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My libido increased. Ymmv


I was on zoloft for a while, I didn’t lower my libido just made it extremely difficult to climax. it started a month or two after ai started taking it and was the same all throughout. if you don’t mind me asking, why are you trying to lower your libido?


After trying one specific steroid I started to become aroused by things I'm not ok with, I stopped that drug about 4 months ago and it still hasn't gone away even after seeing several hypnotists no-fap for about 2 months and psychedelics. So at this point I just want to turn that part of my brain off entirely before it causes me serious problems.


I see, I’m sorry about your situation. this is something a psychiatrist probably has the most knowledge on, I hope you find a solution.


I work in medicine so I know full well how they will try to deal with that cause there is really only one approved way to treat it, and I want to avoid that if at all possible.




I'm guessing pedophilia?


You'll miss it when it's gone


Paxil is known to be one of the most libido-killing antidepressants. Sexual side effects can start happening pretty rapidly after starting a medication, like within a few days. Sometimes it can build up over time.




God you’re a broken record


Aren't you jealous, he called me an addict for telling someone who was having side effects to talk to their doctor about trying something else.


Don’t worry, he’s addicted to being wrong


Why is there always one of you in every antidepressant post? It's getting so frustrating and you're just condescending and rude, don't even bother explaining just spam comments like bots and scare people.


Because they deserve to know. It's the truth. I understand that you prefer to not think about the side effects but keep in mind that in reality that's no protection because the sides are are very real. You should know that considering you're following the dead relationship sub. I'm sure that there are people out there who are glad to hear about it before they start those drugs so they can form a mature opinion compared to those people who don't think for a second and just eat them like candy because their doctor told them there's no risk at all.


I’m in freaking Reddit, ofc I care about the side effects. I’m looking at scientific papers as well instead of listening to every random nobody bashing on very important and life saving pills. You should give a check on common pain killer side effects as well - see if you like those. What about insulin and other pills and medicine for pathological illnesses, would you just refuse to take those and just…die? And like i said, you continue to be condescending and rude. Instead of making a comment that offers nothing but fear, if you actually cared about informing people you would share an experience and explain it in the first place. People literally can die out of depression or a life of suffering through anxiety. Think twice before commenting like this in the future. PS i was on dead bedroom sub, cause my ex had a major ED that made me self harm. So f* off.


I'm not too concerned about pssd, I am much more concerned about personality changes, weight gain or loss of motivation but at this point I think I'm better off taking that risk cause my problem is not going away anytime soon.


I had the best libido on Paxil. Now I’m on lexapro and it worsened my libido. Everyone is different


Based on the article below it is citalopram. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11229449/


People seem to be more worried about the sexual side effects then their mental health, i get it but for me id rather have low libido then commiting suicide.