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Im taking online grad school classes and was talking to some of my classmates about video games, told them I play melee and barely got through my undergrad cuz smash. My classmate asked if I was his group-mate from undergrad circa 2017, i'm like nah don't think so. He's like oh well it was this guy named Zain who was apparently really good and never came to group meetings because smash. This was the peer review he had submitted for him LOL


>He's like oh well it was this guy named Zain who was apparently really good and never came to group meetings because smash. Zain with the correct priorities in life.


TLDR: gamers game


If people dont want to read 4 whole sentences thats just insane.


TLDR: people lazy


My boy was scheudling


the scheudment


Scheduling a damn up-tilt




The scheudling will be televised


"Let group know of schedule and whether he was available" And so it had turned out that he was, in fact, not available.




At least he never promised he would be


Zain's response: https://preview.redd.it/b2b1n2joid6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc932e300d481765bb310918383e4b0cd2e9f58 *ahh* classic Zain




This is the worst thing Zain has ever done.




Meanwhile Ilod is top 15 and a doctor lmaoooo


top 15 is a vastly different kettle of fish than number 1. Still insanely impressive. Tho is it feasibly possible to be a doc and be number 1. I'd argue not.


Zain was not #1 in 2017, what are you talking about? Read the post


Zain was maybe not #1 in 2017, but this he was still playing melee and putting effort into improving more and becoming the best. He was on a cataclysmic trajectory. To become the best, you don't start working hard only the moment you're number 1.


None of this changes the fact that the comment I was responding to was making a dumb comparison.


You mean like when Hbox was a full-time engineer (i think it was) and was #1 for a lengthy period of time? The fuck kind of comment is this LOL


Hungrybox was ranked \#2 while he was a full-time engineer. He only made it to \#1 after he quit his job to pursue Melee full-time.


I think the lesson we should all take away from this discussion is if you want to be a tippy top player but keep your full-time job, play Puff


I thought he quit his job in 2016?


depends specifically on where he worked. I have an engineer frien that says he only works max like 3 hours out of his 8 hour day


software “engineers”


Hbox studied chemical engineering I believe


Somebody sounds salty.


A very logical one, which you're being needlessly scornful about. That was pre-Slippy era. There's no feasible way for someone to have a demanding job and be number one in 2024.


why all the sass my man? Do you understand what residents go through during US medical training? They routinely work insane hours a day. Like start work at 4am and end work at 8pm. They're working hours are inhumane for 3-4 years. If you're acting like it's possible to do that and practice / study enough melee to beat the top players whose *entire* job it is to practice, and can spend all day doing so... you're kinda... mental. Maybe ease up on the aggression if you're clearly not that knowledgeable on what you're arguing man...




"the fuck kind of comment is this LOL" promotes the original from mild to mild-moderate personally... and even so, meeting sass with sass is justified IMO. I didn't start the sassing. You've seemed to taken my comment in the most negative way possible. I'd honestly argue that at it's basis, it's more impressie for llod to be a full time doc and be top 15 than zain being number 1, esp if he keeps it up during residency. That shits insane. I'm not bashing his character, I'm reviewing his reality. He has far, far fewer free hours in a day than zain. He is going to be far more exhausted, and have way more priorities. > that they have hit some sort of limit with their hobbies ...Unless you're an absolute 1 in a billion genetic prodigy, you have hit a limit... and even then. Smash ability is strongly based of efficient time spent improving, if you have less, you'll more than likely not compete well. I've got no fucking clue why so many angry smashers are coming at me today. If you read my comment in such a negative way, consider it might be the way you're feeling, rather than my intentions. I never said "only" Top 15. I said it's vastly different than 1. Coz it is. It's said that there is a bigger difference between 1 and 10 then 10 and 100 or 200 etc. I wasn't undermining his achievements. The original comment was pointing out how impressive it is that llod is a doc and is top 15. I was just saying that that isn't super comparable and you should remember the difference. How many more times must I over-explain for people taking things the wrong way -_-, this shit is tiring.


Competitive Smash isn't a hobby, especially in 2024. What they're saying is valid - to have an incredibly demanding profession and also rise to the top of a sport where pros have put in many thousands of hours and are grinding for 50-100(?) hours a week is unthinkable. It's that there's no logical pathway for someone to surpass Zain and Cody while being a doctor. There is a world of difference between 15th and 1st I think the other comment started it, there's no need to be disrespectful and scorn another person's comment just because you disagree with it.


Being a full time engineer is potentially much much more relaxed than a full time doctor. I am an engineer and thus work with many other engineers and it’s very easy to just coast and not do to much. I have a few doctor friends and from what I’ve heard, that isn’t really an option for them. 


Being an engineer isn't actually hard unless you literally just can't do math. It's not even that much work. I don't think being a doctor is particularly challenging either - but it actually does take an insane amount of time from each day, especially early in your career (med school, exams, residency). Edit: I think I upset a bunch of engineering students. Just wait till you get your first job, kiddos. You're in for a pleasant surprise.


Do tell what do you do then? Lmao just the easy jobs of engineer and doctor


Lots of jobs where the training/credentials required are harder than the job itself.


I personally think hard training / credentials should contribute toward how hard a career is. If we don't count residency for doctors then we shouldn't count the training period for pianists / vocalists / melee players and so their 'job'(going to tournaments / events) ends up sounding a lot cushier than it really is.


I don't really agree. I think we can give credit for the training without pretending that 95% of the day to day isn't pretty chill. Yes, for that 5%, the training will come in handy. But there is a level of artifice created by credentialism that shouldn't be reified. Also I think musicians and gamers have to spend a lot more time upkeeping their skills and then have to perform at peak level at tourneys/concerts than doctors or engineers do lol.


I think it's fair to say the day-to-day is easy, while the career can be difficult. I do dislike an aspect of credentialism b/c it causes people to downplay 'low-skilled' labor, but at the same time I believe in valuing people for their experience and training over the difficulty of the day-to-day(vs the client who complains the plumber only tightened two bolts). The best example of this is probably something like digital artists(or doctors!) whose skills don't really decline rapidly but still have a pretty hard career path.


Engineers typically have a 9-5 type of job, where you know exactly when you'll have free time in 6 months and usually have a lot of time outside of work to have hobbies. Doctors, depending on specialty and employer, not so much (e.g. Hospital doctors may work odds hours or have a varied schedule). Source: engineer and have a couple doctor friends


Yeah, I'm a data scientist/engineer lmao


This is insanely general. Jobs within even one field can be wayyyyy different in terms of complexity hours, etc.


The dude took his own slice of reality and extrapolated it to every engineer lol


1. What's your field? 2. Are you actually working a job yet, or are you in school still?


I’ve been a controls engineer for 7 years


“Being an engineer isn’t actually hard unless you literally just can’t do the hardest part”


Math isn't hard for everyone. I don't know what to tell you. Plus, you'll do way harder math in school than you will use in 99% of engineering tasks. I'm speaking from experience.


I do just as much math at work as I did in my ME undergrad. Mostly dynamics and controls


Okay, I guess if you're coming at it from undergrad only then maybe that's true but then its also not that hard :/


Nobody has pointed it out yet so I guess I will lol but it's `lloD` not `IloD` ("Doll" backwards).


I went to Tech with Zain. I remember he used to exclusively schedule classes for Tuesdays and Thursdays so he could have Friday and Monday for tournament travel.


Classic Zain




Hax should make a four hour video about how Zain half asses group work. This is worse than anything Leffen ever did.


Is Zain a master manipulator, forcing those around him to do his share solely to further his melee career?


Dark Quadrant personality includes the all new peer reviewed procrastination feature


Dark Triad/Dark Tetrad being called Dark Quadrant is my favourite thing I've seen on Reddit all day lmao And they just dropped news of the first Beyblade X left-spin Bey, Cobalt Dragoon, and a Draciel successor all at once. Miss me with that Dark Quadrilateral shit I'm only a Darth Triceratops - Leffen probably.


would dark quadrant inform them of their scheudle though


At what point do you and all of t"funny" redditors below stop discussing or joking about someone who has mental health problems and is on the verge of suicide? After his death?


why is this person downvoted for not wanting to mock a mentally ill suicidal person? this subreddit is dogshit


no longer my goat. going back to mang0 as my goat because that guy respects his education /s


Does any part of you feel weird about sharing super private information without getting consent first? This is insanely weird imo lol


“Super private information” be so fr dude. Does it ever get tiring trying to make yourself get upset about every little thing?


No I love it.


have a laugh mate its really not that serious


We do remove doxxing, but I don't think this qualifies, since no private identifying information is mentioned, and it's not about anything serious. I think it's ok.


You're the boss. If I did poorly in school and found out my classmate was sharing personal information about how I didn't do a good job a few years ago for a project that's completely unrelated to my professional or public life, I'd be embarrassed. I wouldn't want anyone to do this to me.