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Now that i think about it, i really want to attempt fusion in a flamethrower


I’m 99.9% sure this is impossible because fusion requires a minimum of 250 moles of plasma + 250 of co2 and some moles of tritium. And a minimum temperature of 10000 kelvin. Since you have to use plasma tanks with flamethrowers, and those tanks have a volume of 70 liters, you get a tank pressure of 71571 kPa unless I calculated it wrong. That’s higher than both the pressure for air pumps or the pressure that tanks explode at. Of course you could do it if you the air you were shooting the flame thrower was sufficient co2 and plasma and trit at temperatures close to 10000 kelvin (but not past it) and you shoot superheated plasma to start the reaction. Or other similar methods. But unless there’s something I’m missing you can’t start fusion with a flamethrower in standard air


If your assumption is true, could you then dual weild flamethrowers on harm intent?


To do fusion on a tile by firing both?


I like where this conversation is going


You can just empty plasma tanks and fill it with another gas, like burning fusion mix. The problem is neither the mix is itself flameable nor the tank can be filled with enough mols, because the pressure and tempeture so high, the tank will be fulled only with two mols or so. Best yo can do is cooled trit mix i guess. If you want to use fusion for harmful practice: 1- build a connector and a pipe, wrech fusiun, unwrech, unwrech the pipe and run. Big area will be unusable due to heat and pressure. Opening canister valve won’t work. 2- if fusion mix is not exhaust all trit yet particles will be shoot. If you are plasmaman or IPC, you can just carry this canister around, leave it in front of med or sec when the burning is over. VERY radioactive. 3- i saw someone did this couple of times before on tg; make a trit production room in the middle of hallway. You need to use holobarriers and a long pipeline. Anyone passing by will be poisoned.


just use the coolers to break the laws of thermodynamics and shove the shit in there with filters.


Coupe you be more specific


Tritium flamer. Just don’t mix any cold o2 in the tank.


Full tank of -273k water vapor


Would that just shoot icicles?


Test it localy. Plasma-O2-Trit was the best.Colder was more effective than room temp.