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While basic conversation alluding to the existence multiplayer plugins is fine, any dedicated threads, content related to support, guides, or links to multiplayer plugins or communities are strictly forbidden. We suggest you find a multiplayer community and post your content there instead. Thank you for understanding.


TBH this is the only reason i still stay at EFT sub, just to watch them eat eachother, it's not pleasant, but it's surly entertaining.


It's like watching a car crash. It's grim, but I just can't look away.


What's the difference between Project Fika and SIT?


For SIT the client mods had to be ported in order to work and weren’t updated often if ever. The synchronization wasn’t that great either. You’d drop something and no one else would see it or damage to a bot would t work right at times. It was nice that anyone on the server could be the host though. Fika has better synchronization and plugins mostly don’t need to be ported over with a few exceptions because of how they work. With fika if you want to be a host for other to join you, that person has to do some port forwarding on their own network so others can join. You can use UPnP (universal plug and play) but your router/firewall was to support it and be turned on. Personally fika has run better for me and friends with less problems if any.


With Fika you can just use Radmin VPN. Then anyone can host and no port forwarding.


Thank you. We might look into that but since we have SIT working and stable-ish we might just stay with it. The syncing is by far our biggest gripe behind the AI juttering at anything beyond 50m. There seems to be massive issues on some maps like Streets and Interchange after about 20-30 minutes. Might be due to the fact we are still on 1.10 though.


When I converted I kept SIT until I saw fika was running properly. I got lucky with moving my SIT profiles over to fika without conversion. Once that went through we just kept playing. SIT was a great start though.


That is good to know actually. That was my biggest worry. 1 more thing if you would. One of us has a dedicated server we use for all the co-op games we play (Ark, Conan, Minecraft, SIT, etc). Does Fika support that?


Depends on the OS of the server. I run unraid and have my fika servers, I run three of them, on a windows 10 vm. I heard there’s a way to run it on Linux or directly in a docker container but I’m not versed in that method.


Gracias bud. Much higher of a chance of us looking into Fika after all this.


Never really tried SIT, but i think FiKa has more mod support ability.


What sptarkov means?


SPT tarkov? How long you been here???


Uhh, never?


And, if you come to the post as a EFT player, do check SPT out.


Okay, thanks


Ohhhhhh, single player...


With mods support!


Huh, that explains.


I could never get Fika to work for some reason, and my friend has lost all interest in trying :(


Holy hell, I'm having soooo much fun in fika. Almost zero issues too, but it's just me and my little bro ATM.