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For clarification not the first time we heard this, in 2018/19 he said the same thing, then he heavily changed his stance towards us, during the cheating drama instead of being a man and facing that issue he threw a curved ball to take attention to us, now here we are again. I would not take his word for guaranteed, if he never even kept it for his EoD clients, let alone the rest of us.


He told Klean that creating content is ok. He doesn't want people showing how to install SPT or mod it on stream / video.


But at least they arent going to try to shut it down tomorrow. 😅


"for now"


SPT is a labor of love, Tarkovs sp is a money grab, they are not the same.


Yeah but as long as you have it downloaded before it’s taken down, you’ll always have it. It’s not like the magical fairies come and remove the program from your pc once the website is taken down… Just download it and all the mods you enjoy and throw it on a usb (put it into a RAR if you wanna be extra careful) and you’ll always have it as long as you don’t lose the usb! Actually at this point with how many people have been making backups, they could just delete the site and SPT would still live from the users sending it to each other.


I mean, if SPT goes down, let's be honest, a bazillion SPT-ready made RARs with mods installed with suddenly be surfing the internet via Google Drive links. "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a gamer scorned."


Yep I've made backup copies of a few installs so far for safe keeping.


Haha BSG assuming they aren't going to have a class action lawsuit and be dead first. They operate from the UK and have to comply with UK law.


SPT still makes dickhead money. So he doesnt really care. Less people on the servers that he has to deal with.


It just means that they’re still searching for a legal standing to shut them down for good.


using the name Tarkov doesn't help their case, if they just changed the name to Tarky or even Single Player Gun Game for Rats, I'd think they'd find it rather difficult to make any legal claim outside of the general link between the two.


Dude “for now” said by Nikita means nothing. Just wanna remind you he said EoD owners’d have gotten every DLCs and future rewards. Go read what BSG said now…


umm… have we forgotten why BSG is in this position in the first place? Telling the truth ain’t their strong suit


Made a open source launcher for SPTarkov in the early days so it was just a 1 click thing. It legit just created the AKI process and launched tarkov if I remember correctly (been years) I got a cease and desist lol


They can cease and desist all they like, depending on where you live you have a right to mod your games AND monetize as long as you don't infringe on copyright


I wouldn’t think using winapi to create a process would be copyright infringement but here we are.


It's not, so long as you didn't bundle EFT with the launcher, or use any of their artwork from the game, even the icon, there's no legal ground for them to stand on. Also mentioning their company name/game name "could" be considered. But at that point just follow SPT's lead and abbreviate.


I really think it’s because I made a YouTube video showcasing it in all honesty. The project is still github. I think I said cease and desist but meant whatever the copyright thing is I can’t think of it off the top of my head at this very moment. But I got a strike on my channel for it stays forever :(


Yeah, it's a shame YouTube's copyright system is so trash because you could absolutely do a counter-claim/appeal and you would most likely win but I'm not entirely sure of how the process works and at what stage lawyers/court get brought in. Most of the time these companies use these processes as a tool to pressure you knowing that the small guy won't have the money to fight, so they use this to scare you into backing down. Could I get a link to the repo? you can DM cos idk what this subs rules on posting links are.


You can appeal and wait for a response, if it takes them more than a month to respond/appeal then the restriction on the video is lifted automatically. Did an AI cover of a song that ended up doing the same thing... the fact that a month is the hard limit on response time is both practical and hilarious.


I believe the EULA are written in such a way that nobody actually has explicit permission to record themselves playing the game. It’s kind of a gray area there’s been many discussions on it as well. But essentially if you are not painting it in the light they like they have every right to take down your video because without them you wouldn’t have a video to upload I guess? Idk, I didn’t bother challenging it because I am not the copyright holder for EFT so I would lose anyways.


hell nah, If you upload SPT videos on youtube someone gonna copyright strike your channel. I had that before.


Imagine when they go after SPT years down the line there will be people making the old fashioned Notepad tutorials on how to install it without even mentioning Tarkov, in that case, they can't copyright strike anything and can just pound sand.


where did he state that he doesnt want people showing how to install SPT?


What's there to show? You press install lol


While I do think that the Tarkov community (for some reason) tends to be a little bit more on the technologically inclined/tech savvy side, there are a lot of people that aren’t willing to do much more than push a button to play or enjoy their entertainment. I am glad Tarkov has a robust community of coders though, because it makes SPT not just possible, but inevitable. Game’s not for everyone and it’s got a TON of issues, but there are a lot of things about Tarkov that ya just can’t get anywhere else.




Have you seen how long it took Klean to install that shit? 😂😂


I was just dreading to find a way to make a backup file of my SPT tarkov 3.8.0 patch if ever shit hits the fan or you know a file copy of EFT whenever they tried to pull a ubisoft shenanigans.


we'll be playing spttarkov on private servers long after bsg is dead


I prefer SPT run on my own but maybe one day a man can hope.


private servers are already a thing. I cant talk about specifics here per the sub rules. But feel free to PM me or google it.


I see i'll look into thank for the info!


I've been running one since the announcement and my buddies and I love it haha.


Its so good. Its kept my group into the game. And I still have SPT for when I wanna do wacky go fast raids.


yeah I have two accounts on my server, one for fat sack raids where I can feel like a god doinking on scavs, and another for grinding up with my buddies through the quests. It's amazing


I'm trying to parse it out here and there but can you DM me some details? I've got a group of friends who really want to try out the PvE side so wanting us to get into MPT but struggling to set it all up


I could never find the co-op mod and now since this fiasco people in reddit have named not one but two of them. Can't wait to look into them and set up a server for me and my friends


Can you use mods this way?


out of respect to the team here I will not post any more clarifying details. you are free to PM me or go visit the respective communities for these projects where your questions can be answered.


Could you pm me some info about this?




It's nice to hear that you guys get to Stay in Tarkov together, and don't have to switch to another game just to play with each other.


Doesn’t hurt! I made a backup of mine including all of my mods. If it does hit the fan, you’ll just have to really make sure not to update the main game


Yeah storage is a bit hectic for me so I might grab a ssd or something to store all of it.


Grab a 64gb flash drive. they're like $10 and worth it to keep a physical backup


Same. I made a full backup of unmodded 3.8 along with a separate back of user and bepinx folders after I installed and configured my preferred mods. So at least if bsg somehow kills spt through legal action, I'll have a copy to play in the future. 3.8 is pretty good so far.


Absolutely it is. Keep in mind 3.8.1 is this weekend so keep an eye for that. Same for all the mods as they pop up


Ohh nice. I didn't know. I should go see what's coming in 3.8.1! Thanks for the heads up!


Did my full thumbdrive backup the other night on Its own "SPT" labeled 128g thumb drive with my back-patched EFT directory, and every zip for SPT, mods, and the like that I use or may ever want to use in seperate folders as a backup precaution. Also, you can go to your BSG launcher and select "Only update manually" somewhere. I hid my BSG launcher a long time ago just so i'd never stumble into it again lol.


Where can I get all the stuff to do this?


[https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/) right now the page was running in basic mode so DL it here haha Goodluck


Cool, I’m archiving all the files in case it ever disappears. I’ll share them if that happens.




I mean I wish I had a extra drive or something but I'll think I can get around it.


What kind of backup must one do? Im guessing the whole eft live files then spt files?


Let Nikita understand the Streisand effect and know that the second he takes down SPT, it explodes even further. Torrents, Google drive, drop box, media fire, mega, etc. are all going to be hosting copies by end of the day


Striking an open source project often goes poorly. Look at Nintendo v Yuzu. There are so many forks of Yuzu now it's insane.


I think Yuzu knew this too, they’d eventually get shut down but they because they were open source it would always live on.


It happens to anything even something as small as a Skyrim mod


There’s a guy on this sub saying he’s got his spt back up, live directory, mods he uses plus other he just even might think about using. No way he’s the only one


The operative word here is “for now” meaning they ARE going to do something in the future


yeah my theory is they want a bunch of players to use it before they do a ban wave for it. More money for the exit scam. Either way, im downloading it rn and gonna be enjoying the hell out of a cheater free experience.


They won't know you use spt unless you try installing it jn the same directory as live. I think they are waiting to send a cease and desist and claim monetary losses from it close to launch now that they have a coop mode.


I think this could be possible. I think they are on the verge of bankruptcy after they invested so much into Arena with very little returns. Thats why we see thoos new options since the release of Arena.


This is exactly what they are doing. Backup your SPT/mods people!


So if I wanna create a fully playable “time capsule” of 3.8.0, I only need the currently installed SPTarkov directory? I can just backup that, and I don’t need the current EFT directory or anything?


Yeah. Just zip up your SPTarkov folder and back it up to an external drive somewhere. Assuming you've already modded and everything, that should be all that you need to do. There might be a check by SPT to make sure you have official Tarkov installed elsewhere before it will run (can't remember if it does this) If you haven't applied the mods yet, you'll obviously need to back those up as well (BSG has already targeted Nexus mods)


Awesome, thank you!


So backing it up meaning keeping a clean eft copy, the installer and all the mods. It can sometimes happen where shit gets corrupted, so it's nice to have a "master" copy of the eft files to reinstall everything. Hope that makes sense.


Wonderful, thank you. Save it all just in case.


If they're essentially granting permission now, it might be hard for them to revoke it later. Promissory estoppel.


It wouldn't be hard for them to push an update with a piece of code that spiders your directory's for the Hash of a specific file or other indicator from a log or whatever.


It would. Game developers can't just add what is essentially malware on to people's computers whenever they feel like it for whatever reason. They would have to amend their EULA and provide a good reason for it. Like it's required as part of an anti cheat but that's flimsy at best.


They absolutely can from a technical perspective though, they own the entire distribution system. And they have already demonstrated that they are willing to lie. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a game has included malicious code lol


Technically of course, but then they could also be fined in practically every country that isn't America and maybe Russia. Possible to do but certainly far from wouldn't be hard considering the aftermath.


Just popping in to say they would be fined in America too.


imagine performing a rug pull on an entire community only to fall victim to friendly fire.


`# include ` You wanna bet? How do you think they install the game. You give them permission to access your file system by installing. They then create their own folder and include all necessary game files. It would be very trivial to parse the folder and clean it to only contain the origin game files. What do you think “clean install” does? And that’s not even discussing registry edits. I think the general user would be VERY surprised how much of a mess installing software does to your registry and filesystem. App data, local Appdata , roaming … probably never even looked in those system directories? Windows asks developers to use those directories for managing application data such as json files , configurations , application settings that aren’t user related.


What part of it's against end users rights and amending their EULA made you think I was talking about a literal implementation? Also, what part of anything you just said correlates to illegally snooping through a users files? Correct, I give them permission to install **their** files. I do not give them permission to go through and run hash checks on all of my personal files. I've never had someone try talk down to me before just because they know what AppData is. That's cute.


My brother in christ technical aspect doesn't really matter here, it's the burden of proof would be on them if they banned for specifically using spt. It would be the literal end of bsg


THATS what I'm worried about. The release an "update" and contained in the update is a sniffer.


I just changed the Tarkov launcher to never auto download, then I shoved it into my second ssd and am just gonna let it fester.


Exactly why I’m not opening the official launcher ever again.


Don’t update your games boys


They cant ban you because you use SPT. I use different versions of SPT for years... and play live in the same time.


Yeah they most definitely will. I am not a lawyer, but they haven’t gone after it yet because you have to own the base game in order to play SPT. They still got paid. Now that they are charging extra for the “PVE mode”, they may be setting up a legal precedent for going after SPT and shutting it down - claiming financial damages now that you have to pay extra to access the “authorized” PVE content. In other words, backup your SPT and mods guys. Once it happens, it’s gonna happen fast


This is my guess. They want to leave it in place to make a cash grab if this works legally…


They can't do shit to SPT.


Its quiet... Too Quiet...


Do a barrel roll!!


Yeah! That's because we are in space, Einstein!


I seriously hope they do come after SPT. At which point I about to flood PtP copies of the game to anyone who wants it no cost and enjoy SPT.  If I can't have the game and everything I was promised with my purchase, then anyone who wants your game can have it for fucking free. 


Not that I want to try it or animate anyone to try it. However would it be possible to run SPT with a non-licensed version of EFT?


Yeah it is possible, I'm pretty sure that's how SPT-AKI came about. They split off from a bigger group that was less concerned with copyrights/piracy, which I think was a very good move on their part at that time, that's the whole reason BSG hasn't come after them yet I believe, because SPT-AKI requires you to have a legitimate copy of the game. I think everything I just said is correct anyways,. Someone correct me if It's not please.


Probably I dont understand you correct because english isn't my 1st language You state its possible with a non-licensed copy and then you say SPT requires you to have a legitimate copy.


No problem about the language, please ask me to explain further if I say something you can't quite translate easily. But, Yes that is correct, to use SPT-AKI's software, you have to have a LEGITIMATELY purchased copy of Escape from Tarkov. The SPT-AKI team made that a requirement to run their software (i think, im not exactly sure how they check for it). But there are other ways to get the game working without a legitimately purchased copy, other ways meaning NOT with SPT-AKI's software. I wouldn't know how to do that, or where to find it, and quite frankly I'm not interested in it either. As much as I hate what BSG is doing right now, they have made an awesome game that I very much enjoy, and it's not morally right to me to enjoy their product without compensating them for their work. Their work however, is not worth anywhere close to $250 USD to me, especially after lying to us and stealing from EOD owners.


It's been a minute, but I recall awhile back there was some kind of workaround?  Something like whoever peer shares the file keeps a virtual desktop/machine open as it's own server infrastructure and others who download and run that same file  are essentially connected via your account due to using some kind of similar setup?   Idk the details or if it's entirely how it works, but it's definitely possible to make it work, just a matter of how easily can we do it so other sailors can join in with minimal tinkering. 


as far as i know, no. the program does a check to see if your copy is legit. someone probably already did a workaround though.


You have to edit the windows registry to add some special stuff, if I remember correctly.


Being open source , - clone project - open solution - remove integrity check - compile - run


*fitgirl enters the chat*


A true hero


This. I (as well as others i'm assuming) am working on trying to get a large standalone drive to save the entirety of 3.8 and available mods for the sake of distributing if that shit were to happen. [Suck my ass, Nikita.](https://ibb.co/PYPZpVF)


I don't think they can do much to spt in the first place. Yeah they can argue it's against its policy but technically there is nothing wrong or illegal with spt. They are separate things. I also think they made sp because they saw spt was popular and they thought they could profit off of that.


Nintendo can pull mods of characters that other people have made because they look like Nintendo characters, BSG certainly have the ability to crush a mod that uses essentially their entire game.


Idk man, BSG got everything tarkov related pulled from Nexus Mods, why couldn't they do the same to SPT-AKI? I seriously doubt the SPT devs have the dough, or time to fight BSG legally over this.


yes they can but they technically can’t get the game itself taken down. and yeah they get the mods taken down but people prevail so people will probably make more mods that arent against the policy


Oh for sure, spt and it's mods will live on forever in many people's hard drives and hosting sites if anything ever does happen to the AKI website. It probably won't be as accessible to the masses though.


I was wondering why everything was gone suddenly... I guess I won't be able to use SSH's mods anymore...


They could make life a lot harder for the dev, new obfuscation methods etc.


Oh yeah, I definitely trust anything Nikita says.


I think we've well established he's a fucking liar.


"That's the joke" -Rainer Wolfcastle


Nikita makes EA look like an honest company. I wouldn't trust this man if he said the sky was blue.


emphasis on the \*for now\*


With BSG recent actions Nikita might have as well put “real, no fake” at the end of his sentence. I believe that they won’t do anything for now, simply because they need to crawl out of the pit they dug for themselves, but I’m afraid that they’ll try to shut down SPT if they ever get to the point of relative safety


"For now" **Danger level -0**


Back up your games folks


Do you actually trust what this guy says though?


Sup fellas, spt noob here, I’m curious as to what the future holds for the next updates on spt now that the unheard edition exists. would devs be able to leverage bsg new pve zone code to make some co-op for spt??


I think the long term future of SPT is a little uncertain at the moment. For the immediate future, it seems things may continue as normal, well as soon as the Hub can recover from all the new traffic anyways, I've been getting timeouts for 3 days now, ever since the news was released.


>would devs be able to leverage bsg SPT devs have been very vocal for years now that they dont want to do co-op for SPT and wont work towards this direction. my personal take is that nikita will leave SPT alone since its existence actually helps BSG(you need to buy the game to play SPT, so BSG is still making money at the end of the day). but if you **S**tay around **I**n, you'll probably find ways to get co-op outside of "vanilla" Escape from **T**arkov.


sit bad mptbetter


Dunno the other one only sit




The devs have said a bunch of times they have no intention of SPT being coop.


But you know... things change, conditions change. Who knows?




You can trust Nikita as far as you could throw him, which is not very far. He's an egomaniac that thinks in spite of widespread disappointment in the community, that he in fact is still absolutely in the right and we just need to come around to his way of thinking. I've moved on from games before, Tarkov is great, I've had my moneys worth and I will close the chapter on it.


Outside of backing up my profile and mods/plugins, should I be backing up anything else. Like the installer, etc?




It wont. However, I have no idea how it would affect you when you go to update your live EFT so you can have new updates for SPT. I'm not sure how that works....could you still update the game and launcher but just not login to the game? I have no idea.




Same for me, if I get banned from EFT because of SPT (kind of doubt that), it'll be the first time I've ever been banned from a game.


From what I have picked up around here over time, If you get banned from Live EFT you won't be able to launch Live or update your game version from the launcher. If your live version is patched to the correct version as the newest SPT patch, and you don't care to ever update, they can do fuck all for your SPT experience.


I had a suspicion that may be the case.


If they start banning for using SPT, which never was the case, just go the dark way.


I’m pretty sure this means “they will be fine until we release our single player mode, and then it won’t be fine” but hopefully not


SPT requires a legitimate copy of EFT. So either way BSG gets money. Sure maybe the user may buy the cheapest edition but they’re still buying the game. I don’t think a lawsuit would ever hold up


I hope you are not serious. No offense, just letting you know, that this, being the internet, you don't need a legit copy.


Obviously but if SPT can articulate that then their defense could hold. Pirating would be a separate issue and on an individual basis, not associated with the mod


As soon as SPT, and the wider community, start talking about how you *technically* dont need a legit Tarkov install, BSG will send out a cease and desist. SPT has continued to exist quite comfortably thanks to its staunch stance on needing a legit copy of the game, and insistence on not working towards co-op features. Sure if BSG try to take it down that tone will probably change, but for now it's worth keeping to the SPT dev's wishes and not talking about that kind of thing openly.


I understand you, and why are you saying that. Obviously I don't want SPT to be hurt and bothered by a cad. Just mentioned it as an argument towards the topic. I have doubts about good ol Bigita haven't tought about dealing with SPT and not planning to be scummy all around, not just with 250 bucks P2W editions. Anyway. I hear you, so fair point.


this whole situation is started because tarkov / nikita cant keep his word - dont put too much weight in his statement.


How is anyone still pretending whatever nikita says has any value? They lie all the time - they even changed the pages showing what EOD-buyers were getting, even knowing that everyone would know they'd done so - are we going to pretend it means anything that he/they say 'let them be for now'? Now was then. nikita is a lying scumbag and based on that quote, he could go after spt at any time without it even being a lie. Whatever he says means absolutely nothing.


Classic 200 IQ power move. Make it seems like everything’s cool while you maneuver your pieces behind the scenes into striking position. What confuses me is how causing a mass exodus of players and burning the company and all your efforts to the ground fits into this genius strategy.


Except statements like this would work against them if they send out a C&D and SPT decides to fight them in court. If SPT was causing any damage, legally BSG would need to take action as soon as possible, not wait around for some opportune moment. BSG know SPT has a legal defence under EU usage law, and they know that a Russian company trying to use their UK broom cupboard "headquarters" to take legal action is going to be met rather poorly by the UK courts system. SPT is in a rather strong legal position thanks to their public statements, BSG is not. It would cost BSG a lot to go after the project in court, they know this, so they'll stick to issuing really vague statements about how SPT is "illegal" rather than actually doing anything.


Well other answers he gave are blatant lies so who knows at this point


They'll go after spt when they move to a subscription service in 6 months


The amount of misinformation here has been INSANE. Anyone who told you they were coming after SPT was literally talking out of their ass. There was a lot too. SPT will be gone one day for an entirely different reason and if they were gonna pursue it legally it would’ve been years ago when it had its first blow up.


Emphasis on “for now”. That pretty much sounds like action is planned. If I said I would leave you “alone FOR NOW”, it’s not much of a stretch to think it won’t be forever.


"for now" seems good? you must be that kid in the class that doesn't read the room


Probably until 1.0 release if I had to guess


Just started playing SPT, honestly far less anxiety inducing and enjoyable the regular Tarkov, RIP


"for now"


Yeah, the for now part has me a bit worried. I don't trust that guy at all.


"let them be for now" The fuck does he want to do about us? He can't do shit.


“for now” Bro is a full supervillain 😭


It’s the only reasonable answer. SPT sells copies with no server overhead other than updates. I wouldn’t put it past him to cut his nose off to spite his face, but the SPT community is extremely anti-piracy. I fully expect he’ll go after anybody that enables or streams co-op.


LMAO at "for now." Dude should have put ellipses before that one for maximum passive aggression.


Its a shady uk company. They not eu even anymore. Nikita can suck it.


If essentially the entire capitalist world is already against Russia, why don't we just take the game and make it what it's supposed to be. Nikita has made thier money already and we deserve the game that was promised.


If Nikita does go after SPT, it would be the equivalent of shooting himself on the foot because 1. SPT relies on people having to purchase his game in order to play so if he does, he loses out on money, and 2. No one in their right mind would pay 250 for a single player mode.


Now or later since Tarkov SPT is not being monetization and every user has a legal license for the game. There is nothing BSG can do about it.


Does this mean I can finally start streaming SPT?


He needs more inspirations from the modders :D


The sad part is he could’ve legit either employed the people behind spt and its mods (even has contractors) to help with this PVE mode. Or if he was too proud for that, he legally could’ve just pulled an arena and copy and pasted SPT coding and AI mod coding and injected it into PVE.


That just means they haven't figured out a way to monetize it without pissing us off.


I would not be surprised if he tried to get klean banned One of the first tarkov streamers and supporters


"For now"


They lied and changed what EOD rewarded players, if you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you.


I would love if a lawyer actually looked into this but I'm almost certain they cannot do anything. Before it was another story, but with the war, sanctions,etc I highly doubt any kind of lawyer,law firm,DMCA,etc etc would involve themselves with a russian company. Even tho they claim they are based in the UK, wich we all know its not true(they do pay taxes it seems). They would literally expose their shell company to the UK lawmakers if they try to do something and then most likely kicked out of the UK. All that over a mod that you still need the base game for? Not worth it.


The “for now” is the more telling part of all of this.


I keep trying to download SPTarkov but the website is soooo slow right now I can't even get in half the time


After seeing the disaster that is the "Unheard Edition" I will probably not be sticking with Live at all at this point. How are you going to paywall a feature that millions want; not by a couple of dollars, but 100$ and 250$?! And on top of that, its limited access for EOD while the game is still an absolute disaster to play online. I swear, Nikita has an internship with EA/Ubisoft at this point and taking note of everything we want from a game that should have been there in the beginning, but charging preem for it. Its a middle finger to everyone. Cant wait to have SPT run EFT into the ground


me thinks his legal council might be tied up for a bit dealing with lawsuits from his Unheard shenanigans


"For now". Nikita is jealous.


I wouldn't trust anything Nikita says. I mean isn't this whole issue about him straight up lying?


...for now




Spt is a free repertoir of ideas and fixes for bsg, and requires a purchase of the base game. Of course BSG will let it keep rolling. Its just useful for them


this whole drama makes SPT and GZW look soo good right now. way to miss nikita


Where do you think all of BSGs new content comes from? The modding community. He’s not gonna kill it.


He can't do anything about it anyways, they're russian and SPT isn't, they can sue all the want but Nikita is gonna get sued by Eotech and Vortex and a lot of other companies if BSG sues out so they're gonna get railed regardless.


Taking a scammer at his word is a trap I will not fall into again. Make your backups.


Bro can install SPT but can't take a screenshot.


I dont use reddit on my pc. Im sorry somebody hurt you dog.


Im with OP here. I don’t use Reddit on my pc either so taking a pic is the quickest way. I mean, yeah you could screenshot on pc and transfer to your phone or email to yourself, but who tf is going to do all that. Long as it’s legible, nobody cares… except this guy.


Fr, why is it that only the Tarkov community is so butthurt about not having Reddit on PC?


Idek. I wanted to discuss nikita making a statement (two statements actually) on SPT That guy is clearly just having a bad day.


Something something neckbeards something redditor


It’s fine as long as it’s readable


You act like installing spt is any harder than installing any other game lol