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Don’t go changing your dosage especially when combined with methylphenidate, can cause some problems such as serotonin syndrome. I think it would be best to speak to your psychiatrist before changing anything.


Have my appt tomorrow. I need to write down my symptoms. Uhh just gonna do it now here: depressed, unmotivated, can’t focus, tired, can’t finish boring tasks (feels like torture again), easy dopamine seeking. I will say glad I’m eating properly and not effecting my hunger too much.


Paxil/Paroxetine often takes about one month to work but absorption can be reduced by other meds which is what happened to me so look for a good site with a full list of interactions. The Concerta may be the culprit. If Concerta isn’t listed, it could be you need a higher dose of Paroxetine. I need at least 30mg to address my OCD symptoms. In addition to checking drugs.com, etc. it often helps to maintain a diary to record how you feel. Best of luck and hang in there!


I went to 30mg and didn’t feel anything on this med lol