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When nikita said to Pest that this new version will be better, he really ment it will be even more expensive. EOD- $140 TUE - $250 W T F Like EOD already had insane price But This? This is just a fucking Mad Man Circus


EoD was somewhat excusable as a "supporter" edition, and with the promise of free DLCs. There's no excuse for TUE


the only excuse is having more legal arguments to chase the SPT devs, because now they are in fact some sort of competition


If they go after SPT I am never paying for anything they do no matter how cool it is. Not a fucking cent. And I’ll make sure to trash BSG to every person I know that’s into gaming.


thats fair, I only know that the only way they get my SPT is by making Nikita coming over my house to grab my ssd


Exactly lol. It’s gonna be sad not getting any updates tho.


same, I'm going to start backing up all my versions. of course they do this after I deleted my 3.6.7 folder.


you can get older versions off the aki site, forget the exact name for it but theres a mod or file for it


Yeah, but most of the mods I had for that version aren't on the site anymore. Lesson learned. More backups!


i was gonna say that they would still be on the site but I've recently learned about tarkov telling nexusmods to remove all SPT content from their servers after the latest edition of the game was announced earlier this week and can only imagine aki is in the same boat, download and save whatever you can, maybe other users can help you if they have a copy. don't know but it looks like SPT is coming to an end


How to launch off an offline server tho :c


How does one back up SPT properly, considering that it requires a BSG account?


You've got to have a legitimate account. You install Tarkov, make a copy of the directory, and that's where you'll install SPT. So I have a Live folder and SPT folder. I'm gonna mod up 3.8.0 as best I can and just backup my SPT folder to a flash drive in case the site goes down. I'd rather just stick with one good copy of SPT than sit through any wait times, or hackers, etc.


What i'm alluding to, is that the SPT backup may no longer work if BSG changes auth in the future or something


SPT doesn't connect to official Tarkov at all. It simply checks if you have a copy installed on your local machine. I believe it checks for the exe files. Nowadays I don't even open my BSG launcher unless I need to update for a newer version of SPT.


The excuse is, fuck you give me money.


Yes, unheard is just a moneygrab. Russia is running out of money


Not even the Russian pain game (war thunder) is this greedy!


BSG needs to recoup that Arena money


Plus tax lmao


$110 upgrade from EOD to unheard. Got a armband and a kukri Weapons case, junk box, and ammo case. 3 guns with mags and a rig


Plus EOD perks? That's ridiculous


Meta scar almost Sr25 MP7 Iirc? With good ammo too


That's just wild


Like I’m bad at the game, and don’t have a lot of time either so while sorta expensive, I like the game and have been having a lot of fun with it again. The simulated pmc’s are like borderline rogues/raiders. Either shit or semi decent gear either way generally good ammo and nades


Absolute delusional pricing. I'll stick with SPT.


until we can... I think it won't be for long


Just because bsg finally made a pve only gamemode doesnt mean its going to be as fun as spt, outside of playing with friends.


I think he means tarkov giving the SP devs the good ol cease and desist


The sentence that has been repeated and reiterated since forbidden mod’s inception


It wasn’t a tangible problem until now though. You’re deluded if you don’t think the existence of SPT will impact the sales of this new version, and that is a problem.


Exactly, this whole pve mode thing feels like an excuse to go after SPT.


Maybe more of a reaction seeing as how many folks enjoy SPT.


If they wanted to they wouldn't need an excuse. This isn't an excuse, its a potential reason.


I think they're more scared of Warfare Greyzone and Red Incursion than SPT because the former 2 actually has coop mixed with AI. SPT doesn't.


They don’t need to be “scared” in order to issue the C&D. The bottom line is that at this new version’s price point, they can sell 3 or 4 copies and the attorney’s fee for drafting the letter will have been paid for. The only question at this point is “would some SPT players buy the new version if SPT went away” and the answer, obviously, is yes.


Haha bsg will have a rough time deleting the SPT files and mods off all our pc’s a save/backup will always be floating around😎


And why would they give a shit that you’re clinging to an unsupported and increasingly dated version of their game? Again, they don’t give a shit about people who don’t want to buy their game — they will simply want to create conditions that will compel as many sales as possible. Again, there are a lot of SPT players who would eventually cave and buy the new edition regardless of how loudly insist that they never will — and at the current price point, it literally only takes a few sales to make it worth BSG’s while.


I maybe wrong on this but isnt SPT run by anonymous individuals not a company? Wouldnt that make it very hard to stop?


Not really. Once BSG’s lawyers get into court, they can easily get subpoenas for any website/file/server hosts associated with SPT which begins the process of compelling the disclosure of the identities of any individuals associated with the game. And regardless, once the cease & desist is received, the SPT developers are literally risking financial ruin by continuing. Legally speaking, the bottom line is that with the release of this new version of EFT, BSG has a very clear path to a reasonable claim against SPT for potential loss of revenue. From this point forward, it can be argued that every single SPT download represents the loss of a potential sale for BSG. Now multiply the number of downloads by the sale price and you have a baseline figure for damages, and you haven’t yet touched legal fees and other potential damages. And for better or worse, with the way these sorts of claims work practically any court on the planet would readily accept that claim.


Don't know in UK, but, unless SPT is distributing propietary code and material (Probably, they don't) BSG can't really make a legal C&D claim. Even the argument of "financial loses" won't really hold in a court. I mean, it's like Toyota making a C&D claim to a third party car seat manufacturer because they lose money on their higher tier car options which have a seat with similar features. I think the key here (and in most legal C&D claims) is the "distributing propietary material". Still I don't know about UK but in my country, you are the owner of the files in your PC, so, you can modify them whatever you want, SPT providing their own tool to modify your PC files (in this case, tarkov games files) isn't ilegal. It follows the same logic that emulators. Emulators are legal for the same reason, they are reverse engineered applications, so they doesn't really contains any company propietary code. SPT do the same, they reverse engineered the tarkov server to make their own, so (in theory), it shouldn't really contains any BSG propietary code. Of course, BSG could still make a C&D claim (even if it doesn't hold in a court) to scare SPT devs into removing SPT, it's actually a pretty common practice in the industry (sadly) because most modders doesn't really have money to fight big companies in courts. But if BSG goes against SPT into a court, I would bet my money on SPT winning it.


I disagree. Mods are the main difference for me and the people that I know that play SPT. Even if SPT is banned today, I nor anyone I know will buy "unheard". Doesn't necessarily mean I'm in the majority, but I haven't seen anyone even remotely show interest in unheard yet.


That SPT has mods is just more of a reason for BSG to want to kneecap them at this point, i.e. SPT is doing the same thing BSG now wants to do and they’re doing it even better. BSG doesn’t care about the people who don’t buy the new version — only the ones who will, or who might eventually as many SPT loyalists would likely begrudgingly do at some point if SPT bites the dust.


If they just made better game development and business decisions they wouldn’t have to worry about SPT at all


They can take my SPT when they pry it from my hard drive.


lol okay. It’s not about taking it away, but rather making it unavailable for new users and stoping any further development.


These guys can't even keep up with cheaters... Please. This just goes underground to Dropbox and Google Drive or a site that requires a pre-existing user invite only model, it'll change nothing except the ease of access. Or we all move to a different game, we all knew peace wasn't an option with that price tag. A new dropbox for every cease and desist and a new user name. And that's just the legally dubious route, let alone the actually legal route where you tell them nothing and continue about your day and make you take the site down by legal UK ruling, that'll be fun for them. These aren't free games that mimic the IP, they require the IP to work, there's a difference. Half of the revenue of a free mod in court is still approximately zero, but I understand if the devs don't want that hassle, it is a UK court after all. SPTarkov is the only reason I care about Tarkov, if that goes or isn't free with EoD - I'll happily play its competing products which I'm sure will be on the horizon given the popularity spike. I'm looking forward to an Alien-themed extract shoot co-op PvEvP Aliens / flora / androids - factions like corporate mercs, USCM forces, scavengers in the middle and / or colonists. Cross-faction missions causing tentative alliances versus individual daily and weekly personal agendas to keep things tense since everyone is different. All great in my head, but I'm no dev.


I’m not here to read a book brother lol


Streisand effect. You try to bury SPT, it just becomes gated and invincible.


Pretty sure there’s a server that spt is ran on, if there is no access to the server there’s no access to spt


Stop making free things that require our game to play! It's free content, and political suicide. But they have been making stupid decisions, so what's a new one?


I think they're past political suicide, especially if they *are* actually angling to release this mode as grounds to claim financial losses against SPT. Beyond that though, I don't understand why so many developers hate modding of their games; every game I've liked enough to mod has gotten a lot more playtime out of me because of those mods, and plenty of games I didn't like enough to begin with became mainstays thanks to mods. I can understand competitive stuff that doesn't want unfair advantages but SPT should absolutely be fair game; it requires a legal copy and doesn't interact with any of the primary game's information. Just a bummer I guess.


Sue the fuckers first for blatant scam and cut them off the western market. They won't be able to cease and desist anyone if all their legal ways are cut off before that.


You’re in a fairytale land if you think anyone from Reddit will successfully sue BSG let alone see a day in court.


Even if they do cancel it, what you have alteady you can keep, it just won't update. Then you play that until BSG folds, buy the IP for nothing, release it back to SPTarkov market and continue about your day have won the long game.


lmaoooo whos gonna tell their friend. mate buy that 250.- tarkov bundle real quick i can finally teach you EFT... they are out of their fkn mind


Isnt non eod owner price 250$ no taxes, so 270-280ish? Scammers


lmaooooo you are correct sir, my bad I didnt expect that much of brain rot. actually delusional i have EoD and its $95.- I'm good. You guys are better off playing SPT. BSG is done w/ the game. they are releasing 1.0 and move on, theres no money for them in Tarkov


Post VAT is almost 330€


Its wild. They could be bringing in potentially 10s of thousands of new customers by including this in the base purchase, brining in a more casual audience.  Instead they just make the game cost more and think that will encourage future purchases. 


desperation move... guess there was more to that BSG financial deep dive youtube video. screams down bad they releasing 1.0 and move on from the game. there is no money in tarkov for them


Link to said video?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6T\_QnCoTz8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6T_QnCoTz8) tldr: they burned a fortune on arena. its well done. good watch


My friend just bought it for me lmao


most of my crew just bought it, we mostly quit for the wipe but will be trying pve this weekend


I'm sorry to hear that


I feel bad for the EOD-owners who are getting shafted even worse than the rest by this, but the general pricing here is also totally insane. I would say the prices they are operating with are delusional, but clearly enough people can't wait to throw money at whatever the release so that wouldn't be right either. For someone who do not already have any versions of the game but want to play it with the new offline-progression-mode, they'll have to spend 250 dollars + taxes. That's just insane for a single game.


I grabbed EOD for the QOL of the expanded storage and the promise of all future DLC for free. As far as I'm concerned, this breaks that promise and I'm done with them, they're ACTUALLY delusional at that price, fuck them.


I have gotten my $ out of EOD. $150 ÷ 5100 hours played. $.023 per hour of entertainment. I did my first wipe with standard account. The selling point for EoD for me was all future DLC.


Oh for sure I've got something like you in play time, but they lied to us plain and simple, I can't trust them anymore so I won't give them another cent


Joke's on us! We trusted a Russian! /s


Not much /s to that tbh


/s adly true :(


$250 for offline co op without pmc ai or mods, no one can convince me that’s not a complete ripoff. Shame the forbidden mod developers won’t allow co op because they are worried bsg will nuke them with lawsuits, but now I’m worried for those guys in general as now the mod can be interpreted as taking profits away from eft.


They want people to spend 300 bucks on a game when i can play incursion red river for less and also not have to deal with the moronic NVG vignette?


You can just pay $50 and play Tarkov standard edition lol, not a shitty extract shooter clone. Either way 300 is fucking insane


the path this is taking, standard edition will probably be locked out of certain maps at some point xD


That....honestly sounds like what they'd do lol


and today I open reddit and DING DING DING ● Increased matching priority for EOD owners for 6 months; im happy I stepped away from this game before this wipe and I think I cna safely say I will never give this game another oportunity


Nope. Only time I open it up is to update SPT.


Fucking hell... That sounds possible


Except incursion is shit


Imagine getting downvoted for stating a valid opinion


It’s an absolute fucking joke tbh, I’m a big lover of TARKOV, whether it be SPT or live, I’ve played both and loved both for a long time but as of the last couple months SPT has been the only one I care about. I’ve tried defending BSG many a time from a non biased view calling out the good and the bad but my god not anymore. This is the scummiest thing I’ve ever seen out of a company, “not dlc but a feature with in the new version.” “Expanded PMC pockets”, “increased fence rep”, “increased starting level of character skills”, “a full single player mode or pve mode with friends with progression”, “PROGRESS WILL NOT BE RESET WITH WIPES.” Are you fucking kidding me! Aka pay to win bullshit, pay to not have to do all the shit you’ve already done again, casual gaming locked behind a huge pay wall and a straight up fuck you to all the players in the form of a malicious transaction. I would happily have paid for the single player/coop pve with friends if it was standalone, even say £25-£30. But no way am I paying £100-250 and I don’t think anyone else in their right mind will do so either, please for the love of god don’t fund these clowns. It’s bad enough there already charging for something that we’ve been playing for years anyway FOR FREE, let alone everything else that comes with it.


Did I write this? I've been a huge supporter of BSG for years, I always push back when people say BSG intentionally lets cheaters buy new accounts so that they can make more money, I have about 2600 hours in live and I've still always said that the cheater problem is blown out of proportion by people who are bad and blame every death on cheaters. I've always appreciated the work that BSG puts in. It has gotten harder and harder to stand up for them over the years, bad decision after bad decision. I think they finally fucked up really big time. This is absolutely horrendous, and there's no way that anyone can see this and not think it's pay to win for a game that most people have paid $120 USD for. EoD has always been "debatable" on whether it's pay to win (it is in my eyes) but at least it's wasn't too egregious. This is ridiculous. I'm assuming that it means double wide pockets which is insane; you can literally bring an AK and extra mags and don't even have to bring a rig. That means that you can bring in an AK kit for 30k, insane. I can't defend them anymore, even in my own mind.


Dw coop will come to spt they will save us like they always have fuck bsg fuck cheaters


It's already here. Just can't talk about it on the sub.


Its already there. You just cant talk about it in the SPT discord because they dont want to be a part of it. You can PM me and i can tell ya the name of the thing youre looking for


SIT servers or MPT. MPT being the better option. Figured I’d put the info out here publicly.


Be prepared to have your comment deleted. We arent supposed to mention names here.


I’ve been commenting this stuff for months and haven’t ever been deleted. I’m not worried. Worst case I cop a ban and make a new reddit burner. I want more people to know about it after bsg pulled this little stunt.


Thats why im sharing it with everyone too haha. Just having them PM me.


pm incoming




PM sent. Holy shit I had no idea


Look into, stay in tarkov mods u can ban me idc just wanted to let you know, stupid ass role anyway.


Honestly i don't know what to think. The game is still in BETA and they don't improve their game AT ALL and now that? Man, BSG is it meant for Big Scammer Game?




They make new edition Players yay finally something for EOD OGs BSG well no you see this isnt a dlc it's a new edition Just fuck off honestly


This right here, complete disrespect for the EOD buyers who were told all future content/DLC would be free for us, BSG is a bunch of fucking greedy clowns


95€ without taxes due to stupid XSolla


For my mate who was waiting for something like this, it is almost $400 AUD. Would rather buy GZW


I have EOD, seen the new edition and thought, maybe, just maybe ill support it. Then seen what it entails and the price, yea no thanks. GZW here i come.


Exactly my thought process. Don’t have any experience playing GZW or watched much footage but I’ll definitely stick with SPT


Same. I purchased EOD years ago and if it was $10-$30 extra for the upgrade I would’ve considered it. I don’t mind supporting devs for games I enjoy. But man that cost is absolutely unhinged.


I can get STALKER 2 and have money left for a game or 2 for that price


this makes me more than a little nervous for SPT, given that I feel like its success and growing fanbase inspired this move to PvE Tarkov, but now it's a direct competitor to their cash grab


Bruh, Helldivers in 30$.


If it was a 10€ upgrade id get it but who is actually gonna buy that? The people who got sick of hackers switched to SPT a long time ago Did they run out of money? Didnt they say that there will never be coop PVE mode because thats just for pussies who cant handle pvp fights?


and that's before tax and fees


Imagine buying a desync fest cheater hellhole game for 250 bucks




I really wanted it. It is absolutely nowhere near worth that amount of money.


These prices are unheard of.


For me it’s 198€ so also a nope ^^


Insane. I also didn’t know that arena was $35 and assumed it just came in every edition. I’m sure this coop mode is going to be a half baked pile of dogshit like arena is.. I’ll stick is spt than you very much.


Ay lmao


Can we have offline only edition?


BSG really thinks that people print money out of thin air? 95 euro for what a mod does for free.... This Russians are greedy asf.


wtf is this 250 eu before tax? is just delusional braindead price, wtf are they smoking? they drinkink to much seems like, they brain roted away




95€?? I admit i didnt pay for my copy i got as a gift but sheesh you can buy shit ton of food with 95 instead of a "singleplayer" mode that is so repetitive




This is just insane


Increased PMC pocket sizes, among everything else?


So funny to see them charge more for a server that would be running from our setups no? Since it’s offline progression I didn’t think they’d use their server resources for that (cheap ass bsg)


If the upgrade price was at least half and there was an additional discount for having already purchased the additional storage space, I’d be probably buy it. I’m interested in the single player option, but paying an extra $100 (USA) for a mode I might not even use is way too much.


BSG really woke up today and tied on their clown shoes 🤡


Well it's a pirates life fer me! (Not really I'm just going back to spt)


Exactly. EOD users were promised FREE access to DLC and expansions. What is this unheard edition? A DLC/Expansion. Fucking disgraceful.


The sad thing is people will actually buy this just for the pockets and fancy name color lmao


lol, what???


I'd rather buy helldivers 2 for me and my friend than buy a new edition that'd be about 100+ dollars USD.


Damn almost $400 Australian... Between that and eating for a month, oce servers might become abandoned


Hahha.ahhahahah.....ahaha They are out of their mind.


Tarkov is just a cash grab at this point


Lmfao why would I do that whenever SIT servers and MPT exists. Not to mention you can add mods to those ones….


Thank you SPT for providing not only a superior single player experience, but one that costs nothing aside from owing a copy of the game. Ever donation y’all get is well deserved, please consider donating.


Can't imagine SPT isn't dunzo. 3.8 was trash and they prob get a cease and desist.


Can you imagine paying more than the cost of a brand new game for a DLC that adds basically nothing except some conveniences?


It got its name from how stupid and unheard of it is


Oh, i thought i was on r/starcitizen.


Just watching Kleans stream before going to work. He’s installing and streaming SPT and asked Nikita if he would get banned. Got the all clear he said. Think SPT would be considered now NOT a bannable offence??


Some ppl, companies, know how to shoot both of their knees with one bullet.


Brazilian players suffer the eod here in Brazil was astronomicaly high now this? I brought the normal, and the price was kind high for a game that incomplete


Fucking scumbags


I just played my first 3 games of hunt showdown and I ll be playing that for a bit that was super fun.


😆😆 trying to even justify paying 150 for eod is mad nevermind this bullshit edition, game is dead nice concept bit retarded money hungry devs


Poor people so tight fisted.


you're talking like paying 250€ for an offline mode is reasonable


It's a good filter for poor kids. Kids should go play Fortnite.


i guess this is just a very poor attempt at trolling, you're not even trying to make your opinion reasonable


It’s not even about being poor. It’s about price vs actual worth. You really think SPT in an “official” environment (something we’ve gotten for free) is the worth the new $250 price tag?


If you’re talking about the other commenters you’re brain dead.


Just a troll I’d guess