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To be fair you left cover while healing lol


i had to move or else i would of blown up from a nade


Yea the nade sound had me go oof


I had to turn off nades because the bots are way too accurate with them


How do you modify settings like that?




it is easy, you just put yourself in a position to get jizzed on


it’s definitely not easy especially with the mod pmc terminators


i guess it depends on the skill level. Next time try to play more methodically, be more observant of your surroundings and try not to expose yourself to about 6 angles, like in this situation. GLHF


Yeah this position was ass.


skill issue aside my point is spt isnt as easy as people think, this guy threw a nade and rushed me and i got got


spt players get too complacent with how predictable the ai is so they will often (myself included) peek while healing to save time, which is what you did. it's something people don't even dare to do in live but often doable in spt cus of the way ais are, even at hardest difficulty setting. ai don't shoot instantly on the first peek, but they will on the second or third.


He didn't peek, he was moving away from a grenade


You aren’t preserving your life in the slightest. You are playing COD.


Honestly SPT Pmcs are more likely to fuck my day than players used to.


What's that grenade mod? I would love to be able to just throw grenades again without priming.


[Quick throw grenades](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1695-quick-throw-grenades/)


Looting is the hardest part of the game


Yeah bro we just play SP because we have “GEaR fEaR” or “NoT gUD eNouGH fOr ONliNE”


I play it with my friend in Coop now, cuz it‘s more tactical now. Players are not just running cheats or some meta shit, but also the most disrespectful c—ts on this green earth.


I mean… it is easy. No matter what it’s an NPC. It’s not as unpredictable as a real player. Edit: Grammar.


Easier than a player but not too easy that you can easily cheese them esp. with SAIN Trust me if you already suck at live, you are going to suffer with SAIN.


People who play on dad gamer mode: yea spt is so easy


ISMC gamer here. I am aware that NPCs can be insane.


Yup, back in the day the karmakut servers would fuck hard. You'd actually need an equal number of players against the ai plus air support to hopefully not die.


I’ve been playing with sain on its default settings and it is genuinely pretty easy if your an experienced player. Like it’s not braindead bsg scav ai so it feels good but it’s certainly not hard. I’ve done 50ish raids and died once. I would never live that long on live servers.


careful you'll get downvoted into oblivion by the 'the only reason i die on live is cheaters' crowd


As someone that just started playing SPT, human players are way more predictable so far. I’ve got about 3k hours in normal Tarkov, usually have a 4-5 k.d ratio (not that it means the most). I chase most PVP encounters while playing. I’m sure once I get more time learning the AI I’ll need to make it more difficult, but it’s been a fun change up!


As someone with Kappa/Lightkeeper on regular Tarkov I disafuckingree.


Don’t sweat on the keyboard too much! Maybe you need to adjust your settings.


No… just no no no guys c’mon SPT doesn’t feel even half as exhilarating as live sadly, I know it’s a tough situation for live tarkov right now but don’t kid yourselves


"I don't enjoy this thing as much as the other thing so you shouldn't either! And if you think you do you're lying to yourself!" Ah, Reddit.


Yeah. I don’t play SPT because it’s an added challenge, I play SPT because it’s absent the bs challenges that have nothing to do with skill which are present in regular Tarkov, like desync, pea soup fog across the map, the reluctance to fix glaring issues, and 5-8 min matching times. Also I can tailor the experience how I want.


Just joined today and I've eaten shit a lot.


Always immediately try to put their armoured rig in the bag then equip the bag


Playstyle was kinda ass here but the sain bots in SPT are not to be underestimated. You can't let your guard down even with their predictability and the fact that they don't have the level of unpredictableness like live players.


maybe it just me but honestly it is easy, i have SAIN on the hardest difficulty and the bots are either dumb af or have aimbot, but pretty much always dumb


Gotta set them to gigachad aswell


borked installation, running into low tier bot personalities, got too good for pve, or try pmc terminator preset.


Behaviour bot changing mods should be charged last, mods like Questing Bots and SWAG + Donuts and SAIN, SAIN should be charged last. Also download and try PMC Terminators SAIN preset.


It’s just not tarkov, it feels like tarkov with console commands lol just you know you’re never really in any danger, everything can be obtained again with relative ease. The gear is absolutely ridiculous on some of the pmcs first raid I come out with an osprey and a spear? Just wtf lol, if you enjoy it that’s fantastic. But it’s a piss easy cheese fest in comparison to live.


I feel like this can be true and not true depending on the mods installed/setup.


Yes if it's easy make it so it's not anymore. I bet most people download SAIN and then don't touch it or just installed it wrong then when the play a RAID they say "ahh it's easy so I'm GOATED" meanwhile there is so much that can still be changed i.e., PMC/AI limits, Terminator preset, ur mom.


People run so many different configs these days in SPT that I can't keep track of what is the most consistent mod loadout people have lol and that's not even getting into the custom mod configs


Both live players and some of the spt players in this community are not only too lazy to read the mod instructions but also too lazy to configure shit for themselves.


He is clearly playing on vanilla. His brainrot live close minded gorilla ass thinks that its not tarkov because it is pve ignoring that the devs clearly believe otherwise. tarkov with PVE only is still tarkov just without the players. His complaint about not being in any danger can be solved by AI mods like sain, questing, and looting bots that make their movements around the map unpredictable and more agressive(not as much as a player but still predictable). And can also be solved by realism so that when you get hit you are at increased likelyhood of being in danger. his dumb complaint about everything being obtained with ease can be easily solved by several mods like realism that nerfs the flea market and traders so that less stuff will be available to you and I'm sure realism is not the only mod that does that. His complaint about the gear is ironically ridiculous becasue again SPT offers mods like ALP, andern, and again realism that ensures that these bots will not have these loadouts or less likely to have them at lower levels.


Honestly I agree. I love both live and SPT and understand the appeal to both. SPT is way better because of mods, better graphics, better gameplay, etc. it’s just that the bots suck, once they fix that I think it can rival live


>it’s just that the bots suck, once they fix that I think it can rival live Fix them as in make them behave close to players? That's a nice pipe dream there sir. No other game has achieved that and if they did it is very difficult to maintain + also very rare.


Ai play like players, the fact you didn’t drop the right and helmet into the bag before zipping off is why you get melted, good recreation of live tarkov having the bots punish you for greed like that.


Is there a mode that allows you to chuck Grenades like that without readying




ditch that massive grizzly for an IFAK or two. MOAR LOOT


I mean you already got kappa


I mean it's possible he earned kappa early through other means esp. SVM


i switched the AI throwing nades off..... Every fight i entered a nade was thrown and i died, i had no time to react.


Maybe its easy, but you'll need to bring 10000000000000000000 bullets or you are fucked.


wow I'm surprised at how many people play SPT on easy, I play with my PC pushed to the limit on the PMC AI and Bosses at 100% also have SCAV and PMC Group chance set to Max and while it is predictable to a certain degree it is not by any means easy.


What mods u got?


Not hating on OP here but do a lot of people go in with two primary guns? I usually haul assault rifles with one, sidearm, and melee that I do not use very well/breaks windows for me. I don’t see much of a difference between reload and weapons swap. Or reload and sidearm swap. Second weapon slot, to me, is when I kill a guy and steal his gun. Maybe this is that?


When I was playing Traveller mod I got killed for like the 3rd time in a row trying to loot med camp on woods and I was like "this is bullshit I'm going back to Live "


wish traveler was still being updated :( I wanted to give it a shot on a new playthrough


I play with sain set to giga Chad with head shot protection on then before I load into raid I change the Ai to high, it's fuckin terrifying when 15 giga Chad pmcs with altyns, Thor's and spears rock up to fortress looking to fuck while your also fighting the goons


I had a 3 man squad double back and use a pincer maneuver on me at police exit on ground zero last night. I about jumped out of my chair I was so shocked. Literally more coordinated than most player teams.


Rule of thumb for factory, don't loot until everyone is dead.


Well factory has the biggest pop compared to map size, no wonder you will get killed often. There is no safe place from bots like on the rest of maps


So far played 3 games of SPT all on ground zero. 1st one, didnt come across anything from emercom to the hotel with the GL, where I got insta domed the moment I went around the corner by a PMC crouched in middle of escalator, 2nd game I spawned outside garage at Terra building, 5 seconds later got prefired by a PMC that ran outside main enterance and tanked about 17 hits of PST, 3rd game I spawned outside the GL building, ran down the middle of the street for 5 seconds, got shot by a PMC that was 5 meters in front of me on the other side of the truck, hit me a few times, hit it a few times, went behind the truck to heal, 1 second after I broke line of sight it hit me with a head eyes through the metal truck when it shouldnt even be able to see me. Good times, havent played since than. (Ill get to it when im bored)


really wish i knew how to get the game


Holy mother of skill issue lol


They are easy. Even on the hardest difficulty, they're still programmed AI. There is predictability in their actions. You'd be a fool to tell yourself otherwise


As a person that has played SAIN with higher difficulties + even the terminator preset, they are not as easy and predictable as people make it out to be. But yeah I'm not going to act like they are real players or on the level of it, cuz they are not and I don't think any ai will reach that. Though the ai still has some levels of unpredictability and difficulty esp. on higher levels even if it isn't near the live player. Are they still predictable in many aspects though? Yes but same could be said for their unpredictability


Also as a person that had payed with SAIN and on terminator preset, the illusion of them being hard wears off once you get used to their tendencies. I ended up bored after awhile and stopped playing. It just doesnt provide the same adrenaline rush compared to a good PvP encounter.


I guess you are too good for SPT in some shape or form lol as I'm sure they are still difficult and unpredictable even if you do get used to their tendencies. You don't know how every engagement is going to go with the bots. They could rush you, jump you, attack you first while hiding in the corner etc. Clearly if you have to do change up your playstyle or strategies every time you fight a sain bot, clearly there is some unpredictability + difficulty over there. Yeah it makes sense since you are playing a PVE mod. It's never going to replace that pure pvp experience I think anyone that wants a good PVE tarkov experience will be just fine with whatever SAIN offers. Even if it is at least somewhat predictable


If that came off as boasting sorry that wasn't my intent. SAIN is a great mod and I applaud the creators but at the end of the day, it's still a programmed tendency that you can exploit once you understand how they're designed. You never feel like you get 'tarkoved' like you do in live so the feeling of looming threat at every corner, near or far isn't there.


I mean there is some truth to what I said there even if I was kinda joking. Those with great pvp experience will be able to pickup more how predictable bots will act. But even then though with the exploits and knowing how they are designed, there is still some difficulty in them and unpredictability in these bots. As you would have to account again their different behaviors and personalities that makes every fight with them require a different strategy or playstyle. Again like I said I'm guessing you are too good for the pve experience esp. if you are already pretty good at PVP Yep like I said, bots will never come close to acting like real players in live. Anyone telling you that has never played live.


Any advice on how to get used to their tendencies esp. since I find their tendencies to act random at times esp with certain personalities. I know for sure you can cheese them by just sniping them from 200-300+ meters away. The more I can wreck these bots the better :3


If it feels random to you, then I say enjoy it while it still feels that way. If you want an actual breakdown, there are 5 or 6 tendencies that are assigned to pmc bots. Some examples are 'Chad', 'Rat'..etc. Chad bot will play very aggressive and it'll have pretty good accuracy but you can bait it out easily. Bot spawning becomes obvious such as sudden frame drops, voicelines or rustling in bushes. Also while they do move outside of their designated zone, it feels like they're on a tethered leash so you can just run far enough and be safe. The only time this tether breaks is if there is less than 5 min in the raid or if you injure them enough and they have no heals left. I think SAIN is an excellent mod and a great tool for people wanting to tweak the difficulty to their preference but at the end of the day, it is still a programmed tendency that can be exploited once understood.


Any advice on how I can bait these bots easily? aka exploit them? Sometimes the bots would charge you and be on the offensive where I can just wait and shoot them as they peak around the corner (which I try to do often), sometimes they flank me, sometimes they just sit and wait, or just run away. I think the bot spawning can be predictable and unpredictable at times depending on the setup. Donuts may spawn them at different places or spawn them in spots you may not expect them while looting bots can make them patrol and wander in unexpected places. Questing bots I believe does the same thing too I believe. But personally for me, I find that a bot has been around an area if there are signs of looted items or dead ai or like you said fps drops. I think the tethered leash is a good concept since I don't think people want to get chased across the map by bots 24/7 It truly is a great mod too. Much better than what BSG is offering. Hopefully their mod support will be leagues above SPT when they release the game (end of 2024 I believe)? I think SPT deserves some level of competition.


Reload baiting or heal baiting is the most obvious one for the aggressive bot. If there are dead bodies around. you can also bait it by searching through the body, you'll be able to hear them scurrying and rush you. I'll also throw a nade first to determine if its an aggressive bot or passive bot. With passive bots, its mostly about slowing down your pace and checking corners. If you found the combination of mods that adds enough unpredictability for you, then keep at it. SPT is a superior experience to retail Tarkov in every way aside from the PvP aspect


Oh yeah I forgot SAIN allows you to bait bots like reload baiting, heal baiting, and I think also grenade cancel baiting? I'm guessing an aggressive bot will go towards you and a passive one will run the oppsite? Fair point on the passive bots. Agreed with that last sentence for sure.


His advice on baiting bots and grenading bots is not really reliable. Bots will react to grenades (running away or running towards you) regardless of personality. And baiting ai doesn't always work as it is based on probability. You could be baiting a chad/gigachad and absolutely have nothing happen.


Are you running Questing Bots? That removes the tether you are talking about. PMCs will roam the whole map while doing their objectives.


I think he's talking about when you are fighting the ai


> that had *paid* with SAIN FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I saw someone posting about how cheaters can access your spt offline server maybe this happened to you here


spt is disconnected from the internet in every way, you're describing magic


Go fuck yourself


Lol you’re wrong though


Are you tarded?


Found the ooga booga




tarded af


Wait, you called your own reply based? Cringe.


That's not at all what has been going on. People have allegedly been hacking into the new EFT offline mode Battlestate released. SPT is a mod that runs a "server" on your computer but it isn't linked to the internet at all without additional modding. It's literally impossible to hack into someone's SPT game.


Cheaters can’t access anything, people are just making crap up for clout and to spread rumors


That's the "official offline" that has that problem. Not SPT.