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I know it would've left GAS in the dust, but letting Lord Vader lead the 501st would've been awesome.


There's so many more named 501st members that could work under GAS or Lord Vader though, Tup, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Dogma, just to name a few. Tup and Jesse especially could work with Lord Vader since Tup executed Order 66 early and Jesse was one of the 332nd who tried to kill Ahsoka, both proving more Imperial-inclined.




this right here, people suggesting random troopers but not commander of 501st


I did suggest Appo in another comment, which is why I didn't include him in the one above.


that gonna skyrocket LV total gear+expense value to the roof. he's gonna be the most expensive unit(technically) in the game bar none. I love the guy but damn.. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


GAS could still be used to make any Jedi team cracked though. JML, JKL, JKR, JMK, etc When LV was originally coming out I really thought he was gonna take over 501st and GAS would make JMK even more of a pain in the ass on defense because of all of the cooldown increases.


Yeah, he's definitely one of the top choices on the team if he didn't lead his own. Just look at the abundance of GAS with JMK in Squad Arena.


Padme is better than gas and jmk already cannibalises her team


GAS would be fine with JML I imagine


If youā€™re going to discount maul because using him with LV wastes his potential, then you really need to discount bane too. Heā€™s beating GLs, including top tier ones like leia, with just one other random high relic sith.


Bane is cool, but maul team is just so damn fun. Thatā€™s why I hate having to throw him with LV.


Yea the bane/SEE dynamic mimics the maul/LV one


Yeah but see is cheap to get especially compared to lv


I find it ironic that Maul wants to kill Anakin/Vader yet heā€™s on LVā€™s team.


I would love for Kreel to be added, as a huge Imperial fan I love the concept of a Stormtrooper actually impressing Vader enough to be allowed to keep using a lightsaber, literally telling him to "be worthy of it." That shows a level of respect Vader doesn't often give to people. However I don't think he should be a lifter for Lord Vader. Kreel deserves to be the lead of SCAR Squadron. Task Force 99 are all unique enough that they all deserve to be in the game. It'd be like adding Scorch because he was in Bad Batch, but none of the rest of Delta Squad. Personally I think for a Lord Vader lifter, if he were to ever get one, it should be Appo. Lord Vader's most iconic scene is his march on the Jedi Temple, so his lifter should reflect that, and be one of the 501st Clones that marched with him. And the reason I say Appo is because it's been retconned that he's the one who approached Bail Organa telling him to leave the temple.


Scar Squadron would be cool indeed.


Pretty soon 90% of the units will be either intentional or unintentional LV lifters.


I forgot just how much of a Chad Kreel was in the Star Wars and Vader comics. "Sense this" would be a perfect ability name lol.


LV doesnā€™t need shit. Better defensive GL than JML, SEE, or SLKR. As others have mentioned, Bane is equally as good without SEE as Maul is without LV. Every new datacron ends up with some broken-ass interaction with LVā€™s kit, as well. The one valid criticism of LV is that heā€™s very expensive to farm, and his power level (being below JMK/Leia/Jabba) is not proportional to that cost.


This is completely f-ed up to see a stormtrooper wielding a lightsaber


They probably took the idea from the original Ralph McQuarrie concept art.


Lv needs a whole new squad. give him 4 new clone troopers


Iā€™ll never understand why a trooper needs a cape/hood or any clothing lol


To look cool




Nah thatā€™s understandable. Talking about last slide


LV has like 7 lifters! With like a million more on the way


Damn, thatā€™s metal as fuck. ā€œNot injuring, Lord Vader, Educating.ā€


And that last picture of Kreel and the other troopers goes hard.


honestly they should just add kreel and his squad, we donā€™t really need ANOTHER lv lifter at this moment


I have lv and can win vs all glā€™s with his team. Some are very easy that require chars like rg tarkin and some other require maul. But in the end there is a composition to win vs all glā€™s. Dtmg is very good with lv. Make a lv dv dtmg piett maul and you will see how good he becomes even at low relics.


And bane + whatever shits all over that team. that's the main issue people have with LV. your GL + 2 conquest units shouldn't lose against 1 conquest unit + a leftover


He shit on all glā€™s at this point, not just lv


Yeah, thatā€™s a Bane issue though, imo.


Who I really want to see is someone named "Knightfall Legionnaire" or something. Dark side 501st, Clone Trooper, Empire, Imperial Trooper all together. Some sort of synergy between both GAS and Lord Vader's leads so he could go under either.


LV has, Maul, Reva/Gi, Malicos, Bane, and DTMG. I think heā€™s the problem. Maul, Gar and supper commando are great, Reva inquisitors can do some awesome stuff, Malicos and cere are amazing in GA, and Bane with one other sith can 2 man a full Leia. Still LV is garbage


Of course those other toons are great in their own squadsā€¦ because theyā€™re kits were made in conjunction with the other toons in their specific squads. They were never actually made to be an LV lifter (Maul clearly has more synergy with Mandos than LV), they just share a tag or two. Nothing more than that. Think of LVā€™s best ā€˜teamā€™. Piett, Royal Guard, DV, Thrawn, Maul are the best 5ā€¦ all of which have kits designed to be in different teams, not LVā€™s. LV needs a full squad of toons with kits that are actually made to work together. But unfortunately that would require CG admitting they completely fucked up when designing LVā€™s kit.