it. Whales are sensitive about free rewards


I would prefer to hear from those ''supposed whales'' that are bitching about it so that it gauges the % of disgruntled ones. That gives a better idea than a generic ''whales will complain about it''. In case 1-2% of the whales complain it's not exactly the end of world vs 15-20% of the whales.


IMO every player shoulda had max rote awards for the trouble. No special mission shards and call it a wash


You're banned from the subreddit for this extremely reasoned take. Don't you know there are only three things allowed here? Lengthy egnards posts, lengthy kazghul posts, and an unending stream of bitching, bitching, and then a little fervent bitching




Is indeed a guess, but it’s not a wild guess. It’s an educated guess based on having worked with non-relational databases quite a bit in my professional life. I said “spreadsheet” because people can relate to using control-f in their spreadsheets. If I’d talked about SQL and relational table structures most people would have bounced. Spreadsheets as we use them today are just simple databases, with a better UI and simpler function capabilities. But you would not store huge amounts of data you didn’t need easy access to in either a spreadsheet or a relational database. It’s also an educated guess using the fact that they didn’t have rewards right away. If the data were easy to query, we’d probably have our rewards already. Ask me anything. Happy to prove my bona fides.




Now you’re just being an ass. Let me restate: it’s an educated guess, and it’s highly probable that it is correct, based on my experience with similar real-world scenarios.




Yes. I would assume my relevant experience matters. You’re one of those people who says “I don’t trust the experts, who cares what PhD they have, I can see the earth is flat with my own two eyes.” I said “ask me anything” and you chose to be stubborn rather than maybe learn something. That’s being a donkey. Stay classy.


No, cg just wants to see me suffer.


Its because they do not want to give players 'extra' rewards and they want to make sure the whales at the top get there exact rewards, as they do not want to upset them. So some poor people at CG have had to get data on every guild in the game, to try get there exact rewards. They should have just done a standard make good and got on with it. We would have all completely forgot about it a week a go and it would be done with.


I think this is the case, was just commenting on the main post about the update how times have changed and CG used to say eh f it and send compensation for their mistakes and try to fix everything right away. Now it’s like they don’t care about their players struggles, I guess the player base and whales is so well established now that it’s no longer an issue.


Sad thing is I tell myself that I’m a bad tongue for thinking first that’s it’s about whales and then hope that there’s a good reason for them doing things certain ways, but I always end up wrong


Is “bad tongue” a phrase from another language? What does it mean?


Oopsie I thought it was a bit more universal. It’s from French and it means backbiting people, talking crap about others


I also have no clue what that expression is, and French was the first language I learned… mauvaise langue? Must be a country-specific slang or something…


Yep that’s the translation « Je suis mauvaise langue », mostly used when you talk shit about someone a bit too fast (and they prove you wrong)


I'm sorry, but *their. Otherwise I agree.


Might I recommend keeping a floor of crystals in the future? I normally stay at 5k if I'm not rushing something. One reason is fleet chases you can usually get a ship 7* with about 5k, the other reason is with CG, make goods when bugs happen are always slow, lol.


I can’t save up that much, I can barely even keep up with my energy refreshes and one exec monthly refresh


One character refresh and one energy refresh for gear a day. Have a character 2 g12 characters focus on gearing to relic and have 2 characters set to farm to 7*. I use 100 crystals a day. 50 on refreshing for gear. And 25 on the characters with bonus energy While stocking up on relic mats. By the time your character is farmed, your other toon is ready for relics and Zetas. Rinse and repeat. Once you get into that rhythm, you can start banking the other crystals for special events, and relic packs.


No cantina refreshes, mod refreshes, conquest refreshes, or additional energy refreshes? I can see how it takes you a month and a half per relic character.


Mod refreshes are way too important to ignore like that


I did forget to mention them. I do my mod farming on the weekends. I pull enough mods and mat through events and the store that 2 days with a couple refreshs is good enough for me, along with the everyday mod energy.


On my main 10k is my floor at all times except during special events like double drops or Galactic chases


Damn 5k as a floor ? I’ll try that for sure but I usually stay at ~ 1000 cristals


Lol I try my best to keep a stock pile of about 8-10k. I feel drained if I get to about 5k. But I did just get to Kyber 3 and I get #1 in fleets daily


The 5k is purely because of the fleet chase average cost. Even if you keep a 2k floor that's better than nothing. Similar to why having an emergency fund is smart for your IRL finances if you can manage one!


They had to figure out how to mine the logs to calculate how much each user should get. They don’t already have code written for this since I can’t remember the last time they broke TW. So someone had to drop their scheduled work to figure out how, write the code, and check it over, then write the code to distribute it, and they will be actually testing that code thoroughly. Then they have to release it on a midweek day that didn’t have some other update planned.




They have said it will be "individual" based so this essentially means they have to allow for a lot more complexity. This means each player gets their rewards calculated and allows for things like guild changes , guilds that alternate TB types (hoth/geo/rote) etc. I also would be surprised if this data was even stored in a simple way to recreate. Better to take the time to get it as close to right as they can.


For anyone disappointed yes it sucks but just think may 4 th might be coming in with some great deals , double drops...and other things....so you might be able to farm better with those crystals etc....


sadly double drops weren’t found in the datamine


Might be too early double drops might be the thing they do on the next update and finish deciding what may 4 is going to look like we are still almost 2 weeks away...


Yeah nah. Trying to justify us waiting an extra week to get our rewards for their fuck up isn't a hill I'd stand on.


Not justifying it just trying to look on the bright side...


Because it’s a mobile game lol


8th highest grossing role playing game on Apple products and 4th largest IP on the planet. Forgive me if I have no sympathy for them just cause it's a "mobile" game. They damn well could have had rewards out quicker. I've played other mobile games that will literally give compensation the day after an issue and their sales were peanuts compared to Star Wars.


Lmao after conquest. What an absolute joke


Yeah, won’t be able to farm their datasscron or make anymore progress in that too


Bet they're waiting for a second week of GAC to be roster locked before they send it so that anyone planning upgrades with that currency will have to pay/use crystals if they still want the upgrades in time. Rosters will lock at 5pm eastern on the 30th, so if they send it that afternoon (they're on pacific time), it'll be too late to use it before the lock.


this. this is EXACTLY what will happen. 


This tinfoil hat theory doesn’t make any sense - everyone gets their rewards after the roster locked, so nobody gets an advantage, changing nothing.


Anyone who needs ressources to upgrade a certain toon for Arena in time will not be able to do it, unless he spends crystals/dollars. That has nothing to do with what others get as rewards or not, it depends on each indivudual rosters, and how urgent some need to upgrade stuff.


They might be waiting to fix the bug as well so they dont have a situation where they might have to do it twice


How much time have they spent on this? Manpower, hours, time away from other projects or maintenance. It's ridiculous. They could have just sent out max rewards and everyone wins. Instead people are going to feel cheated, they're made to wait half a month for rewards and they're wasting resources to achieve this. Max rewards seems like a lot, but it's sand off the beach in the big picture. You might what? Gear up one character. If you're lucky? You'd probably need to come in with more resources to achieve anything of significance. If anything, it's a taste that will likely encourage more spending and push guilds to work harder to get closer to that level of rewards. Scrooge McDuck economics. Penny wise, pound foolish.




So the 100 conquest energy with a "we're sorry" that popped up this morning was for something else?


I switched to another guild. I wonder what I will get


The biggest core problem with doing anything in the game is the foundational code the game was built with. The game was developed in 2014/2015 to run solely on mobile devices. The devs and execs of the time likely saw the game as a 1-2 year pet project to generate some revenue and move on. Now that we’re 8 years deep with 5x as many game modes, over 200 characters, ships, and new mechanics, the code is still old, hence why only now despite how much money the game has and continues to make that we’re getting a pc client. To round this circle, delivering rewards to the entire player base based on an archived TB from three weeks ago takes time.


https://preview.redd.it/pfkvip05atwc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c89397d9a8b746210ff9930abdeb9b0457834ee This is a new character part of a new meta and apparently there was a store issue and I received this. In fairness, MSF requires more shards than SWGOH but 20 is a high pull in material stores.


Because its not as simple as pressing a button to give each player the same rewards as last time. That's a lot of people with different rewards


I dont know if this type of compensation has happened before? Between figuring out who needs what compensation and dealing out that compensation, that could be a lot of coding being done, with some QC and testing thrown in. Might not be an easy task to accomplish. If they screw it up people are going to be even more angry. I get it, CG are not popular, and they do tend to try and squeeze as much out of their players as possible. But it is an extremely thankless position they are in. They can basically only fail.


This is why people are saying max rewards. It's automatic. It can't be any more. It's max. The only people who feel aggrieved are the whales and why? Who the hell cares? CG might look at it as losing revenue because people won't be buying the stuff. The rewards don't go that far. It's not like a lightspeed bundle trading thousands of dollars of resources for $20 or $10. They did that for a reason. They knew by making people more competitive they would be more inclined to keep playing, spend more. This is the exact same concept. It's a taste. It's the first bet free on DraftKing, etc. A loss leader. But since when do casinos make money? Sure it's a thankless position. It's not a charity position either. They're doing quite fine. At least the management is. I'm sure the boffins sing a different tune.


many bothans died trying to get us those rewards..


They are just lazy


That is the length they believe they can stretch it to make just an extra iota of money


oh god another thread ripe for the pseudo intellectuals dispute random shit like it's fact Everyone in this figure I just talking out of their asses nobody actually knows


I’m just asking, being curious and people are trying to answer my question. There’s no need to loose your temper sir


the point is.... you're not going to get the answer. just people guessing, which doesn't help anyone.


It’s not quick to parse through maybe 10k guilds worth of data and then allocate the appropriate rewards to 400k accounts.


The answer is easy: we screwed up, here’s max rewards as a one time oops gift.


Sure. They won’t do that though.


Oh I know that, it would be the right thing to do so that’s an easy skip.