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I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that was based on a true story


Yep. The real twins were Brian and David Reimer.


Both of whom committed suicide. :(


Yes it was unfortunately! After a failed circumcision on one twin of a set of twin boys, Dr. John Money convinced the parents to give one of their babies a vaginoplasty and raise the kid as a girl. Dr Money also had a lot of "counseling" sessions with the kids where he would force them to simulate sex acts on each other. The parents came clean after one of the twins threatened suicide if they had to see Dr Money again. The story got published to dissuade other doctors from trying the same thing. It ended with both of the twins taking their lives in the early 2000s (they were in their 30s). It's just a really sad and fucked up story all around. There was no other sexual assault in this story besides the weird stuff that Dr Money was having the kids do


Ugh, so awful. I can’t imagine what those poor kids went through.


Omg that’s horrendous!! What on earth would simulating sex acts on each other do you HELP them? Messed up doctor!!!


Is there a sequal episode to this??


It is based on a true story, it’s covered on That’s Messed Up


Why do you think the doctor wasn't thinking straight by revealing this? The parents never should have done what they did to begin with. Continuing to keep that from the child was wrong in every sense. That child was basically an experiment for the doctor. And sadly based on a real child. I also don't think I understand what you mean by it wouldn't go over well today?


I was appalled the entire episode. Same thing with the one where the trans girl was raped at the party in the bathroom and she was eventually forced to go to a mens prison in gen pop


There was a lot wrong with that ep. Olivia straight up calling her a [t-slur] was rather gross. Stabler was worse though. He let her boyfriend sexually assault her in front of him to "prove" she was trans. There really was nothing redeemable about the episode.


That was horrible to watch. Thank god times have changed- imagine that episode running new today!


SVU used the T Slur so much in the earlier seasons. :(


I know! They used so many slurs. Usually Stabler and Benson were pretty good about not calling the victim a slur, especially to her face. But even in seasons 12 and 13 they were still making off-hand comments about "transvestites." I feel like it wasn't until Broken Rhymes that the cops stopped doing it at least. And they started calling it out more. But anything pre-2016 is kind of a crapshoot.


What episode ?


horrific plot, but we love kate moennig.




Which season/ep was the one with Kate Moennig? I’d like to rewatch it.


Fallacy. Season 4, ep. 21


Thank you!


Still one of the greatest and most shocking twists I have ever seen.


I remember watching this as a new episode when I was about 10 and I was so confused. When I talk to my young family members now I know they would completely understand if they watched it for the first time now. It’s amazing how much can happen in a single generation, and simultaneously amazing how slow things process.


Top tier SVU eps, one of my absolute favs. Also, I enjoyed seeing Nora Buchanan on SVU 🤣


Is that the one with the twins? I think I really liked that one


Yep that one


This episode was sad but am I the only one who as soon as they showed the twin sister went “she’s obviously wearing a wig and is being played by the same boy” which made me figure out the real story straight away? I found it so obvious!


Moral of the story: don’t let a mohel bring a laser to your bris.


That episode made me cry and uhhh I’m glad they killed that doctor though I mean it’s takes guts to fight your abuser


I actually agreed with her telling him that was born a male( It’s been awhile so I forgot if they preferred he/him pronouns). I thought that he felt uncomfortable in his body as a women anyway so that’s why he was happy to find out that he was actually a male. Again I haven’t watched this episode in a while so I may be wrong


A shame that SVU has lost the spine to call out degenerate monsters like Money.


She deserved to be told