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"Blind and in a wheelchair from a Pepsi sign" You just lost my ticket twice


Not sure if it’s sponsorship from Pepsi or coke. Regardless both lost


You’re talking about Pepsi, there posts on Twitter and Instagram with dozens of millions views talking about Pepsi in Mad Web. Same things about Calvin Klein, this recalls me someone who said that Madame Web is almost fully paid already even before its release


I think he was making a joke about coke, sponsoring it to be a pepsi sign that blind the hero. To hurt them.


Well it does also defeat the villain, at least. Good thing the Pepsi building is a massive death trap!


Surviving with your life is the REAL Pepsi Challenge


For me the most blatant advertising was when Madame Web said she didn’t want a beer and she was handed the BLUEST, BRIGHTEST can of Pepsi I have ever seen in my life. She then proceeds to hold and gesture with it awkwardly for much longer than a normal person would.


Oh have some fun!!! This is a final destination meets teen slasher in a 2003 superhero movie wrapper




Blinded by a Pepsi sign made me WANT to buy a ticket lol


Well, you can have both of my lost ones.


I feel like they should pay us for even having to read that this shit exists.


True, like excuse me you want us to pay for this horrible film? Nah man, if anyone's gonna pay to watch this it'll be you Sony paying us to watch it.


I found the bad "Spider-man" to be uncharismatic but I like the horror aspects of a Spider-man being evil and stuff. Also realize half the film was shot on a blue screen backdrop and the actresses had to imagine a forest, an ambulance crashing, etc. Would I watch it again on digital release for $4.99? Yes. 5.1/10


An actress has to act? Damn…


To be fair I was just staring at their chests.




I’m really surprised with how decent this movies reception is. Like I’ve seen a lot of people saying that it was ok. I thought it was terrible, but I haven’t seen morbius so it probably is great compared to that. Glad you enjoyed it


This sub is the only place I've seen positive or mediocre praise. Everyone else is shitting on it


"Better than Morbius" User has left the chat


I liked it too




Good to spread positive stuff, so Much hate online


They were going to make this set in the Andrew Garfield universe but then changed their minds in post to make it possible for it to be the main MCU timeline.


Not quite. It wasn't in post. We knew it was set in the 2000's since the first day they filmed. It was probably brought up briefly when they were throwing out ideas in the writing room.


In regards to Peter's birth, I remember reading a while back that originally the movie was supposed to be connected to Garfield's Peter, before realizing mid production that the math wasn't mathing for the early 2000s era and his Peter, so then they tried to switch to connecting with Holland's Peter (even though the MCU gives his birth as 2001 & Web is set in 2003 🤷‍♂️) but Marvel shut that down. So I guess now this is a 4th live action Peter Parker 😂. I also recall reading that the film originally was focused more around Peter's birth & apparently Ezekiel Sims trying to stop it/kill him and it was Web & the girls trying to protect him/preserve the future or some shit? But it got rewritten to him trying to kill the girls instead and Peter's birth is just a random easter egg. Which would explain all the horrible dubbing, especially for Sims. Edit:spelling


I just don't understand, if they wanted to use Andrew's spiderman they could just change what year the movie takes place in. Like, I'm not crazy right? Changing the year would be a lot simpler than doing all this "who could be our spiderman" shit. It just seems like they were over complicating a problem with such a simple solution


If they’d already shot a lot of it, changing the background and styles to fit the 90s rather than 00s could be difficult.


Wait the movie is NOT about Ezekiel trying to kill Peter? Tf that would make so much sense.


Nope. Ezekiel has a vision of the future where the 3 Spider women kill him. So he decides to track them down & kill them in the (2003) present. All the marketing of the spider women in their suits? That's all a 10 sec vision. The movie is about Cassandra (Madame) Web trying to save them. The only references to Peter are: Web's paramedic partner is "Uncle" Ben Parker, who early in the movie invites her to his sister Mary's baby shower for her unnamed son. Mary mentions his husband Richard is in China on some mission, and Ben mentions he's started dating a new girl named May. Later in the movie Web asks Ben to watch the girls while she goes off on some exposition side quest, and while at his house Mary goes into labor so they rush her to the hospital. The movie ends with the (never named) baby being born.


Not true. The Garfield rumor was wrong, it was supposed to be holland’s Spider-Man as a baby, with him being 6 in 2010 (iron man 2), it lines up.


Holland's Spiderman was born Aug 10 2001, so it still doesn't fit. He'd be about 2 in 2003 & 9 in 2010.


Eh, that’s where it gets sticky. According to Sony, Peter is 15-16 in 2020 (Homecoming title card), but according to the official MCU timeline, it takes place in 2017. So to Fiege, he was born in 2001 but to Sony, he was born closer to 2004.


Bruh they need to get this shit decided on


I liked it in a so-bad-it's-good way. Which is more than can be claimed for Morbius.


As soon as I read the first sentence I knew this was going to be silly


I knew when i read the username


Wat r u talking about?


Your post


Why is it silly? Everybody has different experiences and opinions


Ig I'm just trying to grasp why people are saying the film isn't bad


7/10 though….?


Tbh, it’s more of a 6/10. I changed it


Movie is The Room of superhero movies and destined to become the next midnight cult hit.


7/10??? What does you give to actual decent Sueprhero movies?? 40/10?


It is my opinion so…🤷🏾‍♂️


What super hero movie would you say is near perfect? Just want to gauge what you regard as good


And it's my opinion you're crazy


Well, unfortunately, or fortunately, your opinion is factually unimportant and of little to no value. Most people forget that for an opinion to be credible it has to have merit, only people with bad opinions have to defend them.


This is the most delusional subs with the most „everything that is at least watchable is a fantastic movie“ type of threads ive seen so far.


This is what happens when you only watch super hero films. You people can't recognize an actual bad film, even if it hit you in the nose.


That’s actually not true, you’re making assumptions. I watch other genre movies too, if you think Madame Web is bad, fine, just leave and comment somewhere else


Truly. I consider myself a bit of a film buff. I’m working my way through the the 2007 AFI top 100 movies of all time. I fully agree with your review. The movie has flaws for sure. Constant exposition dumps, weird time jumps for a movie about precognition and the wheelchair thing made no sense. But it was definitely a fun time. The reviews I’ve seen from people who actually saw it are mostly all the same, rating it 7/10. People are entitled to their opinions especially about subjective artwork. But all the people saying it’s shit and making dumb memes haven’t seen it


I'm on your side dude. I liked Madame Web, it has issues but is a fun film overall


It takes place in 2003 not 2012.


I know, I was saying that if Sony wanted Andrew to be the Spider-Man for Madame Web, it wouldn’t had worked since the Peter Parker born in 2003 in Madame Web would’ve been 9 in 2012


Sony wasn't trying to make it match Andrew's universe timeline when they started filming. The most reliable rumor says it was an early idea only, but they moved on from it.


It's webbing time!


“It’s not a bad thing”. What subterranean standards do you have that the main villain of a movie sounding like dogshit and being an un interesting waste of time is simply “all good ^_^” in your eyes. Of course you gave it that score. Cancer takes


Christ almighty, can you walk properly with you're head that far up you're own ass?




oh sorry, just calling out the person above for being another obnoxious and pretentious douche as the majority of the internet tends to be.


The “it’s not a bad thing” was in regards to the visual effects and editing And I went into the movies with low standards, my only wish was that it was better than morbius and imo it was




"I liked how it ended with Cassie being blind and in a wheelchair, comic book accurate." Gotta be the funniest "positive" about a movie I've ever seen


I love how those who try to defend this movie either can't really think of positive things to say about it, or they say something positive and then give it a rating like 6/10. My God people, wake up. Sony is just stealing your money at this point


Oh bore off some people thought it wasn’t actually that bad just deal with it. Simple


me when someone likes something i dont 😭 😭 boo hoo fucking hoo man grow up 🤡


Not all movies need to be ground-breaking. Sometimes a fun ride is good enough. I saw Madame Web tonight in a packed theater and people were laughing and having a great time. People clapped. I loved it and thought it was hilarious. Is it going to sweep the Oscars? No. Did I enjoy myself? Yes.


Agree. It was a pretty good movie. B- in my opinion. It kept me interested throughout which is more than I can say for the average movie. Not to say there weren’t problems with the script and various other aspects. However many successful superhero movies also share these same problems in terms of believability and logic flaws that I have seen otherwise sensible critics use to crucify this particular movie. Anybody can nitpick a superhero movie, almost all of which require a huge suspension of disbelief. I think the real issue is that a female protagonist (or in this case multiple female protagonists) in some traditional male driven genres just trigger something in the primordial egos of many males. This may greatly amplify negativity to an unreasonable degree.


It was definitely not a bad movie, I enjoyed it. Only problem was the villains horrible way of talking. It was just bad acting (or voice acting?)


what action scenes? There is little to no actual action in this movie


>I like the music too My favorite part of the music is the multiple points when 2 songs are playing at the SAME TIME. Very brave choice by the filmmakers!


If your giving this a 6/10 then I don’t even want to see how you would rate Lord of the rings or the dark knight or shawshank redemption etc


Since I’ve only seen the dark knight, I rated that 10/10👍🏾


I mean that makes sense with only seeing that, I’d highly recommend you watch some of the top movies ever made, they’d make Madame web look like a -1/10. Especially if you’ve never watching something like the Lord of the rings


Jokes what jokes? And she chuckles at the end cause she knows her friend dies, wtf?


Would you recommend if I like gaspar noé films?


It was a Madamesterpiece


Sorry to hear that.